“I can’t concentrate on anything”: what is the reason and how to deal with it

Good concentration and memory are integral factors in any effective activity and full communication with others. That is why loss of concentration can cause a lot of difficulties for a person and reduce his quality of life. Unfortunately, in modern society there are more and more people with problems such as the inability to concentrate on a task and difficulty remembering new information.

The main causes of loss of concentration and memory

Conventionally, they can be divided into 2 categories. The first includes those that are voluntarily or unwittingly “provoked” by the person himself and those that are caused by a number of diseases.

Causes associated with poor lifestyle

Mental fatigue due to a large amount of information. Daily, long hours of “surfing” on the Internet is one of the main causes of mental stress.

This is interesting! If you are told that multitasking is very effective and you should strive for it, don’t believe it! It is a myth. It has already been scientifically proven that a person cannot do several things at the same time, because his brain begins to “program malfunctions”, like a regular computer with a processor overloaded with tasks.

Chronic stress and emotional burnout. One of the main reasons for decreased concentration, both in children and adults.

Abuse of coffee. In small quantities, coffee stimulates the brain, but its excess, on the contrary, leads to increased fatigue, inability to concentrate and memory impairment.

Long-term, uncontrolled use of medications that correct the activity of the nervous system: antidepressants, tranquilizers, sedatives, barbiturates, etc.

Alcohol, nicotine, drugs. Such substances have the most negative effect on the functioning of the brain, even to the point of destroying its cells.

Violation of the regime. During sleep, nerve cells not only regenerate, but also form new neural connections. Without enough sleep day after day, you force your brain to work “to wear out”, which has the most negative effect on concentration.

Poor nutrition. Convenience foods, cheap food of synthetic origin, “chemical” drinks and sweets - all of this contains substances harmful to health, many of which tend to accumulate in the body. Gradually, they begin to negatively affect memory and the ability to concentrate on a specific task.

Absent-mindedness as a symptom of illness

Absent-mindedness is one of the signs of a number of diseases or other conditions associated with impaired functioning of the body. Below are examples of several diseases/conditions accompanied by absent-mindedness:

  1. Depression.

Many patients describe depression as a state of not wanting anything. Such depression is accompanied by inattention to the surrounding world and increased fatigue when trying to concentrate.

  1. Anxiety disorders.

Anxiety disorders, especially those associated with obsessive thoughts, prevent a person from paying enough attention to study, work, and other important tasks.

  1. Alzheimer's disease.

Patients with Alzheimer's disease experience severe problems with memory and attention. They may forget what they were told recently, not notice, not remember what is happening around them.

  1. Adrenal exhaustion.

This and other endocrine pathologies affect cognitive functions. They can cause forgetfulness and absent-mindedness. Often it is not elderly people who complain of memory impairment, but women of perimenopausal and menopausal age. This is due to changes occurring in a woman’s body.

  1. Withdrawal syndrome (with abrupt termination of taking medications).

Abruptly stopping medication can cause a deterioration in attention and concentration.

  1. Withdrawal syndrome in smokers

Smokers like to say that nicotine kickstarts their thinking process and helps them get their act together. When you suddenly quit smoking, your blood sugar levels drop significantly, which leads to weakness, dizziness, and inattention.


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