Interaction in psychology. What is it, types, concept of social, manipulative, interpersonal, principles, methods, types, styles

In this article we will tell you:

  1. Interpersonal relationships in human interaction
  2. Features and examples of interpersonal relationships
  3. 5 principles of human interaction
  4. 4 types of human interaction
  5. 13 Tips for Building Positive Relationships

Human interaction is a relationship based on feelings, communication, and involves joint activities. They are based on social connections that already exist or emerge again between members of society. Verbal and non-verbal, spontaneous or gradual - there are many options.

As a rule, interpersonal relationships are established for a specific purpose: to receive some benefit, share emotions, feel support, learn or communicate something. Important components of such relationships are mutual trust and understanding.


Interaction in psychology is the process of direct or indirect influence of people on each other as a result of communication, which gives rise to their interconnection or isolation. This definition of the concept is the most common in modern psychology, but not the only one.

A revolution in the way we study the human psyche has allowed the science of relationships to reach a new level and distinguish between the concepts of soul and body as separate areas of study. The problem of their relationships has become particularly acute. The definition of interaction has changed depending on the influence of time and the interpretation of various schools of psychology.

  • Rene Descartes, a French philosopher, described interaction as the complete dependence of a living body on the influence of external forces.
  • The scientist and thinker from the Netherlands, Benedict Spinoza, defined the mental principle in man as the result of the interaction of the body and nature, which is also an influential factor in this interaction.
  • According to the theory of Parson, an American sociologist, interaction between individuals underlies the construction of individual human activity. With this approach, the entire diversity of social activity is built from the psychology of the individual.
  • Social psychologists, Americans Thibault and Kelly presented a theory of interaction in a dyad. This approach implies that interaction should be considered any interpersonal relationship that is characterized by a real exchange of behavioral reflexes within a specific situation. The interaction will continue as long as both participants receive mutual benefits from the interaction.
  • Polish sociologist J. Szczepanski proposed a different model for defining interaction, according to which interaction is not characterized by individual acts, but is divided into successive stages.
  • According to G. Mead's concept, interaction is the starting point of every social psychological research. In a situation of interaction, personality formation occurs. The individual recognizes himself as a person in joint activities with others.
  • Domestic psychology also considers various schemes of interaction situations. According to Galina Andreeva, interaction is defined as a form of organization of specific human activity.

Interaction of participants in the educational process in the conditions of inclusive education of children with disabilities


Interaction of participants in the educational process in the conditions of inclusive education of children with disabilities

Interaction of participants in the educational process in the conditions of inclusive education of children with disabilities.

Author: Gladkova Elena Viktorovna


Inclusive education (English inclusion - inclusion, including education , joint learning) is a form of education in which every person, regardless of existing physical, intellectual, social, emotional, linguistic and other characteristics, is given the opportunity to study in general educational institutions . , for disabled people and people with disabilities

conditions : redevelopment of classrooms, new teaching methods, adapted curriculum, modified assessment methods and others.
The first attempts to integrate people with disabilities into society were carried out in parallel in the Scandinavian countries, the USA and Japan. In the 1970s, the development and implementation of regulations began to expand the educational opportunities of people with disabilities. Canada , Cyprus, Denmark, Belgium, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, the USA and the UK the most advanced legislative framework in the field of

The first inclusive educational institutions appeared in Russia at the turn of 1980-1990. In 1991, the first inclusive education “Kovcheg”

In the fall of 1992, the project “Integration of Persons with Disabilities”
, as a result of which experimental sites for integrated education
of children with disabilities . In 2008, Russia signed the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and in 2012 it approved at the legislative level the possibility of education for all children , regardless of their health limitations in the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation ” of December 29, 2012.
According to the law, inclusive education is ensuring equal access to education for all students, taking into account the diversity of special educational needs and individual capabilities.

Inclusive education involves teaching children with disabilities not in a specialized, but in a regular educational institution. At the same time, they can still receive education in special institutions.

Participants in the inclusive educational process of a preschool educational institution are children, their parents (legal representatives, teaching staff. The relationship between them is regulated by an agreement, which includes mutual rights , duties and responsibilities of the parties arising in the process of education , training, development, supervision, care and health improvement children , the duration of a child’s stay in a preschool educational institution , as well as calculation of the amount of fees charged to parents (legal representatives)

for maintaining a child in a preschool
educational institution .
The relationship between the child and the staff of the preschool educational institution is built on the basis of cooperation, respect for the child’s personality and giving him freedom of development in accordance with his individual characteristics.

Children are participants in the educational process in the context of inclusive education

Children with disabilities are disabled children or other children aged 0 to 18 years who are not recognized as disabled children in the established order, but have temporary or permanent physical and (or)

mental development
caused by congenital , hereditary, acquired diseases or consequences of injuries and requiring the creation of special conditions for training and education.
Currently, the pedagogical classification is based on the following categories of children with developmental disorders:

• Children with hearing impairments (deaf and hard of hearing, the primary impairment is sensory in nature, auditory perception is impaired due to damage to the auditory analyzer. The category of children with hearing impairments includes children with persistent bilateral impairment of auditory function, in which speech communication with others through oral speech difficult or impossible.

• Children with visual impairments (blind, visually impaired, the primary impairment is sensory in nature, visual perception suffers due to organic damage to the visual analyzer. Children with visual impairments practically cannot use their vision in orientation and cognitive activities.

• Children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, the primary disorder is movement disorders, due to organic damage to the motor centers of the cerebral cortex. Movement disorders are characterized by disturbances in coordination, tempo of movements, limitation of their volume and strength. They lead to the impossibility or partial disruption of movements of the musculoskeletal system in time and space.

• Children with severe speech impairments, the primary defect is speech underdevelopment. Children with speech impairments include children with psychophysical abnormalities of varying severity, causing disorders of communicative and generalizing (cognitive)

speech functions.

• Children with mental retardation, they are characterized by a slow rate of formation of higher mental functions and relatively persistent states of immaturity of the emotional-volitional sphere and intellectual deficiency, not reaching mental retardation, due to mild organic lesions of the central nervous system (CNS)


• Children with intellectual development disorders, the primary disorder is organic brain damage, causing impairment of higher cognitive processes . Mentally retarded children are children who have a persistent, irreversible disorder of mental development, primarily intellectual, that occurs in the early stages of ontogenesis.

• Children with disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere (children with early childhood autism)

represent a heterogeneous group characterized by various clinical symptoms and psychological and pedagogical characteristics.
All children with autism have impaired development of communication and social skills.
• Children with complex (difficult)

developmental disorders that combine two or more primary disorders (for example, hearing impaired with cerebral palsy, visually impaired with mental retardation, etc.).

Status “child with disabilities”

is established by the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission. It can be changed if the child shows positive dynamics as a result of the psychological and pedagogical assistance provided.

Inclusive education for children with disabilities allows them to expand their circle of communication with people without developmental disabilities of different ages, which increases the level of their socialization and communication skills. This is important because children with disabilities and disabilities are often limited in their communication with family, specialists, and peers similar to themselves. In addition, such communication helps to overcome social stigma. It becomes possible to visit museums, exhibitions, theaters, and cinemas that are adapted for people with disabilities. Children 's academic achievements improve when special accommodations to meet their special educational needs . Such conditions include the architectural environment, methodological and personnel support, advanced training of teachers, and the use of special techniques, methods and technologies of teaching. Inclusive education allows children with special needs to master the educational program in the version that is available to them, at a pace that is convenient for them. process can be combined with the necessary correctional and developmental activities and health improvement. Children with disabilities, as a rule, study in educational institutions within walking distance from home. Therefore, they have the opportunity to communicate with classmates in their free time outside of class.

Helping peers with disabilities helps to develop in healthy children attentiveness , responsiveness, tolerance and readiness to help. Ordinary children learn to respect and appreciate their classmates, to see what lies behind the external manifestations of specialness and disability.

The content of inclusive education with children is implemented in different forms of education : conversations and reading fiction, modeling game situations, through didactic games, individual lessons with specialists, active actions in a specially organized environment (free play in a group room, in specially equipped rooms, walk, joint activities and play in micro groups with other children, carrying out routine moments of the educational process, developing self-regulation and self-service skills.

Parents (legal representatives)

participants in the educational process in the context of inclusive education
Today, one of the most important tasks facing the kindergarten is “ interaction with the family to ensure the full development of the child’s personality.” In this regard, not only the forms and methods of interaction with parents of pupils are changing, but also the philosophy of interaction : from “working with parents”


In accordance with this, parents should be active participants in the educational process , and not just outside observers.

The interaction between kindergarten and family is a necessary condition for the full development of preschool children in the conditions of inclusive kindergarten education . The success of correctional and educational work to overcome the defect and the process of raising children as a whole on their interaction , since the best results are observed where specialist teachers and parents act in concert.

Work with the family is carried out in 2 areas:

• increasing the level of competence of parents on the development and upbringing of children with disabilities ;

• involvement in direct educational activities .

In order to plan work with parents, you need to get to know the parents of your students well. Therefore, we begin our work by analyzing the social composition of parents, their mood and expectations of their child’s stay in kindergarten. Further work with parents is carried out through various forms of interaction :

• questionnaire (to analyze the mood and expectations of parents from their child’s stay in a preschool educational institution)


• individual conversations and consultations, analysis of the social status of the family, establishment of partnerships; to activate and enrich the educational skills of parents, supporting their confidence in their own pedagogical capabilities.

• holidays (creating an atmosphere of mutual understanding , community of interests, emotional mutual support ).

Conducting surveys and personal conversations helps to properly organize work with parents, make it effective, and select forms of interaction with the family . And subsequent forms of interaction will help parents actively join the educational process .

Many parents of healthy children worry that the teacher or educator will not pay enough attention to healthy children due to the fact that he will constantly have to spend his precious time on special children . However, an ordinary group includes no more than 2-3 children with special needs, and the teacher pays as much attention to them as to healthy children. If we are talking about disabled children with complete intellectual integrity, then, as a rule, they do not have any additional needs that would force the teacher to delay the rest of the group of children in the learning process . For children with limited needs, preschool education received on a general basis is a real chance to get rid of many difficulties of a socio-psychological nature that most disabled children .

The content of inclusive education with parents is implemented in various forms of education : thematic parent meetings and consultations, accessible information about work on inclusion , comprehensive classes for children and parents , including games, creative activities, music classes, counseling of parents by specialists on issues of interest, discussion of concerns for parents problems, information and psychological support.

Organizations, teaching staff, specialists - participants in the educational process in the conditions of inclusive education

For the successful implementation of inclusive preschool education, it is necessary to adopt the ideology of inclusion , create a special barrier-free environment, create a team of highly qualified specialists, facilitate its training, and the ability to build relationships with parents and other public organizations. The subject-development environment should be accessible, developing, and equipped with modern equipment. Teachers and specialists must implement an inclusive approach , have methodological support, legal support, and an open system of interaction with society .

Inclusive preschool education is implemented in two main forms.

At a preschool institution, special groups can be organized for children with special needs. Despite the fact that special children are taught separately, they remain included in the social life of the preschool institution, participate in social events along with healthy children, etc. Typically, children with deviations and delays in mental and intellectual development are taught in special groups.

In another form, inclusive preschool education is implemented by directly including children with special needs in a group where they study on a common basis with all children. This option is more often used if the intelligence is preserved in disabled children .

To achieve the goals of inclusion, specialists from various fields work in the preschool institution - psychologists, speech pathologists, speech therapists, educators, additional education , and medical workers. To work effectively in an inclusive group, it is necessary to build various schemes for organizing the interaction of specialists . These schemes will depend on the composition of the children in the inclusive group , and will be determined by a combination of individual educational plans and the Educational Program .

Rules for an inclusive educational institution

• All pupils are equal in the children's community.

• All pupils have equal starting opportunities and access to process during the day.

• All students should have equal opportunities to establish and develop important social connections.

• Teachers plan and conduct effective education and training of preschoolers.

• Staff involved in the process of upbringing and education are trained in strategies and procedures to facilitate the process of inclusion , i.e. the social integration of pupils.

• The program and process of education and development takes into account the needs of each preschooler.

• Families “included”

pupils are
participants in the educational process .
• Engaged employees are positive and understand their responsibilities

Goal and objectives of inclusive education :

Specific tasks:

• qualified correction of deviations in the physical or mental development of pupils;

• integration of children with health problems into a single educational space, providing conditions for the joint upbringing and education of children with different psychophysical developmental characteristics, organizing such an educational development space for everyone and a barrier-free environment, allowing children with disabilities to receive modern preschool quality education and upbringing , harmonious comprehensive personal development;

• formation of a tolerant community of children , parents, staff and social environment;

• creating an opportunity for all students to fully participate in the life of the preschool educational institution team

Goals and objectives - a system of objectives of three levels:

• correctional - correction of deviations and developmental disorders, resolution of developmental difficulties;

• preventive – prevention of deviations and difficulties in development;

• developing - optimization, stimulation, enrichment of development content.

And only the unity of the listed types of tasks can ensure the success and effectiveness of inclusive education and correctional and developmental programs.

Basic principles of inclusive education :

1. A person’s value does not depend on his abilities and achievements.

2. Every person is capable of feeling and thinking.

3. Every person has the right to communicate and to be heard.

4. All people need each other.

5. True education can only take place in the context of real relationships .

6. All people need the support and friendship of their peers.

7. For all learners, making progress is more likely to be in what they can do than in what they cannot do.

8. Variety enhances all aspects of a person's life.

General strategy for the activities of participants in the educational process in an inclusive group

1. Request for examination of a child: administration (monitoring, teachers, parents (developmental problem)

2. Examination and coordination of the activities of all specialists in correctional and developmental work: teachers (defectologist, speech therapist, psychologist, specialists, educators

3. Implementation of the consultation recommendations

4. Analysis of the effectiveness of correctional and developmental work with children.


As many years of research have shown, the full development of a child with disabilities occurs subject to the presence of two components of his life - a full-fledged family and a kindergarten. The family provides the intimate and personal relationships , the formation of a sense of security, trust and openness to the world. At the same time, the family itself needs support, which the kindergarten is designed to provide to it within the framework of inclusive education - parents can work and study, improve professionally and personally, without feeling guilty that the child is abandoned at this time, they can be sure that the child is in comfortable conditions , is eating normally, and is being cared for by teachers and speech pathologists. In addition, the preschool education system has traditionally taken a differentiated approach to parental fees; low-income families received benefits, i.e., they were provided with targeted support.

What does kindergarten give to the child himself? The main advantage of a kindergarten is the presence of a children's community, thanks to which a space of social experience for the child is created. A child with disabilities adapts and socializes in the process of interaction with his healthy classmates. Only in the conditions of a children's community does a child get to know himself in comparison with others, adopt methods of communication and interaction that are adequate to various situations, and overcome his inherent egocentrism (focus on himself, perceiving the environment exclusively from his own position). No one, even a very smart adult, can make up for this. Integrating oneself into the children's community is an important qualitative change in the child's development, without which his further smooth progress on the path of learning and social contacts is impossible.

For ordinary or gifted children , being in a group of children with special needs is not a fact that poses a threat or poses a danger to their successful learning.

The idea that children with disabilities disrupt the process of mastering the program is unfounded. The time spent on children with special needs is absolutely comparable to the time spent by the teacher.

Ordinary students and gifted children can benefit from an inclusive approach to education by improving the quality and improvement of pedagogical technologies in preschool institutions. Some children with learning disabilities require new educational ; for example, the use of information technology is very often necessary when teaching children with disabilities . Other children benefit from the use of these technologies, and in addition, all other students can use these programs and technologies at times when they are not necessary for the education of children with disabilities . Ordinary children or gifted students benefit from inclusive spaces due to increased financial resources for such education. Money received from "special programs"

, can be used to support the learning of not only
children with disabilities , but also their healthy peers.
These tools can be used in various ways, for example, to organize an activity, invite guests to perform, or provide the group with additional technical learning tools that can be used by all children, not just children with disabilities. In the inclusive educational process, ordinary or gifted children learn to respect and value their classmates with disabilities, to see what lies beyond the line of disability or giftedness, and to distinguish between social stigmas.

The process of interaction between children with disabilities and healthy children creates a positive experience, consisting in the growth of social consciousness, in the awareness of the absence of differences between people, in the development of self-awareness and self-esteem, in the formation of their own principles, and last but not least - it promotes sincere care and friendship. Thus , we can conclude that a modern general education program must include the changes and conditions necessary for the successful implementation of inclusive education , namely, accepting the individuality of each individual student and meeting the special needs of each child .

Accept these children , “other”
children , for who they are, give them your attention, and hide pity and contempt away.
After all, this will only make life easier and better for everyone. By melting the cold of our hearts, we will get a good friend and interlocutor. In conclusion, I would like to note that finding the most optimal ways, means, methods for the successful adaptation and integration of children with disabilities into society is the task of everyone.

Types, types, styles

Interaction in psychology is the interactive action of individuals in a social environment, which is determined by many forms, types and styles. Social interaction is called interaction.

This concept refers to those actions of individuals that closely influence the actions and actions of others. Interactive interaction comes in various forms.

In modern psychology, the classification of P.A. is most often used to classify the types, types and styles of social cooperation. Sorokin, an American social psychologist of Russian origin.

He considered interaction as an exchange and classified it into the following types:

Interaction typeFormAreas of use
ImperativeAuthoritarian. Establishes control over the partner's actions. Provides coercion to certain actions. Relationship: Superior-subordinate. Regular military relations, work in extreme conditions.
ManipulativeCovert use of a partner in achieving individual goals. The desire to achieve control over the actions of another person. Business, politics, advertising, propaganda.
DialogicalEqual influence for the purpose of mutual knowledge and self-improvement.Wide scope

Russian psychologist S. Bratchenko added this classification with three more styles:

  • Altruistic – actions for others to the detriment of oneself, development of a partner at one’s own expense. Such interaction implies that one of the participants ignores their problems.
  • Comfortable - the individual fully joins the opinions of other participants, agreeing with all actions. In this situation, there are no opportunities for self-development.
  • Indifferent – ​​the position of a pragmatist, in which psychological problems of communication are ignored. There is no opportunity for partner development.

The following types of interaction are distinguished, depending on the way the contact of external properties is carried out:

  • declarative (verbal);
  • physical;
  • sensorimotor (gesture).

The interaction of an internal property is mental.

All types have common properties - meaningful orientation towards another person and motivation.

A common division in psychology is into two main opposing types: cooperation and competition.

  • Cooperation is mutual cooperation based on reaching a mutual agreement on the means to achieve a goal, which is not violated until the desired result is achieved.
  • Competition is the interaction of personal or collective interests in conditions of confrontation between the parties.

Characteristics and principles

Awareness of the laws of relationships helps self-development and successful achievement of goals.

Any social action has the following basic characteristics:

  • Always has an external reason or purpose.
  • Expressed and accessible to observation from the outside.
  • Tied to a specific situation.
  • Expresses the immediate intentions of all participants.

Interaction in society, the success of a collective or individual enterprise - these topics are always relevant for sociologists. Many experts in the field of psychology and sociology are working on the principles of productive cooperation. Psychosocial theorist Milton Erickson insisted on the close interconnection of an individual's physiological, mental, and social actions.

Its basic principles are as follows:

  • All people are unique and have the right to be themselves. To create an atmosphere of trust, it is necessary to accept a person with all his views and beliefs. The realization that everyone is individual in nature leads to awareness of their individuality and inner comfort.
  • Everyone has their own internal resources to achieve a personal goal. Their implementation depends on the strength of desire. When starting cooperation with a person with similar goals, you do not need to initially judge his capabilities; the main thing is to find the right general strategy.
  • Each choice of a person in a given situation is the only correct and necessary one under the influence of external circumstances. Therefore, you should not worry about past failures; it is better to concentrate on the current moment.
  • Any negative action should be looked at from the perspective of the person who committed it. Behind all actions, even bad ones, there is an initial intention of positive action towards oneself or another person. This suggests that there are no completely negative people. There are those who try to achieve their positive intentions in a way that negatively affects others. If you look at the situation from his side, you may be able to direct your partner or competitor in the right direction.
  • Nothing stays the same. New experiences, new technologies, new environments lead to constant changes. The system of values ​​within a person also changes with age and under the influence of new knowledge. Changing goals and ways to achieve them is not a tragedy, but only a new step along the way.

Role-playing games

It is almost impossible to find a person who does not play some kind of games in his relationships with others. To do this, you need to be crystal clear, sincere, have no hidden interests, and ignore personal motives and goals. Therefore, almost everyone, interacting with other people, chooses some role for themselves.

From this point of view, the famous theory of Eric Berne, a man who devoted most of his life to the analysis of interactions (transactions), is interesting.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Berne identified 3 main roles that a person takes in different life situations.


The main characteristic of this role is not to take responsibility. It’s better to seem weak, to arouse pity, to tell why everything is bad for you, than to admit that you are afraid or too lazy to do something.

Often this role is taken on by people who are accustomed to being victims. Remember how often some friend of yours cried that all her friends were alcoholics, womanizers or absolutely worthless people. Every broken relationship was always someone else's fault. Moreover, her ideal seems to be a person who will be strong, smart, rich, i.e. capable of providing all her needs and protecting her from any adversity.


The ideal child is most often the parent. All his actions are aimed at protecting the “poor, little bird” suffering from the injustice of the world. By doing this, he takes on too much responsibility, which he cannot cope with, breaks down under its yoke, or becomes a despot.

In the first case, the broken parent begins to blame the world and those whom he has taken under his protection for injustice and ingratitude.

In the second situation, he begins to treat those around him as youngsters incapable of anything, completely ignoring their real needs and capabilities. This type of interaction occurs between a boss and subordinates. It often appears between spouses, and then the situation can reach the point of absurdity when everything is controlled:

  • Money (even if the “protected party” earned it);
  • Choice of clothes;

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

  • Time and weather for walks;
  • Resting-place;
  • Purchasing and selecting products.

Another interesting trait of parents is the desire to be the best in everything. Of course, the child also wants this, but the latter dreams of ideals and quickly gives up, recognizing the greatness of the world and the impossibility of conquering it. The parent is sure that he always knows everything better than anyone and is beyond competition.


This position characterizes a balanced person who has the strength to accept responsibility, but at the same time gives others the opportunity to express themselves, to be responsible for their actions and words. An adult values ​​rights and responsibilities and is open to equal interaction.

The role presupposes the ability to adequately assess the situation and, if necessary, provide assistance and assistance. Such a person copes well in a competitive environment and, if he loses, looks not for those to blame, but for reasons and future opportunities.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Functions and role

Interaction in psychology is a multifunctional process that is determined by various criteria. Most often, the role of interaction is considered in the model: individual – activity – society.

The most important functions of interpersonal communication are:

  • Pragmatic - manifests itself as the most important condition in uniting individuals to jointly perform common work.
  • Formative – is implemented in the process of forming a person’s personality.
  • function is carried out in the process of cognition and approval of personal attitudes during interaction with other people.
  • Interpersonal – has different levels, from the sphere of friendship and love to business relationships.
  • Intrapersonal - manifests itself in the individual’s communication with his inner self, in the construction of dialogues of internal and external speech.

Forms of manifestations and physiology

Every person is a social being, that is, aimed at some type of interaction. People have a strong need to belong, to form lasting relationships with other individuals. The need for positive interaction is determined by a number of socio-biological aspects and contributes to human fitness and survival.

Interaction is a process that manifests itself in a wide variety of areas of human communication:

  • In the economic sphere, each person acts as an employee, owner or manager.
  • Political - generates cooperation or confrontation between individuals, as representatives of various movements, political parties.
  • Professional – creates interaction between representatives of various professions.
  • Demographic - includes communication between different age, racial, and gender groups.
  • Family – interaction within a circle of family ties.
  • Religious – interaction or conflicts based on religious beliefs and beliefs.
  • On the basis of the territorial-settlement sphere, interaction between newcomers and permanent residents occurs.

Social interaction manifests itself as the connection of an individual with another individual, and the connection of each with the common world.

There are various forms of interaction.

According to P. Sorokin’s structure, they are distinguished as follows:

  • By duration: long-term and short-term.
  • By the number of participants: single, between two parties and multilateral.
  • Organized and spontaneous.
  • Conscious and unconscious.
  • Intellectual, emotional and strong-willed.
  • Actual and possible.

In each sphere, all basic types and types of interaction are possible. The formation of the human personality is manifested in the harmonious relationship between the mental and physiological capabilities of the body.

The realization of an individual in society is possible with a sufficient level of psychological energy, which determines his performance. At the same time, flexibility and mental stability allows you to adequately assess the environment and find ways to mutually beneficial cooperation.

Features and examples of interpersonal relationships

The social interaction of people has a number of features:

  • Interpersonal relationships are strongly influenced by evaluative emotions, including unconscious ones. This applies not only to close relationships, but also to formal, business ones.
  • Each of the parties involved in the interaction acts as a unique individual, who has his own character traits and social status.
  • Relationships are characterized by gradual development with various types of communication - they are not spontaneous.
  • The nature of interpersonal communication is changing. It is not static and can transform in the exact opposite direction, improve or worsen.

Psychological theories and schools

Various psychological schools present their theories of relationship development.

The main ones accepted in common practice are:

TheoryFounders Basic principles
Theory of actionM. Weber, P. Sorokin, T. Parsons.Social action is defined by the structure: Actor - object of directed action - norms of interaction - goals - situation. The scheme is suitable only for experimental analysis.
Social sharingJ. HomansSocial interaction is formulated as a system of exchanges based on balancing spending and rewards. 4 principles of relationships are formulated.
Social connectionYa. ShchepanskyThe main one is the concept of social connection, which is represented through a phased implementation:
  • spatial contact;
  • mutual interest;
  • joint activities;
  • permanent relationship.
PsychoanalyticZ. Freud, K. Horney, G. SullivanThe theory proves that the interaction of the parties is based on impressions received in childhood. Relationships in the family are subconscious prototypes of relationships with the outside world in adulthood. Accordingly, three relationship strategies are defined:
  • to people;
  • from people;
  • against people.
Transactional AnalysisE. BernTransaction is the interaction of the subject’s current states. There are three states: parent-adult-child. Depending on the states of an individual subject, relationships are established. The “parent” in a relationship requires compliance with norms, laws, and established rules. The “adult” strives to realistically assess the situation and find a solution to the issue. “Child” - emotional experiences are in the foreground.

The following theories are also widespread:

  • symbolic interactionism (J. Mead, G. Bloomer);

  • theory of motivation (A. Maslow);
  • theory of impression management (E. Goffman);
  • interaction registration scheme (R. Bales).

Communication goals

Interaction between people is never aimless. In any case, it is based on the motives that each of the interlocutors pursues personally for himself.

By delving into a conversation, one person can carry on a conversation with an opponent, guided by his own motive. The other will at the same time have his own interest, for the sake of which he devoted time to this conversation.

The goals of communication are:

  • desire to meet or establish relationships;
  • provide help or ask for it from the interlocutor;
  • find a partner for further interaction or conduct of activities, as well as receive sympathy and an emotional response;
  • the opportunity to self-actualize or establish yourself, express your feelings, show skills;
  • to introduce another person to beliefs, opinions, educate, train;
  • change personal intentions, views on familiar events.

An individual chooses a partner for communication based on similar interests in hobbies and activities, proximity to certain moral qualities, physical characteristics, appearance, and level of intelligence.

What motives a person pursues depends on character, temperament, family upbringing, age, and life experience.


Interaction in psychology is a broad area of ​​research in the field of interpersonal relationships in various spheres of human activity. With the help of test diagnostics, psychologists help determine the personal characteristics of an individual, his greatest strengths and formulate ways to achieve goals.

Research in the field of interpersonal relationships and communications allows us to optimally build profitable interaction in any field of activity.

  • The Timothy Leary Questionnaire is a diagnostic of interpersonal relationships that allows you to determine a person’s self-image and to evaluate him from others. The test consists of 128 judgments. Of these, in the first circle you need to select those that correspond to a person’s idea of ​​himself, in the second – to his ideas about the ideal image. The result is provided in graphical form.
  • The Thomas -Kilman Test of Behavior in Conflict Situations is designed to measure an individual’s interaction style and also identify predispositions to create or resolve conflicts. The test contains 30 pairs of situations from which you need to choose the one that is most typical for the individual.
  • Tests by Viktor Boyko determine the presence and degree of negative communicative attitudes that are formed as a result of negative experiences of interactions or pronounced negative emotionality. The test's 25 questions require sincere "yes" or "no" answers.

  • R. Girshfield's test diagnoses dependence in interpersonal interaction in various spheres: partnership, love, family. The test consists of 48 questions, to which 4 possible answers are given.
  • The Berry and Janae Weinhold scale was developed to assess interdependence in relationships. The test consists of 20 questions.
  • T. Bant's manipulative attitude scale allows us to identify the attitude towards an interaction partner as a means of achieving personal goals, without taking into account his will and desires. The test consists of 20 questions about judgments about people around you.

These and other tests are used by practicing psychologists. Many are provided on websites; you can go through them individually for free. In this case, a simplified interpretation of the result is provided. If you take a serious approach to the situation, it is worth getting advice and more detailed explanations from practicing specialists.

You can undergo psychological diagnostics at psychological assistance centers. Services are provided both upon individual request and for collective research within the company. Prices for services vary, depending on requests. The approximate minimum cost of consultation is in the range of 1200-1500 rubles.

Interpersonal communication among young people

In adolescence and adolescence, an individual begins to form interpersonal relationships with parents, classmates, teachers, friends, representatives of all layers and groups of society. During this period, teenagers become irritable and intolerant. Some of them have a tendency towards aggression. They talk loudly and become emotional.

By the age of 16, most young people begin a period of self-affirmation and self-discovery. They perceive all events that occur critically. Problems of interpersonal communication in the youth community most often result from a lack of compassion and unwillingness to conform to accepted standards of behavior.

Management methods

Interaction management is possible with the help of various trainings and psychological exercises. Their goal is to remove internal barriers and develop communication skills.

Many teams of trainers are working on creating special exercises. Exercises teach you how to manage the flow of a conversation and how to introduce yourself. Below are some examples of exercises that are used in interaction management training.

Exercises from the training:

"Tell about…"

This exercise is used for deeper personal disclosure and for getting to know each other.

Conducted in a group. Each of the training participants chooses any personal item and characterizes himself on behalf of this item. Other objects may ask him questions about its owner.

"In other words"

During this lesson, speech flexibility is trained, the ability to convey the same thought in your own words.

All participants in the game are divided into teams of 4 people. The goal of the game: to convey a simple phrase given by the presenter in a chain, without changing its meaning, but without using a single word in its exact form. Ultimately, 4 new phrases should be formed, exact in meaning, but from different words. The team that completes this task faster wins.

Exercises from Klaus Vopel:

"Who reminds whom"

It often happens that it is difficult for a new group to communicate with someone due to the fact that the person, in some way, resembles an already familiar person from a close circle. Subconsciously, the attitude towards him develops according to the evoked association. The exercise is carried out at the beginning of acquaintance with a member of the group.

Each participant is given 3 minutes to identify a person similar to someone significant to him. This person needs to be given a card on which to indicate who he resembles and the main features of a significant person. During the discussion, a closer acquaintance occurs, coincidences and discrepancies between the real and the represented are revealed.


Interaction in a group also depends on how individual members are able to reveal themselves in the group. During the training, everyone independently assesses their ability to open up. The results obtained are discussed and compared with the opinions of other group members about this individual.

In psychology and sociology, the science of interaction plays a large role. Effective communication is the basis of various areas of human life, from personal relationships to interactions for career growth.

Interaction factors

Role-playing games occupy an important place in relationships between people. But many other factors influence interaction.

Among them:

  • Interests and goals of the parties. If they are similar, people can move in the same direction, strive to achieve the same goal. When diametrically opposed interests arise, conflicts, quarrels, and scandals arise. A common example in the work of commercial representatives is that management has given two sellers a goal to increase sales, but does not divide the market between them. As a result, both call the same clients, quarrel with each other, and spoil the relationship with the customer. The result may be failure of the plan.
  • Attitude towards others. It is pleasant for you to communicate with someone, and you will want to spend time with this person, interact with him, go to concerts, meet. But there are people who cause you a negative attitude, and it is pointless to think about friendship, love, successful cooperation until relations are normalized. By the way, it has been proven that it is more pleasant to communicate with nice, neat people. They are perceived as smart, friendly, even unable to deceive.
  • Proximity. This means living in the same area, visiting the same fitness club, studying at the same university, and having the same place of work. Constantly encountering the same person, you begin to perceive him as part of your environment and are ready to interact with him, even if the conditions of your usual contacts have changed.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Example – a young girl lives in a neighboring house. You are strangers, you don’t say hello, but you often cross paths on the way to work or in the store. If you meet on vacation in another city or family, you will probably greet each other and even stop to talk.

The psychology of human interaction is associated with the study of behavior and contacts built by a person in society. It examines typical roles, games, factors and forms of interaction, and predicts the success of a person as a social being.

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