Straightforward intellectual: 7 types of women that men are delighted with

Straightforwardness is a character trait that everyone fears and respects at the same time. What is it? The ability to tell the truth face to face, showing everything as it really is, is truly worthy of the highest praise. A person must be able to stand up for himself, as well as express his wildest thoughts. In particular, if we consider the reactions of society to such habits, a person who is too straightforward can become an object of outright hostility. That is why, with age, all people try to eliminate this character trait, focusing on established social norms.

Is straightforwardness good or bad?

Why do people lose their straightforwardness as they age?
For what reasons does society force people to outright lie? What is this? A way of survival or adaptation of people in the modern world? Up to a certain point, every child is straightforward and reveals the truth according to his spontaneity and childish naivety. Understanding relatives perceive this as funny, although sometimes it is awkward for them. With age, a person learns to understand that there is a culture of communication, tact, decency, and the vulnerable self-esteem of the interlocutor. All this is included in communication skills, social norms, the ability to please, win over your interlocutor, and make an impression.

Behind the mask of good manners, in order not to offend someone, sometimes an individual learns to outright lie, deceive and flatter, so as not to seem like a chatterbox and an uncultured boor. A person often creates a “rosy” illusion, both for his close circle of friends and for himself.

Straightforward people are not particularly liked, and they are admired until they themselves find themselves the center of their attention. This happens because a person is afraid of real life and protects his “pink clouds”. It is more pleasant for a person to hear a lie about love than the truth that he has long been bored with his loved one.

Human relationships, rules and norms of communication, the line between good and bad - this is all quite relative. On the one hand, a false compliment about irresistibility deprives a person of the opportunity to immediately change his image, and on the other hand, it increases the individual’s self-esteem, self-confidence, and he really begins to feel better, radiating confidence.

You can stop being offended by the straightforwardness of your interlocutor if you remember that this is just his subjective point of view, because as many people exist, there are as many opinions. Often a person himself creates situations when, demonstrating vulnerability, fear and uncertainty, another individual does not tell him what really is.

And if the interlocutor has low self-esteem, then it will not be possible to wait for a direct answer from him, since only strong, confident and straightforward people are capable of expressing their point of view and saying “no”.

Most people try to avoid someone with a straightforward quality because they don’t want to start a fight. But often everything goes towards her if a straightforward individual tries to convey his opinion without caring about the feelings of his interlocutors.

Straightforwardness - what it is, how to get rid of it in a relationship

If you are suffering in a relationship, and attempts to improve it do not lead to the desired results, the best decision is to end it. But it happens that the mere thought of leaving a partner becomes unbearably painful. In psychology, this phenomenon is called codependency. Psychologist Dmitry Kolygin talks in more detail about the reasons and methods of working with this problem.

It is normal to depend on loved ones and be afraid of losing them, but in the case of a toxic relationship, such fears turn into a problem that does not allow a person to escape the vicious circle of endless suffering.

The roots of codependency do not always lie in the relationship itself; most often, these are the personal characteristics of a person who is suffering, but cannot leave his partner.

Features of changes during puberty

  • Weight gain and the appearance of stretch marks (stretch marks). This problem occurs for three reasons. The first is that during puberty, girls develop a “voracious appetite.” The body tries to gain the necessary mass and the required volume of fat to start reproductive function. Therefore, it sends the saturation signal later than necessary. Secondly, the active production of estrogen contributes to the appearance of forms and weight gain. Especially in cases where the girl is not eating properly. Third, high levels of growth hormone, coupled with androgens and estrogens, lead to rapid physical development. The girl quickly stretches out, but her skin does not have time to adapt to the rapid growth. Therefore, during puberty, girls are at risk of developing stretch marks - stretch marks, which, as a rule, form on the chest, abdomen, thighs, and buttocks.
  • Acne (blackheads). Puberty is accompanied by a hormonal explosion, which leads to the appearance of pimples and blackheads. They can be considered one of the signs of puberty. This is normal in the first year after menstruation appears. But if, despite proper cosmetic care, skin problems remain, it is necessary to take hormone tests. The cause of the rash may be a hormonal imbalance.
  • Greasy hair. An excess of male hormones and increased secretion of the sebaceous glands during puberty in girls often provokes the development of seborrhea. The hair becomes oily, the skin on the scalp is very flaky, and dandruff appears. You need the help of a dermatovenerologist or trichologist.

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What are the pros and cons of being a straightforward person?

How do you think?


A big plus in a person’s straightforwardness is that such a person will never be a hypocrite; you can always expect from him that he will not do anything out of the blue. There is no need to be afraid of such a person. But the downside is that such a person can often spoil relationships with others; they may not like him. Who likes being rebuked? It is better for such a person to understand with whom he can be straightforward, and with whom it is better to remain silent, because they will not listen anyway. If you learn to control yourself and learn when to be tactful, then a straightforward person will respect himself more and become more respected in society.

Big baby doll

Pros: You (or whoever is straightforward) are confident in yourself, don’t feel like a “rag” in different situations, you can turn to you and get high-quality, and, most importantly, timely help or advice that will finally “bring you down to earth” (often this is what is needed in the first place). And with all this, you don’t waste your own and other people’s time, people see you for who you are, and not “...why am I all so angular and awkward...”

Cons: People love flattery, but the truth sometimes makes them nervous. For hypocrites, you are enemy No. 1, and there are many more of them than honest and sincere people.

And there is one more BUT: Do not confuse straightforwardness with tactlessness.

Russian style of communication

English flight attendants are horrified by the manner of communication of tourists from Russia. Russians never say “thank you.” To the standard question “Would you like something to drink?” Russian tourists answer sharply: “No” or “No, I don’t want to.” From the point of view of a cultured English-speaking person, such a response is seriously rude. Russians also smile little, and a smile does not always indicate good intentions.

However, the point is not that the passenger wants to insult the flight attendant. It’s just not customary for Russians to say: “Thank you, I don’t want to.” Different reality - different rules.

You will never have a sincere conversation with a salesperson in a store. At the same time, in England, the seller can ask the client about business, purchases and mood. In Russia such consultants are avoided. It turns out that Russian rudeness is just a difficulty in translation?


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Straightforward person…. Good or bad?

is this stupidity and you need to be more “flexible” or what?... And is it necessary to get rid of straightforwardness or not? What methods to get rid of, if necessary?

Lena Lenkina

Badly. After all, he is straightforward from his bell tower. and in general. if such a straightforward person sees a disabled person. he should tell him - hey, you're a freak. and whenever you want to tell the truth to a person, imagine yourself in his place. after all, everyone has something that we know about ourselves. but we don't want to hear about it

Prutyan Anatoly

If you are willing to suffer because of your straightforwardness, then good. But in fact, straightforwardness, as a rule, is not in demand in life. You still have to accept the rules of the game and the people around you. However, when making vital decisions, remain yourself, that is, straightforward. You shouldn’t get rid of straightforwardness, because this is your worldview, but if you want to get rid of it, then first of all you need to learn to remain silent. Like that.


It's very bad for those around you! Not everyone likes criticism... more precisely no one! And it’s good for the person himself and his family. Such people reach unprecedented heights. Because it is their lifestyle to be stubborn. No need to get rid of it. Straight-forward people don't notice this.

Meaning of the word straightforward

Examples of the use of the word straightforward in literature.

They brought the straightforward fervor of short-sighted national chauvinism into the shaken kingdom of the Adzharian mullah. To Athanaric’s ass, Valens answered bluntly like a soldier, for human life is short and there is no need to spoil such a beautiful summer with some malicious Athanaric.

Popper, who abandoned the straightforward interpretation of the principle of falsification as a regulator of the rational behavior of a scientist and formulated the concept of increasing the truth content of scientific theories in verification processes, which explained the relative stability of theories and the desire of scientists for experimental confirmation of the latter.

The first four dolls took long torches that were burning on the wall of the palace, and with a slouching gait headed towards the cornucopia, which, upon closer examination, turned out to be a structure of almost rectilinear outlines - all the bars connected end-to-end at different angles twisted like a bizarre spiral staircase leading to a mouth filled with strange autumn rubbish .

It was difficult to pretend to be a selfless benefactor without a twinge of conscience in the presence of a truth-loving and straightforward gand.

Later, Marat explained his failure with the geologist by saying that he was in bad shape after a sleepless night and acted too straightforwardly.

Therefore, the bishop, after consulting, appointed him a judge of his diocese, and he conscientiously judged the people, until one day a criminal was caught whose guilt deserved hanging, and the straightforward Max had to refuse his position.

So, the one would have parts and would be many if it participated in a rectilinear or circular figure.

And, being such, the one, apparently, turns out to be involved in some figure, whether rectilinear, round or mixed.

I must say that the Shchugor in the upper reaches seems to me to be a fairly straightforward river, there are no sharp turns or sharp pressures, the main obstacles are small riffles and frequent moraine stones in the riverbed, which are harmless due to the relatively small current.

A repetition of the psychotraumatic conditions of a child’s life is also observed where the doctor directly tries to deprive his perception of spontaneity and integrity, to sharply change his predominant non-verbal, first-signal way of reflecting reality.

His somewhat straightforward speech seemed somehow similar to the speeches of Rapp and Proletkult theorists to us young people.

Without guile or cunning, even in those cases when it was absolutely necessary to be a diplomat, he acted decisively and straightforwardly and thereby increased the number of his enemies.

He expressed himself quite frankly and straightforwardly and advocated the speedy withdrawal of British troops from Southeast Asia.

Well, this means that perhaps it is too straightforward to think that the tavern is closed and the end of evil.

A straightforward person gets more

Foreigners also highlight an interesting phenomenon, in their opinion, that originates in the USSR. It's called: "No Beer." In long queues for beer during the heyday of beer alcoholism, the phrase could suddenly be heard: “There is no beer.” And this did not mean that there was no drink for everyone. You just have to be persistent and cunning to get it. Sometimes in line for beer (and other scarce goods) people pushed each other rather rudely. This is how foreigners who lived in the USSR at that time describe Soviet reality.

Rudeness is simply a way to get what you want when what you want is not enough for everyone. Russians often do not notice harshness and harshness. It's hard to see what you're used to.

Without hints or omissions

The rudeness and assertiveness of Russians lies not only in the manner of speaking. Foreigners note that Russians in general behave aggressively. In their opinion, the reasons for rude behavior must be sought in the past.

A Russian person pathologically does not want to look “second-class”. In this context, roughness means equality. Aggressive behavior demonstrates to others that a person knows his rights and will fight for them.

Rudeness in Russians is fixed almost at the genetic level. In the Russian Empire, the peasant thought little about manners. Toughness and perseverance often helped to survive, and this habit became ingrained in the mentality. Modern Russians continue to use rudeness as a tool to achieve goals.


Every day we are faced with a choice: to be frank or not to mind.
It would seem that what could be simpler than the truth? However, it is often much more difficult to be straightforward than to remain silent or say a banal “uh-huh, of course.” Fear of offending/seeming too capricious/missing out on a career opportunity—all of these fears influence our decisions (and as a result, we don’t always make the RIGHT choice). Often, others may perceive your inability to say “no, I don’t think so” as conformity or even hypocrisy. Do you feel like you too often think one thing and say another? Cetre' has prepared for you 5 REAL ways to solve this problem: Relationships

25.10.20181. Avoid people who force their views on you

Yes, these can be the closest ones. However, if all your attempts to hint that you have your own opinion and your desires have led nowhere, you should seriously think about the question “Is such communication necessary?” Usually, it is under the influence of such people that we learn to suppress our “No” in order to avoid unnecessary quarrels. The longer this happens, the more your views blur and the more you depend on the will of those around you, becoming a kind of chameleon. But you can live your whole life this way, pleasing others and completely forgetting about your goals, burying your talents in the ground! Think about it! Believe me, your opinion cannot be “worse” than someone else’s, you have the right to your own position, always keep this in your head!

2. Start your own blog

You may find it difficult to express your opinions in general, which is actually not that uncommon. Then you should start by creating a separate account (on any social network), which would become your creative space and where you could express your ideas. Look for inspiration, observe the world and describe your impressions. Listen to yourself and accept your preferences! You can start on Twitter, where short phrases are enough, and then move on to the server, starting to write large-scale essays.

3. Make a sheet of your “yes” and “no”

Not ready to open up to the Internet to the public yet? Start by being honest with yourself. Take a piece of paper and write down one by one: your favorite colors, favorite musical groups, favorite movies, the most valuable (in your opinion!) qualities in people, as well as the qualities for which you love yourself. For what? This technique will help you visualize and even structure your understanding of the world and your preferences. Yes, it will take some time, but it will certainly put your thoughts in order.

4. Find a hobby and a group of like-minded people

It may also be quite difficult for you to verbally express your opinion, or it so happens that you have no one to discuss it with. Then it’s time to find a discussion club in English (for example, this one is held at the ZIL cultural center and is absolutely free) or sign up for a free lecture at VDNKh/Gorky Park, at a site like Flacon/Winzavod. We assure you that many people who come there are familiar with your problem, and the lecturers will be happy to answer interesting questions and listen to your opinion (such events are organized for this purpose!)

5. Do small tasks

Very important! Don't demand quick results from yourself! Why do you need sudden leaps from completely avoiding any contact to a furious argument with the first person you meet? Set yourself small daily goals and systematically achieve them. For example, tomorrow you will order your favorite chocolate ice cream instead of meringue, which you are taking for the tenth time in a row just because your friend takes it (we are exaggerating, but still)

The day after tomorrow you invite the guy not to go to an action movie (after which you always have trouble sleeping), but to a light comedy because it will satisfy the desires of both of you. Over time, exercising your will will become a habit!

We hope you took something to note! Love yourself and read Cetre'!

Nika Dmitriadi

Reasons why people start adopting this behavior tactics

If we take the completely opposite type of person, then everything is not so smooth here either. Anyone who cannot say a word to others, of course, does not in any way deviate from the norms that society has established. However, he is harming himself. After all, his inability to stand up for himself and respond to the offender at the right time leads to the fact that his opinion is not taken into account by others. Moreover, he becomes extremely constrained and restrained in expressing his own feelings. Such people are always looking for an answer to the question of how to become a straightforward person. In the end, they also create a certain image behind which they hide their own shortcomings. They try to identify strong qualities that are not available to them.

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Where does this character trait disappear over time?

Every person has dreams that one way or another he tries to bring to life. And the desire to have friends is not such an unrealistic mirage. In particular, this is the main reason why a straightforward person may change his tactics. Realizing that he needs to join society and find allies, he begins to completely reconsider his own habits.

Social attitudes help him develop and rethink the results of his communication style. Nevertheless, it is impossible to completely eradicate what is inherent in character. In order not to seem uncultured, the individual creates a mask for himself and simply hides behind it. Of course, this leads to the fact that lies and all kinds of tricks become part of the image of this person.

How to get rid of straightforwardness

Disguising the quality of straightforwardness is not that difficult. This is a skill development question. With a little effort, everything can work out

A straightforward person can pay attention not only to the shortcomings of others, but also to look after himself. You need to learn to stop yourself in time if you want to say something unnecessary.

By practicing, catching yourself for saying too much, you can get rid of straightforwardness. Understanding where it is better to remain silent comes with experience, correlating actions and the results to which they lead.

Many people believe that directness is not worth fighting for, and most value this quality in people, but there are still times when directness is not appropriate. Therefore, simply controlling inappropriate statements and personal opinions, hidden behind a mask of tact and politeness, will help in the fight against straightforwardness.

Practical psychologist Vedmesh N.A.

Speaker of the Medical-Psychological

Culture of speech communication: Ethics. Pragmatics. Psychology

frankness and directness without the necessary flexibility and sensitivity. Because of this, the personal characteristics of the interlocutor are often not taken into account, which hinders communication. Overall a negative phenomenon.

Ushakov's Dictionary

straightforwardness, straightforwardness, plural. no, female (book). abstract noun to rectilinear. Directness of action.

Directness, frankness. He answered with his characteristic straightforwardness.

In Ozhegov's dictionary

STRAIGHT-LINEAR, -aya, -oe; -een, -eina. 1. Walking in a straight line. Rectilinear movement. 2. transfer Frank, direct, but lacking the necessary flexibility. P. character. P. answer. To act straightforwardly (adv.). || noun straightness, -i, g.

In Efremova's dictionary

Emphasis: straightforward adj.

  1. Situated, running in a straight line.
  2. Having straight lines.
  • trans. Acting directly, out of conviction.
  • In the dictionary D.N. Ushakova

    STRAIGHT-LINEAR, rectilinear, rectilinear; straightforward, straightforward, straightforward (book). 1. Located, going in a straight line. Straight direction. 2. Direct, open, without ulterior motives, one who rushes towards the goal without hesitation, regardless of the situation, circumstances. Straightforward person. Straightforward action. Straightforward answer.

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

    In a straight line - the shortest way, straight ahead

    Dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language



    Rhyming words for straightforward

    • bilinear
    • directly
    • really
    • rectifier
    • rectifying
    • straighten up
    • straighten
    • ruler
    • linear
    • ruled
    • directly
    • directly
    • directly
    • indirect
    • single-line

    More information about the word straight

    • Meaning of the word: All interpretations of the word straightforward
    • straightforward
    • straight
    • Orthoptera
    • straight forward
    • straightforwardness
    • straightforward
    • erect
    • erect
    • directness
    • direct-flow
    • rectangle

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    Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary


    1. Syn: direct, immediate

    Ant: mediated

    2. Syn: frank

    Straightforwardness - what it is, how to get rid of it in relationships - Author of My Life

    How to deal with straightforwardness in communicating with people? There is such a flaw in my character. And I feel that this pushes those around me away.

    • this can be a great advantage at the same time. it all depends on how you present it. try to turn it into a subtle joke or kind sarcasm, then people may not react to it so sharply. good luck to you!
    • Straightforwardness?? How is that ?? Sincerity, persistence, or perhaps rudeness, which is sometimes veiledly called straightforwardness... Well, ultimately, the reaction you receive from people is the very meaning of your words for your interlocutor. And all the complexity comes down to just what you need: “The opinion of you as a straightforward person.” Most likely, such communication helps you a lot, but when faced with one (several) moments where this behavior turned out to be ineffective, you formed a negative opinion about your trait. So, I propose to break down the word straightforward into the component parts of your character and remember the people who were dissatisfied, and also remember why in a particular situation you showed straightforwardness (you wanted to offend, get your way, share your experiences, you defended your position (defended yourself)) , well, everything will fall into place.
    • Don't adapt to people. You are an individual. With all the flaws
    • Stop adapting to this world! You are like that and that's it! This is your specialty. Those who love you will stay with you, perhaps even for this very reason. And if it really bothers you so much, just deep inside allow yourself to be yourself and others to be different. Then straightforwardness, precisely as criticism, will disappear. Let others live the way they want.
    • I dream about this! For me this is the best quality... I envy
    • no need to fight it. but there is no need to say what is not asked.
    • There is no need to fight straightforwardness. You just need to control the way you express your thoughts. For example, there is no need to say that a person is a fool, but it is better to say that he was wrong about something for such and such a reason. And get into this habit - if you point out a shortcoming or problem to a person, immediately offer options for solving it or compensating for the shortcoming. And when meeting someone, warn them in advance about your straightforwardness. It's enough. Among my friends there are two people who honestly say whatever they think. And it was they who told me unpleasant things a couple of times, and at first it was offensive, but only thanks to them I was able to get rid of those shortcomings that others preferred to keep silent about.
    • This is not a flaw. And those who are repelled by this are simply not ready to accept the fact of truth. They are satisfied with the lie in which they live.

    6 benefits of being straight

    We are surrounded by a great variety of different people with a set of equally diverse personal qualities - after all, this is what makes our lives so interesting, right? Dealing with all these unique types can be quite a surprising challenge, especially if you are one of the outspoken and outspoken types. It is quite difficult for many to understand and perceive your openness and honesty, although you should definitely be respected for your directness. What are the advantages of human straightforwardness and inability to play and bend?

    There's no need to pretend

    There is no falsehood in straightforwardness, that is, people actually get what they really see in front of them.

    You are simply showing the authentic you, without even trying to please or seem better and without really worrying whether others will like your reactions, statements, actions, behavior and opinions.

    At least other people won’t have to solve riddles about what lies inside you, since you are a living and real person, and not a fake.


    You have the rare and very courageous gift of being honest with people in any situation, regardless of the cost to you of your own honesty.

    You don’t know how to generously show off, but you are unlikely to ever lie, but rather openly lay all your cards on the table.

    What attracts

    Guys with a counterdependent escape type of behavior have several characteristic features that distinguish them from other men.

    1. They skillfully demonstrate success, lack of dependence and self-sufficiency.
    2. As a rule, they reach heights at work. Work activity for them is a reason to hide from their significant other. They manage to find something to do that requires an almost round-the-clock presence.
    3. They make rather blatant hints and entice with promises. In reality, without forcing events on the woman’s part, nothing may happen. After all, despite their attractive appearance and self-confidence, they are very afraid of being rejected. Counterdependence in a man’s relationships is most strongly manifested in the fear of being unnecessary.
    4. They suddenly show openness and vulnerability. At such moments, it becomes clear that inaccessibility, callousness and mistrust are the consequences of a difficult past, which now protect the inner world from destructive influences. Many women fall into these networks, trying to “remove the curse from their enchanted prince.”

    It is noteworthy that the openness and fragility in this case are not at all feigned. These are real human qualities. After all, everyone wants intimacy, affection, mutual understanding. Some people just stubbornly deny it. However, you should not think that you should immediately begin to “treat” such a partner with love.

    Why blunt people can be your best friends

    In your environment, there is probably such a straightforward, harsh and uncompromising person who is unrestrainedly honest and frank. It turns out that this is one of the best types of friends. If you are now trying to protest, let's look at at least five reasons why this statement is correct.

    They tell it like it is

    This means that they will be honest with you, even if you do not want to hear the truth and carefully turn a blind eye to it. Straightforward friends prefer to say what they think so that people can cope with the situation. And this is not cruelty. This is the need to tell people what they need to hear, even if they are afraid of it. Such a friend will never lie to you to spare your feelings. You know for sure that he will not prevaricate, which means there will be no uncertainty in your friendship.

    You will always know if they want to be your friend

    The best thing about straightforward people is that they have no reason to pretend to be friends with people they don't like. They also have no reason to lie about their feelings and thoughts. A straightforward person will tell you whether he likes you or not. If he decides that he likes you, you won't have to worry about what he quietly thinks about you. He just wants to be your friend.

    They motivate you to improve

    When it comes to your shortcomings, some friends will prefer to remain silent about what you need to improve in yourself. This usually comes from a desire not to ruin the friendship or hurt your feelings. This does not stop a straightforward person. He will definitely tell you exactly what you need to do to improve yourself, and you will understand what he means. When you surround yourself with friends like these, your life will completely change. You become more positive, motivated and focused on your priorities. If you need honest feedback and criticism, turn to your most direct friend.

    They're not afraid to apologize

    Admitting your mistakes and failures can be a difficult act for some people. Straightforward people do not see any problem in this, and they calmly accept their shortcomings, voice them and apologize. Friendship with a straightforward person means the absence of quarrels and irreconcilable differences that happen in other relationships. Such a friend always admits when he is wrong and does not hesitate to ask forgiveness for it.

    They won't let you get hurt

    A straightforward friend does not tolerate bad behavior towards himself or his friends. He's not afraid to speak his mind on the matter and will be the first to come to your defense when you need it. He will cover your back and lend a shoulder, especially in a stressful situation. While other people may disappear, step aside, backbite behind your back, or simply take a neutral position, a straightforward friend will fight for you to the end.


    How to behave in the company of such a person?

    First of all, don’t get into trouble. Yes, a straightforward person may overstep all boundaries, but going against him can sometimes cost you more. You can hear a lot of “flattering” things said about yourself. And this is not so pleasant. There is no need to avoid such people: you shouldn’t hide from them all your life. Nevertheless, a straightforward person can become a quite good defender if you manage to make friends with him. In this case, it will be possible to find support from him in time.

    The frank truth is not always pleasant, so sometimes you have to endure the individual’s statements about himself or herself. Although sometimes one can listen to his opinion. After all, a person can point out to a friend those qualities that he simply does not notice, but would like to correct. So the opinion about the danger of communicating with such people is very ambiguous.

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    What qualities do straightforward people have?

    Of course, it all depends on how strongly this trait is expressed in a person and whether he is able to correct his own behavior. Most often, such an individual is surrounded by a whole sea of ​​misunderstanding on the part of his friends. After all, no one likes it when an unpleasant truth is told openly, without hiding it in any way. Such a person immediately becomes an outcast. He will be feared at every meeting. Of course, a lot of patience is needed here so that people get used to his character.

    Some choose a different path, constantly ridiculing their opponents. And this irritates them even more. Some will say that this is madness, because you can really get into trouble. But such people often don’t care about the opinions of others, only the result is important to them. And the result is always the announcement of the truth, no matter how cruel it may be. This is what a “straightforward person” means.

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    What to do with truth tellers?

    The love for truth and primary sources always lives in me. I know well how to deal with this from the inside and not communicate my thoughts to everyone around me on any significant occasion. It's easy with me, just don't ask anything. Unfortunately, not everyone is waiting to be contacted.

    I have developed several rules for protecting myself from aggressive, straightforward people.

    1. Remain friendly even under strong pressure from the outside.
    2. Do not enter into discussion. It is often an ineffective argument for the sake of an argument without a result.
    3. Agree with statements that are clearly true.
    4. Get to know a person better. We all talk about what worries us.
    5. Take note and use useful recommendations. It’s strange to reject them, even if the adviser is unpleasant.

    As you can see, the desire to find and communicate the truth is not always a bad quality. Often this character trait is inherent in ill-mannered and uneducated people. Only now we may not notice obvious mistakes for years and make mistakes. And such a “well-wisher” is able to open his eyes to them. Useful for development.

    Are you a straightforward person?

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