7 difficult life situations and how to cope with them

In the life of every person, as an individual or a citizen, certain problems may arise that can be called a difficult life situation (DLS). How to understand that the situation is really difficult, and what to do to overcome it? First of all, it’s worth understanding what THS is.

Difficult life situation

Loss of loved ones

Death is inevitable. At some point in life, we lose someone we love and it seems impossible to cope with the pain and continue living without them. This is a huge grief, and not everyone can cope with it.

If you are trying to deal with the death of someone you love, don't be in denial. Accept this fact and realize that this is one of the stages of life. This does not mean that you should forget your loved ones who are gone forever. Keep them in mind, but make sure you move on. Your life will end one day too, so live it to the fullest.

Difficult life situation

May 31, 2021

With every hardship comes relief. Scripture (94:6)

What doesn't kill me makes me stronger.

F. W. Nietzsche

“I love those who can smile in trouble,” the great Leonardo da Vinci once said. Anything can happen in the life of any of us. Life often presents a person with unexpected surprises that bring ups or downs, success or tragedy. It is impossible to imagine what awaits us around the next turn of life. And none of us is immune from “money and prison,” or, in other words, from a difficult or difficult situation in life. A difficult life situation is defined as conditions that do not satisfy a person’s needs, contradict his beliefs and create negative experiences. This could be the death of a person close and dear to us, dismissal from a job, a person’s loss of an important social status, serious health problems, ruin, cruelty in relationships (violence), and other personally significant events.

The habitual pattern of behavior that a person developed in previous years becomes unable to satisfy the basic needs of life. A person can no longer solve a problem in familiar and familiar ways.

Signs that you are in a difficult life situation may include:

  • disruption of current social activities, established relationships,
  • feeling of powerlessness
  • tension,
  • the need to change habitual behavior and life activities,
  • uncertainty of further developments,
  • feeling of danger of helplessness, negative emotions and experiences,
  • a requirement for a person to solve a problem.

This situation is a crisis for a person and his family. Creating a danger to a person’s physical or mental health, it completely changes life, dividing it into “before” and “after”. These difficulties can become a stage of development, or they can become a step towards stopping or regression of the personality.

You need to know that no matter how negative and “difficult” life situations may be, they are an integral part of the socialization processes, contribute to self-development, and improve relationships with the external environment.

The reasons for such situations can be different, the main ones include the following:

  1. illness or disability,
  2. senile incapacity,
  3. loneliness,
  4. abuse in the family of children or elderly relatives,
  5. lack of own housing or a specific place to live,
  6. unemployment,
  7. low-income family (individual).

Each of us is looking for our own way out of a difficult situation for him. One of the common patterns of behavior is flight , the desire to distance oneself from difficulties in order to avoid serious shocks (for example, abandonment of a marriage, promotion/job) or denial of the very fact of what happened (no, he/she did not die, he just went on a long business trip) .

The second behavior option is a person’s active position in the difficult situation that has developed for him. Wanting to achieve success and overcome difficult life circumstances, people look for a way out, spend a lot of energy learning new information, resorting to the help of other people, changing their own behavior and thinking . In a situation of radical social upheaval, when difficulties are inevitable and nothing depends on the person himself, people can prepare themselves in advance for trials by accepting and adapting to new conditions and rules of life.

If, despite all the efforts made, it is not possible to overcome difficulties, a person may reduce the level of his needs or even abandon some of them (“not really necessary”). Or consciously accept the situation , and, comparing yourself with other people or with your previous successes, give a positive assessment of the events that have occurred (“even if I have not achieved success in..., but I have..., and others have it even worse”).

Modern psychological science offers several ways to overcome difficult life situations.

  1. Seek support. Don't isolate yourself, turn to your family, relatives and friends for help. Their support will add strength and energy to you in the fight against the trials and difficulties in which you find yourself. What if they turned to you for help? Forget about advice and general phrases, just stay close to the person. Even the simple presence of a loved one with whom you can be silent or cry together will bring more benefit than a hundred empty phrases of sympathy or phone calls.
  2. Don't suppress emotions. If you have a “lump in your throat” and are “choked” by approaching tears, cry! The expression “Men don’t cry” is nothing more than a hackneyed phrase. Tears relieve tension, reduce mental pain, and help you accept what happened.
  3. Rely on real circumstances and common sense. Fear and panic are not the best helpers in a difficult situation. Finding ways out of current circumstances will already take a lot of vitality from you, so you should not exaggerate the significance of what is happening and think about what has not yet happened. But you shouldn’t “bury your head in the sand”, thinking that everything will be resolved by itself.
  4. Give yourself time to understand what is happening. Negative emotions from what happened do not go away with a snap of a finger; it takes time to grieve, understand and accept new circumstances. Only after this stage will you be able to ask yourself the right question: “Why am I given this situation?” and try to find and extract, albeit bitter, experience from the events experienced. Over time, an understanding will come that not everything will always depend on you, there will be circumstances that you will need to accept and move on with your life.

If something resonated with you while reading the text and it seems to you that the situation and symptoms described in the article are similar to your case, and you would like to solve this problem, you can call me first at + 7 (926) 169-36 -63 to talk about your problem that you want to solve.

The duration of the telephone consultation is 20 minutes (free of charge) , during which time I must decide whether I can help you within the framework of psychoanalytic counseling. If it’s easier for you to write a letter, you can do this by clicking on the link and sign up for a consultation. I ask you to describe your situation in as much detail as possible - the size of the letter is unlimited, I will definitely read your letter and respond.

I am always near.

Serious illness

A healthy lifestyle cannot prevent all diseases. If you are trying to navigate a long and stressful road to recovery, it is important not to lose faith. There is a reason why some people recover from serious illness while others die. It's all because of their faith and positive attitude.

You need to believe in recovery, think positively and do what makes you happy, even if you are in a hospital bed. This will help you get through a difficult life situation and learn to live with your illness if it is incurable.

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