Personal potential: what is it, 5 main components

Greetings, friends!

The world is designed in such a way that all people achieve different heights. Some become successful businessmen or famous artists, while others experience difficulties with ordinary career growth. And this is not always directly related to a person’s abilities. It’s just that not everyone knows how to unlock their potential and be able to realize the talents given by nature. Today we will talk about what is usually meant by personal potential, as well as how to reveal and realize it.

What is personal potential

The name is derived from the Latin word potentia, which translates as “power”, “opportunity”. Personal potential in psychology is a complex of not yet discovered or unused inclinations, abilities, abilities, knowledge, skills, inclinations, characteristics of character and temperament, and personal qualities. Personal potential can be defined as the ability to manage psychological resources in one's own interests.

V. N. Markov and Yu. V. Miryanin define personal potential as the sum of personal resources in different areas: health, study, work, family, communication and others. G. M. Zarakovsky considers this as a person’s self-efficacy. The researcher believes that the quality of life of an individual directly depends on potential. In addition, many authors associate personal potential with a person’s adaptive abilities and the need to adapt to the requirements of society.

Interesting! Unlocking a person's potential is a process of self-actualization and self-realization.

The ability to take risks is a condition for career growth

A moderate, reasonable appetite for risk is an important feature of a successful leader, and therefore is one of the criteria for the high potential of a given individual.

However, risk, like curiosity, is a trait that is required in very moderate doses, measured with pharmaceutical precision. The risk of being misunderstood when you make the only correct, albeit unpopular, decision that will save the company is significantly different from the unjustified desire to get involved in dubious adventures.

Yes, being afraid to take risks, it is difficult to move forward, because at every step something new and frightening may lie in wait for you, but an excessive desire for risk will not make you a successful employee; an excessive commitment to thoughtless risks will sooner or later turn into failure.

Types of personality potential

Personality potentials and their characteristics in the typology of M.S. Kagan (the basis of the classification is the social activity of the individual):

  1. Cognitive (epistemological). This is the amount and quality of information that a person has. Moreover, we are talking about all knowledge: about the world, society, oneself, etc. The quality and volume depend on the life experience, education and natural mindset of the individual.
  2. Value-based (axiological). These are ideals, goals, beliefs, aspirations that a person acquired in the process of life. All this is included in the structure of consciousness and self-awareness of the individual.
  3. Creative (creative). This is the knowledge, skills and abilities of a person that help him create, create, and perform some kind of activity. We are talking about both reproducing according to a model (reproductive labor) and creating something unique (productive labor).
  4. Interpersonal communication potential (communicative). These are the forms, means and volume of communications that a person has. And also this is the content of human communication in each of the social roles.
  5. Aesthetic (artistic). This is the strength and content of human artistic needs, as well as the means and features of their satisfaction. In simple words, this is the need for creative self-expression, demonstrating one’s uniqueness.

Each of these types of potential develops only in the process of active activity. However, desire and aspiration alone are not enough; there must also be natural inclinations and corresponding external conditions (the psychological and pedagogical environment of the individual’s development).

Important! The problem of determining a person’s personal potential in psychology is that there is no single definition and structure for it.

Three vectors of drug development

Due to the lack of a common definition of the concept, it is difficult to define a plan for capacity development. However, psychologists agree that there are three vectors for developing an individual’s potential:

  1. Development of man as a biological being. We are talking about physical, psychological health and development in accordance with all age standards. The result of such development is a healthy, mature and properly functioning organism.
  2. Development of man as a social unit. This means the process of socialization - entry into society. The result of such development is a social individual, that is, a person who was able to adapt to life in society, adapt to its requirements and take on the proposed social roles.
  3. Development of a person as an individual. This means that an individual defends his uniqueness without abandoning the accepted norms of society and social roles. It is a struggle for autonomy while maintaining belonging. The result is an independent person who successfully interacts with other people.

The last direction of development is divided into two more elements:

  1. Development to adulthood. This is a period of work on self-regulation - the ability to manage one’s behavior. A person learns to control himself, to live according to the laws (written and unspoken) of his society. He becomes an active subject of society.
  2. Development after adulthood. A person becomes an active subject of his life. Now he regulates his own behavior not only within the framework of the requirements of society, but also within the framework of the requirements that he puts forward for himself.

Full disclosure of an individual’s potential is only possible when moving along all three vectors.

Let's take a closer look at the rules of how to set goals and achieve them?

  1. Positive formulation - goals are written as a desire to achieve a certain result, and not a rejection of existing realities. The particle “not” should not be present in the wording.
  2. Determine deadlines, volumetric indicators - the deadline for implementing the achievement is important, otherwise there will be no desire to work for results. In addition, the result, level of knowledge, skills, and profitability in business should be specifically determined.

How to set goals and achieve them? Write down everything clearly and specifically, monitor the process of achieving tasks.

  1. A statement in the current tense - for example, “I am learning English, I will achieve fluent communication by the end of this year.” Such formulation helps to tune in to actions in the present, and not sometime in the distant future.
  2. Visualization of the goal - it is useful to imagine the fulfillment of the goal, to feel whether there is satisfaction, happiness or discomfort? It may be worth setting a goal differently to get the desired result.

How to set goals and achieve them? Learn to create your future, and this is the best prediction. Those who clearly see the future and imagine it will always be able to achieve the desired goals.

  1. Compliance with personal values ​​- life goals should not contradict internal beliefs, otherwise the result will not be achieved. It is worth analyzing internal attitudes and working on a psychological level to realize your desires. For example, a lack of self-confidence or a negative attitude towards money hinders the achievement of results in work and business.

How to set goals and achieve them? Work through internal attitudes, correlate goals, desires, aspirations.

  1. to set realistic goals - to become a famous writer or a world-class athlete, but it will take some time. It is worth setting a time frame of several years, rather than waiting for a huge breakthrough in a year. Achieving results comes gradually, as a person develops, his potential and faith.
  2. Sincerity of aspirations - only goals can be realized, the desire for which comes from the heart, chosen independently, and not imposed from the outside. Such goals arouse interest, enthusiasm, and inspire heroism.

Structure of personal potential

Personal potential includes two main substructures and auxiliary qualities on which it is based and which help in its development. Let's present this in table form:

Main substructuresBasic qualities
Realized abilities, that is, what a person already knows, can, uses, does.Systems thinking
Organization skills
Communication competencies
Ability to work in a team and under stress and uncertainty
The need for self-education, self-development and the ability to self-learn, self-develop
Unrealized abilities, that is, what a person does not yet know about himself, because while there was no need for this, hidden abilities were not in demand.Reflection skills
Leadership abilities
High adaptive abilities
Ability to live, work, create in psychologically, economically and socially unstable conditions
Ability to withstand adverse psychological, social and economic factors
Psychological flexibility and mobility of thinking
Skills for optimizing your own behavior
The desire for a healthy lifestyle

Qualities are needed both for those abilities that have already been revealed, and for those that remain to be revealed.

Keep a diary

With the help of a diary it is very easy to understand yourself, your desires and problems. When a person cannot decide on his dreams for a long time, recording everyday events helps a lot.

This way you can find out what exactly brings joy from everyday worries. If someone likes to communicate with children, then maybe it’s worth working with them?

Daily entries have helped many in determining their life preferences.

How to realize your potential

The process of creating conditions for unlocking potential is called the development of the latter. The goal of the work is to transform the potential into the actual. The second is what you already use and know about yourself. The first is something that is a little more complicated than the second, that is, the closest zone of your development.

So, how to form and develop personal potential:

  1. Decide on your key goal in life. This is the only way you can understand what abilities you need to develop, what knowledge, skills and abilities to acquire.
  2. Set intermediate goals and objectives. Think about what you need for each of them. Make step-by-step plans to achieve each. Select the first, closest target.
  3. Decide on the main activity and area in which you can unleash your potential. Think about how this corresponds to what you are doing now. Perhaps it's time to change your profession, choose a new hobby, etc.
  4. Take the first step right now. For example, if you decide to master one of the Internet professions, then find courses and sign up. Start with free webinars, introductory classes or video lectures.
  5. Keep a personal diary. This could be a diary of emotions, achievements, failures - anything.
  6. Learn time management techniques and organize your time. Many people don't even notice how many hours time wasters take up from them. But all these minutes can be spent on developing personal potential.
  7. Give yourself permission to make mistakes. Learn to admit mistakes and learn from them. See challenges as opportunities for growth. Look for other ways to solve problem situations.
  8. Get rid of complexes and other problems. Work on increasing self-esteem, developing optimism, self-confidence and other qualities that are important for self-realization (see table with the structure of potential).

Note! Realization of an individual's potential is a continuous and endless process. There is always a zone of proximal development. In psychology, there is generally an opinion that human potential is limitless, it cannot be fully revealed even in a lifetime.

Internal sources

Speaking about internal sources, psychologists recommend the following actions:

  1. You should start reading various spiritual literature (this could be books on psychology or esotericism, various teachings of philosophers, etc.).
  2. You need to find time to meditate.
  3. You need to start keeping a personal diary.
  4. You should remember your past successes.

This will all help to get inspiration and understand what a person is missing at the moment.


G.M. Zarakovsky believes that it is possible to develop and unlock potential through decency, justice, kindness, loyalty, optimism, friendliness, sincerity, productivity, effectiveness, naturalness, self-development and reflection. Based on this, we have prepared several more practical recommendations.

To release your potential, focus on three things:

  1. Setting goals. Think about what tools will help you become yourself, navigate your way through life, achieve success and become happy.
  2. Achieving goals and overall productivity. Think about how you will motivate yourself.
  3. Stress resistance or resilience. Learn to remain productive regardless of external circumstances.

Be an organizer, performer, motivator and controller in your life. Learn from those who are able to bring their ideas to life, but do not imitate them or obey other people.

​The Joy of Action

Is there anything that brings tangible joy? What is difficult to distract from? What takes priority over everything else ?

For example, if someone likes to edit their photos in special graphics programs, then they can think about professional growth in this area. Take a design or photography course. But for those who are not “burning” with this desire every day, it’s not even worth delving into this topic. In this case, it is better to look for a more suitable activity for yourself.

My experience

It would take a long time to talk about everything. I’ll tell you briefly about unlocking the potential of working as a copywriter (as you understand, the path is not yet completed - it is endless).

Once upon a time I didn’t know what keys, nausea, readability, etc. were. - scary words from the world of copywriting. The requirements for the first texts were minimal - uniqueness. But this was not enough to grow in the profession - you need to master other technical characteristics and verification services. More than once I found myself in the situation of “I can’t handle this. I don’t even know those words and I don’t even understand what is required of the performer here.” But I understood that I could and should figure it out.

So it was, after studying the necessary literature and overcoming fear, I submitted an application for a more complex order. True, the war “I can’t handle it, you can handle it” continued during the execution process. But everything worked out. And with each new such order, the requirements became more clear and simple. Then, of course, something new and complex appeared, but this too soon became something ordinary.

And so in everything: if a person has the ability to do something, this does not mean that everything comes easy to him. Yes, perhaps it is easier than for those who do not have pronounced abilities for a specific type of activity, but it is not easy. The development of personal potential means continuous work on oneself, self-education, overcoming difficulties and fears, and a lot of practice.

When you need to start unlocking your internal reserves

There are several signs that a person urgently needs to start unlocking his own potential. These include the following:

  • lack of energy to do something to change your life for the better;
  • problems at home, at work or in relationships with loved ones;
  • the emergence of thoughts that life is passing by.

These are all signs that the internal reserve that was in a person has exhausted itself. At such moments, you should find sources and begin to develop your potential in order to correct the situation.

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