A test that will help you better understand yourself and choose a suitable profession

We passed and we liked it. Take it too, maybe this test will help you decide what to become when you grow up ;)

A unique case on Work.ua is a test developed by a professional coach, which, although with 90 questions, helps you better understand yourself and find professional guidelines.

We at the editorial office have already gone through and confirmed that we are where we need to be. Go ahead and get recommendations based on the answers and share the results. I wonder who is more among our readers - Leaders or Helpers? :)

Anastasia Pankovetskaya

Author and presenter of the training “Enneagram - a unique personality typology”, trainer of Alla Zadneprovskaya’s “Living Business” Consulting Group

The Enneagram (from the Greek ennea - nine and grammos - figure) is a psychological model that unites nine personality types, describes each type and the relationships between them.


Type 1: Perfectionist or Reformer

Possible Careers : An office environment is great for your love of clear rules, organization, and attention to detail. Work where you need to improve business processes. The field of education would also be an ideal option for you.

Not the best choice : companies where the process has not yet been established (example: startup).

Type 2: Friend or Helper

Possible careers : Community-oriented service professionals - teaching, health care and counseling. Work in non-profit organizations and the service sector.

Not a good choice : Anything that could harm others (example: law enforcement).

Type 3: Reacher

Possible professions : management positions or something loud and public (example: project management, public relations, politics), project assignments where it is clear what result needs to be achieved and where there may be “challenging” tasks.

Not the best choice : lack of career growth - only rising to the top will satisfy your needs.

Type 4: Individualist

Possible professions : a career that allows you to express yourself and show your creativity, where you need to create a unique product, launch an unusual advertising campaign that will not leave people indifferent. Not every field provides such opportunities; most likely, these are writing, psychotherapy and professions where you can show your uniqueness.

Not the best choice : companies that do not develop a system of non-financial motivation. Working solely for money is not your approach.

Type 5: Observer or Thinker

Possible professions : creating a strategy and vision for the company's development, IT, scientific research.

Not the best choice : perhaps typical, “superficial” office work - there are too many distractions.

Type 6: Skeptic or Loyalist

Possible professions : you will appreciate the prospects for development in a large corporation, where you will be able to demonstrate your unique abilities in studying risks and calculating various options for further actions; excellent intelligence officers.

Not a good choice : Startup, small business, or any other company that loses out on the benefits of corporations.

Type 7: Optimist or Enthusiast

Possible professions : areas where you can see opportunities around you and brainstorm different ideas will suit you. For example, the tourism industry, the work of a photographer or writer, or a combination of all of the above.

Not the best choice : routine and endless paperwork are not your story.

Type 8: Boss or Leader

Possible professions : entrepreneur, politician, general manager in any field, areas where you can apply and demonstrate your leadership qualities

Not the best choice : companies where you cannot take responsibility, where there is no opportunity to achieve ambitious goals; places where you will feel total control.

Type 9: Peacemaker or Mediator

Possible professions : work with a measured pace and less stress. As an option, consider a career as a mediator, diplomat, or product testing. You will enjoy a place to work where you can create a family atmosphere and consider the views of all employees when making decisions.

Not the best choice : rate + bonuses for factorial or external indicators (example: sales, investment banking or consulting).

Of course, you can track manifestations of different types in your character and behavior. In particular, this is due to the fact that we grow up in certain conditions, communicating with different people. And the Enneagram does not force people into a “portrait framework” - on the contrary, it shows the path of personality development.

What was the first thing you saw?

A car.

People like you are called “deep people”

: You don’t pay attention to little things and conventions, because you immediately look at the root of the problem. An analytical mind and attentiveness greatly help you in making difficult decisions, but precisely because of global thinking, you often lose sight of shades and halftones. But the devil, as they say, is in the details...

Man with binoculars.

You have a well-developed imagination and intuition. You also have a great sense of people, sometimes you literally see right through them. For any problem you will find an unexpected and creative solution. True, by trusting your heart too much, you tend to turn off your brain and soar in the clouds.

The letter "A".

You love everything unusual and bright, which is not surprising, because you yourself are a very bright and noticeable person. True, people tend to consider you a little arrogant and superficial. Learn not to rush and dig not wide, but deep - and then you won’t be worth anything at all!

Anna Liebermann, Content Management Solutions, TOV 11.27.2018, 15:41

super test!!!!

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Vasyl Ivasyuk 11/28/2018, 00:00

no singing of his genius; funny!!

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Lydia Knignitska 11/28/2018, 00:23

More precisely, I didn’t drink!

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Vladislav Klimovtsev 11/30/2018, 13:01


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Kashpur Antonina Yakovna, Kiev Regional Higher Vocational School of Civil Engineering, DNZ 11/27/2018, 15:42


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Oleg Anatoliyovich, Monolit, DP 11/27/2018, 16:15

Cognition test. The result of three non-recoveries.

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Natalya Maslova 11.27.2018, 16:18

This test only confirmed my capabilities!

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Vasyl Ivasyuk 11/28/2018, 00:02

This is how to understand, having confirmed everything, it is formulated in a cool way.

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Yuri Velikdus 11.27.2018, 16:20

when I was at the seminar, I thought that I was a reformer. And about the test, the boss)))

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Vasyl Ivasyuk 11/28/2018, 00:03

And in real-life situations, a servant, in short.

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Ekaterina Ilyeva 11/28/2018, 08:34

And you, Vasil, are a pessimist in life, nothing controls you)))

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Vladislav Klimovtsev 11/30/2018, 13:03

And don’t fall for advertising and PR.

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Nasosal Y Kashina 07/09/2021, 14:02

I thought that I was some kind of mixture of a thinker and an individualist, but according to the test I was just a thinker

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Boyarkina Olga Vladimirovna, Deir, translation agency 11.27.2018, 16:25

The test was very accurate!

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Yana Tikhomirova 11.27.2018, 16:25

Hello from Individualist! I liked the test)

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Natalya Didyk 11.27.2018, 16:29

cool))) about me - true. Perfectionist to the core))

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Evgenia Kutsenko 12/03/2018, 16:19

If you were a perfectionist “to the core,” your message would look different.

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Natalia Ganin 11/27/2018, 16:37

Great test. Top ten!

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Inna Kozhukhar 11.27.2018, 16:49

My result is Achiever. Workaholic and careerist)))

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Volodymyr Hort, Kitayprom, trade association, TOV 11.27.2018, 16:52

Yeah, tsikavooooo..., you can whistle after all the boos. All this food is taken from a psychological test for candidates for training with the domineering authorities (ZSU, Police, Mitnitsa etc.), and they work more, even though their “author” is still alive, from 60 years - exactly. True, the food there is much more, most widely available at 1500 and 4500 meals. If some of the current researchers have claimed the authorship of these tests, well, that means that those who passed them are even young people.

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Vasyl Ivasyuk 11/28/2018, 00:08

About the yellow and brown vodguk, which confirms: half of the management is working in the wrong place (in the field of harvesting red mullet).

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Yuri Goryainov 11/28/2018, 09:21

MULL, aka Sultana, is a small mustachioed fish that lives in the Black Sea. In Rome it was valued by the weight of silver, i.e. 1 kg. red mullet - 1 kg. silver YUMMY! The Romans were rich and were not averse to having a tasty snack.

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Elena Gulevskaya 11.27.2018, 17:23

Excellent test - everything is accurate

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Anton Negoda 11.27.2018, 17:57

Everything is true. I love order and high priority before work.

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Inna Shcherbyna 27.11.2018, 17:58


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Alexander Shevchenko 11.27.2018, 18:18

The result is spot on. 100%

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Nikanor Frolov 11.27.2018, 18:20

Let's go)))

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Karl Gettentopt, Tetcorp Krop 27.11.2018, 18:20

A perfectionist or a reformer, but work options are what I do and do not consider mine...

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Susanna Sobol-Khomenko 11.27.2018, 18:25

observer. But in life, a friend or assistant.

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Igor Kukshin 11.27.2018, 18:26

So what kind of resume should I write based on the test results - an entogram?)

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Sergiy Kutsokon 11.27.2018, 18:47


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Yulia Bostan 11/27/2018, 19:28

Well, I don’t know, I don’t know... Ale test tsikavy) And something to think about

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Igor Kukshin 11/27/2018, 19:30

But I have nothing and nothing to think about based on the test results - recommendations for 2 lines...

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Karl Gettentopt, Tetcorp Krop 27.11.2018, 19:48


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Elena Vladi 11.27.2018, 19:30

Individualist (or Romantic)

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Leonid Ladnik 11/27/2018, 19:34

Quite an interesting test; it was fascinating to read the results.

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Olga Marukhno 11.27.2018, 19:45

Good test! Really about me!

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Valentina Zhermal 27.11.2018, 20:15

Good test, I liked it, it really suits me.

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Ksenia Dudka 11.27.2018, 20:28

Well, I don’t know, not about my nature, especially)) “Observer or Thinker” came out.

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Lina Ryzhenko 11.27.2018, 20:36

everything is to the point I am a friend and helper and I like the professions indicated

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Svitlana Zagorulko 11/27/2018, 20:41

Boss or Leader 200%

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Tatyana Zaporozhets 11.27.2018, 20:59

An excellent test, I couldn't say more about myself.

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Oksana Rudnitskaya 11.27.2018, 21:06

That's right. I am a teacher :)

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Vasil Pavlovich 11/27/2018, 21:11

Not a good day! Worked for more than 30 years in the Kerivnye Posads, achieving a great career, and according to the test - a deputy

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Elena Ivanova 11/27/2018, 21:24

How to get through it? I don't see the "start test" button.

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Oleksandra Letova, content manager at Work.ua 11.27.2018, 21:56

Elena, purple button “Let's start?!” on the picture :)

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Inna Kudelya 11.27.2018, 21:33

Great test!!! I recommend everyone to go through (for your inner self)!!!

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Leonid Vosnyuk 11.27.2018, 21:37

I didn’t even doubt my result: Boss (or Challenger) Your life orientation is to move confidently towards your goal, overcoming any obstacles on your way. You know what you really want and are ready to achieve what you want. This determination radiates inner strength and confidence, so those around you are ready to follow you. You are a born leader. With your entire appearance, you seem to be broadcasting a meta-message: “I am strong. I'm in control of the situation."

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Propro Orlorl 11/28/2018, 11:07

So run for president. Otherwise there is no one to choose. Weak?

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Leonid Vosnyuk 11.27.2018, 21:39

Great test!!! I recommend everyone to go!!!

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Andriy Lyatsevich 11.27.2018, 22:03

Amazing test, thank you :)

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Anastasia Kuzhba 11.27.2018, 22:13

Everything is correct) Dyakuyu)

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Tetyana Bereza 11.27.2018, 22:14

Cool, amazing test!!! 100% correct

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Irina Tartachna 11.27.2018, 22:24

Hello from a perfectionist! Correct errors in the text))

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Artem Vorobyov 11.27.2018, 22:28

The test is long, but not particularly motor. Some formulations (... always...,... necessary...,... sometimes...) can be interpreted differently, some tests, in my subjective opinion, are too subjective. And so, thank you for the interesting test of time) Of course, I won’t believe the result.

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Ivan Kurchenko 11/27/2018, 11:02 pm

Unexpected result, unexpected.

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Mikhail Basanets 11.27.2018, 23:17

The result coincided 100% with my feelings. Perfectionist or Reformer. Thanks to the authors!!! I recommend passing it!

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Margarita Eremenko 11.27.2018, 23:22

I have everything right, romantic

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Alexander Sukhov 11.27.2018, 23:36

According to the test result, “reformer”. Exactly :-)

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Natalia Kukh 11.27.2018, 23:41

A perfectionist and a reformer, I really like starting from scratch, from a startup - it’s interesting, it doesn’t match here

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Pavlo Blazhko 11.27.2018, 23:42

I’m already passing another similar test - and I’m again the Mediator. It may be so.

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Sergiy Zatsepa 11/27/2018, 11:46 pm

The answer is pretty accurate.

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Natalia Mikhailenko 11.27.2018, 23:49

100% True. Peacemaker. I spend 10 years in trading, but it turns out that I don’t leave my plate. Thanks for the test.

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Alexander Alifanov 11.27.2018, 23:53


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Arthur Smirnov 11/27/2018, 11:56 pm

It was very interesting to take the test, I wish there were more tests like this!

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Svetlana Kadyrova 11/28/2018, 00:11

I liked the test, everything matches. Only I took this test too late, I can’t become a psychologist anymore, I’m not the same age. And in general, double-check the test, some questions are repeated. Or is it necessary?

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Pavel Sergeev 11/28/2018, 00:13

The test is good, but not effective

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Natalia, Country, OSZhK 11/28/2018, 00:59

Good test, but since when did something beautifully stolen become developed? Since coaches appeared, obviously))

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Oleg Khomut 11/28/2018, 01:22

Good test. Having been honored. I underestimated myself so much.

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Maxim Brus 11/28/2018, 04:18

Interesting test, predictable result. general manager))))

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Tatyana Trofimova 11.28.2018, 07:33

The test only confirmed what I was talking about in my youth. Unfortunately, everything turned out differently in life.

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Sergey Radkevich 11/28/2018, 07:52

IMHO, this test is just for digging into yourself (for self-affirmation). In the worst case - to increase heart rate.

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Anna Galka 11/28/2018, 08:34

Very similar description. Type 7 came out: Optimist or Enthusiast. Only those around him perceive this as immaturity ((

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Oleksandr Tregubenko 11/28/2018, 08:40

Where can I take the test in Ukrainian?

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Igor Kukshin 11.28.2018, 16:52

in the office of Ukrainian language and literature

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Alexey Kulinich 11/28/2018, 08:42


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Konstantin Konstantin 11/28/2018, 09:23

[profanity seen by Work.ua moderator] test. And everything is not close to mine

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Konstantin Konstantin 11/28/2018, 09:23

Peacemaker [profanity removed by Work.ua moderator]

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Tatyana Balakina 11/28/2018, 09:26

The result depends on the answers and level of self-understanding. Not how you want it to be, but how a person actually behaves. In this case, the result will be accurate. For a more complete picture, projective techniques are used. My result is accurate. Thanks to the author.

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Irina Shtyrbulova 11/28/2018, 09:34

Very good test. The result is correct - a perfectionist.))) I really prefer office work and order.)))

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Alexey Vyaznik 11/28/2018, 09:51

My result does not correspond to how I see myself. He answered all questions honestly, even if it was sometimes unpleasant.

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Nikita Ivanov 11/28/2018, 12:04

The trick is that this test did not explain that the Enneagram is a dynamic model. In fact, a person can be in 3 types, depending on his internal state. For example, the 6th type can behave like the 3rd in case of stress, and in the case of absolute comfort like the 9th. + there are “wings”, mixing of behavior with neighboring ones. For example, the 6th type adopts some of its behavioral models from the 7th and 5th, depending on the environment in which he grew up. Perhaps that's why you don't recognize yourself. For example: You can live in constant stress and therefore see yourself only from one side, but you essentially have not noticed your real self. Or you have strong “wings”. And you won’t recognize yourself because you are used to behaving like one of the wings, and the test results say about a pure type.

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Tatyana Balakina 11.28.2018, 15:35

A very important addition. Thank you.

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Igor Kukshin 11.28.2018, 16:42

what difference does it make what you can, what matters is what you have achieved and who you have become today, and how much $ you have per month, everything else is bullshit and... on vegetable oil

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Sergiy Goryachev 11.28.2018, 18:47

If a test has five hundred or a thousand points, then it is also not guaranteed that different test takers in different situations will have an internal state in the same pattern even by the end of the test, as it seems to me, who is uninitiated in the subtleties.

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Igor Kukshin 11.28.2018, 16:49

if it doesn’t correspond, it means you were deceived and answered the questions dishonestly..

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Natalya Lazareva 11/28/2018, 10:19

The test was super simple, 100% hit, confirmed that I know myself.

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A A 11/28/2018, 10:38

We have shadow business and double standards in our country!

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Natalia Dinovska 11.28.2018, 11:48

In my opinion, the formulation is not entirely correct, and therefore the test result is far from the real picture of a special vector direction. Next, include the moment of individual correction by formulating the principle “and I don’t understand/take it this way...”.

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Dmitry Divulenko 11.28.2018, 12:01

Type 4: Individualist

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Olga Grevtsova 11/28/2018, 12:04

Very good test!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Nikita Ivanov 11/28/2018, 12:07

The test is good. But often, without personal consultation with an Enneagram master, it is difficult to determine your true type. The Enneagram is a dynamic model, and you can live constantly in stress, or vice versa in excessive comfort and, accordingly, manifest yourself as a different type of personality, “not natural.” + there is such a thing as “wings”, and if they are strong, then there may also be distortion. For example, according to the test, I am type 7, an enthusiast, but in reality I am type 6, a “skeptic.” And I know this only thanks to personal communication with one of the Enneagram masters.

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Victoria Moroz 11/28/2018, 12:12

Well, there are very few recommendations, I would like more detailed ones.

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Ivan Getmanov 11/28/2018, 12:41

No, the test is not obtained from the target

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Andrey Zhdanov-Nedilko 11/29/2018, 08:21

Did you answer all the questions honestly and correctly?

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Yana Matrosova 11/28/2018, 12:46

Test to the point!!!! Bila is surprised

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Alexey Trotsenko 11.28.2018, 13:21

Super hit test just 100%

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Oleg Kosenko 11.28.2018, 13:34

Type 5: Observer or Thinker, perhaps yes, but everything is too subjective.

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Marina Khobot 11.28.2018, 14:12

Amazing test. Everything is correct!

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Andrey Zhdanov-Nedilko 11.28.2018, 15:42

Good test! Thank you !!! I liked it - everything was right.

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Natalya Bautina 11.28.2018, 15:56

Interesting test. I don’t consider myself an optimist-enthusiast. Although there is some truth - routine and endless work with documents is definitely not my story!

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Andrey Zhdanov-Nedilko 11/29/2018, 08:05

This means that the papers are not yours!!!

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Igor Zhdanov 11.28.2018, 16:09

Everything coincided, I recommend passing it.

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Andrey Zhdanov-Nedilko 11/29/2018, 08:04

I don’t have everything, but 90%! I like it !

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Valentin Kulakovsky 11.28.2018, 18:44

Hurray, comrades!

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Victoria Kotsinskaya-Karnafel 11.28.2018, 19:00

Super!) right to the point...)

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Andrey Zhdanov-Nedilko 11/29/2018, 08:23

Almost me too!

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Irina Konovalova 11.28.2018, 20:42

Where is the link to the test?))

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Igor Shvets 11/28/2018, 21:00

Deep and serious test. Super.

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Oleg Yazvinsky 11.28.2018, 21:54

Hello As I see from the comments, the test was successful! I also agree with this opinion. The test confirmed my ideas, thoughts, directions and quite accurately formulated what I am striving for! Thank you!!!!!

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Valeria Sheveleva 11.28.2018, 22:43

Good test. But the mistakes would have been corrected...

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Olga Khrapenko 11.28.2018, 23:09

The results are so-so, if only there was a graph, what proportions are expressed. the passage itself was interesting for me, I thought about a lot of things, something that was unexpected), it turns out I’m like that). but the result is somehow flat and monosyllabic for such a test.

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Andrey Zhdanov-Nedilko 11/30/2018, 09:41

I personally liked the test 90-95%!!! I also thought about a lot of things, and the test pushed me to creativity!

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Julia Gertikh 11/29/2018, 00:04

Skeptic (or Loyalist), Possible professions are unclear.

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Irina Lanskaya 11/29/2018, 00:55

Ha, I recognized myself!

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Taras Remarchuk 11.29.2018, 10:00

Tsikavo. The test results, for me, truly underlined my ambitions and potential. It’s true, its effectiveness would be an asset for me, as if the test were Ukrainian!

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Andrey Zhdanov-Nedilko 11.29.2018, 11:26

Absolutely, dear Mr. Taras! I encourage you!!!

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Roman Shostak 11/29/2018, 13:00

As the leader of all tests, I am a project manager. I work as a sales manager. Ukrainian realities(

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Elena Sklyarova 11.29.2018, 13:19

Everything is correct, it’s a pity that employers think differently... They are only interested in experience, age, but not abilities.

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Roman Shostak 11.29.2018, 13:52

I also feel like I’m a project manager, but unfortunately the reality is different. But I don’t want to go abroad.

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Andrey Zhdanov-Nedilko 11.29.2018, 15:19

And there is no need to go beyond the border - there are plenty of jobs and projects for business here! Behind the cordon, you won’t get too much style [the image was seen by a Work.ua moderator]…

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Lyudmila Ponomarova 11.29.2018, 15:26

The food supply is not ambiguous. The evidence is so much more impossible. Return to the fakhіvtsya-linguist, please correct.

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Galina Shevtsova 11.29.2018, 19:33

Boss. Entrepreneur, politician, general manager in any field. Exactly. I haven’t met any problems that I couldn’t solve (in different professions).

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Olga Sergievna 11.29.2018, 20:35

What about the test?) Tell me where to go? )))

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Dmytro (Work.ua moderator) 11/30/2018, 09:15

Olgo Sergievno, to pass the test, please click on the “Let’s get started?!” button, which will appear immediately after the picture with the types of specialness.

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Nina Kuchma 11/30/2018, 09:03

Perfectionist-Reformer. But I don't want an office, I want to be a director. I am a creative person, the life of an office plankton is not for me.

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Andrey Zhdanov-Nedilko 11/30/2018, 09:39

Wow...what conceit we have, Ninochka! Remember: a perfectionist cannot be a leader - there are almost always deadlines in work and projects, and these deadlines are most often strict!... Unfortunately, there is simply no time for licking and perfectionism. Either - deadlines, or - disruption of work or order! There is no third .

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Andrey Zhdanov-Nedilko 11/30/2018, 09:42

The test is great! We are waiting for others!!!

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Vladislav Klimovtsev 11/30/2018, 13:07

Judging by the comments, everything is clear with the test. Ladies are delighted with new “discoveries” in their personality, gentlemen look at the results in bewilderment: “is it really me?”, and some of them have even come to terms with the fact that the test result is themselves))). Where is your inner critic, gentlemen?! Wake him up and listen.

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Sergiy Goryachev 11/30/2018, 13:29

If I understand correctly, this test emphasizes something about leadership. There is an observation about the so-called “grip” that many people are now replacing some of their real leadership abilities with it. On the other hand, given a sufficiently favorable set of circumstances, perhaps everyone can develop such abilities. So, perhaps, in my opinion, this test either consoles, evokes positive emotions, or, in combination with something else, perhaps develops abilities. You need to know this in order to say that this is how teachers can raise children of wealthy parents, or the parents themselves, because there is continuity. And some are told that they can only grab and hold. In my opinion, chances are also needed not only for individuals, but also for “parents” in a figurative sense, so that their talents can be developed, which is more democratic. But in our country it is considered democratic to oppress the one who has done it, and it is better to develop either the ability not to provoke or support others who do not provoke a certain opinion about themselves. To some extent this test works here too.

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Lesya Grebenyuk 11/30/2018, 15:47

peacemakers, how do you like the test?

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Sergiy Goryachev 11/30/2018, 20:49

What does this have to do with peacekeepers, also as a test)?.. I don’t want to write something that doesn’t correspond to the topic

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Sergiy Goryachev 11/30/2018, 20:54

Is it off-topic or not to write about millennials?

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Mikhail Kozenko 11/30/2018, 11:58 pm

90 questions, and the result is 5 applications. Not enough information. What are the answers (both yes and no)? I thought it would be a good test. Just wasted time. Nonsense.

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Lesya Grebenyuk 05.12.2018, 16:49


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Ivan Goncharenko 12/01/2018, 13:29

Thinker!)) The result coincided 99% But the recommended professions are not suitable. But the column “not the best choice” is very true)

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Natalya Kurapov 12/01/2018, 19:08

The test once again confirms that Mriya became a doctor from childhood, which is true. But life turned out differently. In life, I am truly a Helper Friend, I love everyone and am ready to sacrifice my interests for the good of others))

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Lina Ryzhenko 03.12.2018, 13:08

I have the same case, the doctor turned out to be the right one, I’m still interested, I know a lot and I can do it, but alas, my parents and God decreed differently

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Igor Kukshin 03.12.2018, 15:05

it means your hobby is the basics of health

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Sergey Rodoman 12/02/2018, 19:54

I thought that he had a glitch, he asked questions there for a long time, then he wrote that I am a BOSS)) well, there is something in this... I have enemies, I know that for sure... it means everything seems to be correct...

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Andrey Zhdanov-Nedilko 12/06/2018, 16:20

Everyone has enemies - you didn’t discover America with this!

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Sergiy Goryachev 12/04/2018, 08:32

Regarding leadership, it is as it is in these tests. Regarding the negative, it happens that some do not fulfill the usual duties in their positions or positions. Those who make and say claims and negativity regarding those who are socially useful and perform duties in positions, it seems to me, this is superficial. It seems to me that there may be conflicting situations because of this. On the other hand, as I hope, this is not expected and will not happen

  • Answer
Sergiy Goryachev 12/04/2018, 10:02

Some, if there are many such characters who do and express something negative and superficial, indicate or advise doing something in order to approve this on the part of a considerable number of people, and use the words even national) scandal if the opinion is not the same. But, it seems to me, a scandal is just similar situations, when for quite a long time it takes a long time to bring to the point what was stated earlier, i.e. Previously, this was not true. National scandal or not, I hope and it seems to me that this may not happen in our country because this in itself is also harmful in our conditions for the opinion or self-esteem of those taking the test, and in general, and superficial, in my opinion.

  • Answer
Sergiy Goryachev 12/04/2018, 10:36

So everything should be great. You should leave someone in a fictional world, those who make mistakes together, or those who say that in fact they are not mistakes or that they are, no matter what is done, but different reasons exist - in their own world.

  • Answer
Lesya Grebenyuk 12/05/2018, 16:56

In your own fictional world, it’s so difficult to express yourself...)))

  • Answer
Elena Korol 04.12.2018, 13:25

I'm not thrilled. There are many incorrect questions that cannot be answered unambiguously. I have never been a perfectionist in my life and I don’t consider myself one. And judging by the test results……. . Fantastic.

  • Answer
Marisenkova Anastasia, ETC, LLC 12/06/2018, 13:28

Thanks, good test. At a moment of confusion in setting goals, I helped

  • Answer
Andrey Zhdanov-Nedilko 12/06/2018, 16:21

Thank you ! The test is very good!

  • Answer
Andrey Zhdanov-Nedilko 12/06/2018, 16:23

I want to take it as a basis and refine, process and apply it in my company! I think that this will not be a violation of copyright.

  • Answer
Andriy Zhdanov-Nedilko 04/05/2021, 20:15

You're eating [the image was seen by a Work.ua moderator] - why are you showing off here?!?

  • Answer
Nikolay Legkobyt 12/20/2018, 09:59

nothing new and I always knew that my calling was intelligence services and project management

  • Answer
Andriy Zhdanov-Nedilko 04/05/2021, 20:15

Don’t we take on too much?!?

  • Answer
Igor Chernysh 04/21/2019, 09:14

Wasted my time. The test result does not match at all.

  • Answer
Valentina Korchmar 03/30/2021, 21:52


  • Answer
Valentina Reshetchenko 02.26.2020, 22:50

Individualist. This is true.

  • Answer
Anna Chumachenko 03/09/2020, 22:03

Test class, got the exact answer

  • Answer
Marta Brodyuk 05.13.2020, 18:10

An excellent test, it helps you understand a lot.)))

  • Answer
Irina Kurlova 03/31/2021, 09:33

Complete nonsense.

  • Answer
Valentina Fastova 03/31/2021, 15:09

Thanks for the test! It was interesting to learn more about your capabilities.

  • Answer
Svetlana Avagimyan 04/01/2021, 16:37

Perfectionist (or Reformer), almost definitely necessary, only now, based on the test results, he strives for the field of education, perhaps it’s more interesting there)

  • Answer
Evgeniy Shkaruba 04/02/2021, 23:21

...well, the axis. looks similar ;)

  • Answer
Igor Yaroshuk 04/05/2021, 08:14

Everything is in PM...

  • Answer
Sergiy Marchenko 04/06/2021, 20:36

How about the test itself, please?

  • Answer
Oleksiy Polyakov 04/11/2021, 21:42

Sposterigach. Pozhlivo.

  • Answer
Alexey Tkachenko 05.18.2021, 19:06

How many unemployed bosses have gathered

  • Answer
Andriy Zhdanov-Nedilko 10.28.2021, 10:34

You sucked my thoughts and told me to post in my words. So, I won't repeat myself.

  • Answer

What was the first thing you saw?

A woman.

This is a sign that things will soon get better in your life. All minor troubles will disappear on their own, and in major matters someone will definitely help you.

You can confidently start new things and believe in yourself.

Stay near the water more. Now your life has feminine energy, water feeds it.

A man.

Finally, a calm and harmonious period begins in your personal life. If you already have a couple and this is truly “your” person, then the relationship will only become stronger and more prosperous.

Well, if you are actively searching, then soon you will meet your soulmate - the person with whom you are destined for a long and happy life. Don't miss it!

Luscher test

Photo: Unsplash.com
Completion time: about 10 minutes

If previous versions of tests require a more thoughtful approach, then when passing the Luscher color test you will need to focus on your feelings and emotions. All that is required of the respondent is to choose the most attractive or, conversely, repulsive colors in the proposed palette. The test will determine your mood at the time of taking it, how impulsive you are, will help identify your desires, aspirations and fears, and will give a general description of your personality.

Rorschach test

Completion time: about 5 minutes

Thanks to its unusual format, the Rorschach test is one of the most recognizable tools for research in human psychology. It determines the individual properties and characteristics of a person: whether a person is prone to conflicts, how well he can control emotions and how important self-realization is for him. The respondent is shown several cards with shapeless spots and asked to talk about what he associates these images with. The Rorschach test is a complex instrument used in psychology and psychiatry, but a simplified version can be taken online.

Rosenzweig test

Photo: Unsplash.com

Completion time: about 20 minutes

We all react differently to life's difficulties and failures. The Rosenzweig test will help determine your reaction to various stimuli, how hostile you are to criticism and comments. The questionnaire contains several drawings depicting two people. You need to put yourself in the shoes of one of them and write down your reaction to the words of the interlocutor. The test itself is completed fairly quickly, but its interpretation takes a little longer.

What was the first thing you saw?


Despite the terrifying image, the skull symbolizes strength. You are ready for new achievements and victories.

At the same time, you are well aware of the transience of life, and you know that everything comes to an end. You do not get hung up on material things; the path itself is more important to you, rather than the result.

It is for this reason that everything is going well for you. You will achieve a lot if you stay on this path.

A woman.

A woman bowing her head to her feet symbolizes fatigue. You may be confused and don't know what to do next.

Rest, put things aside if possible. You are not in the best shape right now. It would be nice to change the environment for at least a couple of days and gain strength.

There is probably a person next to you who is draining your energy. Reconsider your surroundings and don’t be afraid to part with people whose relationships have already outlived their usefulness.

Do you agree with your results? Share this test with your friends and family!

What was the first thing you saw?


If you saw columns, then your current state of mind is preventing you from achieving what you want in life. You don't want to leave your comfort zone, but you have to if you want to succeed. You are also a dreamer who often overlooks small details.

People between the columns.

If you saw silhouettes between the columns, it means you are a free and sociable person. You often take other people's words to heart and attach great importance to people's actions.

What was the first thing you saw?


You are very practical and soberly assess the risks in your life. You are very cautious, which sometimes borders on pessimism. You should focus less on the bad and enjoy the good more often.

A boat.

You have amazing attention to detail - you don't miss anything. You are very creative and always come up with unique solutions to every problem.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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