My child is constantly whining! How to stop this? Expert advice

How to survive being forced to stay at home with children, and even combine it with remote work? Parents share life hacks on social networks on how to keep their children occupied during quarantine, and meanwhile children, feeling the growing tension and anxiety of adults, are increasingly throwing tantrums. How to deal with them right now – and what to do for the future?

Most often, children use crying to manipulate their parents.

There are situations when a child hits something and starts crying for objective reasons. Or his tears are provoked by resentment, which is caused by incorrect actions on the part of his parents. For example, their indifferent attitude. In these cases, the child's crying is justified.

However, when the baby starts crying for no apparent reason, most likely he is trying to manipulate you. This can manifest itself in situations like the following. For example, you are talking on the phone with a friend. The child is trying to get your attention. But you don't react because you're talking on the phone. Then the child starts crying for no reason. Pretend to be offended. And thus attracts your attention.

If the mother immediately hangs up and begins to calm the baby (even though she herself does not understand why he is crying), this may negatively affect the future relationship. He will understand that crying is a lever of pressure with which he can achieve what he wants. Moreover, in any situation.

Reason No. 3. I'm hot (cold)

Temperature is very important for the well-being and mood of the baby. The room in which the child is located must be maintained at a constant temperature (22–24 °C for newborns, 20–22 °C for older children). How to create a comfortable temperature

  • Touch the baby's shoulders, back or wrists: if they are hot and sweaty, the baby is overheated; if they are cool, he is freezing;
  • If your baby is hot, open him up, remove one layer of clothing, and change him into dry underwear;
  • If your baby is cold, wrap him in a blanket, pick him up, and put him on your chest. Once your baby is warm, be sure to put on an extra layer of clothing before putting him in the crib;
  • For the future: you should not wrap your child up - the baby’s clothes should be loose and breathable, made of natural fabrics, such as cotton. Children endure overheating much harder than hypothermia, and this is always worth keeping in mind when dressing your baby.

Clue! Tested for generations: we dress the baby as ourselves, plus one more layer.

Reasons why babies cry

There are several reasons that can cause a baby to cry. They are the following:

  1. The child wants to achieve what he wants by crying

    . Tears are a very powerful tool of manipulation that most children resort to. If parents do not stop it in childhood, the child will use it even in adolescence. When he doesn't like something, he will start crying. Pressure on parents' pity. And thereby force them to do what he wants.

  2. Chad loves being small

    . There is an opinion that older children use crying due to immaturity. They have not yet outgrown the period when certain compromises with parents can be achieved through dialogue. And they always use crying when they don’t like a certain decision of adults. Or their behavior. For example, when dad is watching a political program on TV, his adult daughter may ask him to turn it off. Of course, the father will not do this. Because he will be interested in what the program participants will say next. Then the daughter begins to cry. Tell mom: “Ask dad to turn off the TV!” I don't like this program! Mom, in order to calm her daughter down, will insist on turning off the TV. And the girl will begin to manipulate crying in the future.

  3. Baby tries to get attention by crying

    . Tears are also used by children if parents pay little attention to them. Or they don’t communicate with them at all. If you pay little attention to your child, he is guaranteed to cry. And in a similar way, he will try to get you to show at least some emotions towards him. Even if they are negative. For example: “Stop crying! I’m already tired of you!”

  4. With the help of crying, the child tries to avoid insults from parents or serious punishments.

    . This method can be used by the baby both as manipulation and as a defensive reaction. This manifests itself as follows. For example, a child broke his mother’s favorite mug due to his carelessness. He understands that his mother will punish him. He starts crying very loudly, comes to his mother’s room, and says: “Mommy, I broke your favorite mug, please forgive me, I’m so clumsy.” At the same time, he sobs loudly. The mother sees the child's tears and decides to forgive him just because he is crying. And supposedly he repents. The kid understands that the manipulation worked, he was not punished, and adopts the technique. Starts to use it in the future. Despite the fact that he may not even feel guilty for what he did.

Reason #1: I'm hungry

Usually the mother feeds the baby 8 - 10 times a day, but the number of feedings can reach 15 - 20, including nightly breastfeeding (2 to 4 times per night). During this period, the baby needs to be fed on demand, not according to a schedule. By one month, the baby sets his own routine.

Hunger is the most common cause of newborn crying. To make sure that the baby is crying from hunger, just touch the corner of his mouth with a bent little finger: if the newborn immediately turns his head and opens his mouth, it means he is hungry.

We tell you how to feed your baby correctly here.

Determine what situations provoke a child to manipulate by crying

At the first stage, you need to find out when the child begins to use crying for further manipulation. If you feel that tears will soon appear on your baby's face, talk to him. Find out what happened to him. For what reason did he become sad? Give the opportunity to speak. And indicate what doesn’t suit him. And then try to calmly resolve the issue. No screams or tears.

This way you will let your child know that issues can be resolved calmly. And that it is much more effective, faster than causing a scandal.

Reason #4: I'm in pain

What do sharp, piercing, alarmed screams mean that do not stop even when you take the baby in your arms? They talk about the pain he is experiencing. Most often this is abdominal pain or colic. Few people manage to avoid them, but you can help your baby and reduce discomfort.

Read about how to deal with them here.

How to reduce your baby's pain

  • Make sure that during feeding the baby grasps the nipple and areola - this way air will not get into the baby along with the milk (loud smacking is a sign that the baby is sucking in air along with the milk, and this should be avoided);
  • If the baby is bottle-fed, feed the baby a little more slowly, the mixture should completely fill the nipple; you can use special bottles that do not allow air to pass along with food;
  • After feeding, hold your baby in an upright position for 2 to 5 minutes, with his head leaning against your shoulder and his tummy pressed closely to your chest;
  • Give your baby a simple massage that stimulates the removal of gases from the intestines: lay him on his back and stroke his tummy clockwise. Massage with gentle pressure on the abdomen around the navel. Mentally draw a horseshoe on your tummy, the ends of which point down. Your hand movements should follow this clockwise path;
  • Place a warm (not hot) diaper or heating pad on your baby's tummy;
  • Try a gas tube (available at a pharmacy). The procedure is as follows: the baby should be laid on his side, the thin end of the tube, lubricated with Vaseline, should be inserted into the anus about a centimeter, and the other should be lowered into a glass of water. If the cause of pain is gases accumulated in the intestines, then you will soon see air bubbles. Sometimes the tube stimulates stool, which also brings relief to the baby;
  • Adjust your diet, try to determine which product in your diet causes colic in your baby, and try not to eat it. Cabbage, legumes, grapes, products made from yeast dough, any spicy food, caffeine, chocolate can increase colic in a child;
  • Try giving your baby warm fennel tea or dill water by bottle;
  • If the above measures have no effect, consult a pediatrician; if necessary, he will consider the possibility of using medications - drugs that eliminate increased gas formation, are not absorbed into the blood and do not harm the baby;
  • Flatulence can be increased by an excess of lactose or a lack of the enzyme lactase. This happens when the baby receives too much “fore” milk and not enough “hind” milk. At the beginning of feeding, mother's milk is more saturated with milk sugar - lactose. It's called "front". After 10 – 15 minutes of feeding from the same breast, she begins to produce “hind” milk. It is richer in fats, which neutralize lactose and thereby reduce gas formation. Hind milk also has a calming effect and helps restless babies fall asleep.

Most newborns naturally fall asleep at the end of a feeding thanks to the soothing effects of hindmilk. When the baby grows up and sucks more effectively, it will begin to reach him within a shorter period of time after the start of feeding.

Pay attention to your child

Pay attention to the child - this way you will deprive him of the main reason for manipulation by crying:

  1. Talk to your child.
  2. Give him the opportunity to speak out about his problems in kindergarten or school.
  3. Play with your child.
  4. Go to the city, to amusement parks.
  5. Spend time together.

When the child receives enough attention from you, he will have no reason to cry. Because he already has what he is doing it for. On the contrary, the child will be grateful to you for the attention and support that you give him.

Reason No. 5. Malaise

It happens that crying is associated with a certain ailment of the baby (intracranial pressure, nervous system disorders, increased excitability, hypertonicity, hypotonicity, developmental pathology, physiological phenomena of the adaptation period, the onset of an infectious or cold disease, skin diseases or diaper rash, reaction to geomagnetic, atmospheric phenomena and etc.). If you cannot identify the reason for your baby’s crying, do not hesitate to consult a perinatologist: the doctor will definitely help eliminate crying associated with the disease.

If you promise your child something, be sure to keep it.

Throughout the entire process of raising a child, you must keep your promises. If you give your word to do something, then be sure to keep it. So that it is imprinted in the child’s subconscious: promises must be kept.

As an example, we can cite the following situations:

  • They said that tomorrow at 14:00 you will go to the amusement park, go there without fail. Exactly at the same time. You can go to the amusement park before 14:00. Later - no.
  • They said that in a week you would buy your child a Lego set. Be sure to purchase it.
  • You promised that you would take your child to football on Saturday, and be sure to keep your word.

This is necessary for the child to become more confident. So that he feels how you support him. And so that he knows: if the parents made a promise, they will fulfill it. This will help get rid of the tearfulness in the child’s voice due to the fact that he will become confident in the future.

The same should be done with regard to promises regarding punishments. If you say you will punish your child, then do it. Regardless of whether he cries or not.

If you decide to punish a child, he cries and you forgive him, then this will have negative consequences. In the future, the child will never accept your threats of punishment. Because he will know that you can easily brush them off after crying a little.

How to deal with hysteria?

Let your child be independent

Never do for him what he can do himself. When choosing clothes, leisure activities, and menus, discuss possible options together and take his opinion into account. If the requirement is absurd or impossible to fulfill, explain clearly why this cannot be done.

Give up total control and allow your child to make his own mistakes. Gently point to them, show them how to do it right, but he must do the rest himself.

Create clear agreements with your child

Create boundaries for your child that he should not cross by crying. For example:

  • If you are talking to someone on the phone, then this call is important to you. This means that the child should not distract you from him under any circumstances.
  • If you are walking through a toy store and your child asks you to buy something expensive, but you don’t have money, then he should take it calmly. Don't start crying right in the store. And shout: “But I still want this toy.” Instead, the child may voice complaints at home.
  • If you go to the skating rink and rent your child skates that he doesn't like in color, he should still wear them. And don't cry. You need to explain to your child that no one will change their skates because of the color. And that his tears will lead to nothing but frayed nerves.

You can enter any other rules. The main thing is that the child knows the limits of where he is not allowed to cry. If you can teach him this, then the child will not cry for no reason. And he will not manipulate you with tears.

Reason #2: I'm uncomfortable

Children often cry because they feel uncomfortable. This kind of crying is continuous (or almost continuous), more monotonous compared to crying from hunger and is accompanied by anxiety in the child. Which can cause discomfort in a newborn

  • Dirty diaper or wet diaper. In the first month of life, a baby “goes to the toilet” up to 20 times a day. With natural feeding, the child’s stool frequency is 5–6 times, and with artificial feeding — 3–4 times a day;
  • Need to change position: the baby wants to roll over, and he needs your help; he will learn to roll over on his own only after a few months;
  • Too tight swaddling, tight diaper, folds in diapers, small object caught in diaper or clothing (button, crumb, pebble, string);
  • Too bright lighting, loud noise, not enough fresh air;
  • Intestinal colic.

Tight swaddling (with straightened legs and straightened arms tightly pressed to the body), which was very common before, disrupts the natural position of the newborn, normal breathing and blood circulation, which the child “does not like.”

How to stop a child over 3 years old from being naughty

The next stage begins when you and your child, as they say, “go out into the world”: you go to a store where there are toys and sweets, or to visit where a cat is peacefully dozing, which, of course, needs to be woken up and urgently petted. The optimal option would be not to take the child into public places at all with some freedom of action before he begins to speak coherently and understand at least the simplest abstractions. That is why most child psychologists and pediatricians recommend sending a child to kindergarten no earlier than 3 years old.

If a child wants a toy, and you don’t have money for it, it will be difficult for you to explain to him such concepts as “money” and why you don’t have it. If the cat is peacefully dozing, you will also have to explain rather abstract things. For example, that neither people nor cats should be disturbed from sleeping.

If you simply forbid a child to touch something with his hands or say “I’ll buy it, but later,” this often leads to the same hysterics with screams, falling on the floor and kicking his legs. If such whims take you by surprise, simply take the child away from a crowded place or guests: deprived of spectators, children usually stop the hysteria quickly enough. When the child calms down, explain to him that adults do not behave this way, and he will not achieve anything this way.

It is better if parents teach their children to voice their requests in advance and tell them in what cases these requests will be fulfilled. In other words, children should have a real alternative on how to get what they want. And the understanding that they will not achieve anything by whims and hysterics. This pattern can be explained directly to a child: if you scream and cry, you will not get what you ask for.

Another group of whims is associated with the simplest household responsibilities, which, of course, every growing child should have: putting away toys, making the bed, dressing independently. These demands also often lead to resistance and whims, and here it is important to separate two points: are whims related to the fact that the child does not yet know how to do something, or in this way he demonstrates character and fights for independence.

If something doesn’t work out, the baby needs to be helped, but not done for him: help make the bed, put a T-shirt over his head, fasten the buttons on a shirt, and so on. If the whim is due to stubbornness, you will have to spend time explaining that he must take care of himself: dress himself, like adults do, keep the room in order himself, like mom and dad keep order in the kitchen, living room, etc. You can use a trick and try to arrange a quest game: find all the things that are out of place and return them to their place. Or practice a nightly ritual: put the toys to bed, and only then go to bed yourself.

In principle, physically and mentally healthy children usually stop demonstrative hysterics and violent whims intended for the public closer to school age on their own, even if you were not able to take control of the situation right away. However, here the whims of a different plan begin: I don’t want to go to school, I don’t want to learn lessons, I don’t want to go to training or to music school, this is my room, so I don’t want to and I don’t clean it.

There is only one way out: constant dialogue and building trusting relationships. Otherwise, you will never know the true causes of whims, which means you will not be able to fight them. If a child says that he doesn’t want to go to school because something hurts, then first leave him at home and call a doctor, and only then suspect deception if the doctor does not find any abnormalities in his health.

Be sure to try to get to the true cause of the whims. Agree, there is a difference whether a child does not want to go to school because he is not good at math, or because the teacher is yelling at him, or because his elders are offending him. It's already very close to depression. And never scold your child, even if it turns out that he himself provoked the conflict with other children or, for example, did not listen to the lesson, and therefore is now behind in some subject. Always look for a way out, essentially and together with the child, ensure that he trusts you, now and in the future.

This approach will help you out in adolescence, when the struggle for independence flares up with renewed vigor, and independence is not always confirmed by civilized methods: smoking, alcohol, absenteeism from school, etc. If there is a trusting relationship, the child is more likely to listen to you and understand that smoking is no longer fashionable, but it is fashionable not to smoke and lead a healthy lifestyle.

It is possible that you will have to be patient and explain that he needs good academic performance and a certificate, and not you or the teacher, because you and the teacher already have a certificate. That being stupid and poorly educated is not at all cool, because truly cool businessmen have two higher educations, and this has long been the norm. That it will be easier to marry a rich man if you enter a prestigious university where boys from wealthy families study. In any case, your position should be reasoned and understandable to the child, taking into account his current level of development.

Top 7 effective ways to wean older children from whims:

  1. Learn to express your thoughts and requests in a civilized way.
  2. Do not indulge whims and hysterics.
  3. Help in mastering everyday skills and school subjects, but do not do anything in place of the child.
  4. Use playful methods of interaction.
  5. Maintain constant dialogue and build trusting relationships.
  6. Give reasons for your position.
  7. Refuse totalitarian pressure.

Let us clarify that we advocate the rejection of totalitarian pressure not so much for humanistic reasons, but because of its harm and uselessness. If your demands are not clear to your child, he will look for ways to evade them. Essentially, this is the same whim, but expressed not by screaming or crying, but by action. If you don’t have a dialogue, but only prohibitions and punishments, whims will give way to apathy and acquired helplessness syndrome, since the child will not see the point in asking you for anything or mastering anything. In general, communication needs to be learned, and you, as an adult, first of all.

And in conclusion, about one more capricious misfortune that befalls especially conscientious parents, who with all their might want to raise their children to be a well-rounded personality and, of course, know better than the children what is needed for this. Very often, after sending their children to sports, English, music, theater and drawing, parents receive whims in the form of their children’s reluctance to go there.

Let's say this: the child is not made of iron, and can simply get tired from excess loads. Let's look further: if you want your child to achieve some success, then after school he should do what he likes and where he can at least do something, otherwise there will be no motivation. And finally, if you want all your efforts to go to waste, you must provide time in the daily routine that the child will manage at his own discretion. Otherwise, you will get an infantile “vegetable” for whom others will always decide, and who will not learn to make a choice, analyze the situation and understand what he wants.

And it is absolutely unacceptable to compensate for your childhood desires and complexes at the expense of a child: if you once wanted to play the piano or football, the child is not obliged to want the same thing. Therefore, leave the child alone and sign up for courses, music, an amateur sports team and take care of yourself. By the way, one’s own self-sufficiency often helps to establish contact with a child better than all the advice of psychologists combined. Therefore, good luck to you, love and mutual understanding in the family!

We also recommend reading:

  • Storytelling
  • Development of communication skills in children
  • Exercises for memory development in preschoolers
  • How to get your child interested in reading?
  • Glenn Doman “Harmonious development of the child” - summary
  • How to raise a child correctly?
  • Masaru Ibuka “After three it’s too late” - summary
  • How to protect your child from smoking
  • Factors in a child’s intellectual development
  • How to motivate a child to read?
  • How to teach a child to read: rules, tips and tricks

Keywords:1Children, 1Communications

What to do?

If a 3-4 year old child is constantly naughty, analyze all the above reasons and try to eliminate them. Try to prevent the occurrence of stressful situations.

If whining does start, try to switch your baby’s interest to something else.

“Look what huge tears are pouring from your eyes. Let’s put them in a jar,” says one inventive mom.

Offer your little one a new subject or an interesting activity: watch together or read your favorite book. Communicating together will help him feel your love and eliminate unconstructive ways of attracting parental attention.

Communication without hysterics

Finally, here are a few rules from our expert.

To prevent tantrums from becoming a form of manipulation by adults, you need to:

  • Teach your child socially acceptable ways of expressing anger that will not harm others (growling, stomping your feet, beating a pillow). Give the opportunity sometimes to simply “go wild” (an excellent release of accumulated irritation);
  • Learn to understand your feelings and talk about them;
  • Talk with your child about the feelings and interests of other people, teach them to treat them with respect;
  • Regularly organize active games in which children train to manage emotions (pillow fights, snowballs, tag, etc.);
  • Completely abandon physical punishment, never respond with aggression to the child’s angry behavior;
  • Be an example of a friendly attitude towards people.

Screaming at parents' prohibitions

“It is very important to be patient and consistent.
Under no circumstances should you cancel the decision or requirement that caused the hysteria. At the moment when a child is screaming or even rolling on the ground, there is no point in calming him down, calling him to order, or threatening him. You just need to wait out this moment. Do not respond to insults; hand raised to strike - firmly stop! You can take the baby under your arm and take him to a less crowded place. Important!

If your child often falls into unmotivated rage, destroys everything around him, hits others, cannot calm down for a very long time, etc., you need to consult a neurologist. The cause of increased aggression may be neurological disorders that require diagnosis and an individual treatment plan.

When the baby calms down, you need to take pity and caress him. Be sure to say how much this behavior upsets you.

Crying and crisis of three years

The three-year crisis is associated with the development of the child’s psyche. It helps the child become independent, try his hand, and feel his own desires. But the baby still does not know how to control his behavior, cannot restrain himself and be patient. This is what causes hysterics.

Unable to express his feelings constructively, the child screams and gets angry. This is how he protests against circumstances that he cannot change. He protects his interests: he doesn’t want to go to bed or leave the playground, but adults force him. Hysteria in this case is a natural reaction to unpleasant events.

Children are also driven into rage by a sense of their own powerlessness. For example, a baby cannot get a toy, fasten buttons, or open the door on his own. This makes me desperate and very angry! In addition, the baby hears many prohibitions from adults, they intensify the protest.

How to stop a child under 3 years old from being capricious

All the reasons why children under three years of age are capricious can be divided into two subgroups: physical (physiological) inconvenience and exploration of the boundaries of what is permitted. A small child cannot notify his parents about a wet diaper, a feeling of hunger, a desire to drink, and so on. Therefore, the only way to express discomfort is to start crying. This is briefly about the physical causes of moodiness.

The second group of reasons, namely the study of the boundaries of what is permitted, becomes relevant as the baby develops and matures, when he begins to crawl and then walk. During this period of life, he actively explores the world and, for objective reasons, cannot know what exactly poses a danger to him.

A simple prohibition from parents to touch a hot iron, turn over dishes with water, stick their fingers into a socket, or run out onto the road with cars is perceived negatively by the child and is accompanied by whims. The child’s brain is not yet able to perceive abstract concepts like “this is dangerous” or “you can get burned,” and it is very difficult to explain what “dangerous” and “get burned” are, given the lack of abstract thinking.

You have to find a common language with the child in the most literal sense of the word, so that he understands adults. It's difficult, but possible. We'll tell you how to do this and how to act in the most typical situations.

How to find and eliminate the physical causes of whims

Let's start with the simplest, that is, with the simplest physiological reactions. A child may be capricious because he is hungry or thirsty. Therefore, for children under one year old, the most effective way to stop whims is to eliminate discomfort.

Offer your baby milk or formula and check if the diaper is wet. The liquid is not absorbed instantly, so the baby may feel uncomfortable for about a minute after the natural needs have been relieved. When the baby begins to grasp the relationship between recovery and discomfort, he begins to whine and attract attention already at the moment when he wants to go to the toilet. The most savvy parents use this moment to begin teaching their child to ask to use the potty.

If the baby does not want to eat and lies dry, but is still capricious, you need to look further for reasons. He may have a tummy ache, he may feel stuffy or hot. He won’t be able to talk about this until he learns to speak, and it’s also difficult to endure such inconvenience in silence.

Here you should know that thermoregulation in children differs from the process of thermoregulation in adults. And when we are quite warm and comfortable, for a baby it can be very hot and stuffy. Try dressing warmer yourself and ventilating the room, or take your baby for a walk in the fresh air.

If nothing helps, you should consult a doctor, since whims can be caused by a painful condition, even if there is no fever or cough. Some mothers, at their own peril and risk, begin by giving their child the simplest and safest drug to improve digestion, for example, espumizan. In a physically healthy child, the most common cause of poor health is gas formation in the stomach and intestines. However, if this does not help and the whims continue, you can no longer postpone the visit to the doctor.

How to identify and eliminate the psychological causes of whims

Now let's look at the next stage of children's development, namely, when they begin to explore the world and explore the surrounding space. You should start by keeping your baby as safe as possible: close the sockets, raise flowers, vases, dishes, and other breakable objects to unattainable heights, make sure that the power cords from the TV, iron, air conditioner, and so on are not hanging anywhere. This already noticeably limits the range of prohibitions and, therefore, possible vagaries due to misunderstanding of the prohibitions.

Naturally, it is only possible to create a completely safe environment at home, but on the street, outside the sandbox, there are much more dangers. Here, in the process of upbringing, it is important to find a balance between strict prohibitions and the child’s understanding of what’s what.

To begin with, just don’t walk near busy roads, but don’t forbid your child to fanatically climb, for example, onto the side of a sandbox. There have not yet been any recorded cases of someone falling to death in a sandbox, but you can explain to a child what “hurt” means if he hurts himself. Then in the future you will have the opportunity to operate with this concept, explaining to children why you can’t do this or that: a dog will bite you and it will hurt, a car will crash into you and it will be very painful, and so on to the best of your imagination.

In the same way, don’t get upset or swear if you didn’t keep an eye on your baby and he got into a puddle. Yes, and in warm weather, don’t rush to change his clothes and shoes: after walking around wet and feeling discomfort, he will more easily accept explanations that you can’t go into the water, because the water makes clothes and shoes wet, and then it’s uncomfortable to walk in them.

A separate topic is the parents’ attempt to wean their baby off the pacifier. Using a pacifier for too long is harmful, because... An incorrect bite may form, and weaning of the pacifier is often accompanied by a lot of whims, or even just hysterics. There are several ways: for example, appeal to the child’s ambitions, saying that he is already an adult, and adults do not use pacifiers. In addition, you can come up with a ritual: exchange the pacifier for something more appropriate for an adult. Let's say a scooter or a tricycle.

If such tricks do not have an effect, you can simply make the pacifier uncomfortable: cut off the tip, pierce it and blow the air out of it, nail it to the door frame at the baby’s height. In these cases, no one seems to take the pacifier away, but it becomes inconvenient to use, and the baby himself refuses this attribute of infancy.

Top 7 ways to stop a child under 3 years old from being naughty:

  1. Eliminate physical discomfort (hunger, wet diaper, pain, heat, stuffiness, etc.).
  2. Isolate from objects that are of interest and at the same time pose a danger to the child (stabbing, cutting, breaking objects, hot liquids and surfaces, and so on).
  3. Introduce them to the environment under their own control (overcoming mechanical obstacles, communicating with animals, using toys).
  4. Making inappropriate attractive things uncomfortable and unattractive.
  5. Appeal to ambition.
  6. Offer an alternative.
  7. Do not give what the child requires in case of his whims.

It also happens that a child is capricious, despite all the explanations, testing your strength: will you allow him to do something or not. Here it is important not to succumb to provocations and stand firmly on your own: the child must understand that the word of an adult is the law. True, for this you should learn to keep your word always and everywhere. For example, if you promised your children candy, you will have to buy it and allow them to eat it.

There is another way - to imitate the child: whine and yell with him (whoever is louder), also start loudly asking for a toy or calling for grandma, etc. But this method requires a certain artistry and liberation from the adults themselves, so we do not include this method in the list of recommended ones for everyone.

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