Many people want to become champions, but only a few succeed. 10 steps to progress faster than others

Greetings, dear reader!

If you are looking for simple and effective ways to become more energetic, I hasten to congratulate you. This means that you are working on yourself, you have goals, objectives, and you are looking for ways to increase your energy in order to accomplish even more and move forward! I appreciate this, and in this article I tried to collect the most effective, but at the same time simple ways to become more energetic that I use myself. And I need a lot of energy - after all, I have an 8-hour working day on a 5/2 schedule, I work a lot on the website and on the Yandex.Zen channel. So, are you ready to reach a new level of energy? Then let's go!

You are your main rival

Steve Young said: “One of the best things I can recommend to anyone is to start competing with yourself.” In other words, try every day to become a little better than you were yesterday and grow in your own achievements. Use the success of other athletes as a source of motivation.

Challenge your friends to a workout to improve your personal performance. Productive competition is better than dull envy.

How to get maximum results

Friends! The recommendations presented in the article really help, but there is an even more effective way to become energetic - take the 7-day marathon “Energize!” from the online school “Life Design”. As part of this marathon, you will learn everything about your energy and recharge to the fullest! Here's what awaits you:

  • 7 lessons
  • Personal account on a closed platform
  • Hometasks
  • Communication with other course participants on a closed platform
  • Access to course materials 21 days after purchase

You will succeed!

Push the limits

One guy was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. In a nutshell, it is a disease that affects many systems of the body and as a result can even lead to death. The guy said: “I won’t live with diabetes, but he will live with me.” The man changed his diet and continued his own training. It was the British rower Steve Redgrave, who won gold at 5 Olympics in a row.

How to become more decisive and quicker in decision making

We must make decisions every day, which means our lives depend on their quality. But sometimes we refuse or delay, which only makes the situation worse. In short, three things are important: speed, determination and quality. If all this is present, then your life can be called successful.

All of the following advice is given by entrepreneurs who are familiar first-hand with the need to make decisions (especially in tough conditions). Perhaps some of them will help you both in your professional and personal life.

Sometimes good is perfect

Think about the meaning of this phrase for a moment. If you don't find any meaning in it, think about it a little more. Remember situations from the past. Think about how you can apply this knowledge in the future.

When you seek perfection, you waste valuable time and opportunities. Sometimes you just have to stop and tell yourself, “This is good enough.”

  • You are launching a new product
  • Produce something
  • Are you thinking about writing a book or article?
  • Making a presentation
  • Do you do marketing?

When you have made a product 6, 7 or 8 out of 10, this is often enough.

If this intimidates you, remember: all the entrepreneurs you compete with face the same time constraint. If they make decisions slowly and you make decisions quickly, then you win.

Avoid the status quo

When we refuse to decide, that is also a decision. When stuck, ask yourself: Will I maintain the status quo or move forward? All decisions involve costs. Usually what holds you back is either fear or lack of information. Get all the information you need and don't be afraid to bet on yourself.

Create a long-term perspective

Take as much time as necessary to develop a long-term perspective. Why? Because when you have it, all daily decisions are made several times easier and faster.

This way you will know that every little decision you make will either move you in the right direction or become an important lesson to be learned.

Take your time

Despite the title of the article, sometimes it is important not to rush into decisions. Let's say you feel like you're just getting ready to make a decision, so don't let anyone rush you. Consider the difference: do not put it off indefinitely, but take time for a little reflection.

Make a plan: why, how and what

It is much easier to make a decision when you are crystal clear on what you are trying to achieve, why you are trying to achieve it, and how you plan to achieve it. Your mission (why), values ​​and strategies (how), and metrics (what) serve as guides and filters for your decision making.

With this formula, many questions answer themselves.

Understand the root cause of your hesitation

Ask yourself whether the reason for hesitation is fear (not feeling prepared and unable) or anxiety ( not feeling prepared and capable). If it's fear, take small steps. Learn from everyone and iterate quickly. Let the steps be small, but fast. This makes it possible to create true self-confidence.

If it's anxiety, burn all bridges. Put yourself in a situation where there is nothing else to do but make a decision.

Give up the pursuit of perfection

The most important:

  • Selecting options
  • Feedback measurement
  • Fast learning

Remember: there are no perfect plans or perfect solutions. So choose what you have and go for it.

Make big decisions in 5-10 minutes

Give yourself a time limit of 5-10 minutes and make a decision. During this time, you can go to a search engine and find any information you want. Or call someone. Anything, but in 10 minutes the decision must be made. Then ask yourself what the worst case scenario is for the best solution. Will you be able to live with him if this happens? If yes, then accept it.

Break decisions into small pieces

Break one big decision into several small ones so that you can test, evaluate and change them if necessary. You will also reduce risk and be able to adapt faster.

Assess the worst and best that can happen. Make a decision and don't look back

Start with a simple assessment: what's the worst that could happen? And what is the ideal end result? Then make a decision and either sink or swim. At least you've made a decision. Being an entrepreneur means you are a leader, and no one wants to see a weak leader. Speed ​​is power.

Get rid of small decisions

Remove a few decisions from your life so you can focus on the most important ones. Don't waste valuable mental energy on small things. Hire a chef or order healthy food delivery to reduce the time you spend going to the cafe. Wear the same clothes. In general, eliminate small decisions from your life.

We wish you good luck!

We also recommend reading:

  • Storytelling
  • Enemies of good decisions
  • When to decide to act
  • How to learn to make decisions
  • The best blog content in 2021: time management and productivity
  • How to overcome decision fatigue
  • Steve Pavlina's Questions for Making Tough Decisions
  • How to make the right decisions: effective practices
  • OODA Decision Cycle
  • Decision Making: A Brief Guide
  • How to make the right decisions

Key words:1Psychoregulation

No misses

Downhill skiing champion Lim See Won advised: “If you fall, get up immediately and go down further. Then you will look at the results and draw some conclusions.” During competitions, it is important to be able to immediately forget about mistakes. In life, everything is the same: when a reaction is needed, we begin to think about the mistake. This may lead to another, much more serious one.

What kind of harsh person is this? Advantages and disadvantages

On the one hand, there are still positive aspects:

  • The quick thinking of a sharp man,
  • High adaptability,
  • The speed of reaction in emergency situations will definitely play into the hands of temperamental people.
  • Sharp people are very active, real liveliers.
  • Able to repel ill-wishers, make decisions quickly,
  • More resistant to stress in critical situations.

However, their inherent hot temper and harshness in relationships can seriously harm. In a fit of anger, harsh people lose self-control, in rare cases they are even capable of murder.

Clouding of the mind deprives you of the right to choose, takes away the will to act wisely. After such “outbursts”, a release of adrenaline by the body, anger is replaced by the realization that the situation was not worth serious clashes. Problems with the law, a fall in the eyes of others. The life of a harsh person cannot be called safe. But don’t consider sharpness a disadvantage, just turn your power in the right direction.

Favorite tracks are a great incentive to work

How can you spend your day without ever playing a single favorite song? And this is right, because listening to your favorite music only has a positive effect on us and our well-being. It doesn’t matter what genre of music you prefer.

When you listen to your favorite tunes, dopamine is released in the part of the brain that is responsible for reward. This in turn effectively improves our mood, and, of course, the productivity of our work.

Spend 15 to 30 minutes listening to your favorite tracks every day, and you will increase your efficiency, improve your mood and overall body tone. So, if you have not yet acquired such a useful habit, download your favorite music to your player and increase your productivity with pleasure and without unnecessary effort.

Don't worry about the little things

If you're interested in getting tough and are committed to it, you can't let disappointing news or negative comments ruin your day. If every little challenge makes you feel like you failed, you won't have the strength to make good choices about bigger issues. How can a man become tougher? First of all, a real man should not be suspicious and give in easily, as well as worry about little things.

Strong-willed qualities

The motivational-volitional sphere is responsible for achieving goals. If it is poorly developed, a person is unlikely to be able to achieve success in life and become a strong and influential person. Laziness, inertia and apathy will constantly throw him back. You can have outstanding natural abilities, but still fail to realize them.

Therefore, you need to constantly work on willpower. Fortunately, she is highly trainable. Start working this invisible muscle today and you will soon notice positive changes.

Form healthy habits

A habit is an action that has become automatic and requires minimal time and energy expenditure to perform it. We don’t think about how to brush our teeth, how to open a door with a key, or how to change gears when driving a car. The brain operates according to a familiar algorithm, practically without involving consciousness in the process.

Most habits are formed spontaneously - we simply learn frequently repeated actions. By the same principle, you can develop habits through willpower. First, you consciously force yourself to regularly perform a necessary and useful action, then this action begins to perform itself with your hands.

If you don't know where to start, use our cheat sheet of healthy habits:

  • drink 2 liters of water per day;
  • keep a diary;
  • read books before bed;
  • jog in the mornings;
  • keep track of expenses.

Pick one habit and implement it into your life. To remember about it, make a reminder in your phone and put stickers in visible places. According to psychologists, it takes 21 days to consolidate a new habit. During these three weeks, do not allow yourself any slack.

When you feel that the action is almost automatic and does not require reminders, you can move on to the next habit. The more good habits you learn, the better.

Control your finances

If you feel a constant lack of money and cannot understand where it goes, it’s time to optimize your expenses. Starting today, start keeping track of your spending. I recommend using special applications, there are a great many of them:

  • CoinKeeper;
  • Monefy;
  • Zen Mani;
  • KeepFinance;
  • Expense journal;
  • 1Money and others.

You can, of course, keep a notebook and write down all expenses by hand, but, as practice shows, this is not very convenient. The main advantage of electronic options is the ability to systematize and analyze the data obtained. You will clearly see which categories of goods and services “eat up” most of your salary. Often these are unnecessary little things and random expenses that could have been avoided.

For example, the habit of drinking coffee every morning in a coffee shop near your home will cost you about 3,000 rubles a month. In two months you can save up for a good coffee maker.

Think about what expenses you could give up in order to save some money and start building your safety net. Also consider opportunities to increase your earnings. You can work overtime at your main job, or you can try to monetize your other skills.

I advise you to choose the second option. Even if your earnings are small at first, you will be able to develop and grow in a new area. In our unstable times, you can lose your job at any time, so it would be a good idea to prepare an alternate airfield for yourself.

Enrich your spiritual life

An active spiritual life will help you understand what you need when your problems seem to threaten to consume you. Find ways to become more spiritually aware and connected to the rest of the world. Doing yoga, meditating, participating in worship, and spending time in nature are all good ways to enrich yourself spiritually.

Think carefully about your actions

In every situation you face, you have a choice. It is up to you to decide how you will react and what actions you should take. Sometimes the right choice is obvious, and sometimes right and wrong cannot be distinguished from each other. Taking the time to think things through will help you make the right choice. Let's say you receive bad news: you weren't accepted for the job you applied for. What possible ways out of the situation can you name? What is the right way out?


A person's appearance is largely determined by genes. Some people naturally have good skin, thick hair, ideal proportions and correct facial features, while others cannot boast of even one parameter from this list. However, any appearance, even the most beautiful, declines with age if it is not taken care of.

It often happens that “ugly girls,” forced to compensate for genetics by constantly working on themselves in the gym, blossom after 30 years, while beauties, on the contrary, “deflate.”

We are convinced that any appearance can be changed for the better. This is especially true for girls. It’s not for nothing that the beauty industry is one of the most profitable and fastest-growing.

Play sports

Sport is the head of everything, I never tire of repeating this from article to article. And even more so when working on your appearance. Regular physical activity will help you get a good figure, straight posture, a healthy glow on your cheeks and a sparkling look.

If you haven't played sports before, start gradually. Buy a gym membership and start working out at least once a week. Don't overload your body in pursuit of quick results, otherwise you risk completely losing motivation.

Choose activities based on your goals. If you want to lose weight, aerobic workouts are perfect - running, aerobics, tennis, skiing. If you need to increase muscle mass and give it definition, work out on weight machines.

Work on your own style

Each person should have their own unique and inimitable style. Think about what image of yourself you would like to broadcast to the world - strict, restrained, frivolous, cheerful... Do not forget that clothes should correspond to your inner content and be appropriate in each specific case.

By the way, all the shortcomings that have not yet been corrected in the gym can be disguised with the right clothes.

Organize your wardrobe. First of all, get rid of things that have long lost their appearance: they have stretched out, become covered with pellets and stains, and have faded in the sun. Do the same with clothes that are outdated, don't fit you well, and don't fit your style.

If after sorting through your wardrobe you find yourself almost empty, don’t despair. Gradually you will collect a new one. If you don’t trust your taste at all, use the services of a stylist. He will help you choose clothes that suit your specific style, taking into account your body shape.

Keep yourself in good physical shape

Being physically strong and healthy is good for your mind too. If you constantly feel tired and in a bad mood, it will be much more difficult for you to solve problems that arise. Don't neglect your body's health if your goal is to be tough. There are a few simple steps to keep your body healthy:

  • Get enough sleep. This will keep your body healthy and help you stay alert. The goal is 7-8 hours a day. Make it a priority!
  • Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits. By making this the basis of your diet, you will get the vitamins and nutrients your mind needs to stay strong.
  • Exercise. Strength training will keep your body and brain in good shape.
  • Fight stress. If your world is cluttered with millions of things to do, it will affect your ability to make good decisions.

Personal effectiveness

Everyday affairs and issues require solutions one way or another. To do this, we go to work, take care of the house and generate various plans for completing tasks. In order to achieve our goals faster and better, we try to come up with new solutions.

It is worth developing personal effectiveness simply because it will give you a chance to significantly improve your standard of living. By being able to reduce your time commitment, you will be able to choose additional tasks. Everyone is their own leader—this must always be remembered.

Achieve your goals

Everyone sets goals, but achieving them is a completely different matter. Achieving most goals requires hours of monotonous hard work. If you want to be tough, be prepared to put in the time and effort required to achieve your goals. Break your goals down into manageable steps and set a timetable for completing them. This way you will know exactly what you need to do to get to the finish line. Be relentlessly persistent. If you give up before you reach your goal, you are letting yourself down. Don't let yourself lose interest or get tired of working hard.

Make in bulk

The essence of this technique is to perform an operation on several objects at the same time. To make it clear what we’re talking about, let’s remember a familiar everyday task: finely chop green onions or some other greenery.

How to do it NOT correctly? The wrong thing to do is to cut the greens one blade at a time. Usually people collect all the greens in a bunch and chop them in this form.

Here are some more examples:

1. To quickly saw off several slats of the same length, they can also be pre-assembled into a bundle.

2. To move several specific files from one folder to another, you need to select them (click on them with the mouse while holding the Ctrl key) and simultaneously drag them into the new folder.

3. But here is a more complicated case. Let's assume that we need to edit several images according to the same scenario: reduce their size, change the format, or perform the same color correction. In such a situation, it is best to use the “Batch Processing” function in Photoshop, that is, record a sequence of actions and apply it to all the necessary files at once. Batch Processing is especially useful when you need to process tens or hundreds of images quickly.

Alas, the “Make in bulk” technique has two significant drawbacks, which is why I placed it at the very end. Firstly, there are not many situations in life for which it is suitable. Secondly, the possibility of its use is often limited by our capabilities (it is unlikely that we will be able to carry four buckets of water in our hands or saw two logs at the same time).

However, when we manage to use this technique, we get the opportunity to significantly save our time.

Make strong connections with other people

There is power in numbers. It's easier to build a wall around yourself than to reach out and create deep relationships with other people. Earning and maintaining people's trust is no easy feat. It may sound strange, but showing vulnerability in front of others is actually an important part of being tough. Show your family, friends and colleagues that you deserve their trust and love. Answer emails and calls quickly and be there for people when you need it. Take on a leadership role in your community. You can dedicate your time to helping others, coaching a small team - say, at work or at the recreational level. Place a bet in your community!

Put everything in its place

Often people spend working time on various searches. They spend a long time looking for the necessary tools and materials, sorting through piles of papers and painfully remembering where they saved certain files. Such problems will not arise if we know well where and what we have.

However, simply putting things in different places and remembering their location is only a half-measure. A good “storage” should be based on a convenient and intuitive system. In this case, we do not need to remember anything: we initially know that

  • The Lord of the Rings is on the science fiction shelf, and Critique of Pure Reason is on the philosophy shelf.
  • The grinder is stored in power tools, and the window enamel is stored in the cabinet with paint and varnish products.
  • Photoshop is among the graphic editors, and Microsoft Word is among the office programs.

You can put anything in its place: tools, materials, documents, contact lists, clothes and even food in the refrigerator. And if you, like me, constantly work with information, think about your system for storing e-books, notes and bookmarks in your browser.

The most important thing when working with a system is to train yourself to support it. If you constantly create chaos in your “storage” and then heroically clear it away, such a system will be of little use.

What is multitasking

This concept came from the West, with new teaching technologies. Multitasking is the ability to perform several tasks at once. This could be several types of activities performed by a person in parallel, or the ability to break several tasks into their component parts so that they can be returned to without compromising the final result. For a modern person, multitasking is understandable in the following examples:

  • Working on a computer while talking on the phone;
  • Watching TV and newspapers;
  • Driving and talking on the phone.

It would seem that such multitasking would not surprise anyone today. But for more complex and responsible tasks, distraction to solve other problems requires a lot of concentration. In order to ensure that the quality of the work performed does not suffer, well-developed skills are required. Research has shown that multitasking is not productive. The fact is that a person is capable of solving problems in any field of activity in a rather limited sector. He is able to perform one task efficiently without being distracted; in addition, constant switching from one type of activity to another is stressful both intellectually and physically. Constantly multitasking is not conducive to productivity.

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