Positive motivation of employees and stimulation of work

5 more tips on how to think positively

  1. Initially, set yourself up for success, do not allow yourself to think about failure. Self-hypnosis can really help you think positively. Remember what you have already been able to achieve, what goals to achieve.
  2. Think about those things that give you pleasure. For many, this is their favorite music or romantic comedy. Chat with friends, dance, sing, do anything that lifts your spirits and energizes you.
  3. Even if something bad happened in your life, treat it as an event beyond your control. Don't try to blame everyone around you and yourself. Think optimistically. It may be bad now, but better times are sure to come.
  4. Smile, even if you think there is no reason for it. In fact, each of us can find a huge variety of reasons to laugh: a favorite movie, a conversation with a friend, or fun games with a child.
  5. Be sure to plan your travels and check the boxes when making a new trip. Don't wait for better times! Do what makes you happy now!

Strong motivation! There is a goal, but where to start?


Optimism is confidence in a better future, looking at life from a positive point of view. It should not be confused with blind optimism, in which a person is overly self-confident and ignorant.

The father of positive psychology, Martin Seligman, conducted several studies in the 1980s and came to the following conclusions:

Conclusion 1. Pessimists tend to develop acquired helplessness. This is a phenomenon in which a person loses the will and desire to solve a problem, even if he can, because he has faced such situations in the past and invariably failed.

Conclusion 2. Pessimists use the following explanatory style:

  • Explanations for bad events: personal, persistent, and pervasive.
  • Explanations for good events: external factors, temporary and specific.

Conclusion 3. Pessimists are susceptible to depression. According to Seligman's research, they are eight times more likely to do so than optimists.

Conclusion 4. Optimists use the following explanatory style:

  • Explanations for good events: personal, permanent, pervasive.
  • Explanations for bad events: external, temporary, specific.

Conclusion 5. Optimists are more flexible and can cope with failures faster.

Conclusion 6. Why is optimism so important? Seligman's research shows that optimists:

  • physically healthier
  • live longer
  • have good relationships with other people
  • excel in school, sports and almost any job
  • every person can learn to be an optimist

We present to your attention three techniques for developing optimism.

Albert Ellis ABCDE Optimism Technique

It consists of five elements.


Adversity or Activating Event

Consider an event that caused you negative or painful emotions. You must remember a moment that happened after the unpleasant event occurred and before you reacted with emotions such as anxiety, sadness or anger. It is this very moment that needs to be noticed consciously. It will help you restructure your thinking so that unpleasant emotions do not penetrate inside you.

Example : a friend asks you to borrow money again or again did not keep his promise.



We all explain to ourselves what this or that event means to us. For a moment, avoid judgments like “good” or “bad” and simply accept the situation as it is. We are often exposed to irrational beliefs that lead to inappropriate emotions. They always arise when we lack evidence or when we overgeneralize a cause or problem.

Example : “Well, nothing worked out for me. I never succeed."



Consequences are always more than just the results of an event. They can take behavioral and emotional forms. We often observe a situation from the outside, noticing how a person attacks us with a scream or raises his voice. What else needs to be considered are internal factors: the other person's anxiety or sadness.

Example : regret, disappointment in the person you are dealing with or disappointment in you.



We have reached the practical part of the technique. This step involves consciously challenging and interrupting a negative belief system through thoughtful reflection and questioning. First, you must bring your subconscious beliefs to the surface, and then enter the debate phase. Ask yourself six questions:

  1. Is this belief consistent with reality?
  2. Does this belief help you achieve your goals?
  3. Do these beliefs promote harmonious relationships with other people?
  4. Are your beliefs leading to parasitic thinking?
  5. Do your beliefs seem logical and reasonable in the context of your current situation?
  6. Be honest: are your beliefs, for the most part, harmful or useful?

These questions facilitate the process of separating critical from dysfunctional thinking. It is important to ask ourselves these questions whenever we have reacted incorrectly and to understand how certain beliefs harm us. Eliminate reactionary thoughts and learn to think productively.

For example:

  • I also asked my friend for money before / I also break my word, besides, this action does not mean that he does not respect me - he just has a lot of problems in his family.
  • I'll lend him the money anyway, so why worry about it? My thinking is negative, I need to think about the good parts of my friend.
  • Many great people have suffered hundreds of failures before achieving success. Just because it didn’t work out for me now doesn’t mean it will always be like this. You need to master your skills, work on your mistakes and increase your chances of achieving your goal.
  • My negative emotions harm my friendships and relationships with other people. You should increase your emotional intelligence and learn to manage your emotions.



Note for yourself all the positive results of this technique. When you clarify the situation, do not involve negative emotions, and monitor your beliefs, you can develop the ability to create an alternative line of thinking that is based on plausible and reasonable beliefs.

Techniques for working with thoughts

Give this exercise the maximum amount of time - from 1 to 3 hours. You can finish it in 10 minutes, but you will benefit greatly from it if you take a piece of paper and a pen, concentrate and start thinking.

Complete the following sentences:

  • Thoughts I want to get rid of: __
  • Feelings I want to get rid of: __
  • Feelings I want to get rid of: __
  • Memories I want to get rid of: __

List all thoughts, feelings, sensations and memories. You may think that ten items is enough, but be patient and create a list of one hundred items for each parameter.

Complete this exercise with the following techniques:

Distractions : List everything you have ever done to distract yourself from unpleasant thoughts, feelings, sensations, and memories. You may be surprised to discover that you have been unknowingly using effective techniques. It's time to remember them and apply them consciously.

Avoidances : List activities, people, interests, events, and places that you should avoid to overcome negative thinking. After that, make a list of the same elements that you need to engage your consciousness with more often.

Thought Patterns : List all the unsuccessful strategies you have used to deal with painful feelings. For example:

  • Anxiety
  • Think about the past
  • Cultivate empty fantasies about the future without doing anything about it
  • Imagine revenge scenarios
  • Scroll through the thought: “This is not fair...”
  • Scroll through the thought: “If only...”
  • Blame yourself
  • Blame others
  • Blame fate and an unfair world

Substitutes : List all the physical substitutes you resort to during unpleasant moments in life. For example, food, booze, cigarettes, drugs, medications. Remember that these strategies only work in the short term and do not solve the problem in any way.

Now that you've made a few lists, analyze them and ask yourself:

  1. Did it help me get rid of unpleasant thoughts and emotions? If not, what can be done to get rid of them in the long term?
  2. Has my life become rich, full and meaningful? If not, what needs to be done for this?
  3. Where do you need to invest time, money, energy and resources to change the way you think?

Optimistic intervention technique

It will take you six days to apply this technique, but you can do it in a few hours. In this case, the main condition will be regular review of the technique and periodic repetition of exercises. It is similar to positive visualization, but has some differences.

Day 1

Give yourself plenty of time and think about your most ideal family life (say, in the next 10 years). Imagine everything as beautiful as you can imagine. For example, you have an understanding spouse next to you, and you have an excellent relationship with your children. Moreover, you probably live close to your parents, friends and relatives, so you can devote enough time to them.

Write down everything that comes to your mind about this. Use the following instructions:

  1. Be as creative as you wish.
  2. Use the writing style that is most comfortable for you.
  3. Don't worry about grammatical errors.
  4. Add as much detail as possible.

Day 2

Take time and think about your ideal job or career in the future. Don't rush to answer because we rarely think about this. For example, you think that creating an innovative company or working as a designer with complete freedom of action would be ideal for you. Don't limit your imagination, even if you don't currently have the necessary skills to get this position.

Use the same instructions.

Day 3

Take time to think about your mental and physical health in the future. Imagine that you have achieved everything you wanted.

How do you see your mental capabilities? Are you creative or logical? How are you doing with your critical thinking?

Think about your body. How often do you exercise and what shape are you in? What food do you eat?

Use the same instructions.

Day 4

Take some time to think about your ideal romantic life in the future. Imagine that everything is going the way you want. Perhaps you are married or have a reliable partner next to you with whom you can share any experiences and know that you will be heard and supported? Let your imagination fly and live out your perfect romantic day in detail.

Use the same instructions.

Day 5

Take time and think about your most exciting hobbies or interests in the future. What will it be? Perhaps it's horse riding or crafts? If this is travel, what countries will you visit and what emotions does it evoke in you? If reading, how many books have you already read, what knowledge have you acquired, and how do you feel thanks to it?

Use the same instructions.

Day 6

Take some time to think about your ideal social life in the future. Imagine that you have quiet and pleasant neighbors, loyal and reliable friends, and you yourself can easily find a common language with any person. You can easily start a conversation with a stranger and arouse his sympathy, you know how to influence people and feel confident in society. How do you feel? Imagine your ideal image in every detail.

Use the same instructions.

How to choose the right motivation

Even though negative motivation can be quite strong, in the long run, people driven by it are doomed to failure. Fear of failure is not a feeling you should experience all the time. If you have a goal that promises to be long and difficult to achieve, negative motivation can break you halfway.

However, it often acts as an excellent incentive to start taking action. Such motivation is born from negative emotions, and it is dissatisfaction with something that pushes us to decide to change something in our lives.

At the same time, a positive stimulus, focused on the pleasure of gain rather than the pain of loss, inspires us to constantly become better. At the same time, it does not deplete us, like negative motivation; on the contrary, it gives us new strength.

So, when choosing your type of motivation, just remember: negative will push you to take action. Positive will help you reach heights in something you have already started.

Motivation and its impact on quality of life

Success cannot be achieved by lying on the sofa with your feet up. This is a common truth and everyone is familiar with it. But not everyone is ready to change anything in their life. But look at successful people. They achieved what they wanted for a reason. They were able to find motivation, work out a plan, and take action to achieve the goal. Along the way, their lives also changed. Motivation not only helps to become successful, it affects our entire life as a whole:

  • helps to tune in to positive thinking;
  • find people close in spirit and interests;
  • train willpower, which helps to overcome any difficulties in life;
  • gives inspiration;
  • helps you improve yourself and become a better version of yourself;
  • think outside the box even in hopeless situations;
  • develop management skills;
  • understand yourself better.

Which type of motivation is better?

Both positive and negative motivation are two sides of the same coin. When you expect a reward for success, we are talking about positive motivation. If you are driven to action by fear of failure, this is negative motivation in action.

Which one is better? It all depends on the individual characteristics of your personality and the specific features of the situation. Here are a couple of examples illustrating both types of motivation:

  • Let's say your incentive to go to the gym is because you want to show off your newly acquired powerful abs during your upcoming beach vacation. This means you are driven by positive motivation. And your friend is a gym freak with bulging muscles. He is afraid that if he does not exercise enough, he will become overweight and lose his attractive appearance. This means he is negatively motivated.
  • For some people, the desire for a luxurious life becomes an incentive to work hard eight hours a day (positive motivation). And others work hard because they are driven by the fear of being left without bread (negative motivation).
  • Your boss may promise you a bonus for successfully completing a project, and this is positive, reward-based motivation. And he may threaten to fire you if the project fails - here we are talking about negative motivation.

As you can see, both types of motivation can be equally effective. Moreover, in most cases we do not have the opportunity to choose between positive and negative incentives - it depends not on us, but on the situation. However, if you do have the luxury of choice, here's how to make it.


In this case, we are talking about a person’s desire or desire to achieve his goals; internal beliefs act as the basis for taking actions.

Self-motivation is a person’s influence on his state when external motivation ceases to influence him properly. This is manifested in the fact that even in the absence of the desire to take action, a person continues to do business, realizing its significance and benefit for his life.

Self-motivation is characterized by an individual nature of manifestation, that is, each person gives preference to his own methods designed to trigger the motivation mechanism.

What is positive motivation

Positive motivation is a method of encouragement based on the expectation of a reward or the enjoyment of the activity itself. This is the same metaphorical “carrot”.

Whether it's a chocolate bar in exchange for good grades or a promotion as a reward for hard work, positive motivation is the catalyst that keeps you passionate. Both material benefits and pleasant emotions can serve as a positive motivator.

To positively motivate yourself, you should adopt the following trick. Break your tasks into subtasks and complete them one after another. Reward yourself after completing each item.

Amanpreet Singh, blogger, entrepreneur, meditation enthusiast

Positive motivation brings us satisfaction and creates a sense of accomplishment. This simultaneously rewards us for completed tasks and inspires us to new exploits.

Types of staff motivation

You can influence employee productivity in various ways or their combinations, depending on the characteristics of the team and the tasks of the manager. The main types of work motivation, which differ in their approach to this problem, are presented below:

  • Material bonuses.
    They consist of the payment of bonuses, awards, incentives, as well as the opportunity to purchase company goods or services at a discount. This is a kind of exchange: a person shows loyalty to the organization by showing high-quality work, and the organization rewards him for his diligence in commodity-money equivalent. It is reasonable to apply this type of motivation to individual employees or their groups when previously known conditions (achievements) are met. Such bonuses can be provided to all staff on an ongoing basis if the main goal is to create a positive image of the company, increasing its attractiveness as a place to work.
  • Intangible bonuses.
    They consist of recognition of the employee’s merits, favorable attitude, and identification of career prospects. The employee finds his place in the team, enjoys the respect of colleagues and superiors, receives positive assessment of his efforts, and has hopes for further promotion. All this forms his loyalty to the company and attachment to his current place of work.
  • External motivation
    - management influences personnel from the outside, rewarding or punishing for work results, regulating the quality of work in the team.
  • Intrinsic motivation
    - employees themselves strive to work more efficiently, since they receive moral satisfaction from working “conscientiously.” Intrinsic motivation can be associated with the employee’s personality characteristics, his character, ambitions and consciousness. By default, it is assumed that it is internal motivation that will force a person to work selflessly for the benefit of the company from the moment he signs an employment contract. But, unfortunately, in practice this turns out to be not enough, and it is impossible to do without developing the internal motivation of staff.
  • Positive motivation
    is the provision of benefits or rewards for the employee’s achievements, which act as a “bait”, forcing him to work better even despite laziness or lack of desire to work with full dedication.
  • Negative motivation
    is the imposition of fines for work not completed properly within the established time frame. Like positive motivation, it can extend both to the employee himself and to the group (department). Under the threat of being deprived of bonuses, staff may work harder for some time, but such conditions and methods of influence almost never develop into internal motivation: instead of working with one hundred percent efficiency out of moral motives, a person can look for another place of work with a more pleasant psychological atmosphere .

Different types of work motivation will have different effectiveness; when choosing, it is necessary to take into account how well they correspond to the company’s policy and the microclimate in the team, so that their implementation actually results in a significant increase in efficiency.

What is negative motivation

Negative motivation is a method of motivation based on punishment. It stems from the fear of failure. Figuratively speaking, this is a “whip”.

For example, students who do not particularly enjoy studying may still attend classes for fear of being expelled. An office employee comes to work on time and fulfills his duties, because otherwise the boss will give him a beating. Some people go to the gym not because they find working out enjoyable, but because they fear that they will be laughed at for being thin or overweight. This is negative motivation.

Negative motivation is also an effective method. Not only joy, but also fear can force you to move forward.

Personnel motivation system: standard methods, implementation steps and possible errors.

Having considered what labor motivation of personnel is, let’s move on to the issue of implementing the principles of motivation in practice. To achieve the goal of significantly improving the quality of work at the enterprise, motivational measures must be built into a clear and understandable motivation system for employees, combining various methods of encouragement. For the successful functioning of such a system, it is necessary to use various motivation factors in order to find an approach to the various personality types of employees and offer each of them attractive incentives (which is not always material motivation, since there are people who value the ideological motive more).

A properly functioning motivation system should:

  • Increase the desire of staff to diligently perform their job duties.
  • Encourage them to be active and proactive in their daily work activities.
  • Support goal setting and desire to achieve goals.
  • Arouse the need for self-improvement and increasing personal professional level.
  • Change the worldview, internal values, and attitudes of employees from a negative and consumerist attitude towards work towards the idea of ​​teamwork.

Thus, the implemented program for effective staff motivation will have a comprehensive positive impact on internal corporate relations, on the interaction of subordinates with management, and on the overall increase in the company’s competitiveness.

How to turn on positive motivation

The formation of positive motivation to work for most people is determined by external reasons, for example, high income, prestige of the profession, popularity, social fulfillment, etc. But it is the internal motives that are the strongest. Personal life principles and views can greatly influence a person’s behavior, both leveling and increasing the effectiveness of external motivation.

Stimulating positive motivation is possible while simultaneously rejecting negative motivation. The saying “The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing” is an example of the fact that even when doing unwanted work, you can in the end enjoy the finished work.

Before starting any work, it is important to set a realistic goal, but not necessarily an easily achievable one. At the same time, the process of achieving the goal must be divided into successive stages, the implementation of each of which will bring a sense of pride and motivate for further work.. Motivation for success | Where to get energy and strength?

Motivation for success | Where to get energy and strength?

Stages of implementing a motivational system at an enterprise

The introduction of a motivational system should be carried out systematically and step by step. The key is to gain the support of staff by keeping them informed, without backing down when difficulties arise.

  1. It is necessary to define clear goals that can be achieved through the implementation of a motivation system.
  2. Next, it is necessary to assemble a working group of competent specialists, which will implement the motivation system, monitoring its results.
  3. The working group develops and approves a plan for introducing a motivational system. Once signed by all participants, it becomes a guide to action.
  4. The most important stage: the development of planned incentive programs with their reflection in the documentation of the enterprise. The types of employee motivation that will be used at a particular enterprise are selected.
  5. Introduction of incentive programs into the life of the enterprise.
  6. Mandatory monitoring of results and making necessary adjustments. This is where a time and attendance system comes in very handy, acting as a tool for implicit but continuous monitoring of employees' daily activities. It will help to identify how effective the chosen forms of personnel incentives are, and whether they lead to a real improvement in the quality of work.

With the gradual introduction of a motivation system, the initial resistance of employees, which inevitably arises with any innovation, will be replaced by interest and a positive attitude. By getting used to the new system and learning to benefit from it, employees will definitely become more efficient, bringing tangible benefits to the company.

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