How to change your life, learn to manage your mind using the Silva method

If you are interested in the topic of mind control, developing your mental and creative abilities, intuition and extrasensory perception, you will be interested in learning about the Silva Method. With its help, you can master the enormous capabilities of your own consciousness and manage your life, creating in it what you want. The promises are very tempting, and there are a large number of those who attribute their successes in life to this particular development. So today let's talk about the Silva Method (Silva Method) and what makes it unique.

The creation of José Silva is rarely discussed neutrally - either enthusiastically or skeptically. Some praise the method for its ingenious simplicity and effectiveness, while others argue with it, critically assessing its components from the perspective of science and provable facts. Some provisions of the Silva system really cannot be scientifically confirmed at the moment, such as, for example, the presence of psychic abilities or the ability to diagnose and even heal people at a distance. But we will not find fault with the scientific nature of the method (we will leave this to its critics), but will analyze it in order to extract something valuable for ourselves.

Who is Jose Silva

Jose Silva is a parapsychologist from America who founded his own method and ESP systems. His work was criticized by adherents of traditional sciences, but many years of practice and the results of his students testify to the effectiveness of this unique method.

Jose Silva founded his personal method aimed at improving the quality of life.

The author's biography itself testifies to the unpredictability of personality development. Jose Silva is from Mexico and could not even get a school education. But through his life experience he proved that nothing is impossible.

So, by the age of thirty he is already a successful businessman and family man. In the desire to help his children achieve high results in learning, he begins work on researching thinking. It took him 22 (!) years to create an effective method.

Famous followers of the Silva method: Madonna, Margaret Thatcher and Richard Bach.

The main goal of the method is to find harmony with yourself, and this is the path to success. With the help of simple exercises, combining the work of the 3 components of thinking: intuition, imagination and emotions, you can achieve noticeable results.

Silva Method techniques are aimed at:

  • development of mental skills;
  • increased IQ;
  • making dreams come true;
  • restoration of reputation;
  • gaining the ability to heal yourself and others.

His system for controlling emotions and thinking was popular among those who were interested in self-development and improving mental abilities.

In the wake of popularity, a whole network of centers was organized in which certified teachers taught everyone.

What it is?

The Silva method focuses on various meditative techniques and psychological exercises . They help relax the body and mind, develop intuition, control over the emotional background, and improve the quality of thinking. This is not just meditation, the class is active. It is also called “dynamic meditation” or “mind control”.

The Silva method contains a complex of self-hypnosis techniques, meditative and oriental practices, teachings of the sages and psychological developments. But there is no escape from reality, thinking does not turn off. The mind is used to its full potential, tuned to positive emotions. A person comes to understand that he controls his own life.

The main advantage of the technique is its versatility. It only takes a few sessions to feel its effects.

  1. Intuition is activated to analyze problems and find the right solutions.
  2. Information that is stored in the subconscious is consciously used.
  3. A personal formula for positive thinking is created.
  4. It becomes easier to understand the motives and actions of the people around you.
  5. The quality of memory and health improves.
  6. Desires come true.
  7. New financial opportunities are opening up.
  8. There is a relief from anxious, nervous, and stressful conditions.
  9. Quitting bad habits becomes less painful.
  10. A feeling of happiness comes.

The author's method “Thought Control” was developed and popularized by American parapsychologist Jose Silva. True, the name did not catch on due to the associative restriction of freedom of thought. In fact, the author intended a completely different meaning: a person must use all the reserves of his mind. Currently, this method is used in 120 countries and has been translated into different languages. Teachers of personal growth training often use it to increase sales and resolve difficult business situations.

You might also be interested in Joe Dispenza's meditations.

The essence of the method and miracles

The essence of the method is a gradual change in consciousness, which will subsequently influence a person’s life. Meditations and practical exercises help make your goals and dreams come true, recover from serious illnesses and deal with difficult life situations.

A person's consciousness gradually changes and thus affects his life.

Main levels

There are 4 main types of brain waves: alpha, beta, theta and delta. Each of them corresponds to one of the levels of activity of this organ. Wave frequency is measured in cycles per second. This is graphically displayed in the electroencephalogram.

LevelCycle frequency in Hz (hertz).What happens in the body
Alpha8-13Deep sleep accompanied by visual images and visions. Another name is REM (from the English Rapid Eye Movement - “rapid eye movement”).
Beta14-40Active actions performed by the brain: reading, speaking, problem solving, etc.
Theta5-7Calm, relaxed wakefulness, gradually turning into drowsiness. A person may see unexpected dream-like images and memories.
Delta1-4Deep sleep or unconsciousness.

When overexcited, fearful, jealous or angry, the frequency of beta waves increases. This leads to decreased immunity, poor health and difficulty concentrating. To achieve calmness and high concentration, the wave frequency should not be higher than 21 per second.

Hemispheres of the brain

To achieve high results, it is important to develop both hemispheres of the brain. This is necessary to receive help from the other side. H. Silva explains that the highest powers help in fulfilling desires. To develop the brain, you need to open the subconscious, practice meditation, etc.

If a person develops both hemispheres of the brain, then he will achieve the highest results.

Is your consciousness capable of healing the body of another person?

Let's ask a bolder question.

Is it possible to heal people close to you with your consciousness - from a distance?

One of the most surprising pieces of evidence about distance healing comes from psychologist William Braud and his colleagues at The Mind Science Foundation in San Antonio, Texas. Braud's research, which spanned over 17 years, involved people attempting to mentally influence the nervous systems of others at a remote distance.

The research results were amazing.


For the first group of people, known as the receivers, Braud connected them to sensors attached to machines that measured seven different physiological indicators, such as blood pressure, skin conductance and muscle activity.


The second group, known as the transmitters, were placed in different rooms and asked to try to excite or calm the receivers just by thinking about them. Both the receivers and the transmitters were ordinary people who voluntarily expressed a desire to participate in the experiment.

Braud's 37 experiments, which included 665 sessions, involved 449 volunteers and 13 experimenters. Braud found that at the exact moment when transmitters were asked to think about their recipients, the latter experienced changes in their physiological state.

The results of 37 experiments were in favor of remote interaction between participants with a probability of more than 100 trillion to one.

In a nutshell, the ability of one person to influence the body of another with his mind is a scientific fact.

Ways to reach the alpha level and open the subconscious

When moving to the alpha level, people learn to control their consciousness and even develop psychic abilities. Jose Silva recommends doing this regularly: before going to bed, you need to keep your own goals in mind. This will help in programming the psyche for further fulfillment of desires.


When waking up, people slowly move from a low-frequency level to a high-frequency level. At this moment, they still have the opportunity to remain relaxed and peaceful for some time.

To do this you need to perform a number of actions:

  1. Immediately after waking up, set your alarm clock for 15 minutes in advance. If you need to relieve yourself, visit the restroom, and then return to bed and relax.
  2. Next, close your eyes and direct your gaze upward 20 degrees, to your eyebrows.
  3. Next, start counting down from 100 to 1. You should say the numbers to yourself slowly, taking a second pause between them.
  4. As soon as the last number is reached, remember the most important event in your life and mentally set yourself up for future achievements.

At the final stage, it is important to say to yourself: “I am getting better every day,” and then count from 5 to 1 and repeat: “Today I feel more cheerful and happier than yesterday.”

The training program lasts 40 days. Upon completion, it will be enough to recite the numbers from 5 to 1: this will be enough to achieve the alpha level.

However, before this you will have to put in a lot of effort and patience, without hoping for quick results.

Focus on the body

To relax and calm down, it is important to stop thinking about something other than your body. To do this, you need to focus on your own sensations and breathing. You should concentrate on them until the moment when your head is completely free of obsessive thoughts. If this does not happen, you need to start over.

To relax, you need to free yourself from unnecessary thoughts and feel your own body.

Lifting the eye sockets up

Researchers have proven that this method helps to move to the alpha level. To achieve this, you need to lie down, close your eyes and look at your eyebrows for 1-2 seconds, then focus on your breathing or start counting down.

Scientific research

The method is the result of scientific research that was carried out for more than 50 years by both the scientist himself and his followers: Milton Erickson, Virginia Satir, Fritz Perls.

Consciousness controls the body

Example of healing

A man named Frank was diagnosed with a deadly form of throat cancer at the age of 61. His weight dropped to 44 kg and he could hardly breathe and swallow. Even in the case of radiation therapy, the probability of survival, established by doctors, was 5%, since such treatment could only complicate his condition and only slightly increase the chances of survival.

One way or another, after much deliberation, the doctors decided to give him a course of radiation therapy. Fortunately for Frank, Dr. Carl Simonton, then medical director of the Cancer Research and Consultative Center in Dallas, Texas, was asked to take part in his treatment.

Simonton suggested that Frank himself was capable of influencing the course of his illness , and taught him several relaxation techniques and imagery thinking.

Healing by Imagination

Frank must have imagined...

  • that the radiation he receives consists of thousands of tiny energy charges bombarding his cells;
  • how his cancer cells, as they become weaker than normal cells, become unable to recover from their damage;
  • how his body's white blood cells penetrate and fill weakened cancer cells;
  • how cancer cells are cleared from his body through the liver and kidneys.

The results were amazing and far exceeded those usually achieved when the patient only undergoes radiation therapy. Frank had almost no side effects - damage to the skin and mucous membranes is a normal consequence of this therapy. In just two months, he not only regained his weight and strength, but all signs of cancer also disappeared.

Frank is one of thousands of cancer patients who have benefited from imaging therapy at the Simonton Cancer Center (

One day at a Silva convention, Dr. Simonton, a Silva graduate, was asked to say a few words to those in attendance. “Regarding the Silva system,” Simonton said, “I have to say that it is the single most powerful technique that I have offered to my patients.” In her part of the address, Stephanie Simonton, Dr. Simonton's wife, spoke about how they used psychic techniques in their clinic. “Probably the single most important tool we have,” she said, “is the technique of mental imagery .” She then began to talk to those present about the need for each of us to take personal responsibility for our health. She said, “It is necessary for us to apply the techniques that you all learned in the Silva course—and to apply them regularly.”

In this article I want to tell you how to use the basic techniques of the Silva Method to help you speed up your healing process .

But first, let's discuss a strange phenomenon: the widely observed but little understood placebo effect.

Basic Principles of Mind Control

To enter the alpha state, you need to get rid of negative psychological attitudes and gradually make your outlook on the world more positive. At the initial stage, it is important to concentrate on self-healing, fill your heart with love and forgiveness, and constantly say the thought: “Every day I feel better and better.”

How is dynamic meditation performed?

The practice is aimed at relieving tension, relaxing, and avoiding negative thoughts. Technology will help make long-time dreams come true.

It can be used to solve unfinished tasks, improve memory, reputation and creativity.


  1. Close your eyes, free your head from thoughts and imagine a screen in front of you, which is located at a distance of 45-50 cm.
  2. Focus on your own imagination and imagine simple objects: fruits, vegetables, dishes (first in a flat form, then in a three-dimensional form).
  3. As the objects become more detailed and clear, imagine something new: people, changes in your own life, getting rid of illnesses, etc.

By visualizing objects and events, you can eventually transfer them from imagination to real life. To do this, you need to sincerely wish for this to happen, clearly set a goal and begin to take steps to achieve it.

Application techniques

Dynamic meditation can be combined with other techniques: affirmations, a glass of water, hypnosis and self-persuasion.

Reprogramming Beliefs

To get rid of negative attitudes, you can use affirmations - positive phrases that need to be repeated every day. This will help change the scripts learned in childhood. Just as with other methods, regularity is important here: if you do not do this for more than 1-3 days, the affirmations will lose their power.

Affirmations help you get rid of negative attitudes.

Three fingers

This is a method that will help bring the body to the alpha level. To do this, just connect the middle, index and thumb together. This should be done while sitting, in a completely relaxed state. Focusing on your breathing will help you get rid of unnecessary thoughts and concentrate on the exercise. You need to sit with your fingers crossed for at least 15 minutes.

Glass of water

For this technique you will need distilled or melt water. It needs to be poured into a glass, taken in your hands, raised to the level of the solar plexus and held between the index and thumbs of your right and left hands. After this, you should close your eyes and speak out your problem or indicate your desire, forming a thought as clearly as possible. If we are talking about increasing income, you should name the exact amount: this will increase the likelihood that the wish will come true.

Manipulating a glass of water increases the chances that your wish will come true.

After this, you need to drink half a glass of water, cover it with a clean sheet and place it on the bedside table, and in the morning, after waking up, drink the rest of the liquid.

Mental laboratory

A mental laboratory is a place open in the human imagination. Before you create it, you need to enter the deep alpha level, after imagining a room furnished in any style. The room must have a table, chair and other pieces of furniture. Mandatory attributes: computers, cabinets, instruments, medicines - everything, as in a standard laboratory.

Another element of this imaginary picture is 2 advisors. They listen to problems and help develop creative ideas. You can ask them any question, and then independently think through the expected answer to your question. This will become a kind of self-help in solving difficult situations.

Creating a Future Event

Future events can be created by making wishes, meditation, and countdowns. To do this, it is important to practice regularly, mentally pronounce the goal and set it as clearly as possible. This will lead to the fact that thoughts will begin to materialize, and images that were previously only in the head will become exactly the same in reality.

A person has the power to change his future.

Laws of wish fulfillment

Silva identifies 3 basic laws of fulfillment of desires:

  1. You must sincerely wish that your plans come true. It is important not just to want something, but also to clearly formulate your dream: describe it in detail, record it and understand how true it is. You should separate your desires from the expectations of society, parents, and your loved one.
  2. It is important to believe with all your heart that your dream will come true and your goal will be achieved. This is the only way to reach the subconscious and set yourself up to achieve your goal. To do this, you can use self-hypnosis, affirmations, or daily recitation of new settings.
  3. The belief that what is planned will happen must be built on constant expectation. This will lead to actions that will bring your goal closer.

In order for a wish to come true, it is important not only to visualize, pronounce and wait, but also to work a lot, incl. and on getting rid of negative attitudes.


I would like to thank, in order of assistance received, the following people: Dr. J.V. Khan

, Dr.
N. E. West, Dord Fitz
, Dr.
Jeffrey Chang
, Dr.
Richard McKenzie, Harry F. McKnight,
Frederick Bremner
, Dr.
George DeSoe
, Dr.
Clancy McKenzie
and co-author of this project Dr.
Robert B. Stone
for his wisdom, scholarship and great humanism. All of these people made significant contributions to making Mind Control the effective and successful program it is today.

Memory improvement

There are 2 ways to improve memory: slow and fast. To move on to the second, you need to first practice with the first. The gradual way to improve memory is to move to the alpha level and reproduce the experience. This method can be used if any item is lost (keys, documents, etc.).

You need to enter a meditative state, reproduce recent events and then build a logical chain in your head. To improve cognitive abilities, you need to train regularly and systematically.

There are two ways to improve your memory.

Mind power and health

You can use the healing power of imagination to speed up your recovery.

To do this you need:

  1. Mentally imagine your illness with all the symptoms, but do not dwell on this image for too long.
  2. Switch to a picture completely opposite to the one that arose in the mind earlier: without signs of pathology, with good health, strong immunity, etc.

It is important not only to visualize the desire, but also to be in the alpha state more often.

Mentally switch to the picture of complete recovery.

At this stage, you should give up negative expectations, replacing them with bright and positive thoughts. This method is suitable for women who suffer from PMS. To get rid of unpleasant symptoms, just relax and imagine that anxious and depressive thoughts are leaving the body.

What dangers might there be for those who want to master the method on their own?

The method is a set of meditations that are dangerous for people with weak psyches or lack of experience. They may cause side effects associated with changes in consciousness: difficulty concentrating, insomnia, unusual dreams, anxiety.

To prevent this from happening, you need to follow a number of simple rules:

  • do not combine practices with the use of psychotropic drugs and other medications not prescribed by a doctor;
  • set the goal of relaxation, rather than a complete change of consciousness;
  • If anxiety or fear arises, adjust the method or perform it for less time.

Before you start meditating or practicing wish fulfillment techniques, you should consult an expert.

How powerful is this?

Okay, so now we know that one person's mind can influence another's body in some way - but is that influence really powerful enough to cause a change in another person's health?

And again an unexpected answer .

It has been proven that the effect of remote treatment is significantly stronger than that of many drugs, as is commonly believed in medicine.

For example, numerous studies have shown that aspirin and anaprilin are effective in preventing heart attacks. But compared to remote treatment, their effect is weak.

The effectiveness of drugs is measured on a scale from 0 to 1. An effectiveness score of 0.03, in a critical situation, means that 3 out of 100 people survived. A score of 0.3 means that 30 out of 100 survived.

In medical tests, the effectiveness of aspirin in preventing heart attacks is 0.03; anaprilin is slightly higher - 0.04. These estimates were convincing enough for the government to allow pharmaceutical companies to claim that their products prevent heart attacks.

However, in Braud's experiments, the estimated effect of remote treatment was a surprising 0.25.

This means that if 100 people were treated with a 35% success rate, when combined with teletherapy the success rate would increase to 60%. Almost twice as many patients could be saved.

In his research, Braud also discovered some unknown properties of remote healing. His volunteers were asked to take part in another experiment in which they tried to mentally calm two groups. One group consisted of very nervous people, the other - more balanced ones.

First, Braud found that the effect of distance treatment was greatest when the recipient was truly in serious need of treatment. The effectiveness scores for the nervous group were much greater than those for the calm group.

More surprisingly, he found that the effectiveness ratings for the agitated group were only slightly less than the effect of using relaxation techniques.

In statistical terms, this means that other people can have the same mind-body effect on you that you have on yourself , and vice versa.

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