The best topics for conversation with a guy: in correspondence, on a walk, on the phone

Communication plays an important role in building romantic relationships. Initially, we are attracted to a person’s external characteristics - we can fall in love with a dimple on the cheek, eyes or gait. But it often happens that ardor and passion disappear immediately after the object of our attraction opens his mouth and begins to talk.

The beginning of an affair is always the most intense stage, especially when strong feelings are involved. We really want to please our partner - to capture his heart and soul, and we do everything possible to make this happen.

Often, anxiety deprives you of the opportunity to be yourself and makes you make fatal mistakes. Some girls chatter tirelessly, believing that in this way they control the communication process. Others, on the contrary, are silent, like fish on ice, thinking that they are creating an aura of mystery around themselves. However, in both the first and second cases, the chances of success are sharply reduced.

What to talk about with a boy during a walk in order to strengthen mutual sympathy, and not destroy it? What topics will bring you closer together, and which, on the contrary, will distance you? Today we will answer these and other interesting questions that are relevant to many girls.

What to talk about with a man

It is usually not difficult for people who like each other to find a common topic for dialogue. But sometimes this system fails: when a person is still new to someone or when the reasons in the air have exhausted themselves.

At such moments, the time comes to discuss each other: the past and plans, hobbies, views and life positions. These are personal conversations that can touch on something really important, but it doesn't have to go deep into the jungle of personality differences.

Another option is to create a topic artificially, on your own. Notice something around you or go through something together and then discuss it later. You can start talking about recent events or mutual acquaintances, but there is a high risk of turning to gossip - and this is not the best scenario. Even if it is interesting, the conversation will turn out to be “empty”.

Sometimes it’s important to just start a conversation with a guy, ask him interesting questions, and then the dialogue will complete itself. If you don’t know how to do this, then use one of the examples:

  • “I recently read that...”
  • “You won’t believe what happened to me the other day!”
  • “I learned something and it just haunts me.”
  • “Do you know what I did here?”
  • "Your opinion is important to me"
  • "I need your advice about..."
  • “Do you think it’s worth it...”

Ask for a favor

Asking for a small favor is a psychological trick invented (or first described) by Ben Franklin. If you asked your interlocutor for a small favor, then this will create a connection between you. People like to help and feel needed. We unconsciously become more open with those people whom we have helped in some way.

But the request must be small. There is no need to ask a person to come to your place on Friday evening to dig up your garden. You can ask to borrow a pen, or share a piece of paper. There are plenty of options.

Why is it important to have conversations with a guy?

Conversations are the engine of relationships. Without speech, we would not be able to establish contact, and only through personal conversations, through pleasant communication alone with a new guy or with a loved one, can we truly get to know each other. Then joint experience will be added to the methods of rapprochement, but at first everything will be decided by conversations. It is important to understand whether you like the way your chosen one speaks and whether you like his stories. It is through conversations that you find out his views, find something in common and something that is not at all like you.

Before a conversation, it can be difficult to draw any conclusions about a person and whether you would want to communicate with him. And vice versa: a conversation can radically change the initial impression. This is how guys who don't seem attractive at first can charm you within a few minutes of conversation. And interesting-looking men turn out to be not the kind of people with whom it is pleasant and interesting to talk.

A simple conversation while walking is one of the most convenient ways to obtain information. Both verbally and nonverbally. Express emotions and feelings to a person and receive the same from him, establish contact.

Being the main form of communication, conversation has become a convenient tool for anything:

  • receiving pleasant sensations,
  • new information,
  • refuting or confirming conjectures,
  • manipulations in relationships and changing them.

For romantic relationships, this is the simplest and therefore mandatory way to develop the following qualities:

  • familiarity and intimacy
  • show interest,
  • do nicely
  • take care,
  • satisfy each other's needs.


If you know that your interlocutor is a motorist, then you can ask him the following questions from the list:

  • How old have you been into cars?
  • Do you only know how to drive a car or something else?
  • Why did you decide to buy this particular car?
  • Was it difficult for you to learn your license?
  • How old were you when you first got behind the wheel?
  • What music do you prefer to listen to in the car?
  • Did you buy the car yourself or did your parents help you?
  • What brand of car did you dream of as a child?
  • Do you walk more often or travel by car?
  • How often do you prefer to change cars?

You might be interested in the article: How to meet a guy on the Internet.

What to talk about with a stranger

Strangers are often intimidating: you want to come up, say hello, strike up a conversation - but how? There is reason for timidity, but there are also trump cards. If a girl initiates the first conversation when meeting, she receives maximum attention from the guy.

These days, despite all the efforts of feminism and the desire for equality, it is still something amazing. For guys, the ability to meet a girl on the street is an indicator of coolness. They have an established opinion that only the most dashing and confident guys who cannot be embarrassed can do this. Girls, on the other hand, do not take this ability seriously: it may speak of courage, but it is unlikely to be considered an important trait or considered something like a developed superpower.

You will get his full attention and keep him interested no matter what you say. This is a fun game: even if the first line is something strange and out of place, the guy will answer and continue the conversation out of surprise. And most likely you will seem not like a girl who failed the acquaintance, but rather unusual or mysterious. That is, even a mistake will be beneficial - and this is incredibly convenient.

You will have to pull topics for conversation out of thin air: if the situation is unfolding in a public place, observe what the guy is doing and say something about it. If you need to meet a guy online, we suggest what is best to write - here. If there is no reason, say something about the guy himself or ask about him or anything else.

But it’s better to be on the safe side: here are a few topics for conversation with a stranger or a guy you barely know.

  • Hobbies. Questions like “What are your hobbies?”, “What do you usually do in your free time?”, “Do you have a hobby?” are suitable questions.
  • Hedonism. Usually - in terms of food. “What is your favorite dish?” “What dish would you like to try?” “What would you never eat?” “What food do you associate with childhood?” “What kind of cuisine do you like?”
  • Purchases. “Do you like shopping?” “Which stores do you usually dress in?” (here you can also praise the style), “Do you think online stores will eventually supplant regular ones?”
  • Family. Quite a personal topic, but you can approach it carefully. "Do you have any brothers or sisters?" “Do you get along with your relatives?” “Do you have family traditions that everyone respects?” “Tell me about the relative with whom you have the best relationship.”
  • Pets. "You have a pet?" “Do you like cats or dogs more?” “Have you ever wanted to have a pet? If so, which one?” “Why does your cat have this particular nickname?” “What is the most unusual pet you have ever seen?”
  • Compliment + question. “You have a great figure. Do you play sports?”, “Wow, you are very smart, you probably read a lot. What kind of books do you like?", "What a quick fix you got with that thing. Perhaps you understand engineering?”
  • Favorite books and films. It’s a blissful topic that we can talk about for a long time - after all, everyone has them.

On the street

The street is the best place to meet on a casual occasion. Questions and compliments are great topics here.

Here are two of the most working examples:

  • Young man, you have a very beautiful scarf. The color matches the eyes perfectly.
  • Young man, won’t you help me get to Krasnoznamennaya? I seem to be lost and can’t figure out how to reach her.

If you feel confident enough, you can use some pick-up artist tool: ask to smile, say that this is a fateful meeting or something like that. Remember that you will have attention and interest in any case.

It’s convenient to meet guys on the street who walk dogs. His pet is the perfect first conversation topic. Praise the dog, ask about its breed, name, age, character. If you dare, offer to take a walk together sometime. Most likely, he will not refuse.

By correspondence

Dating by correspondence is safer: you don’t see your interlocutor, and everything is not felt so acutely. Again, girls text first much less often than guys, so even “Hey, you look really cute :)” would be a great start. Men so rarely receive attention from women first that they are always sensitive to it - no matter how it is expressed.

When the conversation starts, move on to one of these topics:

  • Interests and hobbies.
  • Discussion of profile details - activities, interests, favorite music, if you communicate via correspondence on VK. If it’s on a dating site, you can ask about it without being able to look in the corresponding blocks.
  • Travel - accomplished and desired
  • Outlook on life
  • Plans
  • Job
  • Attitude to various issues
  • Entertainment
  • Plans for the weekend
  • Cinema and books

Work on yourself

Constant communication is one of the important components of developing communication skills. But sometimes the problems that make us afraid to communicate can be deeper. Therefore, it is worth working on the following points:

  • Accept yourself as you are. If you can't make a drastic change at the moment, then why worry about it? Will being overly concerned help you? Of course not.

Learn to love yourself. The following will help with this:

  • Praise yourself more often
  • do not give control over your self-esteem into the wrong hands;
  • keep a success diary in which you write down each of your victories

By doing this, you will stop dwelling on your mistakes.

  • Don't run away from hard work and fear. If you encounter something that you don't think you can overcome, just tell yourself: “Yes, it will be hard, but it is possible. At least I’ll try and if it doesn’t work, I’ll gain communication experience.”

This will be useful if you want to get to know someone, but you are caught by one of the fears that we described in previous chapters.

  • Learn to be patient. You can develop your communication skills endlessly. It's like sharpening a sword: no matter how much you sharpen it, it will never be perfect.

You should want to develop communication skills, but at the same time, do not care about the result. Because it will prevent you from developing in communication. Just work on yourself and praise for every achievement: a new acquaintance, an exercise completed, an interesting conversation with someone, etc.

  • Read more fiction. The more vocabulary you have, the more interesting and competent you will be able to conduct a dialogue. What to read? Whatever you like: you can have classics, you can have detective stories, or you can have novels.

The main thing is that reading brings you pleasure - this will help you not to stop and learn to communicate with strangers.

  • Learn to be cheerful and open. Why is this so important? Because when approaching people, the main value you can give is positive emotions. And you can call them if you are an open and cheerful person.

You can share your failures in conversation and laugh at them - this is one of the best ways to win over your interlocutor and relax.

Topics for conversation with your boyfriend

It’s easy to talk to your loved one - you are at that distance when the list of taboo topics is reduced to a minimum. You can give him a nice compliment. You know him, you know his hobbies and passions - you can always talk about them. It is more convenient to discuss current events and problems with him. Give and ask for advice, exchange your favorite jokes, share stories. In addition, you can already make plans with your loved one - both for the evening or weekend, and for many years.

It’s worth talking to a guy you like about what his plans for life are, what he wants from it. Does he want to achieve dizzying heights, or is he comfortable at the level he has already achieved? Does he want to travel or stay at home? Career or family are more important to him. Discuss the attitudes, attitudes, and situations that shaped the person who they are. All this will help establish a relationship or recognize in time that you are not suitable for each other.

  • As a way of caring, ask what’s new in his studies and work.
  • Ask about your well-being and mood.
  • If you are close enough, ask questions about the family.

You can always get additional topics to discuss by doing something together:

  • Discuss a movie you both saw
  • Read the same book at the same time and exchange thoughts and opinions about it
  • Go to an amusement park and then share your impressions
  • Spend time in the forest or other scenic location
  • Discuss a topic that is interesting to both of you: it could be photography, travel, sports
  • Discuss personal matters: each other and problems. Find solutions together
  • Talk about dreams
  • Discuss self-improvement: what would you each like to get better at?
  • Offer or ask for help or advice
  • Ask or give away a little secret
  • Past: what each of you was like before you met, what was important in life. Try not to talk about your ex
  • Childhood: how it went, what kind of child he was
  • Family, its role in life and relationships with relatives


Many guys are interested in sports, so you can talk to them about their favorite topic:

  • How do you feel about sports activities?
  • Do you watch any sporting events on TV?
  • What is your favorite sport?
  • Why do you like this sport?
  • Have you ever taken part in a sports competition?
  • Does everyone in your family play sports or is it just you?
  • Do you read sports literature?
  • Do you go to the gym?
  • Have you ever dreamed of becoming a professional athlete?
  • Would you like your children to play sports?

Funny, interesting and original topics for conversation with any guy

These usually arise spontaneously: they are born from jokes, from events lived together, stem from dialogue that was not intended to be funny or original.

You can point at them:

  • Imagine which book or movie character you would be
  • If you had a superpower, what would it be? And which one would you like?
  • Find a topic that you are not well versed in, and come up with your own details, details, and stories about it. For example, you know nothing about the Dutch - put together their mentality, habits, characteristics
  • Discuss funny incidents from childhood
  • Make prophecies from what is happening around you: it is raining in the sun - to a bright and full life, a yard cat has changed its direction of movement - to warming. Don't explain, just make it up
  • When in a crowded place, try to respond to the remarks of passers-by, preferably to do it funny.

Events of the day

A neutral topic of conversation is to discuss how your day was. Surely, you will be able to tell each other a lot of interesting things:

  • Did you have a good day at work?
  • What made you smile today?
  • How do you like the weather today?
  • Are you still full of energy or are you waiting for the weekend to come?
  • Did your boss praise your project?
  • What's your mood today?
  • What did you do at work during your lunch break?
  • How are you planning to spend the evening?
  • Are you very tired from your work/study?
  • What are your plans for tomorrow?

What not to talk about

The list of taboo topics is not that long. Surely you can add your own to it, but over time, the boundaries in the relationship become more flexible. This makes it possible to discuss those things that I didn’t want to touch on at first.

At first, avoid talking about:

  • Money. Who earns how much, who is in what financial situation now
  • Former ones. There is no point in bringing up the past when the current young man is sitting next to you.
  • Flaws. And there will be time for criticism, but it must be constructive and timely. And, ideally, served softly and with care.
  • Vulgarities. Bed topics and obscene jokes may also appear, but over time, when the relationship has already been established
  • Personal. Ask a person about his character and habits, but don’t try to get into his head and don’t force him to twist his soul.

In the ranking of the best dating sites, you can choose the site you like and register on it to find a guy with common interests and communicate without boundaries!

  1. What topics do you like to talk about with your loved ones?
  2. Do you discuss the same things with them as you do with your friends?
  3. Do you tolerate silence calmly, or do you try to fill the awkward pause with at least something?

Answer in the comments :)

How to end a conversation

You can say goodbye with the following phrases:

  • I was interested in you, see you again?;
  • how about another walk?;
  • if you are bored, be sure to call;
  • I hope you had fun...
  • when will we see you next time?
  • thank you for a pleasant evening.

If a guy likes a girl, he will definitely show reciprocal interest and invite her on a second date.

No pauses

Conversations sometimes reach a dead end. Interlocutors begin to get nervous due to boredom and awkward pauses. How to avoid this?

  • Think through possible topics of conversation in advance.
  • Have a few questions at your disposal that can help out in case of an awkward pause or in a situation where the conversation has gone in the wrong direction. Helpful topics include local news and events, new releases from the world of cinema and books, and popular TV shows.
  • Don’t answer with a simple “yes” or “no.” Give detailed answers to the guy's questions.
  • Try not to stress or get hung up on the process of conversation and thinking about every word. This distracts from the judge of the dialogue.
  • Be curious, don't be shy to ask leading questions.

Attention! Don't take advice too literally. You shouldn’t chatter incessantly during a telephone conversation, not allowing your interlocutor to get a word in edgewise. Be not only an interesting conversationalist, but also a good listener.

Future plans

Having serious and specific plans for the future is an indicator of a person’s seriousness. Talk to a guy about the future, and you will understand who is really in front of you:

  • Is it important for you to realize your potential in your chosen profession?
  • How do you see your future in 5 years? And in 10?
  • Would you like to have children in the future?
  • What do you think is the ideal age to start a family?
  • Why did you choose this particular profession?
  • Do you want to be like your parents?
  • Is family or career more important to you?
  • Would you prefer an unstable job with money? Or a fixed stable income?
  • Do you think you are an expert in your profession? Or do you still have something to learn?
  • Are there any actions that you are proud of?

Find out why guys don't meet girls.

What to do if you run out of topics?

If you run out of topics to talk about, it’s easy to revive the dialogue. Just use your imagination. How to do it?

  • Look around. The world around us can present a lot of new topics for discussion.
  • Talk to him about his hobbies. A passionate person can talk about this almost endlessly.
  • Ask him to talk about his family (about relationships with parents, about brothers or sisters, about family traditions).
  • Share your childhood memories with each other.
  • Think together about unusual, mystical phenomena in life.

It might be useful: the ABCs of communication on dating sites.

Question answer

Why does a man often yawn when talking on the phone?

If a guy yawns often, this does not mean that he is bored with you. Yawning occurs for the following reasons:

  • The man has just woken up.
  • The guy most likely forgot to open the window; he lacks oxygen.
  • He just got free or took a break after a long, monotonous job.
  • He was just having a difficult day.
  • He's too excited and focused.

Sometimes constant yawning indicates serious illness.

Why did the guy quickly end the conversation?

This situation can happen for various reasons:

  • A man simply does not like to talk on the phone for a long time, preferring live communication.
  • He had important things to do, and it became uncomfortable to talk.
  • There are strangers or very curious relatives nearby.
  • He simply said everything he had planned.
  • The guy is not interested in conversation.

I don’t know what to talk about on the phone with a guy because I don’t know him well

Talking on the phone is a reason to get to know each other better. There are questions that will help you get to know your interlocutor:

  • How do you like to spend your holidays?
  • What are your priorities in life?
  • What can instantly cheer you up?
  • Do you have any hobbies or interests?
  • What do you think money can’t buy?
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