How to get your lover back: an applied guide to action

Family life is not an easy thing, sometimes it is not enough to satisfy your life needs, so you have to take a mistress. This may be condemned in society, but what can they know about mental wounds and lack of attention? Sometimes it happens that even the object of desire “on the side” leaves, leaving even more questions. How to get your lover back? How to return this muse of love? About this in our article.

“Well, why did she leave?”

When a man takes a mistress, he is almost one hundred percent sure that she will not escape from him. But he dismisses the fact that she is also a person and is capable of feeling and love. It is this fact that leads to bewilderment - how could she leave me? I did everything I could for her: fur coats, jewelry, restaurants, sex. “She simply has no right to leave me!” - this is what most self-confident men with Napoleon syndrome think. And she may well cut off everything connected with you, because she is a girl, not a thing.

It's likely that she might be tired of your company, or your arrogant attitude, or even being in the background. Anything is possible, but how to return what has already been lost?

According to some studies, only about 21% of women are ready to be in the “background”, playing the role of a mistress. This suggests that the weaker sex really loves attention to itself, or rather, the total capture of your attention. And it doesn’t matter what kind of relationship you had – whether it was a mistress from your wife, a girlfriend, your kept woman, or just a person with whom you periodically communicated when your wife got tired of you. Women are different from men by nature, and they need a lot more attention than the stronger sex thinks.

Is it possible to make your lover fall in love with you?

When the relationship between lovers has not only a material, but also a moral basis, it is very difficult for a loving partner to remain “in the shadow” of his legal half for a long time. Ladies treat such relationships much more carefully, so it is the fair half who is often puzzled - how to make a lover fall in love with you? A man can leave for his mistress for good only if there is nothing holding him back at home, and there is no need to return there. In order for the chosen one to make the right decision, a woman should follow some recommendations:

  1. Achieve the perfect appearance - from manicure to toned buttocks. This always causes admiration from the opposite sex.
  2. Learn to listen, not burden yourself with your own problems, be able to maintain carefree, cheerful conversations that distract from the everyday hustle and bustle.
  3. Experiment with sex, even if he doesn’t insist, perhaps you will give him previously unknown, unforgettable feelings.
  4. Maintain intrigue - don’t complain about life, be a mysterious, fascinating object with your own little mysteries and secrets.
  5. Try to give in as much as possible, stop being selfish.

Confident and courageous people a priori cannot be ignored. Train these abilities, don't be afraid to take the first step. For your lover to truly appreciate you, convince him of your interest, support him in all your endeavors, and do not reproach him.

Even if the separation was unexpected, made you suffer and suffer, complaints to loved ones like: “My mistress left me, how can I continue to live?” will not help correct the situation. To change a person's attitude towards himself, you need to change yourself. Remember that the reward awaits only those who strive for it! In the process of improvement and self-development, you will get a tremendous opportunity to understand your true feelings. Is this really love? If the answer is “no” - away with the past, strive for a better future!

Why do mistresses still exist?

Human psychology is designed in such a way that people cannot be content with little. It is unlikely that this is read by monks and ascetics who are accustomed to living on water and bread, while everyone else has the concept of “more and more of everything.” Yes, we do not live in the 14th century, when it was shameful to be a wench at the age of 17, and if a young man had not yet decided on his chosen one before he was 20, he was considered unlucky.

But even now these ossified concepts of morality and morality make themselves felt, and refer us to Noah’s Ark with the phrase “There are two for every creature.” But a person can be polygamous by nature and is not used to being content with little, especially as regards men.

Research has shown that more than 80% of men have had more than one sexual partner, which means that their number could grow exponentially. Some are stopped by starting a family, some are not, but the position of the mistresses themselves is more interesting here. They know that they are not in the foreground, they know that they play the role of a kind of “outlet,” but they still maintain a relationship with such a man. And there are three reasons: strong love, material gain and personal revenge.

If everything is clear with the first two by name, then the third is worth explaining. Vendetta can be committed against one’s own man, the woman’s “lover,” and even fate itself for some kind of grievance. Through such immoral behavior, from the point of view of society, mistresses take their revenge.

The husband left for his mistress - where to run for salvation

It is not for nothing that this question is immediately put in second place - the female psyche is so vulnerable that the strangest and stupidest methods can be used.

An offended, angry, depressed wife is ready to do anything to separate her husband from his mistress forever. Only a distorted perception of reality often leads her down the wrong path. Instead of starting to work on herself, she is actively looking for “wizards” who, with the help of words thrown on a candle, will instantly solve her problems. We are, of course, talking about magicians, sorcerers, psychics and other “helpers”. Oh, how we like to shift our problems onto other people we don’t know! And how they like to wave a broom over the water and get a decent amount of money for it!

Dear women, understand that only we are responsible for our lives! Only we have the power to change our own path! In search of a family shaman who promises to forever separate your husband from his hated mistress, you are missing out not only on finances, but also on the most precious thing - time, which no one can return to us!

If you just like to hear what you want to hear (and fortune tellers do just that), then don’t deceive yourself - you don’t need to reunite with your husband, since you feel great in the role of a victim!

For qualified help, it is better to contact a psychologist. This will help you understand yourself and your true desires. And the motives for returning a husband to the family are really different:

  • a woman has lived with her husband all her life and simply does not know her existence without him;
  • I want to punch my lover on the nose;
  • return so as not to embarrass yourself in front of friends and relatives;
  • wants to prove to her husband that she is better, to enjoy the fact of her superiority;
  • because the child needs a father (even such a careless one);
  • return to repay in the same coin;
  • to improve your mental balance.

The motives are very destructive; the word “love” is not present in them. Therefore, a psychologist will help you sincerely answer the question: “Should I do this? And if so, why?” You haven’t even thought that by letting go of your husband, you can truly become a happy and free woman?

If you still have warm, deep feelings trembling in your soul, a psychologist will help you choose the path along which you will successfully reach the finish line as a winner.

So, if it is clear that no amount of prayers, twists, love spells and conspiracies can drive a husband away from his mistress - gather your courage, the time has come for serious transformations!

We begin the return of the lost3

First, you should realize that, after all, a mistress is not a thing, not a consolation for your problems and worries, but a living person. This may seem funny, but most men don't even think about it. According to statistics, only 40 out of 1000 women are ready to return to the men with whom they were mistresses. The most important thing will be to understand yourself - what you want from life and specifically from this person. If your goal is to walk, feed, drink and sleep, you are not on the right track.

If you call her by pronouns, you also took a wrong turn. If you read this text and found yourself in it, below are step-by-step instructions on how to get your lover back.

What to do

  • If she is looking for financial support in your relationship, all you need to do is open your wallet wider. If there is no financial opportunity for this, say goodbye to it and forget about it.
  • If she wants to get married, promise her a wedding. True, if you don’t do this, but only promise, then your reconciliation will be short-lived: after a while she will happily remind you of this, and then, if you were not going to keep your promise, your break will be final. If she does not want a relationship with a man bound by family ties, promise her to become free and give her your heart.
  • It is possible to return the Heart Hunter, although it will be fraught with certain difficulties. The main thing is not to reach the end - to remain slightly “unconquered” all the time. She constantly needs to prove to herself her worth and importance; it is important that others see her the way she wants to look in their eyes. Not seeing her value in herself, she tries to see it through someone else's eyes. She needs to constantly seek male admiration, so if you want to get her back, pretend that you sighed with relief after she left, and she will immediately want to come back and prove to you that she is important to you and that you are wrong.
  • You can really get your freedom-loving friend back if you let her know that you will play by her rules. There is no other possibility.

If she left you in order to tie you even more, so that you would agree to any of her conditions. If a girl is ready to tell you: “You will stay with me if you ...” - and then puts forward her conditions, all that remains for you is to accept them or reject them.

Bored with the supporting role6

If your relationship falls under the first option, namely that your lover is tired of being a supporting character, you can resort to easy lies. Call her to dinner, organize a romantic party and promise that you will improve and pay more attention than before. The situation is standard, but you need to know a few subtleties and secret weapons.

Well, firstly, it will be very difficult to convince her. So you should prepare more than one weighty argument. Tell her how wonderful she is and what a fool you were for letting yourself end this relationship. Then you can put a little pressure on pity, saying that life became gray and boring when she left it. Use more epithets and colorful words to re-interest your lover.

In the end, you can add that you are connected with your wife only by children (if you have any) and in general you are constantly looking for a reason to leave her. If you really need attention from this girl, get ready to use all your eloquence. Such ladies of “fine mental organization” are very fond of promises and willingly believe in them.

Finally, we can add that you are only connected with your wife by children (if you have any) and in general you are constantly looking for a reason to leave her. If you really need attention from this girl, get ready to use all your eloquence. Such ladies of “fine mental organization” are very fond of promises and willingly believe in them.

What does it take to quickly get your lover back at home, without consequences?

Influencing a person’s will with a conspiracy to bring him back is a kind of damage that breaks through the energy shell of the “victim.” In order for the flow of energy to hit the target, not waste its power, and work accurately, it is important to endow it with a piece of the girl’s energy. For this you can use:

  • a personal item of the girl, on which traces of her body remained;
  • a gift that the beloved gave to the man before parting;
  • bed linen, which gave vent to the passion of lovers;
  • a photograph of a girl taken recently.

You can cast a spell on all these things from a distance, and it will act faster and more powerfully. Additionally, it is worth purchasing symbolic paraphernalia, with the help of which the feelings of the person being bewitched : leashes, charms, ropes or threads, locks, etc., symbolizing attachment to the object.

One of the most powerful ways to return the love of an ex-lover is a leash spell. It can be performed either by a magician or by the sufferer himself. For an ordinary dog ​​spell or harness, read 13 times, each time tying a knot on it:

“Just as a dog gets used to a leash and doesn’t leave its owner’s house, so you, (name), come home, don’t leave me, so that you don’t leave me behind, have mercy on me, die without me and grieve, and receive punishment. I fasten my words with knots, I lock them with locks.”

A thing tied in knots is hidden in the house so that no one will find it.

If a mistress has found a husband, she will have to turn away from him before using the spell. prayer on them :

“You will always be alone and never be together. Just as your faces do not see each other, so do not notice each other, upset and betray each other. I call on the violent winds to bring destruction to the family of the slave (name). Hit, beat, shake, exhaust her love.”

Seal both boxes with wax and leave them overnight near an open window, and bury them under an aspen tree the next morning. After her family falls apart, it is easy to bring back someone's ex-wife with simple sympathy.

“We need more gold”7

If you are unlucky enough to fall into the description of the second scenario, you will have to either look for a second job or bring less money to the family. Such women can leave you without a penny for your soul, they will stretch everything to the last drop and still remain dissatisfied. However, if you have something to appreciate this lady for, it’s difficult to judge you. Here the “treatment” is quite simple - a huge bouquet of roses, a bunch of gifts, and maybe even a trip abroad and she will be yours again. The only subtlety is not to overdo it. When you shower her with gifts, you set the bar for the future "new old" relationship. Do everything wisely - slightly increase your stinginess indicator before breaking up, but don’t raise it too high.

If we simulate the situation, the wrong option would be this: she left you because you asked a couple of times to split the bill at a restaurant in half, and when you wanted to return her, you registered this restaurant in her name. This is exaggerated, but clearly reflects the problem - your mistress will want the same gifts in the future, but you already ran out of money when you bought the bar counter.

If you act wisely, it will look like this: the problem is the same bill paid in half, the solution is to invite her to “discuss the past” in a restaurant, pre-order a huge table with her favorite treats. It would also not be amiss to take your mistress from the restaurant to another establishment - for example, a club or straight to a hotel room, if “the bird is already in the cage.” Such a demonstration of the width of the wallet is then easier to jump off, especially if the subject did not graduate from Harvard, and initially does not set a high bar, like various kinds of gifts. The best choice is something abstract and, preferably, not something that can be measured in pieces.

Needless to say: relationships with mistresses, in addition to pleasure, bring many problems to the stronger sex. Moreover, the more interesting the woman and the more willingly you communicate with her, the more acute these problems are. And everything is awry at home, and it’s hard to concentrate at work.

But a strange thing: as soon as the mistress leaves with her head held high, a strong desire arises to return her. At any cost. God be with them, with their problems - if only she was close again, if only she could hear her voice, stroke her hair.

In what cases can you restore a broken connection with your lover? And, most importantly, is it always necessary to do this?

Main questions

"Help! I can't live without her! So what's now? Write her a letter? Send a huge bouquet of roses? Should I say that I will divorce my wife? Promise that I will kill you if I see you with someone else?”

What questions do abandoned men ask in search of a way to return their mistresses? But can promises, generous gifts or threats help? The success of your attempts mainly depends on what the relationship was based on. After all, mistresses come into a man’s life and leave it for a variety of reasons. And in order to soberly assess your situation, you should look for an answer to completely different questions:

- Why were you together?

- Why did she leave?

- Why do you want her back?

It is important to answer them not with general phrases from the series: “We were together because it was good for both of us. And then she felt bad and left. But I want to return it so that it will be good again...” You need to honestly understand “what is good and what is bad” for you and for her. Decipher these words, make them as specific as possible. And then you yourself will understand what exactly attracted her to you, and what strategy of behavior should be chosen in the current circumstances.

Purse Hunters

A huge army of mistresses treat their role in a relationship with a man almost like a job. She gives you her youth, beauty, sex, attention. You give her jewelry, clothes, tours. Unlike a prostitute, such a mistress remains faithful to her “sponsor”. These relations are mutually beneficial, and most importantly, relatively calm. If a man satisfies this woman’s needs for material goods, she will play by his rules, without pestering him with the question: “Well, when will you leave your wife.”

The connection with such a mistress may be interrupted because her appetites are constantly growing, and your material support becomes insufficient for the woman. In this case, she finds another man and begins a new mutually beneficial relationship. That's all.

Roses and romantic letters are unlikely to help bring back such a lady. She has a calculator built into her head. She knows exactly how much money she needs “to be happy.” Are you ready to speak this language? Then take action. But be prepared for the fact that the numbers that your mistress will voice will contain many zeros. And one more nuance. Having realized that you value the relationship and are willing to pay more and more, the woman can periodically “update the price tag” upward. In this case, you will have to fork out until the amount becomes exorbitant. What then? Then the mistress will leave anyway, taking with her “everything that was acquired through backbreaking labor.” Maybe it would be wiser on your part to avoid unnecessary expenses - both material and mental?

Hunters of other people's husbands

No matter how much mothers tell their daughters that getting involved with married people is dangerous and futile, the army of mistresses hoping to take a man away from the family is not getting smaller. By the way, men themselves actively contribute to this state of affairs, complaining to their mistresses that “their wife doesn’t understand them at all” and that “they live with their spouse like neighbors, and there has been no sex for a long time.”

No wonder that timid little thought

the idea that it would be nice to legitimize a relationship with a lover becomes stronger and stronger in the minds of women with each meeting.
For a mistress who views her role as temporary and forced, breaking ties means one thing: creating her own family is her number one priority. Accordingly, reconciliation in this case is possible only through the registry office. Well, or through your promise to go to the registry office in the foreseeable future. True, if this promise is not fulfilled, then the reconciliation will be short-lived, and soon the mistress will repeat her signature number: “
you forever It will be much more difficult to return her then. Or completely impossible.

Hunters of Broken Hearts

Don't think that the number of broken hearts can only matter to the stronger sex. There is a category of women who cannot imagine themselves without constantly conquering new men. The list of “victims” of such a mistress can number in the dozens. In general, it doesn’t matter to her whether a man is married or single, rich or poor. The very fact of conquering a man’s heart is important to her, after which she loses interest in her partner: he turns into waste material. Yesterday you confessed to your lover that you cannot live without her, and today she is already looking around with interest in search of a new suitable object for self-affirmation.

It is difficult to return such a woman, but it is possible. Mainly, playing on the fact that you “remained not completely conquered by her.” It is with such ladies that the principle proclaimed by the classic applies: “ The less we love a woman, the easier it is for her to like us.”

..." Hints that in fact it was not your mistress who left you, but that you yourself skillfully provoked the breakup, will make such a lady experience a surge of interest in you.

More than anything else, she is afraid that those around her will not appreciate her highly. After all, in fact, the basis of such a woman’s behavior is the constant need to prove to herself that she is worth something. Low self-esteem forces her to seek admiration in the eyes of others. If there is no admiration, she will seek it. Tears, letters, gifts will not affect her. But the intonations of relief in your voice about the breakup or ironic smiles can have a sobering effect on the fugitive.

In the long term, in order to tie such a woman to you for a long time, you will have to become a tyrant, because deep down in her soul this mistress feels like an insignificance and is capable of a long-term relationship exclusively with a person who would support this opinion of her about herself. Doesn't this prospect appeal to you? Then it’s better not to waste time on the return of the lady of your heart


Freedom Hunters

This category of mistresses is perhaps the rarest. And yet she is worth paying attention to. We are talking about free, wealthy and independent women who do not need money, marriage, or admiration from men. They are self-sufficient and do not want (at least at this stage of their lives) to become firmly attached to anyone. Usually they have several unsuccessful attempts to build a family behind them, and now they prefer to keep their distance from their partners. Such lovers are quite happy with rare dinners together and occasional sex. They also don’t like it when their partners “pry into their souls” or try to tie them to themselves.

Women of this type decide to break off the relationship if they see that the man is starting to “pull the blanket over himself” too much if he puts forward any demands or sets conditions. Remember: such a mistress will not tolerate such treatment. She has already been burned in the past, and now she wants one thing from men: not to be tugged at or irritated. Freedom in decision-making and action is an undeniable value for her.

If you want to return your mistress, make it clear that you agree to play by her rules. This is your only chance to restore the relationship.

I left to return

An important nuance. A statement about breaking up the relationship may just be a manipulation by a mistress, and not her sincere desire to break off the connection with you. Usually ladies resort to such tricks, absolutely confident that they have managed to firmly tie a man to themselves and now they can twirl him at their own discretion. Most often, the method is used by “wallet hunters”. By the way, sometimes such “leaving” is part of a larger plan, at the first stage of which the mistresses diligently “feed the victim,” demonstrating miracles in bed, in everyday life and in any other areas, amazing with the coincidence of tastes in literature or the ability to take care of a man. And when the goldfish

swallows the hook, the huntress leaves for a while so that, upon returning, she can talk about her desires.

Mistresses of other types also do not neglect this method. True, they use it for other purposes. Thus, “husband hunters” try to drag men to the altar with such blackmail. “Heart Hunters” demands another dose of admiration. And the “freedom hunters” are trying to convey to men that they can manage just fine without them.

If you have a suspicion that your mistress’s departure was initiated with one sole purpose - to make you dance to her tune - it is important to pause. A woman should feel that she has clearly overestimated herself, and then it will be easier to come to an agreement with her. Perhaps, feeling that she has gone too far, the woman herself will come to you. Of course, she does not admit that she regrets what she did. Most likely, the mistress will pretend that she needs to meet “not at all in order to continue the relationship.” She may need a meeting “to get her letters returned.” Or “gave her her favorite book.”

A woman’s readiness for dialogue should not elude you. Remember: your task in this dialogue is not to fall apart in vows and promises, but to understand what your mistress needs. Encourage the woman to talk and listen carefully. If the breakup was a manipulation, the woman herself will voice the conditions under which she agrees to continue the relationship. All you have to do is decide whether to accept them or reject them.

Svetlana Ivanova, author of the online magazine “Mistress”


She got someone else8

The third case, when your lady has found a “better option,” is not so easy to treat. Here you will have to not only think about how to get your lover back, but also understand yourself. It is important to understand the fine line - you did something wrong somewhere, or your protégé is really better than you in all respects. With the second case, practically nothing can be done, and if you can, then it is criminally punishable. But sorting out your mistakes and correcting yourself is quite an option. Reconsider your attitude towards the affair and perhaps make changes to it.

According to statistics, relationships between a man and a woman fall apart due to routine in 60% of cases. Relationships with her mistress are no exception - a rigid schedule of meetings and the monotony of entertainment can bore her, and she will begin to look for something new in another partner. Prevention of such cases can be changing the meeting place, spending leisure time not only at dinner, but also at different times of the day. Get a woman interested in the end.

Effective ways to get your lover back

When relationships with a partner become a habit, regular meetings are no longer enjoyable, and sex no longer brings pleasure, a breakup is inevitable. Despite the fact that relationships with married people are initially doomed to failure, many find it extremely difficult to cope with separation. Whether it's true love or a desire to stroke your ego, the first priority is to find ways to get your lover back.

Some women begin to manipulate, impose themselves, and interfere in the personal life of their lover, which has the exact opposite effect. Men who have lost their heads behave no better. To get your loved one back, you should analyze your relationship with him, remember how it began, and understand the reasons for the breakup. There are several general tips that can always be followed:

  1. Bid my time. Disagreement with ending a relationship gives rise to strong, negative emotions that push you to rash, stupid actions. It’s better to give yourself some time to calm down and your significant other to rethink their behavior.
  2. Improve yourself. You can make the most of your separation. Instead of sobbing into your pillow and feeling sorry for yourself, it is better to find a new hobby, play sports, or start learning a foreign language. Firstly, such busyness will distract you from bad thoughts. Secondly, you will have a chance to attract the attention of your chosen one again. Thirdly, in any case, the acquired skills will be useful.
  3. Look for random encounters. If a lover or mistress ignores calls, leaves messages unanswered, then it becomes very difficult to demonstrate an “improved version” of himself. If you have mutual friends and acquaintances, the ideal place for an unexpected meeting is a holiday organized by them. You can also find out where the object of desire is (of course, without his family), and set up an unexpected collision. At the same time, you need to look impeccable.
  4. Insist on a farewell night. If your partner agrees to the proposal to say goodbye effectively, you should show all your best qualities. Let this night be different from all previous ones. A romantic setting, a delicious dinner, luxurious lingerie, creativity in bed - any of the factors can make you change your mind about leaving.

Rare reasons for a mistress leaving and how to get her back9

Sometimes cases occur that do not fall into these three categories. For example, you could lie to your mistress that you were lonely, and when she found out that you had a family, she immediately gave in. In this case, you need to, as they say, put it on your ears that it’s an arranged marriage and all that, but she is your ray of light in life and you really need her.

If the reason for the breakup was resentment of any kind, then turn on the gentleman and apologize with all your might, resorting to gifts and beautiful words. In general, psychologists say that women who tend to be mistresses forgive men quite easily due to their unscrupulousness. All you need is sincerity, or at least the illusion of it.

Reasons for separation

Why this happened lies in the reason for your connection. Options:

  • Pure benefit for yourself, namely financial. That is, she didn’t need your wonderful relationship, but your deep wallet. You and her have drawn up an unspoken purchase and sale agreement: she gives you her youth, beauty and body, you give her care, maintenance, entertainment. And everything is open and clear, everyone clearly fulfills their duties, and such a girl will not blame you for not leaving your lawful wife and not proposing. After all, that's not what she needs. But if, with her growing appetites, you cannot satisfy her needs, this will push her to look for a more successful and profitable sponsor. If you give her as much as she wants, she will come back. Otherwise, don’t try, because there are no other levers, she left for someone else, more wealthy.
  • Your friend was looking for a husband. Yes, you were married, but there is always a glimmer of hope in her that she can do what the other could not, and that she will become something more for you than your wife could not become. But when she realizes that her dreams are not destined to come true - that’s it, her mistress has gone to someone who will make the dream come true.

  • Not only men can collect stars on the fuselage - there are also women who collect collections of broken hearts. The fact that you are single or married does not play any role in this case, the important thing is whether your heart has conquered or not yet. And as soon as you let her know that you are smitten by her, interest in your person will instantly disappear - the goal has been achieved. That's why your lover left you.
  • All your friend values ​​is freedom. She is self-sufficient and does not depend on you, she does not need to become attached to anyone. If she decided to leave you, it means that somewhere you went too far in trying to tie her down, perhaps you began to put forward some conditions that are categorically unacceptable for her. Freedom in making decisions is important to her, so she offered to remain friends.

How to live after your husband's betrayal

If the wife becomes aware of her husband’s infidelity, it is very difficult to restore the relationship after this. A woman, even if she forgives a man, is unlikely to be able to forget about his action, and will remind him of it when the opportunity arises. To bring the relationship between spouses back to normal requires a lot of effort on both sides.

  1. Break ties with your lover. Start with the obvious: end the relationship for good. You can do this in front of your wife: call or write a message to your mistress. It must be clearly stated that all contact must cease; that she can no longer be a part of your life. This way, the wife you cheated on gains some power, and the cheater shows that his or her priorities are back on track.
  2. Bring complete transparency to your relationship. You should be allowed to view each other's SMS messages, phone records, emails, social media accounts and bank passwords until trust is restored. All your efforts should be aimed at restoring trust.
  3. Talk and sort things out. A healthy way to discuss infidelity is to talk. If you ask a question, be prepared for unpleasant answers. If you do answer, answer each question directly and honestly.
  4. Relax together. Just be together and try to make it as romantic as possible. As for sex, you can return to it as soon as you're both ready.
  5. Work to rekindle passion and love. Devote at least 15 hours a week (two hours a day or most weekends) of time together, during which you can meet your friend's emotional and physical needs. Participate in activities you enjoy (trying new restaurants or working out together) and remain honest and transparent. If after all of this you still don't feel like your relationship is getting better, consider therapy or couples counseling to help you work through your feelings and figure out what your next best move should be.

As you can see, betrayal is a difficult test for both partners. But divorce is a last resort. First you need to try to save the relationship and try to restore trust and love in the couple.

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