The best professions for different temperaments: choleric people

Sample We have already talked about how closely temperament and choice of profession are related to each other. Now let's move on to specific temperament types.

So, the hero of today is a sanguine person.

A sanguine person is a person with a high level of mental activity, vigor of action, efficiency, speed and strength of movement, fast pace of speech, and rich facial expressions. Sanguine people are prone to frequent changes of impressions, are sociable, full of positive emotions, prone to change quickly, expressive, and sometimes fickle.

To understand the influence of this type of temperament on the choice of profession, let's take a closer look at what qualities are characteristic of sanguine people.

Features of a choleric person

The choleric type of temperament is characterized by the presence of great vital energy and a complete inability to control it. Or in 3 words:

  • unstable;
  • impulsive;
  • active person.

In psychology textbooks they write about them: “a strong, agile, unbalanced type of temperament.” Such people cool down as quickly as they lose their temper. Their nature contains leadership qualities, the desire to be in the center of everything and everyone. A choleric person can be seen from afar: sharp, sweeping movements, a bright appearance and a desire to attract as much attention as possible.

How does a choleric person differ from a sanguine person, a melancholic person, or a phlegmatic person?

Keys stuck in a doorway, a minute late for an important event, a salesperson’s mistake in a store - a small list of everyday problems that can cause a choleric person to burst into rage. Sanguine and phlegmatic people do not pay attention to such trifles.

But they are similar to melancholic people. The similarity is in the change of emotional states, but the difference is in the duration of the reaction. If you annoy a choleric person, after an hour he will behave as usual. Melancholic people are capable of harboring hidden resentment for years. Therefore, these 2 types of temperament will never get along together.

Choleric woman: characteristics by temperament

A woman with such a temperament is a bright, creative person with a lively mind. It is these girls who attract all the attention of men, shining with their intelligence and desire to show themselves. Cholerics also have a number of unpleasant features, which are more relevant to women:

  1. For hormonal reasons, girls are more prone to mood swings than men. Therefore, in women the features of choleric temperament are more pronounced.
  2. Men should be more careful: such a life partner will prefer a successful career to family life.
  3. Representatives of both sexes crave constant attention, including romantically. That's why they are not the most faithful couples.

Mask of laughter

Temperament is also associated with the physical qualities of a person.

  • Male professions: list. Male and female professions. The best professions for men

Temperament is also associated with the physical qualities of a person. Sanguine people, as a rule, have a picnic build, they tend to be overweight, and in their facial muscles the muscles that raise the corners of the mouth are genetically better developed. When the situation is clearly cheerful, the sanguine person laughs. The more often he laughs, the more these muscles develop. A sanguine person is already an optimist, but in the process of life he becomes even more optimistic: when the situation is emotionally uncertain, most likely, the corners of his lips will be raised up. At the same time, as studies have shown, mood actually improves. Based on the theory of James Lange, indicating the connection between emotions and muscles, the Americans put forward the thesis: “Keep a smile.”

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