People are divided into two categories: those who read books and those who listen
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November 1, 2019 Psychology of relationships Anna Mallaalieva Unfortunately, betrayal, the types of which are described in
Often, even in a cloudless family life, periods of crisis occur, when just recently the closest
Definition: Communication style is a multi-component image. What is it made of? From the timbre of the voice,
An identity crisis can occur in the life of every person. Life is a cruel joke: when
Blues and laziness prevailed with the onset of autumn? Don't even have the strength to go out with friends? A
Has it ever happened to you that you madly wanted something, but you couldn’t
The science of physiognomy originated in ancient times and was especially revered in the East. There she is
Interpretation of the term under consideration Modality is the form of manifestation of the stimulus in the existing human sensory system