How to radically change your life for the better, what you need to do - 3 difficult steps that will change your life

How to radically change your life for the better, what you need to do... The sages say: “To change the outer world, you need to change your inner world.” And this is work, and it’s not easy work. And in this article I will try to describe in detail what this work is like, what you need to do to improve your life. Where to start, how to continue, but first I want to say who this method will not suit.

This article is not for those who want a cool car, a luxurious villa and a high position in society. Also not for those who are ready to repeat affirmations for years about how cool, successful, rich, and irresistible he (or she) is. And if you are from this category, then just type into a search engine what you want, and you will immediately find “specialists” who are looking for you to “train” you for free or for money.

This article is for people who really want to change their life. But for these changes to occur in harmony with nature, with the surrounding world, in agreement and harmony with all of Existence. This article is for those who want these changes NOT at the expense of others, NOT through deception and use of other people, as often happens.

My article is for those who are ready for serious internal work. Who is ready for big internal changes and the fact that they will have to sacrifice many of their patterns, stereotypes and habits. If you are ready for this, then here you will learn how to radically change your life for the better, what you need to do... And especially, what you need to understand in order for these fundamental changes to occur.


The word "cardinal" has nothing to do with Catholic cardinals, although the root of the word is the same.

Latin cardo was interpreted as “core”, “base”, “main circumstance”. In the process of development of the Latin language, the word changed to cardinālis, which meant “main”, “chief”. This is where the prefix “cardio” came from - the Romans, like many other peoples, considered the heart the most important human organ. However, other researchers of the Latin language derive cardinālis from another concept, meaning “door hook”.

Let linguists figure out how everything really happened. This is not a topic for one dissertation. The important thing is that the word “cardinal” passed into the Russian language and became synonymous with “importance”, “significance”, “basis”. Now “dramatically” has become synonymous with “essentially”, “weighty” and “important”.

Changing our life for the better: where to start

This will sound trivial, but it’s worth starting with yourself. This is really difficult, because no one wants to look for the reasons for dissatisfaction within themselves. What are you striving for, what goals are you pursuing and, most importantly, what are you doing to achieve them? Perhaps, in reality, all problems arise because it is much more convenient to talk about them while sitting on your couch with a pained look than to actually take action?

Psychologist Daria Milai

Make an appointment

Motivating yourself is the key to a happy life. It’s not enough to determine what exactly you want to accomplish in the near future. It is also important to note what it is for. Do you want to earn more money so you can buy things as good as your friends? Or change your friends in order to feel comfortable around them, but all this tinsel in the form of expensive smartphones, cars, restaurants is not even your desire?

Interesting adjective

As a noun, the Latin "cardio" did not live long in the Russian language. But his adjective had a completely different fate. We can say that the concept of “cardio” has undergone dramatic changes in life. Nowadays, the word is more often associated with important and sometimes catastrophic changes affecting the foundations of human concepts and values. The concept “radically” is now not only a tool used to describe personal problems, but also to characterize society. Any drastic change in the life of a nation, state or even the Universe can be supplemented with the concept “cardinal”.

Strengthen a healthy spirit.

There can be no rational thinking without the absence of good health. Proper nutrition and active exercise will help you tone yourself up. Feeling sad? All you have to do is go for a walk! Do you want to brighten up your boring everyday life? You can buy a plane/train ticket and go to an unfamiliar city. In your free time from work, you can do healthy yoga and ride a bike. How to change your style and radically change your appearance? Spend just 10-20 minutes on morning exercises. This will give you a supply of energy and give you confidence. How can I give up my favorite fast food? If you don’t want to have problems with excess weight, unpleasant symptoms of weakness, etc. - replace it with natural products. What helps reduce stress in life is not overeating and getting enough activity!

It is possible and it is not possible

The Russian language is very sensitive. And the careless use of adjectives invariably hurts the ear. This is what happened with the adjective “dramatically”. This word is often used in the media: newspapers, magazines, online publications. But is it always appropriate? Dramatic changes or a turn - so to speak. But a radical success or path already hurts the ears. Cardinal importance - no good at all. It turns out “butter-butter”, which editors so mercilessly cross out in texts.

This flexible word only indicates sudden changes in fate, but not what the person expected or persistently sought. Gradual progress along the path of life can be associated with desire and perseverance. In a sense, “slow” or “even” are antonyms for “cardinal.” But when writing, you can replace it with the words “decisive” or “irrevocable.”

Change your thinking model.

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It is impossible to become a new person if you think in the old way. Conventional thinking can be helpful, but some aspects definitely need to change. The journey to a new self is possible if you think positively every day. This will help you avoid a negative scenario and give yourself hope for the best. Many people associate the future with fear, but this is wrong! Worry only closes the individual off from prospects. Vague ideas about the future should fill with inspiration and give sincere faith. Good thoughts are a direct path to confidence, without which you cannot focus on the path to success.

Take the test: optimist or pessimist

Importance and change

Cardinal changes are the most convenient form of using the adjective. It will tell about how a person suddenly decided to turn his life around, so important was he to his decision. Dramatic changes promise many surprises, but you don’t need to think that all of them will be unpleasant. We know many people who have changed their lives; their biographies can be read in popular magazines and on the pages of social networks. In order for fundamental changes to occur, the will of chance is not enough. As time shows, a person was internally ready to change, and the impetus for change was an unexpected turn of fate.

If an individual is not ready for changes in his life, dramatic changes will never come. Change requires determination, inner maturity and the ability to take advantage of circumstances. Many people, whose lives have undergone dramatic changes, have become better and stronger, but many, unfortunately, were broken by fate. As you can see, any changes can bring both grief and joy in life. Perhaps drastic changes will affect you one day. In this case, try not to look at them through the prism of dissatisfaction, but take advantage of the circumstances and try to change your own life for the better.

Act as if you have already changed

If you want to develop a quality, act as if you already have it.

William James

American philosopher and psychologist

Of course, there are circumstances that objectively limit you. You are unlikely to be able to stretch yourself two meters if you are one and a half meters tall. But if you want to be a great musician, a great writer, or succeed in business, it's all in your hands. When it comes to abilities, there are no limits.

You will probably feel like a fraud at first, and your behavior will seem unnatural to you. It's not very pleasant. Your previous characteristics will make themselves felt, even if the context requires you to be a completely different person. But gradually you will get used to it and find that you have grown into your role and this is the real you.

Practical exercise

Remember a situation where you were unable to refuse and then reproached yourself for it. Analyze your emotions at that moment. Imagine what would happen if you refused. Think about how you could refuse that time, what you would say. Such an analysis will allow you to realize that no catastrophe would have happened after your “no”.

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For example, the situation with meeting relatives at the airport. You could say something like this: “Sorry, I can’t meet you in person because I have a meeting. I'll send a taxi for you." Agree that relatives would adequately accept such a refusal.

Alexandra Zakharova

First education - medical, career - web development

I am a doctor by training, graduated from Moscow State University, fundamental medicine - I have a full medical education in clinical laboratory diagnostics. The choice of first education was something between personal interest and a dynastic vocation (my parents are doctors): when you move in this environment from infancy, it is easier to get into it. I liked everything during my studies; I didn’t want to change my profession, although I didn’t see myself working with people. Fortunately, to be a doctor, you don’t have to be a surgeon: you can be a scientist in less than five minutes. Therefore, my final specialization as a laboratory assistant has nothing to do with patients, it is on the border of chemistry, biochemistry and clinical manifestations.

After university, I worked in transfusiology, in blood donation, for almost five years - an extremely interesting field, but, unfortunately, not particularly paid. To achieve any good results in it, you have to go over your head, because the field is narrow, there are few people, and for me personally this does not suit me at all (just like the idea of ​​​​being a laboratory assistant all my life). So I ended up leaving the laboratory for medical device sales, where I build scientific bridges between those who sell and doctors.

I am grateful to classical university education for a systematic approach to my own knowledge. Thanks to this, you learn early on to determine which specific areas are worth delving into and what can be left aside. After all, any education is huge, and if you try to go deeper everywhere without a system, you will end up at the very beginning of the path. The second useful realization is that you can’t take anyone’s word for it, you need to check everything yourself; Even if you listen to someone smart, always treat his words with skepticism.


At certain moments (both at the first and at the second job) I realized that ideas for machine optimization of processes were spinning in my head. Back in the laboratory, using Excel, I created some simple automated things to simplify my work and was surprised to realize that I could just get around to it and develop some algorithms. In sales, I also always wanted to attract people to some kind of greater interaction with the computer to summarize things that are repeated many, many times. But I already understood that, of course, Excel is absolutely not enough to implement even the algorithms existing in my head. And then I came across Yandex.Practice, almost by accident, and last summer I decided to try to take the introductory course. The thought was that even if I ultimately did not become a web developer, I would be able to solve some of my issues using more suitable tools. But I was drawn in. I regret a little that I had so little career guidance in my youth: if I had, perhaps I would have connected my life with programming much earlier.

It was a revelation to me that I could actually do development. Self-doubt is common to many people; I thought that IT was something like nuclear physics, but it turned out that my brain was quite capable of coping with it. It turns out that you can really do something new, from scratch, at 30 years old, and the main thing is that you succeed. This is largely the merit of Yandex.Practicum - they don’t just give you a wealth of knowledge and live with it as you wish, but they teach you to understand what you are doing. You can read a lot on any topic on the Internet, but without a deep understanding of what it all is based on, you will never be a developer, much less a good one.

I liked learning, I was especially pleased with the training system, when you can try everything yourself, rewrite it several times until you get the right result. It’s great that there are people with whom you are constantly in contact - classmates, curators. Live communication plays a very important role, because in programming you can come to a conclusion in very different ways, and when you can see what paths your colleagues have, it develops. It seems to me that 40% of all successful theory training, internal mental work, is live contact.

There is a lot to do, but the course is put together quite competently. That is, if you are able to devote your entire day to studying, 8 hours a day, and at the same time read what is offered in addition and train, then by the end of the course you will become a specialist who will be hired as a full-fledged junior developer right away. I have no doubts about this at all. But even if you only have a couple of hours a day - like me, for example, because I studied while on maternity leave - then there’s nothing wrong with that either.

Simple analysis helped me find time. It’s important to understand when you’re most productive and do your best to free up at least two hours during that time. I mostly studied for 2-3 hours in the evenings, after 9 o'clock, for me it was easy, I can work in the evening. It is important to remember that you will always have time to do everything, there is no need to be afraid - you just need to do it.

About job search

Due to the quarantine and the fact that there are temporarily fewer job offers, I have decided to postpone the active search for a job in a new specialty until approximately September. First, it is important for me to develop to such a level that I feel that I can really be useful to someone. Yandex.Practicum helps you look for a job, they have a career track where they teach you how to write a resume correctly and answer questions, and I will definitely use it when everything calms down.

For now, I’m working on independently improving the basic knowledge that employers usually ask for in combination with my current skills. It is important for me not to lose them, but to increase them, so I plan to write some of my own projects for my own, specific tasks. Perhaps no one will ever see them, and I won’t use them myself, but now I don’t really care, I’m just training.

My advice: if you have a desire to change something, you shouldn’t ignore it, it doesn’t just happen. Many are afraid, we are all pressured by our problems, real or visible, a bunch of psychological blocks that you are freed from in your youth, but which are difficult to shake off at 30+. Here we can only advise you to first understand yourself; there is actually nothing dangerous or fatal about change. Well, if you are still young, then there is no need to be afraid: if it didn’t work out now, it will work out next time.

Step-by-step algorithm for changing yourself

A step-by-step algorithm that will allow you to change yourself is as follows:

  1. Determine your own motives. You need to think carefully about the reasons that will allow you to radically find all the interesting options faster.
  2. Analyze all the important events in your own life. It is important to add all the interesting solutions.
  3. Critically evaluate the past. Often, to successfully improve your life in the present, you will need to give up part of the past. You may have previously been accustomed to ignoring problems or conflicts, but at the moment you should not behave this way.
  4. Reevaluate your own scale of values . This is the most important advice that can solve all problems that arise. In some cases, a much better idea is to start with some soul searching.
  5. Determine the amount of change you need to make. For some people, starting a new life may be a change of place of residence, and for some, a radical restructuring of themselves.
  6. Constantly practice working on yourself. Visualize all actions for yourself.
  7. Set all your goals.
  8. Start the change. Determine the scope of changes, create plans, deal with the baggage of unnecessary emotions.
  9. Think about an effective change of scenery and conduct an audit of your environment.
  10. Get your relationships in order.
  11. Deal with financial problems , evaluate unnecessary expenses and get rid of them.
  12. Move to a better job .
  13. Get support .
  14. Try to constantly monitor your progress .
  15. Adapt to the changes that have occurred.
  16. Contact specialists .
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