How to show love to a man so that he understands that you love him

Tell me, dear, how often do you talk to your loved ones about love? How often do you do something for your loved ones just like that, for no reason, just to please them? Perhaps you will think about it and realize with surprise that you are not so generous in showing love. Yes, everyday life, work, technological progress alienate us from loved ones, and all our love for them often comes down to telephone conversations and routine kisses. Let's fix this.

It is very important for both your loved ones and yourself to express your feelings in all available ways: to your beloved man, mother, child, friends or someone who has special meaning to you. And it is not always possible to do this with words; sometimes some special action is needed. Some people adhere to traditional methods, while others prefer everything modern and new. And here are ten ways to express and show your feelings to someone important to you.

Letter of love

Do not think that this method is only suitable for expressing feelings to your partner, lover, just a boyfriend or spouse.

Read also - 10 topics in which you should be careful with your man

In a letter you can tell everything to your grandmother, grandfather, mother, and, for example, your beloved brother. It is very pleasant to receive letters, especially if they are filled with the most sincere and real feeling.

What to remember

If you want to express your love to your chosen one in such a way that he notices it and appreciates it, then follow these simple principles.

  1. Determine what is important to your man, what he likes and what he is interested in.
  2. Use all five love languages ​​in your relationships.
  3. Become a full-fledged person whose gestures of attention are simply impossible to be indifferent to.

Your relationship is in your hands, just stop being selfish in your feelings and start taking steps of love that will be pleasant not only for you, but also for your chosen one.


You can come up with your own quest type game, where there are a lot of clues lying around, and something special awaits you at the end. If you have some kind of crisis in your relationship, this will help, I’m sure. Remind him with hints of those moments when you felt so good together. For example, “This is where we had our first date” or “This is where you lost your shoe on Valentine’s Day.” This will be a special game, because all this is so important for both of you.

Wear things that your man likes

Most guys are visual people. It is extremely important for girls to look in such a way as to please their man. Listen to comments, advice, compliments, but don’t take them too seriously; rather, take them as a guide to action.

To prove that you love, wear high-heeled shoes and clothes that a man likes. This should be done regardless of whether you have been dating for two weeks or have been together for many years. By putting on a sexy red dress, a girl attracts attention and shows her partner that she wants to be desired.

Secret notes

It's not exactly a love letter, but it's still a great idea. Write a few notes to the one you love and stuff them in his pockets.

Read also - 20 things for which women love men

It is not necessary to show writing talents; a simple heart, found by him at the most difficult moment of the working day, will make him smile in any case. You can put it anywhere! Under the windshield wipers in the car, in your pocket, in your mobile phone.

Correct communication

Even if you feel that emotions are taking over you, the feeling of anger and resentment towards a man does not allow you to remain silent, then try to filter what you say. Insults, offensive words - a man will never forget all this, even if you are able to resolve the conflict soon.

Under no circumstances should you humiliate a man. Try to convey to your loved one what you feel at the moment. Tell us how angry, offended or upset you are, and most importantly, then voice the reason why you feel such feelings.

To show love for a man, you don’t need to blame him for all sins; when you start saying that the man is guilty of everything, and everything that happens is just his mistakes, then your partner immediately reacts with hostility to such behavior. Learn to calmly, and most importantly, correctly and delicately defend your positions, convey your point of view to your loved one without offense or accusation.

A gift for no reason

Don't wait until your husband wears out his favorite sneakers. Do you know what brand of shoes he prefers to train in? So why not please him with a new pair of some crazy colors, let him run in some on even days, and in others on odd days. A gift for no reason does not have to be expensive, but if it symbolizes something important to your husband (or mother), it will mean to them that you love them, care about them and do not forget about their interests. My mother, for example, simply melts when I give her books about Pushkin - she is an avid Pushkin scholar, and adding to her library is always a joy for her.

Ability to speak openly

To properly show love to a man, learn to talk openly and directly about your feelings, what you are experiencing and what you want. Men often simply do not understand women's long, florid conversations. If a woman is truly confident in herself, then she will not give hints, but will say directly what she wants and expects from her lover. Drop all complexes and attitudes that you cannot ask a man and accept help from him.

If you are married or in a long-term relationship with him, then it is quite normal to turn to your loved one with a request, voice it directly, without any hints. In most cases, men always go to meet their loved ones. But if your request is currently impossible, your partner will say so. In this case, there is no need to be offended and swear that you will never ask for anything again. It is likely that the man simply cannot fulfill the request right away. This is not a reason to be upset; a request from a beloved woman means to a man that she needs him and feels his importance in her life.

Hugs and kisses
Tactile sensations are one of the ways to show your love. When we love a person, we constantly want to hug him, take his hand, touch him, kiss him and inhale his scent. You caress your baby, bury your nose in his hair? What stops you from doing the same with your husband? Men are not at all insensitive and really appreciate their partner’s touch. A hug, a kiss is the best expression of trust and love, remember this. And use it!

There are so many ways in the world to express and show your feelings, there is not enough space in this article. How do you usually show your love? Tell us!

Pay attention to details

It is impossible to put all men under the same brush and come up with an unambiguous formula for expressing their feelings, because each of them is a unique personality with their own interests, tastes and wishes.

Observe your significant other, pay attention to what is really important to him. If he is a football fan and you buy him theater tickets, he will definitely not fully appreciate this gesture.

Because women do not know their men, they do not take their indignation and criticism wisely. Quite often among men the following phrase is heard: “She doesn’t understand me?” Look at what is happening from his point of view, put yourself in his position and pay attention to what is important to him.

Cook your guy his favorite dish

A woman’s love is expressed by her willingness to feed her man delicious food. The saying about the way to the heart is through the stomach was not invented out of nowhere.

In couples where people know each other's food preferences, there is more mutual understanding and harmony.

To show your boyfriend love, cook his favorite dish. It’s so easy to prove how well you know and understand a man’s tastes.

secrets of a happy relationship

You learned to love yourself, get some pleasure from life, and cope with difficulties alone. The time has come to learn to love a person who is terribly similar to you in worldview and interests, the desire to be himself, but next to you. Over time, you understand that love manifests itself in actions, and not at all in “syu-syu-musyu.”

My Yegorych made a declaration of love a couple of times throughout our common life, the rest of the time he simply proved with his attitude that he loved me. I, too, was not very talkative in this regard, cloyingly tender, I tried to confess my love without words, observing the unwritten rules of living together.

  1. A husband loves a healthy wife, a brother loves a rich sister.

    I never whined, did not moan, did not arouse pity for myself, latently understanding that Yegorych wanted to admire me and not pity me. When the temperature was really high, he himself suggested to me: “Mommy, don’t force it, go lie down, and I’ll make you some tea with honey.”

    But if his temperature was just above 37, he died, he said that he would not live until the morning, it was funny to me, but I looked after him as if he were seriously ill.

  2. Not saying enough is much more useful than not listening.

    At dinner we exchanged impressions of the day, I told him what interesting things had happened at work, Yegorych talked about his own things, I asked questions, assented, agreed, was indignant, that is, I was completely sincerely interested in his affairs.

    They raised the children in unison, scolded them for mistakes, praised them for their successes, but he didn’t help them do their homework: “No, guys, I was shepherding, it’s with mommy, I’ve already forgotten the multiplication tables.”

  3. “It’s bad if there’s no one to take care of you. It’s even worse if you have no one to take care of.” Stanislaw Jerzy Lec, Polish poet and writer.

    Each member of our family had their own shelf in the closet, everyone independently established order there, knew what was there and where, except for dad, who every time he was getting ready for a shower or bath, asked: “Mommy, where are my panties? Where's my towel? Where are my socks? He knew perfectly well where his things were, but for some reason, which I do not fully understand, he asked me to give it to him, and I gave it to him.

  4. A man is angry in two cases - when he is hungry and when he is humiliated.

    Yegorych, like all men, loved to be praised, I constantly admired his “golden hands”, without being disingenuous at all, he really knew how to do everything. When they got into a get-together in the garage with the men, after a couple of hours I tried, without humiliating him in front of the company, to hint that it was time to call it a day; he told me more than once after that that the men were surprised why your wife wasn’t yelling, does not disperse us.

    I just heard how some wives throw hysterics, it looks terribly humiliating. Everyone should have personal space and friends, not necessarily common ones. Men love to swear, gossip, tell dirty jokes, that is, to relax outside the family, and they should be given this opportunity.

    In general, you need to ask yourself the question more often: why should it always be only in my opinion, is my opinion and decision the most correct and necessary for both of us? Maybe you should sometimes step on the throat of your song and listen to your partner’s opinion? This is also a kind of manifestation of love.

  5. “The best gift is a hug: one size fits all and no one minds if you return it.” Ralph W. Emerson, American poet and philosopher.

    It is not at all necessary to wait for some holidays and events to give gifts to your soul mate. Small gifts, kisses and hugs are ways to express love. It could be a few dandelion flowers picked on the way home, or a bunny candy, or a chocolate bar, or some interesting trinket.

    My husband and I tried not to give each other useless gifts; usually I gave something from a tool that Yegorych liked, but the toad was too choked to buy. It gave me pleasure to give him something that he thought about, but did not buy, and I, such a sorceress, make his dream come true.

    I remember his joy from a welding mask with my autograph, another time from a bandoleer, and he simply said: “You, mommy, take it from the family budget, buy yourself what you want, and I will give it with love,” and he was always surprised , when I chose just a small bottle of Chanel No. 5 perfume or later Salvador Dali, he simply did not know how much they cost, otherwise he would have been even more surprised.

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