If a man calls a girl mine. If a guy says good mine. Your mistakes become invisible. My little one or baby

The affectionate nickname your loved one calls you can tell you a lot about how he treats you.

Here's a list of the most common pet names and what they might mean.

My angel, little angel , considers you an absolutely pure person, and is very afraid of losing you.

Barbie considers you very beautiful, her ideal of beauty.

Baby - cares for you, but he is unlikely to be interested in real feelings.

Hippo - engrossed in you, not averse to playing, but will not limit your personal freedom.

Cherry - treats you with special care, values ​​relationships.

Baby - he is specific in his desires and thoughts, he does not intend to complicate anything.

Darling —values ​​confidence and certainty in relationships. Feelings fade into the background for him.

Drakosha - he likes your prickly character, he is ready to forgive a lot.

Durynda - ready to forgive you for any mistake, taking the situation under personal control.

Hedgehog, hedgehog - gives your relationship special significance. Sometimes he shows intemperance because he is afraid of losing you.

The Toad is playfully assertive and energetic, but values ​​your relationship greatly.

My life - obvious pathos shows a tendency to overdo it. It is necessary to find out whether he has another “life” on his side.

Giraffe - he likes your tall height and treats you with special love.

Hare, bunny, bunny, hare, bunny, bunny - has a penchant for excitement, and is not averse to playing with you. Deep down he is quite jealous and watches you closely.

Gold, gold, gold - emphasizes the special significance of your relationship, but his mind prevails over his feelings.

Kisa, pussy, kisulya, kitty, kysik - has a mood for close contact and does not want to complicate the situation.

Goat, goat, roe, little goat - feels complete closeness with you. You are a very dear person to him, although he is capable of teasing you.

Sweetie - be careful: he most likely considers you his property.

Queen - treats you with deep respect, is ready to do anything for you. But he does not have a strong character.

Kitten, cat, kitten, kitten, kitten - feels an inextricable connection and closeness with you, tries to convince you of absolute fidelity.

The crocodile is emphatically energetic, has no mood to beat around the bush and hold back his emotions for too long.

Tiny - he likes your miniature, appreciates you and is afraid of separation.

Baby - treats you a little condescendingly, wants to limit your freedom.

Doll, doll - is interested in you, but does not attach too much importance to your relationship.

Paw, sweetie, lapulya, lapusik - extremely active and ready to work and live for you.

Swallow - completely confident in you and very attentive.

Little fox, fox, fox - all his attention is absorbed by you and he expects the same response from you.

Beloved, beloved, favorite, love - is particularly sensitive, ready to act with complete determination to build a relationship.

Lyalya, Lyalechka, Lyalik - is characterized by emotionality, and cannot always control the outburst of feelings - both positive and negative.

Little, Masik, little, Masya - experiences deep feelings, is ready to show care and affection.

Baby, baby - you absorb all his attention, and they expect an adequate response from you.

Bear is a sensitive person, but does not intend to rush, is cautious and does not want to lose you.

Sweetheart, darling - guarantees you a reliable relationship. His feelings are in complete balance with his mind.

Mulya, Musya, Musipusechka are very strong feelings. He is prone to hobbies and sometimes does not feel the limits.

Mouse, mouse, mouse - he is very attached to you, sometimes unrestrained, but his love is deep.

Pampushka - relies on interaction and complete intimacy.

Donut - wants to attract your attention with all his might, protecting himself from all possible rivals.

Charm - experiences tremulous and tender feelings.

Princess - treats you like a child, but his love is undeniable.

Belly, belly, tele-belly - determined to create and arrange a family home.

Baby doll, baby doll, baby doll, baby doll, baby doll - is looking for full contact with you, but behind this there may be not only feelings, but also practical interest.

Fish - apparently looks at your relationship in a businesslike manner. Puts practical interest first, not romance.

Sweet, sweet - specifically emphasizes his own emotionality, but in his soul he is calm and balanced.

Baby elephant, baby elephant - gives your relationship serious importance and expects reciprocity.

The sun, the sun - has a keen interest in you and genuine tenderness.

Tigger, tiger, tiger cub - is not going to limit your freedom. He may joke with you, but in reality he offers you an equal union.

Hamster – has a tendency to impulsive actions, easily gives in to momentary impulses.

Chicken, chicken - offers you active contact, but, probably, in the depths of his soul he is afraid of something.

Miracle, monster - demands your full attention, emphasizes the importance of your relationship

Source: https://otnosheniya.temaretik.com/1839187493450156483/kak-vas-muzhchina-nazyvaet-tak-on-k-vam-i-otnositsya/

Source: subscribe.ru

People in love often call each other in a special way. Each given nickname or name speaks about the attitude of the donor towards us.

So: If a man calls you sweet and dear, then this suggests... that he has certain feelings for you and seeks to show his tenderness in a similar way by doing something nice for you. The only thing he can be reproached for is the lack of imagination and ingenuity, it sounds too banal... If a man, ignoring your main name and any other variations of it, does nothing but repeat “sweetheart,” then there are options for explaining this verbal paucity two: either he squandered all his creative fervor at work, or your relationship is becoming too formal and it’s time to take measures to rehabilitate it.

Usually the choice of address in favor of “babies”, “children” and other things indicates a certain distribution of roles in the couple. The personality structure of each person conventionally consists of three parts: parent-adult-child. Accordingly, our communication with a loved one can occur at one of these levels (the intonation of communication, naturally, can change from situation to situation). If this distribution was carried out by mutual agreement, then in the address of Baby or Small to you there is nothing but tenderness, perhaps a desire to protect, protect and love deeply. But if you don’t like being a “baby” or a “doll,” and your partner insists for some reason, then such persistence may indicate a desire to dominate and force you to play a certain role. Psychologists tend to consider such affectionate nicknames as a symbolic expression of attitude towards a partner. This can be roughly described as follows: “You are my sun” - because you illuminate my life and it’s warm next to you; “miracle” - because she is unique and never ceases to amaze. If a man called you a hamster, this does not mean that you have thick cheeks and it’s time for you to lose weight. Such appeals only speak about the tenderness that he feels for you. and provided, of course, that you have no prejudices against pugs, monkeys and others. In some cases, the use of such nicknames may be a manifestation of sexual play. Choice of more exotic nominations, such as lizard, giraffe, etc. may be explained by the desire to emphasize the individuality of this particular relationship. You will no longer be a Caterpillar for anyone, you are the only one, and the only one. And this relationship is unique. This is roughly what the man wants to tell you. The only limitation here may be your aesthetic preferences and your personal associations: if you hate being a hamster, don’t keep it to yourself, tell your loved one. He will understand you. And he'll come up with something else...

There are couples in which it is customary to call each other by last name or first name and patronymic. Last name and first name and patronymic are multifunctional nominations. Judge for yourself:

  • This form of address can be used with a conscious or not fully conscious desire to maintain distance in a relationship.
  • one of the spouses can use this name in order to emphasize the importance of their partner, for example, his social status: they say, sometimes I address my husband by his first name and patronymic - he is my boss, so let him get used to it at home, it’s nice for him, and it’s nice for me which pleases him.
  • the surname can also be used to emphasize some negative (in the opinion of one of the spouses) qualities of the other half: they say, “Oh, these Sidorovs... However, what else could one expect from this breed...”.
  • and, finally, spouses can call each other by last name, wanting to emphasize their partnership (husband and wife are one Satan): “We, the Osipovs...”.

In principle, there is nothing bad or offensive about possessive pronouns. True, in psychology they are called the terrible and insidious phrase “signs of possession.” Excessive use of such signs of possession (my darling, my sun, my wife, my woman, my doll, my sweet or just mine) may indicate a desire to completely control a partner, in some cases, a fear of losing, a sense of possessiveness or a desire to demonstrate your exclusive right to own a loved one. In some couples there is an unspoken principle: the worse, the better. Usually the first reaction of others to communication framed in this way is: “Are they quarreling? Family problems? Do you want to talk about it?". In fact, everything is usually much simpler: it is a mutual agreement, a personal code. In couples that are less prone to such verbal extremism, the use of the nicknames Bastard or innocent Boo is a smoothed out form of dissatisfaction with the partner, expressed in a more or less playful form. In other cases, this may be an accepted form of address (often situationally determined) and indicates a sufficient level of trust in the couple and freedom of expression of feelings. Crude nicknames can also be used in an intimate context to spice up relationships and spice up sexual play.

The use of neologisms is explained, on the one hand, by the desire to put your emotions into the most appropriate verbal shell (well, there are no such words in the language to express your tenderness), as well as by the desire to individualize relationships as much as possible. At the same time, the element of play in creating your own language and inventing new words is very strong, which in itself is wonderful. Psychologists believe that when space for play is created between lovers, relationships live and develop. Without play (in all its socially acceptable directions) there is no life and no sense of novelty in relationships. Perhaps there is only one “but”: here, as in everything, it is worth knowing when to stop. A man is unlikely to understand you if, in a fit of tender feelings, you begin to lisp with him and speak in an incomprehensible language in the presence of, say, his work colleagues. Why - he himself will explain to you at his leisure.

What do diminutive suffixes in names mean:

  • -points (Lenochka, Katechka). I feel good, warm, necessary feelings for you, similar to those that are felt for small children.
  • -ik (Lusik, Svetik) . I have warm feelings for you, it’s very pleasant for me to communicate. I don't want to talk to you the same way as other people, I want to treat you as if you were a funny little boy, not a girl.
  • -enish (Klarenysh, Katenysh). I have good feelings for you and I don’t want to communicate with you the same way as everyone else. I want to talk to you as if you were a cute little animal.
  • -ushka (Sonyushka, Marfushka) . You give me feelings of worry and anxiety similar to those people feel when they think about bad things that could happen to them.
  • -enka (Nadenka, Olenka) . I experience a whole range of feelings when I talk to you, because you are a special person.

Some people absolutely do not like to be called by any name other than their own, given at birth. Usually the answer to the question “Why?” the next one: “I am Tanya, and not some kind of Pussy or Bunny.” Psychologists explain this by saying that changing a name is always a determination of a certain identity of a person. At the same time, a person has the right to agree with the image proposed to him or to defend his right to the name given from birth: “No, I am Tanya: Man, Woman, Beloved, Wife, Mother, Specialist, Mistress... I have dreams and desires. I love and I don’t love...I can and I can’t...Can a Kitty do all this?” That is, a person is offered some kind of image, but he rejects it: “No, I am exactly who I am, and you need to accept me as I am.”

ELLE Ukraine magazine, February 2008

Source: anchiktigra.livejournal.com

If a man says “my girl” and uses other nicknames, what does that mean?

More and more often there are guys who call their girls not by name, but by nickname: Sunny, My, Beloved, Baby and many others. Girls are at a loss if a man tells her my girl what that means. Sometimes such an appeal to a representative of the fair sex means that the partner does not have enough of her attention and care, he does not trust her. But many people use these words to talk about their love for the girl, respect and trust in her.


In order to choose the most suitable form of address from those listed, you need to know what the fundamental difference is. Before contacting a woman, you should consider indicators such as:

  • Marital status (known or not).
  • Age (external data).
  • Social status (perceived).

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In any case, a young unfamiliar girl should be addressed with the prefix “Miss,” since the basis here is an indicator of age. The rest of the information will be known later in the conversation or communication. If the social or family status differs from the chosen form, then the woman herself will correct it, indicating how she should be addressed. If communication is to be with a woman of high social status, then, regardless of age and marital status, you will need to start with “Mrs.” For girls and young girls, the preferred and correct form of address is “Miss.” A peculiarity that is present in England: if there is a personal communication with an aristocrat (baroness, duchess), then you will need to start the conversation with the prefix “lady” or “milady”, this is how the high social status is emphasized.

Main types of love nicknames

Guys don't think twice about calling girls this or that nickname. They do this unconsciously. Nicknames reflect a man’s experience, his personal feelings, embedded deep in the subconscious. Psychologists believe that the more nicknames a guy has in his vocabulary, the more sincerity there is in the couple’s relationship.

By calling a woman beloved, a partner shows that he needs her care for him, affection and tenderness. Most likely, he is tired at work and needs more attention. If he gets it, he will move mountains for his partner. A gentleman who calls a girl his beloved is confident in himself and achieves his goal. He is cunning, ready to take responsibility for the lady. But, as they say, there is an exception to every rule. Perhaps the partner is simply accustomed to calling all women his beloved.

If a partner calls a lady darling, this speaks of him as a boring person. And in everything: in sex, in everyday life. He won’t even realize that something new can and should be added to life together. When a woman offers to diversify everyday life, he will most often refuse. Romance is not to his taste; he prefers to restrain his feelings.

Practicality comes first for him; he values ​​certainty and confidence in relationships. The advantage of this type of person is that he will be faithful to his beloved. Her partner will expect the same from her.

A gentleman who calls his passion sweet has a negative attitude towards intrigue and gossip. He does not like scandals and quarrels and tries to avoid them in relationships. Such a person is reliable and caring. He loves to please a lady: giving gifts, paying attention. It is difficult for him to express his feelings in words alone.

A guy who calls his beloved sweetheart builds a strong relationship and shows tender and warm feelings towards her.

My love

A partner who prefers to call his chosen one “my love” knows how to court. He puts his beloved's interests above his own. It is very easy to find a common language with such a person and communicate at ease. Next to them, there will be no fear about what topic to talk to him about. It will not be possible to control and command such a gentleman. When he feels that they are trying to change him, he will leave.

A man who calls his companion “my soul” is an ideal partner for life. He prefers to get closer to a woman at a slow pace. This also applies to sexual relations. The guy gets closer to his chosen one measuredly and slowly. He does not want to immediately reveal his whole soul to her.

These partners are distinguished by their ability to remain faithful to their beloved, often until the end of their lives.

My girl

A gentleman who addresses a lady as “my girl” is full of tender and reverent feelings for her. He treats her with care, like a child. He wants to protect and protect her. Girls usually like the address “my girl” because they like to feel protected. They feel calm when a strong, courageous representative of the stronger sex is present next to them.

Guys prefer to call beautiful, attractive, sexy ladies “baby”. They constantly want to make love to them. They love experiments. Women will feel good with such partners. But there are no serious relationships with them. In addition, a gentleman who calls a girl “baby” likes specifics and has a negative attitude towards problems in relationships. He prefers to keep things simple and wants his partner to do the same. It is important for him to be first. If a lady makes attempts to become the leader in the relationship, he will break up with her.

Many girls take it to heart when guys call them idiots. They consider it an insult. However, it's not all bad. The fact is that “fool” and “stupid” are slightly different. The first word is really rude and unpleasant. The second is usually called those who are near and dear. It is not an insult.

If a guy called a girl a fool, this means that he loves her and is able to forgive any mistakes. Such a gentleman can even take the blame upon himself, controlling the situation personally.

Guys call dolls beautiful women with whom they do not plan to have a serious and long-term relationship. This nickname speaks for itself: a doll is a toy. They dress them up, play with them, admire them. The doll girl is just an accompanying decoration for the gentleman. They show it to people, they brag about it and expect flattering compliments. Men like easy relationships that don't commit to anything.

My little one or Baby

A gentleman who calls his chosen one a baby shows that he wants to take care of her, look after her and constantly cuddle her. He is the boss in the relationship. A guy like that gives 100% to them. He will make a devoted family man who you can rely on. When a girl hears the address “baby” addressed to her, her loved one seems more romantic, gentle and affectionate to her.

To attract a woman's attention to himself, the gentleman calls her a miracle. By this he shows the high importance of their relationship for him. The partner is delighted with his beloved, he is deeply in love with her and is happy with her. She is ideal for him, the guy does not notice any flaws in her. When falling in love passes quickly, disappointment in it may occur. And it is very bitter and offensive.

What kind of woman is called “my dear” (cm)?

This is the one that is “expensive” for a man, or like Vysotsky: “A woman,

which you didn’t fight for, you don’t dare call it dear”?

This is a woman who is dear, first of all, not in material terms, but in spiritual terms, at least for me - this is a woman who is dear to my heart, with whom you never feel lonely, who will always understand and support, this is your other half, although Everyone puts their own meaning into the meaning of this word, some may even find it offensive, but everyone has their own.

Every man puts into the expression “My dear!” your meaning. Someone directly calls her “darling.” due to the fact that she costs him too much, but it’s hard to call these men, they’re so stingy.

Well, there are real men who love their soulmate, and she is dearer to him than his whole life, and he cannot imagine his life without her, for her sake he lives in this world.

From the point of view of male psychology, and it differs from female psychology in different directions at the same time, a man can call a completely unfamiliar woman “my dear.” It all depends on the context of what is said. For example, look at men’s mobile phones and you will see that not all men indicate their wife’s phone number as “my dear”. Most call it simply: wife, name, my happiness, my joy, etc.

My dear, it’s not at all in first place.

If a woman costs a man a lot, he will never call her “darling.” Well, as for Vysotsky, we love him and remember him, but he is not a philosopher or a teacher of life wisdom.

The epithet “my dear” is often perceived as a kind of formal address to a woman (often to a spouse), which can be called somewhat “hackneyed,” that is, not unique for a long time, but still very high-frequency.

This is, of course, not the way to appeal to those women who demand diamonds, travel and gold, costing the man extremely dearly (such a financial interpretation can only be imagined as a funny joke). Darling is close, dear, beloved. The one I really wouldn't want to lose.

Vysotsky wrote about past fights over this woman; we’ll leave this author’s understanding of the picture to Vysotsky. But the poet is right in the sense that a man can call dear the one whose heart he has won. Moreover, it is not always easy.

An objective assessment of a man who has known him for a long time

Some time after the start of a relationship, the partner’s behavior changes. He is no longer as romantic and emotional as in the first days of meeting him. The gentleman behaves more reservedly, devotes more time to personal matters, and says fewer compliments to the lady. It seems to the girl that the love has passed, the desire to see each other often has disappeared, there is no more passion.

When a relationship with a partner has been going on for a long time, you want to determine whether he still has feelings. If he still abandons his plans in favor of the girl, shares her interests with her, tolerates whims and forgives a lot, it means that he is still not indifferent to his chosen one.

A man in love, even someone he has known for a long time, will still help his beloved and solve her problems. He remembers her mother's date of birth, the name of her cat, her favorite writer or book, and her other interests and hobbies. Such a partner is not afraid to start conversations about family and children, even starting a conversation about them himself.

If a guy says “mine” often, what does that mean?

If a guy says “mine” to his girlfriend, he shows others that she is busy, others should not approach her. He creates an invisible protective field that will repel other men, because she belongs to only one.

By calling a lady yours, you can win her favor even without gifts and passionate declarations of love. The girl accepts the man as a reliable and caring person. For her, these words are desirable, they make her heart beat stronger and think about her lover more often.

When a man says “mine” to his chosen one, it means that he has tender and sincere feelings towards her. He found his only woman, he is ready to share with her everything spiritual and material that he has. Having told what is going on in his soul, a man needs advice and support from his woman. Therefore, she must be attentive, wise and understanding.

By calling the girl his own, the partner is ready to restrain his emotions at the moment when their thoughts diverge. He will compromise. But a woman should not forget that patience may come to an end.

It can be considered from another point of view if a man says to his partner “you are mine.” Sometimes this indicates a person's tendency towards selfishness and a sense of ownership. When a guy marries a girl, he believes that she has become his property and deprives her of the right to independently decide where to go, what to do and with whom to communicate. He's just jealous, that's why sometimes guys call ladies theirs. In such a situation, a woman feels violated, without the right to privacy.

Such behavior by a man does not at all indicate that love has passed. On the contrary, he loves his partner too much, he is ready to constantly do for her whatever she wants, just so that his beloved does not leave. He needs her to be there and be his only, no one else’s.

Most often, a man says “mine” to his chosen one when he has tender feelings for her, which indicates his great love and good attitude towards his partner.

Column by Victoria Yushkevich: 3 things a loving man does

We can guess as much as we want about a man’s true attitude towards us. It doesn't matter how long you've been together. We girls have different situations and circumstances that make us doubt his love.

These doubts eat us away from the inside, destroying ourselves and our relationships, giving rise to feelings such as jealousy, self-doubt, and fear of loss. We can ask a man the question as much as we like: “Do you love me?” - but you probably don’t even like asking him about it.

And whatever the answer, it is not always able to dispel your doubts. In general, asking about love when there are doubts in your soul is somehow awkward, you feel like some kind of beggar.

Can you imagine for a moment how the beautiful Jolie runs around the house after her husband Brad Pitt and asks: “Honey, do you love me?” Kind of stupid, don't you agree? And if Jolie doesn't do it, then you shouldn't either.

Firstly, if your man really loves you, this does not mean that he should tell you about it every half hour. He will not do this, if only because his, a man’s, love is fundamentally different from a woman’s. Women's love stands the test of time, logic and circumstances.

If we have chosen our man, we will follow him through thick and thin. Even if your friends tell you that he is worthless and no matter how many times he himself put an end to your relationship, you will devote all of yourself to him. And you expect the same attitude from him. But this is unrealistic. Men love differently. And whatever it is, male love is also love. And if you understand exactly how a man loves, you will find out if he really gives you all of himself. Is it possible to find out if he loves you? - Yes. Typically a loving man does three things.


Pay attention to how your loved one introduces you to other people: their friends, business partners or relatives. If he says, for example: “This is my girlfriend / baby / beloved” - in one word he gives you a title that goes beyond the notorious friend zone, it means he loves you.

If a man calls you “his,” it means he really thinks so and informs everyone about it, because his intentions are serious and pure. If he introduces you as a friend or simply calls you by name, be sure that it is so - you are just his friend.

Deep down in your soul, you know this yourself, right? But as soon as he gives you any title, you immediately understand that the man is making a statement. He declares his intentions towards you.


As soon as a man claims his rights to you, he immediately begins to earn money exclusively for you. After all, now you are his family. The primary purpose of a man is to be a breadwinner and provider. A man who tries to force the idea of ​​equality and financial independence on you is simply fooling you.

A man who is able to provide for his woman and children always feels more significant than one who lives for himself. If you feel that he is doing less for your relationship than he could, he is not a man, or rather, he is not your man.

Of course, today we often hear from some men that modern women are somehow selfish, almost extortionists. And often we have to prove the sincerity of our feelings, without pretending to anything.

But in fact, this is a trick created by men without serious intentions: this way they can save their money and get everything they need from a woman. What if your man has no money? He will still do everything to satisfy your needs. He will help and try for you in everything.


If a man loves you, he will crush anyone who dares to think badly of you and somehow offend you. If you have been offended, a loving man will go and stand up for you and your honor. Any self-respecting man will protect what belongs to him.

If, in response to a terrible story about how someone insulted you, he just shakes his head or even gets angry, but does not take any action, something is wrong.

When a man loves, most likely, you won’t even want to talk about the fact that someone offended you, because he will go to sort it out, and we all understand that this could end badly. Of course, defense is not only about the use of brute physical force.

A man who truly loves protects you in other ways: he can give valuable advice or volunteer to do something that, in his opinion, is unsafe for you. He will never send you to the store late at night or to walk the dog, he will do everything himself, even if he hasn’t slept for more than two days.

The material is based on the book “Act Like a Woman, Think Like a Man” by Steve Harvey.

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Source: https://www.cosmo.ru/sex-love/he_and_you/3-veshchi-kotorye-delaet-lyubyashchiy-muzhchina/

Advice from psychologists

Psychologists are sure that it is most pleasant for a person to hear his own name when addressed to him. But often partners avoid this and prefer to call each other by nicknames.

Here are the most common reasons why a man doesn’t call his lady by her name:

  • copies the behavior of parents;
  • bad experience;
  • complex name;
  • fear of mixing up names.

If in a guy’s family the father called his mother “my dear,” then it is likely that he himself will address his passion that way. Perhaps it was not customary for them to address each other by name.

Past relationships may have left unpleasant impressions. If a guy's ex-girlfriend caused him a lot of problems and disappointments, his psychological defenses are triggered. He doesn't want to say her name out loud, so he replaces it with a loving nickname.

When a girl's name is difficult to pronounce, the guy is afraid of offending her by pronouncing the name incorrectly. It also happens that on first dates it is difficult to remember a complex name. Then love nicknames also come to the rescue.

If a guy likes two girls, but is having trouble deciding who to choose, he won't call them by name. He'd rather give them loving nicknames. This way he will protect himself from getting names mixed up.

Thus, the reasons for calling your significant other by love nicknames instead of names may be different. A man’s sincere love can still be distinguished by certain signs.

If a man says “My girl,” what does that mean?

Young people often come up with cute nicknames for their girlfriends, thereby expressing their true attitude towards them. If a man in love says to his beloved “My girl,” then what this means for the future together is unknown. To understand the issue, using real examples, we will give general principles and exact words that will show whether a young man is counting on a long-term relationship or is he only interested in one-time sex.

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Nickname as a way of showing male tenderness

The problem of why young men sometimes come up with nicknames for girls is one that women all over the world ask. Psychologists who study related aspects of human consciousness and subconscious will help explain this fact.

When a man constantly uses the same expression in relation to the woman he likes, doctors talk about requesting the necessary resource. With the help of a gentle word, the young man tries to convey to his partner what he lacks in the relationship:

  • nicknames “beloved”, “tender” will tell about an insufficiently reverent attitude in the physical aspect;
  • “golden”, “precious” indicate selfish intentions;
  • the word “bunny,” depending on the subtext of the animal’s perception, speaks of a lack of sex or an excess of tactile tenderness.

Also, young people who have a negative relationship with their parents or who have no physical contact (hugs, kisses) may show excess tenderness through words. In this case, the nickname options vary, new ideas appear periodically, there is no one word or phrase. Thanks to this, the young man exposes his love into a more tangible feeling. If the girl likes it, then the relationship does not suffer. Otherwise, you can make an attempt and replace the verbal form with physical caresses, touches, kisses.

When a guy says dear to a girl

Quite a long time ago, months before the breakup, and maybe even a year, my beloved began to say that her attitude towards me is expressed by the word “dear,” but this does not mean that she loves me. For her, a relative meant someone close to her, someone of great importance in her life, someone whom she cares about and cares about, someone whose affairs concern her. But there was no fire, no tearing feelings, no trembling in the legs, she simply said, “You are my dear and I’m used to you.” It’s not that I was offended, but I also started telling her, “I’m used to you” instead of “I love you.” At first she laughed, but when I began to correct her words and began to ask her not to say “I love you,” but to say “I’m used to you,” she immediately stopped doing this and said, what a habit, I love you, can’t you see?

But even now I am tormented by a misunderstanding of what she wanted to say to her “relatives.” For me, dear is synonymous with beloved. And even if there is no trembling, fire and every minute pain in my heart, I need it every second. But for her, it seems, native = ordinary.

Maternal care is in a woman’s blood, she takes care of you, sees how you suffer and shows maternal love. So many women live with alcoholics, because if they leave him poor, he will disappear, he will become completely drunk. You are certainly not an alcoholic, but Kafka harmed you. It seems to me that you are trying to make a tragedy out of love, according to the principle “here’s one more tragedy and then there will be a happy ending,” but then the following circumstances arise and the tragedy has been repeated for many years. You live in tragedy and cannot imagine life without it.

Well, if I was wrong, but the situation is set in motion by time and real life versus tragedies, people want to be happy and go for it.

Bern has a book: “Games People Play”, I don’t remember whether there is a game of tragedy in it or not, but I think this is your case. It would be nice if I thought so.

Message from mr_Bloom : Maternal care is in a woman’s blood, she takes care of you, sees how you suffer and shows maternal love. So many women live with alcoholics, because if they leave him poor, he will disappear, he will become completely drunk. You are certainly not an alcoholic, but Kafka harmed you. It seems to me that you are trying to make a tragedy out of love, according to the principle “here’s one more tragedy and then there will be a happy ending,” but then the following circumstances arise and the tragedy has been repeated for many years. You live in tragedy and cannot imagine life without it.

Well, if I was wrong, but the situation is set in motion by time and real life versus tragedies, people want to be happy and go for it.

Bern has a book: “Games People Play”, I don’t remember whether there is a game of tragedy in it or not, but I think this is your case. It would be nice if I thought so.

I remember very well how she loved me “not like a man,” only a month passed. Everyone would like such dislike.

Everything, absolutely everything is possible, but just 2 months ago she gave me things for our new apartment (she brought it to him from hers and never unpacked it, she hasn’t even moved winter things yet) and she chose it together with me, on the Internet , Certainly. 2 months ago she was going to come to me for good to NG and we planned to stay together all summer. During this time, only one thing happened - the illness and surgery of my father, who, thank the Lord, is now recovering. Of course, my mood, my affairs, my plans, and my money arrangements have undergone huge changes because of this. But I can't believe she broke up with me for the same reason

It’s funny, there is a book by Lyudmila Ulitskaya “Sincerely yours Shurik”. And she has just these words about her relatives:

If a man often says “My girl”

Words, however, often do not carry meaning for a guy. Sometimes cute phrases are used for better manipulation. By using a tender phrase addressed to a girl, the young man hopes to quickly get what he wants - intimate intimacy.

Here it is important to understand when a man uses a phrase out of excess of feelings, and at what point - out of self-interest.

When and for what purpose

If your beloved guy often says “My girl,” then the phrase contains one of the following semantic options:

  1. The young man has too many girls around him to whom he is not indifferent. In order not to experience difficulties with memorization and identification, he uses a universal phrase. The peculiarity of the phrase is the absence of additional characteristics other than gender.
  2. A man, using the phrase “My girl,” on a subconscious level, consolidates the woman’s belonging. This shows that he experiences possessive feelings, that is, with a high probability we can say that the young man is jealous.
  3. The expression may characterize an insufficiently strong connection at the physical level. A man using a pronoun shows a desire to bring closer.
  4. An expression that is used in relation to a loved one may simply like the sound of it. This is enough to choose it as a nickname.

What does this mean

If a handsome man constantly says, “You are my girl,” a woman is delighted, because this means certainty in the relationship. However, pay attention to your partner’s behavior when you are in public with him. If such words are not repeated in the presence of other people or the expression is pronounced in the ear, you should not hope for the constancy of the chosen one. When words are expressed clearly and loudly, we can confidently speak about the seriousness of intentions.

What does the guy call him and what does it mean? How to understand how a guy feels?

Of all the possible options, he decided to call you the sun, and not baby, for example. Why? The point is that he himself enjoys the sound of this word.

Sometimes a man can call it differently. It depends on what mood he is in today and what he wants to convey.

In addition to the semantic load, each sound carries a certain effect on a person’s feelings:

  • For example, the sound "F" can clearly express wild and burning reactions. It is often used when you are acutely dissatisfied with something - “Ugh”
  • The sound “X” means sharp excitement (exclamations “ah”, “oh”).
  • And the sound “Ш” , on the contrary, fascinates and attracts attention. He can use affectionate nicknames much more often than others. This sound absorbs attention and forces you to break away from other things. When silence is necessary, say “sh!”
  • The second most common name in nicknames is the sound “K” . It is often used in affectionate nicknames: bunny, baby, honey. This sound focuses on sensuality, tenderness, and care.
  • The third is the sound “L” , it can be found in affectionate nicknames 50% more often than in others. It means that emotions overwhelm us, but we are not afraid of it, but rather open up to them. When we are in a good mood, we sing “La-la-la,” and when we are not happy with something, we say “Damn!”

Listen to what and how your partner tells you. After all, even the sound of a word will tell you a lot about your chosen one’s feelings for you.

If your lover says “You are mine”

Depending on the situation in which the expression is pronounced, the girl judges what this or that phrase addressed to her means. This also applies to nicknames, so pay attention to them too.

Why does he use this particular phrase?

The phrase with which a young man identifies a girl speaks of a subconscious perception of her image. There are examples when large women are affectionately called “panthers” or “goats” by men. These words show that the representative of the stronger sex sees the chosen one as graceful, despite being overweight. However, such an interpretation is possible in the case of sincere sympathy.

If a young man perceives the relationship as a joke, treats it lightly, or tries to take advantage, then nicknames cannot be interpreted, because they conceal a subtle mockery, a mockery of external or internal qualities.

Nickname meaning

The phrase “You are mine,” according to psychologists, should raise alarm bells. It conceals the meaning of complete ownership, when a woman is equated to an inanimate object. Take a closer look at your partner. If his behavior has a tendency towards aggression, an unwillingness to listen to other people’s opinions and compromise, then you should start to worry.

A burning desire to completely possess, not veiled by words, also occurs in the first stages of a relationship, and sometimes is consolidated historically. In this case, there is no need to look for a trick.

Nicknames that men call when they truly love

Young people choose different nicknames. Here are examples of the most common:

  • my good one is an assessment of the qualities of the beloved in a positive way, the young man understands the value of the relationship;
  • sweet, bun, pie - an unconscious association with housekeeping, a man guesses about culinary abilities or hopes that he has them;
  • beloved, dear - simple expressions that prove the sincerity of feelings;
  • swallow, fox, mouse - attentiveness to the partner, her special position against the background of others, standing out.

A separate case is when a partner calls the chosen one by name. The girls are sure that this is not very good, since the man has no feelings. But this is a mistake. Such young men are not prone to romantic actions, but they are reliable and will not betray.

What nicknames should you be wary of?

Nicknames for which it is worth taking a closer look at the behavior of a young man:

  • gold is a clear hint of material gain from the relationship;
  • baby, baby, baby - fixated on the girl’s appearance, will not want to accept changes;
  • doll - regards relationships as a step to building a successful career, perceives a woman as an indicator of status;
  • star - evaluates external attributes, but is not interested in internal qualities, the nickname is often used in relation to a public girl who is recognized;
  • sun - a young man will demand an ideal appearance every day.

However, don't break up based on a suspicious nickname. Take a closer look at the behavior to find out the right answer and understand whether the relationship is worth continuing.

Psychologists' opinion

A young man can use various epithets to address his beloved woman. Often these are images of animals that look harmless and affectionate. For passionate games in bed, comparisons with graceful and flexible creatures are used. But when a man says “mine,” he is unlikely to be able to explain what it means. After all, the desire to appropriate does not always express the natural desire to possess. Sometimes the pronoun shows that the young man has a complex character.

The manifestation speaks of a desire to completely control the girl, to subjugate. Subsequently, this can be expressed in constant jealousy and aggression in case of disobedience. When a guy uses an expression with the pronoun “mine,” take a closer look at his actions and behavior.

However, you shouldn’t get upset when such an expression is used in a couple. Perhaps the man subconsciously expresses a reverent desire to possess, not to let go. This is normal, especially in the early stages of a relationship. At this time, intimacy either has not yet occurred, so sexual desire predominates, or there is little of it. The guy is unconsciously trying to show how important the girl is to him.

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