Why a girl won’t let herself be kissed and what a man should do in this case

The long-awaited meeting with his chosen one is not going badly, but when the guy tries to kiss the girl, she suddenly refuses him. Why doesn't the girl you like let you kiss her? What is this connected with? What to do next? This question interests guyswho find themselves in a similar situation. It is necessary to understand the reasons that led to such non-standard behavior girls. Every guy is capable of creating such an environment so that darling was able to trust him, agree to kisses.

Not sure if she likes you

One of the likely reasons why a woman does not want to kiss on the lips is the lack of feelings for this man. His actions just turn her off. There is also a possibility that the girl does not consider the guy as a sexual object; their relationship is friendly. There is a chance that the girl will still agree to spend the couple together in the evening to make sure that he really suits her. In this case, there is little chance that she will like him.

A guy's lack of hygiene, bad breath, and dental problems that cannot be mentioned on the first date make him reluctant to kiss. To prevent such an oversight from happening, it is advisable to prepare for the meeting and take care of fresh breath.

Wants to wait

There is a moment when a girl is alarmed by a guy’s haste; his persistent attempts to quickly get close to a girl can scare her away. The persistence and haste of guys can give the exact opposite of the expected effect; a girl will refuse to kiss herself on the lips.

There is no need to rush when it comes to winning someone over; it’s better for a guy to take care of creating an atmosphere conducive to gentle kisses so that she can relax. This is especially important if you have just started dating. The duration of the relationship also plays a role in this; some time must pass for the lady to get used to the guy.

Negative experience

The presence of negative experiences in a person's past can also affect the desire to kiss. Childhood trauma or sexual abuse can discourage a girl from truly wanting to kiss. To find out the reason behind the reluctance to kiss, the guy asks interesting questions. Throughout the conversation, the girl can share what is preventing her true desire. The degree of trust in a guy depends on the level of her relationship with the girl.

In addition to the negative experiences experienced in the past, complex and awareness of her own insecurities discourage the desire to kiss. The guy will gently and tactfully win over the girl, noticing her advantages, and will subsequently reveal a true pearl in her that she didn’t even know about.

Wants to “tie you to yourself” (cause even greater desire)

The girl believes that by refusing the guy a kiss, she inflames his desire even more. In this situation, we can say that he met a true flirt, playing with his feelings. She likes it when she is conquered, her heart is conquered. Then the guy is patient, and the long-awaited kiss promises to be passionate. Usually such girls love it when they play by their rules, achieving them, it’s just difficult for them to admit it.

Doesn't want to seem approachable

Also, a woman does not want to kiss because of her peculiarities in upbringing; she does not want to seem easily accessible in the eyes of a guy. From childhood, her parents instilled in her refined manners and correct behavior. Such wayward ladies will not succumb to persuasion from guys; their behavior will be unyielding.

In this case, the young man needs to decide whether he really likes the girl, whether he is ready to wait a while until she herself is ready to kiss him. Such girls need a much longer time to develop relationships, it is advisable for a guy to be tactful towards his chosen one, it is better not to raise this issue directly right away, carelessness will push away your chosen one.

Only a positive attitude and appropriate humor

Girls adore cheerful guys who radiate positivity and charge with energy. Girls most likely want to kiss such guys more often than gloomy and sad people who are always dissatisfied with something. The whole world keeps us positive. Agree, how nice it is to watch girls smile sweetly!

With the help of easy tricks of this nature, you can get your long-awaited kisses. Use your imagination and common sense, and it will definitely be yours! Remember, girls love brave and courageous guys!


For what reasons does the woman you've been dating for a long time not want to kiss?

Many couples who have been married for a long time remember that they have not kissed for a long time. The wife's reluctance to kiss is due to her physical condition; perhaps her body is suffering from an illness. In this case, the partner shows understanding, and the relationship improves.

In the questionnaire during the survey, many married women note a reluctance to kiss; only 25% of the surveyed couples exchange routine kisses. The number of kisses of young ladies per day reaches 11 times.

In another case, this is due to the emotional closeness of the partner, her reluctance to make contact. Sometimes a crisis in marital relations takes its toll, a woman is pulled into the quagmire of family life, and there is no longer any strength or desire left for caresses and kisses.

Attention! When a wife does not want to kiss her husband, this indicates an upcoming breakup , a fading of feelings for this separate man. Kisses are a direct expression of emotions and feelings in a couple. When they fade away, the need to express them disappears. If the absence of kisses has become the norm, and before everything was different, then this is a serious reason to think about the future of the couple.

Perhaps the girl had doubts whether the feelings she had previously experienced were real. in taking a wait-and-see attitude at this moment; it is advisable to figure out the relationship, what to do, and think about possible ways to reanimate feelings in a couple.

How to determine a person's character by a kiss

Now let's reveal some secrets concerning women . Do you want to know what it really is? Determine her character by kissing her!

  1. Decisive in her actions, but timid when kissing, the lady is actually very shy. Usually such women hide their complexes behind an iron mask of arrogance. Most likely, sex with such a woman will be classic, where the guy will dominate. These girls really like “bad” guys who like to experiment in bed, are bold and a little rude.
  2. “Wet”, slobbery kisses are typical for inexperienced young ladies. Such girls are very unpredictable in their feelings and desires. Therefore, guys often have a question: “Why did the girl begin to ignore me after the first kiss?”

I’ll tell you right away - it’s not your fault. It's all about women's insecurities and excessive drama. This type of girl can be divided into those who begin to learn quickly and those who withdraw into themselves.

  1. Aggressive kissing is a sure sign of a selfish character. Such ladies only care about their mood and satisfaction. The man will always obey her or she will leave him. While guys are looking for an answer to why the girl lost interest after the first kiss, girls are looking for a new relationship object.

Although there are exceptions. Some women hide their fear of loneliness behind their power and aggression. But there are still more of the first.

What to do and how to act as a guy

The guy first finds out the true reason for this behavior and gets to the bottom of it. Having found out the essence of the problem point, it will become easier to receive long-awaited kisses from the girl. Then your loved one will trust and respond with the desired tenderness.

Useful tips for a guy:

  • The refusal of a loved one should not unsettle you. To woo a girl, contain your emotions; a sharp outburst of anger will push her away;
  • Take care of the entire nervous system, find constructive ways out of aggression, find from your favorite point of contact;
  • When sorting out your relationship with a girl, show restraint, do not get personal, so that the nervous tension between you subsides.

Humor in favor

Girls prefer cheerful guys who radiate positivity and good energy. Girls willingly allow to kiss. Desire comes naturally. Light, appropriate humor will help win over a girl, and the desire to kiss a guy appears naturally and naturally.

All the proposed methods and tips really work , each girl is unique in her own way, so an individual approach will be appropriate here, and the result in the form of a passionate kiss will not be long in coming.

You need to learn how to kiss

Not in the sense of learning techniques (although this is very useful) - but because each new partner kisses in his own way. Moreover, a regular partner may surprise you with his desire to keep or behave differently than usual. Kissing is like dancing. The more time you devote to it, the more technology options come to mind. The brighter the emotions, the more you want to continue. And taste (literally) the lips of your loved one again and again.

From here you can automatically derive the first rule: learn new things. It doesn’t matter how old you are and what you put into a kiss: tenderness or passion, an invitation to sex or parting forever. Do you agree that in all these cases it would be logical to kiss a person in different ways? So give yourself a chance, learn to do it in different ways. If you don’t have a regular partner (and you don’t have any casual ones either, for some reason it didn’t work out) - train on fruits. Juicy and tasty. Very informative.

A person who loves and knows how to kiss is immediately visible

It is also useful to learn because a person who knows how to kiss looks special. It is difficult to explain how exactly this manifests itself. The way his lips are relaxed when he is silent. How easily they form into a small smile. The love for kisses can be felt, if not analytically, then subconsciously. In short, it all comes down to the fact that these are lips that you want to kiss.


The connection turns out to be as paradoxical as it is obvious. Don't know how to kiss because you don't have a partner? Learn - just out of interest and for yourself - and such a person will appear very soon.

Other kissing tricks

It is important to pay attention to how the girl talks, whether she asks a lot of questions, how personal and deep they are, and perhaps meaningless in order to flirtatiously play with a man.

A girl can joke, tell jokes that are not even funny, but laugh at them cheerfully, and actively maintain a conversation with the opposite sex, even on topics that do not interest her at all (for example, football, cars).

To make the kiss desirable, it is important to seize the moment - analyze the situation, take a step towards getting closer, even if the girl immediately moves away, this means that she is playing, flirting, or maybe shy. It’s worth trying again - and you will definitely succeed.

Know how to take the lead in a kiss and act as a slave

Even in tango, a woman does not always follow a man, although she knows how to obey him with her whole body. It's exactly the same with kisses. There is no need to wait for your partner to take the initiative first - because, for example, he is a man. What if he thinks that “I’m somehow different”? First of all, let him think whatever he wants for his own health.

Secondly, it is still clear from a person whether he wants to be kissed or not. At the very least, everyone here seems to be adults. Even if he doesn’t want to kiss - in general or specifically with you and right now - he will say so. In words. With humor or just gently. And nothing will happen after this, the sky will not fall on anyone. And even after this it’s quite possible to continue being friends. If both are truly adults and self-sufficient people.

On the other hand, it is good to be able to obey. As with the first kiss - motivate with alluring eyes, open and inviting gestures, words or other clear and obvious ways. So it is with any other, thousandth kiss - if the partner is clearly determined to take the leading role, let him enjoy it. This is such a delightful game in which you can always change places.

What to do with a man who doesn't kiss?

“Beautiful and Successful”, in fact, does not call for considering all the complexes and shortcomings of raising a man as your personal problems, which you must solve. Psychologists (including family psychologists) exist to combat internal complexes, and if we are talking about complexes that interfere with intimate life, then sexologists do this, since this is the psychology of sexuality. It is quite appropriate to go to a psychologist (as a couple or the guy himself) to find out why a man does not like to kiss and what tangle of psychological problems is hidden behind this.

Girl's behavior before a kiss

If a guy is attentive to the opposite sex, he will be able to notice certain signs:

  • The distance at which a girl holds her partner - the closer, it means she undoubtedly likes him;
  • Pay attention to the eyes - the more often she looks at the guy, lingering on his face and smile, the higher the chances of getting a mutual kiss;
  • No less eloquent lips - he involuntarily licks them, his mouth is slightly open, this is one of the most successful moments for a kiss.

Experts advise paying attention to touch - if she approaches her partner and tries to accidentally touch him, it means she wants closer contact. When he avoids even a friendly hug, then there is no need to rush things.

Attention! You should pay attention to the position in which the girl is sitting - whether she is leaning towards the man or not, trying to evade touching or, conversely, taking advantage of the moment to be closer.

Using your hands you can also get an answer whether the girl is ready for a kiss or not. It is important to see whether she is playing with beads or a chain, perhaps twirling her curls on her finger, thus flirting and showing interest in her partner.

Eyes wide open

When people kiss, giving in to their feelings, they close their eyes. And this turns out to be physiologically justified. During a kiss, the brain experiences a serious overload: it is difficult, almost impossible for it to simultaneously process visual information and tactile sensations.

Trying to focus on the kiss, we cut off the extra flow of data and instinctively close our eyelids.

Psychologists from the British research University Royal Holloway established Sensory Overload: Kissing With Eyes Open Feels Strange Because The Brain Is Doing Too Much, Hindering Pleasure this fact relatively recently - in 2021. But the human subconscious has always known about this. Therefore, someone who kisses with their eyes open seems insincere to us. And it makes a repulsive impression.

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