What is an open space office and what are its features?

According to legend, open workplaces were invented by Potemkin. The statesman was dissatisfied with the laziness of the serfs, and therefore gave a decree on the special placement of outbuildings. They were erected in such a way that the manager could observe the work of each serf. However, open space gained widespread popularity only in the mid-20th century in America. In the 21st century, 90% of American workers work in this type of office. At the moment, open space is becoming more and more common in Russia. Despite their popularity, debates about their feasibility do not subside. Some believe that open workspaces promote corporate spirit, while others believe that they reduce employee productivity.

In some companies, employees are in principle not prohibited from having lunch directly at the office table, although this is questionable from a hygiene point of view and causes displeasure among colleagues who have lunch in the canteen, as well as among visitors (clients). How does this relate to the situation when organizing an open-space office ?

Advantages and disadvantages

The systematic increase in the number of Open space offices is primarily associated with a large number of advantages.

Among the main advantages are:

  1. Saving on rent . Most organizations rent premises to conduct their activities. Open Space helps to accommodate employees much more compactly than is achieved with an office-corridor type. Accordingly, smaller area means lower costs.
  2. Convenient interaction between employees . The proximity of employees to each other helps to quickly solve problems that arise. There is no need to run around different offices wasting a lot of time.
  3. Improved control . An open space does not allow an employee to engage in extraneous activities, since at any moment he can be caught doing so by his boss.
  4. Team spirit and unity . A space without walls makes employees feel equal. An open office greatly reduces the possibility of forming small closed groups and helps team members feel like a single whole. The overall focus on achieving the goals is increasing. Employees gain a sense of shared responsibility.
  5. Adaptation of newcomers is improved . An integral part of the work process is the emergence of new links in it. Employees who have just begun their duties can easily turn to any experienced person for help. The newcomer also gets to know the entire team in a short time.
  6. Documentation timeframes are reduced . All papers are in one place, so there is no need to collect them in offices.
  7. Reducing equipment costs . The compact arrangement of workstations allows you to save at least on connecting wires. Savings are also obtained on office equipment.
  8. Increased customer confidence . According to research, on a subconscious level, clients trust companies with open space office layouts more.

Like any phenomenon, Open space offices have their drawbacks:

  1. Noisy environment . A noisy environment is created, which does not have the best effect on the performance of employees; noise has a particularly strong effect on people with low stress tolerance.
  2. Theft . In this case, we do not mean the theft of personal belongings, but the disappearance of work items such as pens, paper, and a stapler.
  3. Increased conflicts . Each person has his own individual characteristics. It is very difficult to find a compromise on any issue with a large number of interested people.
  4. Spread of diseases . In places where large numbers of people gather, airborne diseases spread much faster. An open office design directly contributes to the spread of diseases at an accelerated pace.


“Before engaging designers, we always study connections within the team, patterns of interaction between people, and their work schedules,” says NAYADA Sales Director Galina Galkovskaya. “To do this, we communicate with executives, managers, and employees

Here it is important to take into account connections and contacts, to give the manager a place so that he can see his subordinates, but they have personal space.”

The manager's desk is usually placed at some distance, and it usually stands out in a slightly larger size, maybe from the same line as the employee desks, but of a different shape and shade. Sometimes it is raised to a slight elevation, sometimes it is separated by an almost transparent partition. “Partitions are our main strength,” says NAYADA Sales Director Galina Galkovskaya, “depending on the size of the company’s office and the specifics of its work, we offer different solutions.”

Employee reviews

In the United States of America, many researchers have studied the comfort of working in Open Space offices. According to studies, most employees complain:

  • that they lack personal space;
  • on indoor climate conditions;
  • to the noisy environment in offices of this type. The noise makes it difficult for them to concentrate.

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