Psychological characteristics of affect and its influence on the legal assessment of the infliction of grievous and moderate harm to health in a state of passion

Affect and affective disorder. Lecture by Yakovlev V.A.

Affect is strong emotional experiences that arise in critical conditions with the inability to find a way out of dangerous and unexpected situations and which are associated with pronounced motor and organic manifestations. Affects lead to inhibition of all other mental processes and the implementation of corresponding behavioral reactions. Affect occurs sharply, suddenly in the form of a flash, an impulse. In this case, the main characteristics of attention change and only those objects that are included in the complex of experience are retained in the field of perception. All other stimuli are not sufficiently realized, which is one of the reasons for the practical uncontrollability of this state.

History of affect

Historical reference. At the beginning of the 20th century, among the various “feelings”, affects began to stand out as an independent group. Affects were spoken of as emotional reactions aimed at defusing the emotional arousal that had arisen. According to Witwicki, affect is a sensory state that “acquires very significant strength and becomes a general violent disturbance of mental life.” He classified fear, horror, anger, etc. as affects. K. Stumpf, considering feelings a type of sensation, identified affects as a special type of mental phenomena. Gradually, the idea of ​​some independence of affect became established, and when classifying emotional phenomena, it began to be distinguished along with emotional tone, mood, and emotions themselves. In addition to other well-known signs of affects, A. N. Leontiev identifies one that, in his opinion, distinguishes them from emotions: affects arise in response to a situation that has already actually occurred and in this sense are, as it were, shifted towards the end of the event, while emotions anticipate events that have not yet occurred. Emotions and affect are also shared by A. Sh. Tkhostov and I. G. Kolymba. From their point of view, both of these emotional phenomena represent extreme points of a continuum, “defining the main differences. Then affect appears as an uncontrollable, often pointless experience that forms the natural basis of emotions.”


Intensity (strength)

Affects can differ from each other in strength, ranging from the weakest and consciously controlled, to pathological, which completely exclude the possibility of conscious control.


Like all emotional processes, affects reflect a subjective assessment and significance of something. Just as evaluation can be positive or negative, so affects can be positive or negative. In view of its biological function (quick organization of the subject’s behavior), affects are not ambivalent.


Depending on the impact on activity, affects are divided into sthenic and asthenic. Stenic affects encourage active activity and mobilize human strength (anger, delight, and others). Asthenic affects relax or paralyze forces (powerlessness, horror, and others).

Physiological and pathological

A distinction is made (especially in forensic psychiatry) between physiological and pathological affect. The first, unlike the second, is not accompanied by a loss of self-control, and is not a basis for declaring a person insane. Another violation of the normal functioning of the psyche and may indicate the need for medical intervention. Historically, the definition of “physiological” was introduced to emphasize the difference between a simple, normal affect and a pathological one, to show that its physiological basis is formed by neurodynamic processes that are natural for a healthy person, but the causes observed in the affect of physiological phenomena are of a psychological nature. In modern psychological literature, the concept of “affect” is used without any additional definitions.


Affects of even the same valence may differ in content. For example: anger, delight, fear and others.

Causes of affect

Among the causes of affect are:

  • The emergence of circumstances that threaten a person’s physical existence, related to his biological instincts and needs.
  • Conflict, contradiction between a person’s strong attraction, desire, desire for something and the objective impossibility of satisfying the urge that has arisen.
  • Actions of others that affect a person’s self-esteem and traumatize his personality.

Affect arises in an already existing specific situation and serves for the subject as a unique form of exit from it, a release. In an affectogenic situation, a person must act and feels an irresistible need to do so, but does not find suitable methods of action. This contradiction is what causes the affect. If a person clearly sees the possibilities of adequate behavior, affect does not occur.

Individual psychological characteristics predisposing to the development of affective states are:

  • A complex of innate properties of the nervous system (in people with a weak type of nervous system, which is characterized by mild excitability, increased sensitivity to stimuli, low resistance to strong stimuli).
  • The specific structure of personality, in particular, the features of its self-esteem.
  • Age characteristics of the subject.
  • Temporary functional psychophysiological states that disrupt a person’s resistance to an affectogenic situation (fatigue, insomnia, menstrual periods in women, etc.).

Affective complex and cumulative affect

Experienced states of affect leave strong, stable “affective traces” in long-term memory, which determine the selectivity of subsequent behavior in relation to situations and their elements that previously caused affect. The complex of such traces (“affective complexes”) has a significant impact on the development and functioning of the psyche, personality and behavior of a person - even irritant words that are relatively distant in meaning evoke elements of affective complexes by association.

The repetition of situations that cause one or another negative affective state leads to the accumulation of affect, which can be discharged in violent, uncontrollable affective behavior (“affective explosion”, “cumulative affect”). In connection with this property of affects, various methods of “canalization” of affect have been proposed for educational and therapeutic purposes.

Types of affect

The following types of affect are distinguished:

  • Classic affect. A rapid, violently occurring emotional reaction of an explosive nature. It lasts for an extremely short period of time, after which a decline occurs.
  • Cumulative affect. The first phase of cumulative affect is usually very extended over time - from several months to several years. During this time, a psychotraumatic situation develops, which causes the cumulation (accumulation) of emotional stress. An affective explosion in itself can occur due to a minor reason, which plays the role of the “last straw”.

Signs of affective behavior

The main indicators of the state of affect are:

  1. Disorganized motor activity (a person may twitch, grimace, or make unnatural movements).
  2. Unreasonable behavior.
  3. Sudden and usually inappropriate conditions for a person.
  4. A feeling of exhaustion at the mental and physiological level.
  5. Emotions of an extremely violent, explosive nature.
  6. Unconscious actions that cannot be controlled.
  7. A quick onset and an equally quick stop.

Useful tips

If you consider yourself an overly sensitive and vulnerable person, and are also afraid that you will soon lose your temper, pay attention to strengthening your nervous system. To do this, use one of the effective methods to prevent the development of affects:

  1. Regular exercise. You don't have to rush headlong to the nearest gym. Replace trips to the store with walking, take the stairs, get off the bus a couple of stops before your home.
  2. Yoga. According to psychologists, it is very useful for frequent affective states. Smooth movements will help relax not only the body, but also the mind. Your blood circulation and breathing will also improve.
  3. Relaxation. Gradually relax all parts of the body, starting from the head and working downwards. This will help you feel like you are in control of the situation. And control, in turn, will reduce the risk of developing a state of passion.
  4. Massage. Like relaxation, it gives a sense of self-control and also helps relieve tension.
  5. Reflexology. This is an acupressure massage, often combined with aromatherapy or hydrotherapy. Stimulating certain points of the human body allows you to relax all muscles and calm down.
  6. Meditation. It helps to distract yourself, get rid of fear, and at least temporarily distance yourself from reality and irritating factors. You will find absolute peace and get rid of negative emotions. Do a simple exercise: you need to choose any word or phrase. Afterwards, in a sitting position, close your eyes and relax. Focus on your breathing, repeating the spoken word in rhythm with it as you exhale. Do this for 10-20 minutes and daily if possible.
  7. Autogenic training. Essentially, this is the same self-hypnosis. Repeat that you do not have any problems, that there is no need to instantly react to the situation, that you urgently need to relax.
  8. Color therapy. Everyone knows that colors have a certain influence on a person’s psyche and mood. For example, green is calming. Use it in your wardrobe and interior design.
  9. Homeopathy. Controversial method of treating affective states. Therefore, it can only be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

If there are no contraindications, you can strengthen the nervous system with the help of medicinal herbs. They will help you cope with uncontrollable behavior, improve your mood, and get rid of emotional stress.

Mint or ginseng tea effectively soothes. You can also add lemon balm to it or purchase ready-made soothing herbal infusions.

Herbal extracts and essential oils are added to the hot bath. Oils of lavender, sage, valerian, and lemon balm have proven themselves well.

What are the behavioral signs of affect?

According to behavioral signs, affect resembles hysteria, but its manifestations are more vivid and short-lived.
Another characteristic feature of affect is suddenness. This condition develops very quickly and unexpectedly, even for the person experiencing it. For others, the affect comes as a complete surprise. Psychological signs of affect:

Narrowing of consciousness - one idea or emotion dominates in the consciousness, which makes it impossible to perceive an adequate picture of the world

Attention is focused on the source of the experience

Loss of a sense of reality - it seems to a person that everything is not happening to him.

Lack of control over one's behavior is associated with a weakening of the will, as well as a violation of logical and critical thinking.

Fragmentation of perception - the environment is not perceived holistically. Individual emotions or fragments of the external world come into view. The situation is also perceived fragmentarily - a person hears only individual phrases.

Loss of the ability to think critically and process situations intellectually. A person stops weighing the pros and cons, doubting and analyzing what is happening. This deprives him of the ability to make the right decisions and foresee the consequences of his own actions.

Loss of ability to communicate. It is impossible to come to an agreement with a person. He hears speech, but does not perceive it, does not listen to arguments.

Orientation in space is disrupted. A person does not notice objects and obstacles in his path.

Weakness. Emotional devastation and physical weakness are characteristic of the final stage of affect. They indicate that the emotional explosion is over and the body is moving on to the recovery phase.

Physical (bodily) signs of affect that are noticeable to others

  • A furious, angry, or confused facial expression. A person completely loses control over his facial expressions, which manifests itself in grimaces.
  • Screams, often involuntary, abrupt. Sometimes accompanied by crying.
  • Motor agitation is rapidity in movements, while coordination is often impaired.
  • Stereotypical movements - a person can deliver the same type of blows.
  • Nervous tic of the eye, corner of the mouth, twitching of the arm, leg.
  • Numbness is a sharp decrease in mobility and apparent indifference. This stress response can be an alternative to yelling and aggression.

Being in an affective state, a person commits actions that he would never dare to take in another situation. For example, a mother, feeling a threat to her child, may knock down oak doors, or a physically weak person may beat up several athletes attacking him. However, affect is not always a useful reaction. Under its influence, a person can injure himself, inflict serious injuries on the offender, or even commit murder.

What is affect in psychology?

First, let's find out what a state of affect is. It is important to understand that the essence of the terms in psychiatry and psychology are not equivalent. Affect in psychology is, first of all, the body’s defensive reaction to stimuli, an outlet for emotions, which is expressed by certain actions.

Translated from Latin, affectus means impulses, passion, emotional disturbances that a person experiences in a certain situation. Even falling in love can be called an affect. Under the influence of feelings, we often commit rash actions.

Fact! Swindlers, gigolos, selfish ladies take advantage of their partner’s state of love. A person, in a fit of passion, makes expensive gifts to someone for whom he has feelings, leaves the family, and commits illegal actions. Later, he does not understand what was guiding his consciousness, and claims that he was hypnotized, he was as if in a fog. These are signs of affect.

The state of affect is a short-term phenomenon. A person often cannot explain what provoked the action he committed. Most of the time he doesn't even remember what he did.

Let's not forget that a person in a state of passion can be dangerous. He is capable of murder. For example, a jealous and deceived husband found his wife with her lover. As a result, the couple was killed. The man does not remember exactly how the event occurred. Psychiatrists explain that he was in a state of passion.

A person experiencing severe anxiety is unable to adequately assess the situation. He is not aware of what is happening, he cannot analyze the events.

His actions are explained by impulse. Most often, affect arises as a consequence of the inability to find a way out of the current situation.

All other processes in the body slow down, including mental ones. Special affective complexes develop that provoke the object to action.

The person is not aware of the consequences. He seems to fall out of space, is in prostration. There is only one fact that excites him. He acts as the emotions that overwhelm him at the moment tell him.

Conventionally, the state of affect can be called a reaction of the body, an outburst of emotions and feelings. It doesn't matter whether they are positive or negative.

The main feature of affect is that it is not recognized by the individual. It arises against his will. This is an uncontrolled process. Control over behavior is completely lost.

Why are such conditions dangerous?

Affect does not always pose a threat to others, but the person experiencing it can cause relative or even serious damage. In a state of passion, a person can suffer physically (break down, get hurt, break something). Often this condition leads to death. For example, as in the case when a soldier tries to shield his comrade from bullets.

Also, due to outbursts of passion and anxiety, the human psyche may suffer. Most often this is expressed in the form of disorders:

  1. Bipolar affective disorder (alternating emotional highs and lows).
  2. Depression or depressive episodes of varying severity.
  3. Chronic mood disorder.
  4. Various anxiety disorders.
  5. Phobias that are associated with interaction with society (fear of speaking in public, fear of communicating with strangers).
  6. Agoraphobia (fear of leaving home if someone close to you is not nearby).
  7. The development of hypochondria (a person begins to feel the need to constantly go to the doctor, it seems to him that something hurts).
  8. Stress disorders.

The consequence of affect is always emotional exhaustion and a drop in the level of personal productivity, a broken, unstable state.

How to help with a condition

When experiencing a state of passion, a person needs help.


Help with affectivity necessarily includes relief of symptoms with the help of drug therapy, psychotherapeutic assistance and assistance in further social adaptation. All these actions are performed by specialists (psychiatrist, psychotherapist, other medical personnel).

Is it possible to help yourself?

In some cases, a person can help himself. This is especially necessary for people who are not fully aware and do not fully experience their emotions. If tension occurs, they should:

  1. Take a short break and try to understand your own emotions. The questions “What feeling am I experiencing now”, “What is happening to me?” will help a person with this.
  2. If you have difficulty naming your own feelings, you should turn to the 7 basic emotions and choose the most suitable one from the list. 7 basic emotions: shame, guilt, fear, anger, sadness, joy, surprise.
  3. When the feeling is selected, try to understand to whom it is addressed from the outside. The answer “to yourself” is not suitable, since any emotion has its own object.
  4. Try to understand what need was not satisfied, what you really want now (recognition, attention, love, security, power, self-realization). If a negative feeling arises, then there is an unsatisfied need. These processes are always interconnected.
  5. When the emotion has been realized, it needs to be realized or directed to the object to which it should have been addressed. For example, tell a person: “With your words/actions, you offended/insulted/scared me.”

Of course, it is impossible to insure yourself against accidents, difficult life situations and emergencies, but you can learn to express your emotions and protect yourself from affect that may arise in everyday life.


If a person experiences serious difficulties with understanding and experiencing emotions, it is worth starting to keep a diary and learn mindfulness. A diary will help you structure your achievements and correct your mistakes in time.

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How to help yourself during the heat of the moment?

Ignore irritants. Don't let people or circumstances affect you. Mentally build a strong wall around yourself, within which you are safe.

Accept the inevitable. If you are unable to change the situation, then try to change your attitude towards it. Tune yourself to ignore irritants.

Analyze your emotions, name them. Realize that at this moment you feel irritation, and at this moment you feel anger. In this way, you will eliminate the factor of suddenness in the development of affect, which will help interrupt it.

Monitor your readiness for action. Be aware of what actions this emotion pushes you to do and what they can lead to.

Control your facial expression. It is advisable to keep the chewing muscles and the muscles around the eyes relaxed. This will help you maintain control over your actions and emotions.

Concentrate on all the details to see the full picture of what is happening. This will help to comprehensively analyze the situation, see positive aspects and ways out of the crisis. If you feel overwhelmed by emotions, try focusing on your breathing, start studying the small details of surrounding objects, and wiggling your toes.

Focus on positive memories

Think of a loved one whose opinion is important to you. Imagine how he would behave in this situation

Pray if you are a believer. Prayer calms and increases concentration, distracts from negative emotions.

Don't feel remorse. Affect is a natural reaction of a healthy human psyche. It is laid down by nature as a mechanism for preserving the species. In most situations, after passion, it is enough to simply apologize for incontinence.

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