What factors influence the socialization of an individual?

Socialization of an individual is a person’s mastery of basic social norms, values, culture, standards of relationship models in the society to which the individual belongs. It consists of accepting and mastering the values, morals, norms of behavior, and knowledge prevailing in society. Socialization contains agents and institutions that specialize in the processes of introducing an individual to society.

Socialization is divided


  1. Primary – mastery of a basic set of values ​​and behavior patterns in society by a child;
  2. Secondary – mastery of a new value-normative basis by an adult individual.

Macrofactors of socialization

Macro factors of socialization influence the socialization of all humanity or very large groups of people living in certain countries.

Macro factors include:

  • Universe, or Space.
  • Planet Earth.
  • The entire human community.
  • A country is a territory that has borders, distinguished from other territories by natural conditions and geographical location.
  • Society is a set of social relations that have developed between people in a country, including in its structure the family, the state, age, social, professional and other groups.
  • The state is a part of the political system of society that has power functions.
  • Natural environment or geographical factor.

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In the modern world, there are many problems that affect the living conditions of the individual and have an indirect or direct impact on the socialization of the individual:

  1. Environmental problems – environmental pollution.
  2. Demographic problems - growth or decline in the population of individual countries.
  3. Economic problems - economic crises, increasing gaps in the level of economic development of individual countries and continents.
  4. Military-political problems - the proliferation of nuclear weapons, the increase in the number of regional conflicts, political instability.

The socialization of an individual is influenced by the characteristics of the sex-role structure of society, predetermining ideas about the status of gender, sex-role expectations, and self-determination.

The state acts as:

  • factor of socially controlled socialization: participation in the creation of educational and educational institutions (kindergartens, schools, colleges, institutes, institutions for children with poor health, etc.);
  • factor regarding directed socialization: determination of the mandatory minimum education, length of service in the army, age of marriage, etc.);
  • factor of spontaneous socialization: ideology, politics, social and economic practices characteristic of a given state form certain conditions for the life of its citizens.

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What is human socialization: concept

Socialization of a person is the process of obtaining a set of character qualities, without which a full existence in society is impossible. It occurs through human interaction with the external environment, as well as other members of society.

The result of the process is the transformation of a person into a full-fledged personality. Thus, throughout life, a person accumulates experience and knowledge that force him to change and develop his own traits and manners of behavior and communication. At the same time, it cannot be said that socialization is a process that has some kind of completion. The fact is that it passes throughout life. Moreover, regardless of age, people tend to overestimate their views.

It is also necessary to take into account that socialization is two-way. That is, a person not only accumulates certain knowledge and experience, but also ensures the formation of relationships between people. In the process of communication, people begin to form personal preferences and preferences. At the same time, the individual always takes on the functions characteristic of society.

Since people very rarely find themselves alone and live in a group life, the question of a person’s entry into society never loses its relevance. And it is socialization that is the process that allows you to join existing social groups.

Mesofactors of socialization

Mesofactors of socialization are certain conditions for the socialization of groups of people united:

  • national sign;
  • type and location of settlement (town, village, city, region);
  • belonging to the audience of one or another mass communication medium (computers, television, radio, cinema, etc.).

Ethnic characteristics that influence the method of socialization are divided into:

  • vital, or vital (health, nutrition, methods of physical development);
  • mental or spiritual.

Features of socialization, determined by the type and place of socialization:

  1. Significant social control over individual behavior, openness in communication in towns and villages.
  2. A wide choice of value systems, communication groups, lifestyle, significant opportunities for self-realization in the city.
  3. Main functions of mass media:
  4. Socio-psychological function: the need for connections with other people, satisfaction in receiving information that supports his ideas, values, views.
  5. Dissemination of knowledge in the field of science and culture.
  6. Social management and regulation, maintaining public relations.

Where does primary and secondary socialization of a person take place?

Forms of socialization

There is such a thing as primary and secondary socialization of a person.

  • Primary socialization , as a rule, is also called childhood socialization. This process occurs unconsciously. It’s just that the child is influenced by various factors and with their help he already learns certain norms of behavior. At the same time, parents, educators and relatives act as assistants in this matter. The older a child gets, the more aware he becomes. As a result, after reaching a certain age, he may reject some norms of behavior and behave differently than others. Thus, he gets the right to choose his own line of behavior. At the same time, the very first place where the first social qualities are formed is the family.
  • As for secondary socialization , this already occurs as the child grows up. In any case, he continues to assimilate social norms of behavior. And here secondary socialization begins, when you have to get used to different groups. For example, a child enters a university, where there is a different society and new norms of behavior. They have to conform. It is much more difficult when a person moves to another country, because in this case you have to change habits and accept new traditions, and this is quite difficult. Often people cannot cope without professional help.

Family functions in human socialization: features

Family and socialization
Human socialization begins with the family. It greatly affects the physical and mental qualities of the individual. The family is one of the main institutions of education. In particular, it lays down the future qualities of a person.

A family is a group of people united by kinship ties. It always has its own traditions and foundations. It is the main institution that forms the child’s life principles and moral principles.

Thus, the family promotes personality development, strengthens mental health, develops reliability and confidence in children, and also helps in self-realization and security. In addition, in the family, children learn to express their individuality.

The success of a child’s socialization depends on the structure of his family, that is, whether it is complete or not, and relatives can also raise the child. When the family is incomplete, there is a decrease in educational abilities. In particular, the child begins to experience a lack of emotions, or too many feelings are shown towards him. At the same time, in dysfunctional families, socialization is difficult and even disrupted. In this case, the basic family functions are ignored, and there are shortcomings in upbringing. This is where “difficult” children appear.

How do phobias interfere with a person's socialization?

As we have already said, the process of socialization is quite complex. At the same time, some people have a lot of problems with it. The fact is that there is such a condition as social phobia. This is nothing more than fear of society. Accordingly, when a person gets into any group, he becomes uncomfortable. There are other phobias. For example, demophobia is the fear of crowds, and anthrophobia is the general concept of the fear of people. In the latter case, a person feels bad, not only in the company of several people, but even one person already evokes not the best emotions.

Each of these phobias can lead to problems with a person’s socialization. He will close himself off and gradually lose all communication skills. For him, any exit into a public place will be considered a big problem, but without communication he cannot live fully.

So, every person should not be afraid to express their own opinion and the negativity that may ultimately be exerted on them. In addition, it is important not to be afraid to come to meetings and not to avoid communicating on the phone. It may be very difficult at first, but it is important not to give up and try to deal with it. When people don’t communicate with anyone for a long time, they not only lose their communication skills, but their diction also changes. It is difficult for people to formulate their speech correctly. To prevent this from being a problem, constant communication is required.

How does human socialization proceed: stages

Stages of socialization
Socialization of a person does not happen immediately. This is a rather complex process that takes place in several stages. First, social adaptation must take place. In other words, a person still needs to adapt to the conditions of the social environment in which he finds himself. In general, it is believed that adaptation occurs at three levels - physiological, psychological and directly social.

  • Physiological . At this stage, a person takes a closer look at the new environment, begins to make some connections and evaluate his own capabilities. All this will help him to realize himself in the future. At this time, a person actively communicates and gets used to new rules for himself, and then begins to make some efforts that are taken in this team.
  • Personalization . At this stage, a person already accepts himself as part of society. Actually, at this time the personality is already being formed. A person develops his own beliefs and skills, and begins to evaluate what is happening in his own way. If at the first stage a person learns to be like others, then at the second he already learns to be different. Although, this process is considered subjective. The fact is that everyone learns general rules and experience in their own way. Some people observe them strictly, while others do the opposite. Some try to overcome stereotypes, and some even try to destroy the foundations of the group, as a result of which a person either finds himself outside of it or destroys it.
  • Integration _ This term means that a person is accepted by other members of society, that is, he becomes a full part of it. Society seems to accept a person and tries to accept him as he is, if he at least lives according to general rules. The process is more successful if the person turns out to be useful to society. Then even his shortcomings will be forgiven.

It is important to note that the complete absence of inconsistencies is highly undesirable, at least in developed societies. The fact is that conformism is one of the forms of deviant behavior, because there is no benefit from a person for society. Every society has a certain degree of freedom, but only within the framework of the group. However, in undeveloped societies such behavior is only encouraged, and attempts to behave differently are suppressed.

Socialization of people with disabilities: features

Socialization of a disabled child
Socialization of a person with a disability is a complex process in which he has to master accepted norms of behavior and stereotypes. The difficulty lies precisely in the person’s position, because a disabled person is a person who has certain physical or psychological disabilities. Accordingly, he requires special care. In addition, he requires support from the state and society as a whole.

Among other things, socialization presupposes the acquisition of certain skills and knowledge, as well as values ​​that are quite difficult for people with disabilities to assimilate. Thus, among people with disabilities, one of the forms of socialization is continuous learning. With its help, a disabled person can participate in processes such as:

  • Compensation for psychological defects. For example, a person has some mental problems that make him in some way different from others
  • Formation of positive attitudes
  • Development of other abilities that have been lost, for example, a person has lost the ability to walk due to an accident. Then we need to help him learn to walk again, if possible.

Learning is always about mastering behavior and environment. Often, when people with disabilities are treated differently from others, they become uncomfortable. In this case, the help of a psychologist is required, and training a person in such a way that he can interact with others and it will not be noticeable that he is not like that. In addition, adaptation and participation in public or social activities are important for people with disabilities.

Of course, the socialization of a disabled person has certain characteristics. In this case, everything depends on the pathology itself, for example, developmental delay or loss of some functions. In addition, gender and age are important, as well as initial position in society, family, state. There are people who are simply not noticed and no one cares about their socialization. It is much more difficult for them, because in addition to their peculiarity, they are isolated from society.

For example, disabled people with mental retardation can achieve independence, but for this they need to constantly work and memorize every action. Today there are even special trainings.

Disabled people aged 16-25 years, in addition to having disabilities, may experience difficulties communicating with peers. This makes the situation worse. However, in some cases, disability is the main obstacle, not even for the person himself, but for those around him. This can cause the person to withdraw or begin to behave antisocially. So training programs must necessarily take into account all the limitations of a disabled person.

Classification of agents of socialization by age

At different stages of socialization, the influence of certain agents on a person is noticeably different. Here are some examples:

  • The main agents of socialization for a child 1-3 years old are his relatives, in particular his closest relatives, which include parents, grandparents, sisters and brothers. The feeling of attachment to people and the desire to trust them is formed in children precisely during this period of life;
  • At the age of 3-8 years, the child has additional agents of socialization, for example, educators and teachers. At this stage, the process of mastering the individual with a list of very important cognitive and thinking skills occurs;
  • At the age of 8-15 years , socialization is provided mainly by small social groups of peers, which children and adolescents join. The main task of these groups is to facilitate the process of a person’s transition to adulthood.

Socialization of older people: features

Socialization of the elderly
Socialization of the elderly is currently one of the most pressing problems. The fact is that it is difficult for older people to maintain interaction with society and self-realization.

As with other periods of life, late adulthood is defined in many ways. Most scientists are of the opinion that it occurs at age 60, but in fact, in women it can occur earlier, at about 58 years. The change in psychosocial status is different in that opportunities are already limited. The process takes place in two stages - old age and retirement.

As a rule, satisfaction with life and successful adaptation are largely determined by health. Typically, the negative effect is reduced through comparison. In addition, financial situation and acceptance of the change itself are important. When a person retires, he wants to quit his job. However, this process should be perceived as an opportunity to do something interesting, for which there was not enough time before. It is important for every person in older age not to lose social activity. There is a lot of interesting things for pensioners - they can visit special clubs and societies.

Often, older people have this problem when people seem to fall out of communication. So they need to try not to lose it. For example, the circle of friends often becomes very narrow and the need for friendships and friendly contacts arises. Anxiety and concern appear. Accordingly, lack of communication can lead to the development of depression.

It is also important to consider that values, standards and traditions cannot be considered separately for older people, because they are all parallel and dependent on each other.

At the same time, problems in communicating with generations are due to the fact that values ​​do not coincide. Older people can fulfill the social roles of retirees, but other group norms are already a little lost.

Therefore, it is important to understand that the socialization of older people depends on how involved a person is in the communication process and how he interacts with certain social and age groups.

In what cases is a person called a victim of socialization?

Victims of socialization
It happens that a person’s socialization goes far enough and he becomes its victim. Of course, everyone is capable of creating their own life and setting certain goals for themselves, and therefore a person can be considered as a subject of socialization.

When a person becomes a victim of socialization, he has internal contradictions. That is, successful socialization is when a person has effectively adapted to society and is also able to resist it to some extent. More precisely, to fight those collisions that do not allow normal development and self-affirmation. However, this conflict must be balanced. Then the adaptation is considered successful.

If a person completely accepts society as it is and has no conflict, that is, he is a conformist, then he may well be considered a victim. This can also be called a dissident or dissident who is in no way adapted to society. That is, he constantly deviates from the norms accepted in society.

There are such victims in every society. For example, a democratic society, contrary to its principles, most often produces victims. At the same time, a totalitarian society forces conformists to appear.

Differences in the socialization of a growing and adult person: features

The socialization of an adult and a growing person is different. This is reflected in several factors:

  • In adults, socialization consists of changing external behavior. At the same time, children’s basic value orientations are corrected
  • Children often have only two concepts - good and bad. As for adults, they always understand that there are many “shades of gray” between these two concepts.
  • The socialization of an adult consists of him mastering certain skills. At the same time, in children, socialization largely forms the motivation for their behavior.

This is precisely what distinguishes the socialization of an adult from a child.

What is human socialization like: forms

It is important to know what forms a person’s socialization takes. In general, there are two main ones.

  • Non-directional . Personality formation occurs spontaneously when a person is influenced by the immediate social environment. Then a person develops certain qualities. That is why it is spontaneous. In this case, the environment includes relatives, friends and colleagues.
  • Directed . In this case, a special method of influence is provided, that is, people are specially attached to certain values ​​and qualities that are important to society. In particular, this concerns education. From childhood, parents instill in their children a certain set of values ​​and attitudes so that in the future they can develop a perception of the world that allows them to become part of society. In other words, parents prepare the child for life in society.

Forms of socialization may be related, but there may be no coordination. If there are contradictions, they can become an obstacle to a person’s socialization.

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