how to break up with a man
How to break up with a man: advice from a psychologist on how to correctly tell a guy about breaking up
A breakup is a painful process for both parties. The most important thing in this is to find the right one
how to stay creative
ASSOCIATION - what is it in simple words. Types of associations in psychology
Association. The famous Italian writer Gianni Rodari compared the spoken word to a stone thrown into a pond.
Qualities of a successful leader: list and how to develop them
Remember the phrase “he is not meant to be a leader”? But is this a given? I'm sure not.
impact of music picture
How does music affect a person? Effects on the brain, health, mood and psyche
The power of music to influence human physiology has been known since ancient times. People have researched the effective effects
How to control emotions. Is shame destructive and guilt constructive?
Emotions are under control! Is shame destructive, guilt constructive?
Shame is fundamentally the fear of rejection—the exact opposite of control.
Rules for business correspondence
Business professional correspondence: basics and rules
Business correspondence (like business conversation) is the face of every serious businessman or politician. Many
The whole truth about coffee
How to be cheerful and stay up all night without coffee, 10 best ways to cheer yourself up
Sleep takes up about a third of our lives. If you live to be 90 years old, then about 30
wise parables about the meaning of life
Short wise parables that will remind you of the most important things
Parables about good and evil The ability to distinguish between good and evil distinguishes a person from an animal.
What is the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist, psychotherapist, neurologist and neuropathologist?
Many people suffer from mental illness. Some - because of problems in their personal lives, others -
The subconscious - how to discover and use its power
The untapped power of the subconscious can lead you to new successes in your personal and business life.
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