Adaptation of young children to kindergarten for teachers

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Kindergarten is a serious challenge in a child’s life, a big test for a child. Any test makes a person stronger, moves him forward in development or, on the contrary, throws him back. Therefore, today the topic of organizing the pedagogical process during the period of adaptation of young children to the conditions of a preschool educational institution is relevant. Adaptation is considered as the body’s adaptation to a new environment, which includes a wide range of individual reactions depending on the psychological and personal characteristics of the child, the specific nature of family relationships and upbringing, and the conditions of being in the garden. Much in his behavior depends on how adults approach the baby during the adaptation period, how they can organize his life in a group.

A child’s admission to kindergarten is a special period of life for the whole family: both for the child and for the parents. For a baby, this is a strong stressful experience that needs to be mitigated. He will have to adapt to completely different conditions than those to which he is accustomed in his family. A clear daily routine, the absence of parents, as a rule, a different style of communication, the need to communicate with peers, a new room - all these changes create a stressful situation for the child. These new factors cause a defensive reaction in the baby in the form of crying, refusal to eat, sleep, and communicate with others.

Both teachers and parents must understand how important the moment of a child’s adaptation to the conditions of kindergarten is and how serious consequences it can provoke for the child’s health.

There are three degrees of adaptation of young children to kindergarten conditions - mild, moderate and severe.

This gradation is based on the following indicators:

  • The speed of normalization of the child’s emotional well-being;
  • Demonstrating a positive attitude towards teachers and peers;
  • Having an interest in the subject world;
  • Frequency and duration of acute viral diseases.

Easy adaptation takes place within 1-2 weeks. The child’s experiences are observed for no more than 14 days.

The baby quickly begins to show interest in others:

  • Caregivers and children experience minor disturbances in sleep and appetite.
  • The child is not sick, by the end of the second week he can easily separate from his parents, and his emotional state is normalized.

With moderate adaptation, children experience significant disturbances in sleep and appetite, which return to normal by the end of the month. The baby is usually passive, capricious, irritable, often cries, he is not interested in toys, and he stops using an active vocabulary. Disturbances in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system often occur - this is expressed in the appearance of pale skin, sweating, shadows appear under the eyes, and changes in stool are recorded. The child is susceptible to infectious diseases that are severe. Typically, the described symptoms begin to subside a month after the first visit to kindergarten.

The most dangerous for a child’s health is a severe degree of adaptation to a preschool institution. A child who finds it difficult to get used to kindergarten is usually susceptible to long-term and serious illnesses. The baby’s immune system cannot cope with infections, and they begin to replace one another. He is emotionally exhausted, capricious, and neurotic states are often observed. Parents and teachers are concerned about the baby's appetite - he refuses to eat, and attempts to feed him may end in vomiting. Sleep is disturbed, the child sleeps very lightly, often wakes up, cries in his sleep, and cannot fall asleep for a long time. The baby is not happy with the environment. He refuses to play with his favorite toys, hardly communicates with other children, and is passive in communication with adults. Depending on individual typological characteristics (type of higher nervous activity, type of temperament), a child can be either quiet and depressed, or, on the contrary, aggressive and hysterical. This condition can be observed for several months, while all the vital forces of the baby are suppressed, and the pace of physical and mental development slows down.

The peculiarity of a child’s adaptation to new conditions is due to the specific characteristics of an early age. This period is the most crucial period of a person’s life, when the baby’s basic skills are formed, so necessary for his successful development. At this time, such dominant qualities as cognitive activity, independence, initiative, sociability, trust in the world, self-confidence, a friendly attitude towards people, and creative potential develop. But their formation requires adequate actions on the part of adults, certain forms of communication and active interaction with the child.

The main lines of development of young children are:

  • development of subject activity;
  • development of emotionally effective communication with adults.

The leading role of objective activity in the development of a child is obvious. Inclusion in objective activities allows the child to develop culturally normative, specific and instrumental actions. Use surrounding objects in your daily activities (eating with a spoon, digging with a spatula, using a comb, etc.) in accordance with their social purpose.

In early childhood, there is an intensive development of visual-effective thinking and cognitive activity, the formation of purposefulness and perseverance of the child’s actions. Constructive games and toys are used to develop actions.

A special feature of early childhood is the specific mode of life of the baby. As a rule, the child spends this important period of his development in the family. A family environment is optimal for a child - the love of close adults, their sensitive and flexible attitude, individual communication are a necessary condition for his normal development and good emotional well-being. In modern conditions, families are often forced to interrupt the harmony of the child’s development at home and use the services of a kindergarten.

The main task that kindergarten workers and parents solve at this time is to make kindergarten desirable for the child. It is necessary that separation from home, from loved ones, meeting new adults, unfamiliar peers does not become a serious psychological trauma for the child.

The adaptation period is considered complete if the child eats with appetite, falls asleep quickly and wakes up on time in a cheerful mood, plays alone or with peers.

What is the adaptation of children to the conditions of a preschool educational institution?

A preschool educational institution is called a preschool educational institution. Many people assume that we are talking exclusively about kindergarten. This is wrong. Preschool educational institutions also include any child development centers. Adaptation of young children to the conditions of a preschool educational institution is not an easy process. For example, even the entry of children into a nursery radically changes the lifestyle of the entire family. The baby and parents are worried. The family is accustomed to the fact that the child is always under control and it is difficult for them to adapt to anything else. The preschooler experiences stress, trying to adapt to a different daily routine and sleep schedule. Obvious changes occur: the baby does not see loved ones for several hours, eats slightly different food, and so on.

Subsequent development and successful stay in a preschool institution depend on his ability to adapt to changes. By adapting young children to the conditions of preschool educational institutions, emerging problems are eliminated and children’s adaptability to novelty is formed.

An important aspect is the social adaptation of children. The child should test himself in an environment to get used to the preschool educational institution, taking into account his age.



Adaptation is the adaptation of the body to changing external conditions. The term “adaptation” originated in the depths of biological science (translated from Latin adaptatio – adaptation, adjusting the body to new conditions).

When admitted to a preschool institution, the child for the first time faces the need to change the formed behavioral stereotype due to changes in usual living conditions, and to establish new social connections. Changes in the environment are expressed in meeting unfamiliar people: adults and a large number of peers, and in the discrepancy between home treatment methods and education in kindergarten. At the same time, the emotional state changes, appetite is disrupted, communication and other behavioral reactions become difficult.

Psychophysiological state of the child during the period of adaptation to preschool education

A child in a family gets used to a certain regime, a way of feeding, putting to bed, he develops a certain relationship with his parents, an attachment to them.

If the established order in the family is violated in some way, the child may experience various temporary disturbances in normal behavior (negative reactions: crying, irritability). These disturbances in balanced behavior are explained by the fact that it is difficult for a small child to quickly rebuild the habits he has already formed.

However, a child's brain is very plastic. If these changes in living conditions do not occur so often and do not dramatically disrupt the usual way of life, then the child’s balanced behavior is quickly restored, and the child adapts to the new conditions in his life without any negative consequences.

When children enter kindergarten, their living conditions change very dramatically. The usual temperature of the room, the microclimate, and the food received change. The child is surrounded by new people, parenting methods, and the whole environment are changing. The child needs to adapt to all this and rebuild previously established stereotypes.

Changes in the social environment affect both the physical and mental health of children. During this period, the child undergoes intensive physical development and the maturation of all mental processes. Being at the stage of formation, they are most susceptible to fluctuations and even breakdowns.

The adaptation process is not always easy or quick. During the adaptation period, many children have disturbances in their appetite, sleep (cannot fall asleep, short-term, intermittent sleep), and emotional state. Sometimes, for no apparent reason, body temperature rises, intestinal activity is disrupted, and a rash appears. Adaptation to new conditions is not the same for all children. Some children feel well already on the 3-4th day and get used to new living conditions without any problems with their health, mental state or behavior. For others, the adaptation period lasts a month, or sometimes more.

A number of factors have been established that determine how easily the adaptation period will pass. These factors are related to both the physical and mental state of the child.

1. State of health and level of development.

A healthy child, developed for his age, has better capabilities of the system of adaptation mechanisms, he copes better with difficulties. The state of his health is influenced by the course of pregnancy and childbirth in the mother, diseases during the neonatal period and the first months of life, and the frequency of morbidity in the period before admission to a child care institution. The lack of a proper routine and sufficient sleep leads to chronic fatigue and exhaustion of the nervous system. Such a child copes worse with the difficulties of the adaptation period, he develops a stressful state, and, as a result, gets sick.

2. The age at which the baby enters a child care institution.

As the child grows and develops, the degree and form of his attachment to a permanent adult (parents, etc.) changes.

3. The degree of development of the child’s communication with others and objective activities.

4. Individual typological features of the baby’s higher nervous activity.

Some children express violent reactions in the first days: they scream when parting with their parents, refuse to eat, sleep, protest against every suggestion from the teacher, but after 2-3 days they already settle into a routine and feel good. Others, on the contrary, are calm in the first days, follow the teacher’s suggestions without objection, and in subsequent days they begin to cry, eat poorly for a long time, do not play, and have difficulty getting used to kindergarten.

Types of adaptation.

Doctors and psychologists distinguish three degrees of adaptation: mild, moderate and severe. The main indicator of severity is the timing of normalization of the child’s behavior, the frequency and duration of acute diseases, and the manifestation of neurotic reactions.

The criteria by which the duration of the adaptation period and the intensity of this process are assessed: sleep and falling asleep, appetite, emotional state, adequate behavior, the nature of communication with peers and adults, and illnesses of the child.

The duration and severity of these deviations depends on the age and gender of the child, his psychophysiological state and personal characteristics.

Easy short-term adaptation lasts for 2-6 weeks.

Severe – long-term: about 6-9 months.

The completion of the adaptation period can be judged by the stabilization of all indicators, both physical and mental.

Memo on organizing the pedagogical process

during the adaptation period (for teachers and junior teachers of early age groups)

During the adaptation period, an individual regimen is established for each newly admitted child, taking into account the recommendations of the doctor, educational psychologist, and senior educators.

Over time, all children are transferred to the general regime.

During the adaptation period, it is necessary to take into account all the child’s individual habits, even harmful ones, and under no circumstances re-educate him.

It is necessary to prepare a “favorite toy shelf” where things brought from home will be located.

An adult should caress the child more often, especially when putting him to sleep: stroke his arms, legs, back (children usually like this). A good effect of falling asleep is achieved by stroking the baby's head and eyebrows, while the hand should only touch the ends of the hair.

It doesn’t hurt to show the child a child care facility in the first days in order to let the child know that he is loved here.

In a psychologically tense, stressful situation, switching to an ancient, strong food reaction helps. It is necessary to offer the child to drink and chew crackers more often.

Monotonous hand movements or squeezing of the hands inhibit negative emotions, so the child is offered games: stringing balls on a cord, connecting parts of a large Lego constructor, playing with rubber squeaky toys, playing with water.

Periodically turn on low, calm music, but strict dosage and definition during playing are required.

The best cure for stress is laughter. It is necessary to create situations so that the child laughs more. Fun toys and cartoons are used, and unusual guests are invited - bunnies, clowns, foxes.

It is necessary to eliminate the monotony of children’s lives, i.e., define themed days.

Eliminate intellectual and physical overload.

It is necessary to look closely at the individual characteristics of each child and try to understand in time what is behind the silence, calmness, and passivity of some children.

The immutable rule is not to judge the child’s experience and never complain to parents about it. All the child’s problems become professional problems for the teacher.

Talk to parents every day, instill confidence in them, dispel worries and concerns about their child.


Dear fathers and mothers, grandparents! You are your child's first and most important teachers. His first school - your home - will have a huge impact on what he considers important in life, on the formation of his value system.

No matter how long we live, we still constantly turn to the experience of childhood, to life in the family. Even a gray-haired person continues to refer to what he was taught at home, what his mother taught him, what his father showed him.

The baby learns everything in communication with an adult! A child’s early experience creates the background that leads to the development of speech, the ability to listen and think, and prepares him to isolate the meaning of words.

“Years of miracles” is what preschool childhood is called. The emotional attitude towards life, people, and the presence or absence of incentives for intellectual development that is laid down at this time leaves an indelible imprint on all subsequent behavior and way of thinking of a person.

1. For a child, your speech is a model of speech, since children learn verbal communication by imitating you, listening to you, watching you.
2. The child constantly studies what he observes and understands much more than he can say.
3. A child’s speech develops more successfully in an atmosphere of calm, safety and love, when adults listen to him, communicate with him, talk to him, direct his attention, and read to him.
4. You have an exceptionally active role in teaching your baby the ability to think and speak, but an equally active role in the intellectual, emotional, speech and communication development is inherent in the child himself.
5. It is necessary to provide the child with ample opportunities to use all five senses: see, hear, touch, taste, feel various elements of the world around him.
6. More time should be devoted to the child, since in early childhood the influence of the family on speech and mental development and the child’s involvement in the life of society is decisive. It is during these years that the foundations of self-confidence for successful communication outside the home are laid, which contributes to the child’s further advancement at school, in the company of peers, and later at work.
7. If possible, you should join your child when he is watching TV and try to find out what interests him and discuss what he sees.
8. Each child has his own temperament, needs, interests, likes and dislikes. It is very important to respect his uniqueness and set realistic goals for himself and the child.
9. Try to ensure that the child does not feel a lack of love and variety of impressions.


Dear parents! You must understand that not one, even the most wonderful kindergarten, can do everything for your children.

Kindergarten is designed to help you, not replace you.

It is simply impossible without your help.

• It is advisable that the start of attending kindergarten does not occur during epicrisis periods:

1 year 9 months 2 years 6 months
2 years 3 months 2 years 9 months
3 years

• In the morning, when children are brought to kindergarten, help the teacher greet each child, ask how the kids spent the morning before kindergarten. Your baby will learn to be friendly, welcoming, and attentive to other people.

• Send your child to preschool only when healthy.

• Find out in advance from the doctor what type of adaptation is possible for the child, and take all measures in a timely manner if the prognosis is unsatisfactory.

• Find out in advance all the new moments in the daily routine at the preschool educational institution and introduce them into your home daily routine.

• Avoid discussing issues related to kindergarten that concern you in front of your child.

• Plan your time so that in the first month of your child’s visit to kindergarten you have the opportunity not to leave him for the whole day.

• As early as possible, introduce your child to the children and teachers of the group he will soon join.

• Teach your child at home all the necessary self-care skills.

• Emphasize that your child is still dear and necessary to you.

• Read materials on information boards. You will find a lot of useful information on the problems of raising and developing children, learn about our long-term plans, and the achievements of your child.

• Share your ideas about organizing children's lives in a preschool. We are glad to cooperate with you.

• Ask questions on topics that interest you. We will find a solution together.

Recommendations for parents

Do it! Do not do it!
Rejoice in your son and daughter Don't interrupt your child
Talk to your child in a caring, encouraging tone Don't force your child to do something he's not ready for.
Listen to your child carefully without interrupting Do not force your child to do anything if he is tired or upset
Set clear and specific expectations for your child. Don't say: "No, she's not red", rather say: "She's blue"
When talking with your child, name as many objects, their signs, and actions with them as possible. Do not set many rules for your child, he will stop paying attention to them
be patient Don't insult the child
Read to your child every day and discuss what you read. Don't expect your child to understand all the rules of logic.
Encourage your child to ask questions Don't expect your child to understand all your feelings
Praise your child more often Don't expect your child to understand abstract reasoning and explanations.
Encourage play with other children Do not compare your child with any other children (brother or sister, neighbors, etc.)
Buy educational games and toys You shouldn’t constantly correct the child, repeating every now and then: “It’s not right, change it,” it’s better to say: “Let’s think about it together.”
Try to show interest in what he likes to do (collecting, drawing, sculpting, etc.) Don't demand too much - it will take a long time before the child learns to be independent
Take an interest in your child’s life and activities in kindergarten Don't criticize your child
Make sure your child has new positive experiences to talk about Do not prohibit communication with other children

Good luck to you in raising your children!

Phases of the adaptation process: acute, subacute, compensation

There are several phases of adaptation of young children to the conditions of a preschool educational institution.

Acute phase

Characterized by various fluctuations in mental status and somatic state. Consequences are observed in the form of periodic respiratory diseases, sleep disturbances, loss of weight and appetite, and regression in speech development. Symptoms last for about a month.

Subacute phase

The child's behavior is quite adequate. All negative manifestations are reduced, appearing only in certain parameters. This occurs against the background of a low rate of development (especially mental) in comparison with average age norms. Symptoms may last 3-5 months.

Compensation phase

The phase is characterized by an increased rate of development, thanks to which the child overcomes the previously mentioned developmental delay by the end of the school year.

Problems related to adaptation remain in the theoretical plane, limited to short recommendations for parents before the child enters kindergarten - to bring the home daily routine closer to the routine of a kindergarten or other institution.

At the same time, the adaptation period is very important: it requires radical actions by adults. The solution to the issue lies with preschool teachers. They have to organize the baby’s life so that he can painlessly and adequately adapt to new conditions.

How to make it easier to separate from your child in kindergarten?

In order for your baby to learn how to painlessly let you go and go to the group, follow these simple recommendations:

  • prepare your child in advance for the idea that he needs to go to kindergarten every day while mom and dad are at work;
  • on the way, tell your child how good he will be there today, what interesting games he will play there, what delicious things the aunt-cooks will cook, etc.;
  • come up with your own farewell ritual for your child. This could be a kiss on the cheek and the touching of palms or a short poem. The main thing is to always follow it when parting with your son or daughter, not only in kindergarten, but also at home;
  • Allow your child to take his favorite toy with him. In the absence of his mother, he will be much calmer if there is something close and familiar;
  • Monitor your own emotional state. All your anxieties and fears will certainly be passed on to your child;
  • clearly inform your child about the time of your arrival: after lunch, after sleep, in the evening, so that he does not have vain expectations.

Remember, dear mothers and fathers: the key to a child’s successful adaptation to kindergarten is the correct preparation of the baby, the psychological literacy of the parents, as well as a family atmosphere of comfort and emotional well-being.


Degrees of adaptation to preschool educational institutions

Let us consider the degree of adaptation of young children to the conditions of a preschool educational institution.


It is typical for a group of children who attend the institution without any special worries, with desire. The adaptation period is usually limited to 3-4 weeks. Such a baby practically does not cause any trouble. The changes in behavior that occur are short-term and almost imperceptible.

Characteristic behavior:

  • The baby enters the group without excitement and looks around with curiosity.
  • When an unfamiliar adult addresses him, the child looks into his eyes. Can initiate contact himself and ask for help.
  • Able to keep himself occupied, mood cheerful or calm, emotions easily recognizable.
  • The child adheres to the designated norms of behavior, demonstrates an adequate reaction to approval or comments, and adjusts behavior according to the situation.
  • He is kind to children and willingly plays with them.


The degree is typical for children without nervous disorders. Once in a new environment, they begin to get sick more often. There is an “exchange” of various infections. Some experience frequent acute respiratory infections and other problems. With this type of adaptation, the doctor can reduce the child’s morbidity level. By prescribing corrective measures in a timely manner, the physician will prevent the development of diseases and the degree of adaptation will approach mild.

Characteristic behavior:

  • The baby makes contact through bodily sensations or observation of the actions of the teacher that are attractive to him.
  • The first tension subsides, contact occurs on the initiative of the preschooler.
  • Receives comments and encouragement adequately, but may violate the rules established in the group (social experimentation).

Approximate adaptation time: about a month. During this period, diseases may occur that occur without obvious complications.


The progress of the stage is difficult. Change of environment is difficult for children. Response: nervous breakdowns, frequent colds.

Characteristic behavior:

  • Contact with the baby is established through the parents, or it closes even with them.
  • The baby's attention is scattered: he may show interest in toys, but he does not stay for long.
  • Doesn't start play activities, looks worried.
  • He is indifferent to the teacher’s comments and praise, or gets scared, seeking protection from his parents.

A child experiencing severe adaptation may require help from a pediatrician or specialist.

Next, we will consider the reasons that provoke such behavior.

What is adaptation?

Imagine the world of a small child. Beloved mom and dad, familiar toys, a warm bed, familiar surroundings and daily routine.

And suddenly one day everything changes. His mother takes him to an unfamiliar place and leaves him with a strange aunt. Everything in this place is foreign - the toys, the crib, and the food are not the same as at home. And most importantly, there are a lot of unfamiliar children there, who often cry, and some may even offend. At this point you need to listen to the teacher and do everything she says. This place is called kindergarten...

Finding himself in an unfamiliar environment, the child is in a state of extreme stress. In order for him to get used to it, he must go through a period of adaptation. This term means the ability to adapt to environmental conditions, to adapt to them.

During adaptation, the activity of almost all systems of the child’s body undergoes a restructuring.

Adaptation of a child to the conditions of a kindergarten is usually accompanied by the following phenomena:

  • regression of skills occurs (the child temporarily “forgets” how to go to the potty, hold a spoon, etc.);
  • sleep and appetite worsen;
  • the child looks depressed, lethargic, lethargic;
  • frequent whims, hysterics for any reason.

There are 3 categories of children. For some, adaptation problems begin immediately, for others - after 2-3 weeks, for others there are no visible changes. This is due to many factors and depends on the adaptive capabilities of the child’s body.

You should not be afraid of changes in the behavior of your son or daughter. In this way, the child’s body copes with the stress and adapts to new conditions.

Degrees of adaptation

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There are mild, moderate and severe degrees of adaptation of a child to kindergarten.

Easy degree

A child with a mild degree adapts on average in 2-4 weeks. An easy degree of adaptation will be characterized by the following indicators:

  1. Sleep : the child sleeps peacefully during daytime and nighttime sleep, may sometimes wake up, but easily falls asleep again.
  2. Appetite : good, may be selective in dishes.
  3. Emotional state : even, calm.
  4. Behavior : without tears or hysterics, he lets go of his mother and remains in the group. Can keep himself busy playing.
  5. Communication with adults and peers: makes contact with teachers and children, can ask the teacher for help, gets involved in games with peers.

Even with a mild degree of adaptation, the child may initially experience sleep and appetite disturbances.

Average degree

The average degree of adaptation lasts more than a month. The child is often sick, and getting used to kindergarten is difficult due to long breaks.

Adaptation of moderate severity can be judged by the following criteria:

  1. Sleep: the child sometimes does not sleep during quiet hours; if he falls asleep, his sleep is restless and intermittent.
  2. Appetite: may refuse some dishes, eats little.
  3. Emotional state: often cries, is sad, mood changes for minor reasons. Can keep himself busy with the game, but for a short time.
  4. Behavior: has difficulty parting with his mother, and after she leaves he stands alone at the window for a long time.
  5. Communication with adults and peers: shows no interest in communication, constantly asks the teacher if mom will come soon.

A child with a severe degree of adaptation may take more than 2 months to get used to kindergarten, or may not get used to it at all. Then doctors recommend refusing to attend preschool.

Severe degree

Severe addiction is typical for children with disabilities.

The fact that it is not easy for a child to adapt to kindergarten can be judged by the following indicators:

  1. Sleep : the child does not sleep during quiet hours. At night, sleep is restless, intermittent, and there are night terrors.
  2. Appetite : decreased, may refuse to eat.
  3. Emotional state: depressed, the child seems to withdraw into himself or, on the contrary, is aggressive.
  4. Behavior: after mom leaves, she cries, screams, does not want to go into the group, and can sit in the locker room for a long time.
  5. Communication with adults and peers: does not make contact or shows aggression towards children and adults.

The completion of a child’s adaptation period can be judged by the stabilization of all indicators.

Make sure that your child's adaptation is going smoothly or check if he has any problems so that you can help in time. Use the “Where are my children” application in combination with a children's smart watch - instantly contact your child, listen to the sound around you and always know where he is.

Stages of addiction

The process of a child getting used to kindergarten takes place in several stages.

Stage 1 – period of maladjustment. No matter how the parents prepare the child for the nursery, at first he will still be in a state of stress and constant tension. It is difficult for a child to part with his parents; he often cries and is capricious. Colds may begin.

Stage 2 – adaptation period. The protective mechanisms of the psyche are triggered, the child begins to communicate with the teacher and other children, participates in games, but still misses his parents and often asks about them. At this stage, the baby is just beginning to get used to the new rules, so he may violate discipline and refuse to comply with the teacher’s demands.

Stage 3 – compensation period. The adaptation process is completed, the child gets used to the children's team, teachers and the new daily routine, and calmly lets his parents go for the whole day. The emotional background stabilizes, physiological indicators return to normal.

How long each stage will last depends on the individual characteristics of the baby.

Reasons for difficult adaptation to preschool conditions

There are several aspects that provoke childhood stress. The first reason: separation from the mother. Typically, preschoolers are inextricably linked with their mother or father, and cannot imagine themselves without them. The new environment and the absence of a loved one seriously burdens the child, who has lost the opportunity to behave as he used to at home. It is difficult for him to understand and accept a new form of behavior, and this causes discomfort and suffering. Fear gives rise to stress, creating a vicious circle. The child begins to doubt that his mother loves him, since she left him alone in unusual conditions.

Unfavorable adaptation of young children to preschool conditions provokes nervous breakdowns or illnesses. During the severe stage of adaptation, the process usually drags on for a long period. In some cases, the child never adapts to an unusual group. Children with severe adaptation, which can be predicted in the clinic at an early age, are not recommended to be enrolled in kindergarten at the age of 3.

It is believed that boys aged 3-5 years are more vulnerable than girls in terms of adaptation. At this age, they are more attached to their parents, reacting more painfully to separation from them. Consider the 3-year crisis, which overlaps with the adaptation period. The baby begins to feel like an individual for the first time, demonstrating this to others. Some parents ignore these changes in their child, causing even more stress.

At the age of three, a child feels an urgent need for a parent. His weakened psyche should be protected. Sometimes the burden of adaptation in the garden turns out to be prohibitively heavy during this period.

Creating conditions in a kindergarten group for the successful adaptation of children

The teacher plays a big role in the process of adaptation of a child of primary preschool age to the conditions of kindergarten. The teacher, using an individual approach, softens the course of the adaptation period in children. The teacher strives to preserve and strengthen the child’s health by creating appropriate conditions: hardening, morning exercises, physical education, outdoor games (A.S. Rusakov).

Let's consider the factors that are necessary for a child's successful adaptation to kindergarten. Factors related to the physical condition of the child. A healthy and physically developed child adapts better and overcomes difficulties. A child who is somatically weak, gets tired easily, and also has poor appetite and sleep experiences greater difficulties. A child’s health can be influenced by many factors, such as the course of pregnancy and childbirth, what illnesses the child had in the first months after birth, and how often he was sick before entering kindergarten. All of the following diseases can adversely affect the child’s immunity, which can slow down mental development. If there is no correct daily routine, the child does not get enough sleep, this can lead to overwork and exhaustion of the nervous system. These children cope poorly with the adaptation period, they develop a stressful state, and as a result they fall ill.

The age at which a child comes to a child care center also influences the nature of adaptation. This factor is directly related to the child’s attachment to his parents and on this basis neurotic forms of behavior arise.

Attachment to the mother is a necessary condition for the normal mental development of the child. It contributes to the formation of such important personality qualities as trust in the world, positive self-awareness, initiative, curiosity, and the development of social feelings. For attachment to occur, long-term and stable emotional contact between the mother or a substitute adult with the child is necessary from the first days of his life. Attachment in a child is formed for the first six months of the child’s life and by the end of the year it is formed as a stable emotional and personal connection with his family and, to a greater extent, with his mother. The first six months this is expressed by positive emotions, the child’s delight when meeting his mother.

After six months, the child develops anxiety and restlessness when the mother leaves. From six months to one and a half years, attachment to the mother is expressed more clearly and it can happen that the feeling of anxiety when separated from the mother can be so traumatic that it remains for life as a fear of loneliness. From how clearly fear is expressed, one can judge the child’s sensitivity and, on the basis of this, decide whether it is worth sending the child to kindergarten early.

At eight months of age, fear of unfamiliar adults appears; the child clings to his mother, as if emphasizing his attachment to her. This feeling in a child does not last long, up to about a year and two months. Later, the perception of other people is more calm, but the child may be embarrassed in front of them. The fear and anxiety that a child experiences in the period from seven months to one year and two months may be a prerequisite for the subsequent development of anxiety and fear. Under unfavorable conditions, anxiety develops into anxiety, fears into timidity, becoming a stable character trait.

It may be that the child’s neurotic attachment to his mother and relatives is caused by the anxiety of loved ones who do not let the child go even a step, passing on their fears to the child. A fairly important factor influencing the nature of adaptation is the degree to which the child has developed communication with others and actions with objects. At an early age, object-based activity becomes dominant, and communication occurs mainly regarding actions with objects—situational business communication. During business communication, a child develops special connections with the people around him. Instead of emotional contacts of the child with the mother and other loved ones, which have a selective nature, an intimate, personal basis, contacts come, in the center of which there is an object.

Practical interactions are more impersonal. The emotional closeness of partners becomes less important for the child, since all their attention is focused on the subject. A child who has difficulty getting used to kindergarten most often has mainly emotional contacts with adults in the family. Adults play with him little, or during games they do not greatly activate the child’s initiative and independence. The child has a highly developed need for attention, physical contact, and affection. It is difficult for strangers to satisfy this need. In a kindergarten, where the teacher does not have the opportunity to give the child as much attention as in the family, he feels lonely and uncomfortable. The child prefers to play alone, without turning to an adult for help, without involving him in joint play.

He does not have the cooperation with adults required for this age. As a result, he does not have the skills to enter into practical interaction with an adult; reduced play initiative with an increased need for communication leads to difficulties in the child’s relationships with different adults.

The reason for the difficulty of getting used to the nursery may be a discrepancy between the too prolonged emotional form of communication between the child and adults and the formation of objective activity, which involves another form of communication - cooperation.

Psychologists have identified a clear pattern between the development of a child’s objective activity and his adaptation to the nursery. Adaptation occurs quite easily in children who can work with toys for a long time, in a variety of ways and with concentration and solve object problems - assembling a pyramid, a nesting doll, and construction elements. A child who knows how to play well will easily come into contact with any adult, because he has the necessary means for this. A feature of children who find it very difficult to get used to nurseries is a low level of objective activity, including play. They are capricious, cannot find something to do on their own, quickly get fed up with the game, and constantly demand the attention of an adult if something doesn’t work out for them.

Preparing young children to attend preschool educational institutions

What points should be taken into account when preparing for preschool education.


According to the observations of psychologists, each age has its own adaptation period. It is noted that in the nursery group it is the shortest - approximately one to one and a half weeks. At the age of three, the period may increase to half a month or a little longer. For senior preschool age, the adaptation period can be a month. These are general estimates and some children may not be eligible.

First days at preschool educational institution

Remember! The first days of a child’s stay in a preschool educational institution are the most difficult. An unfamiliar company, the absence of a mother, changes in the usual way of life are factors that exert emotional pressure on the child’s psyche.

Don't want this to happen? Bring home conditions closer to those in kindergartens. The baby must be able to ask to go to the potty, put on some items of clothing, wash himself, use a spoon, and express his desires in words or simple gestures.

Health status

The aspect that influences the development and behavior of the baby is the state of health. A sick and weakened child is often either irritable and capricious, or lethargic. He gets tired quickly and may lag behind in development. In the first days of staying in a preschool educational institution, this is especially obvious.

It is more difficult for weakened children to adapt to unusual conditions. They begin to get sick more often and find it difficult to cope with separation from loved ones. It happens that this is expressed by depression or weight loss, rather than crying or obvious negative appearances. This state should be no less troubling than pronounced negative emotions.

Particular attention should be paid to children with a weak type of nervous system. Any change is not easy for them. At the slightest problem, their emotional state is subject to stress, despite the fact that they may not express their feelings too clearly. Everything new comes to them with great difficulty. They are not sure of anything and are slower than most to acquire the necessary skills. Such children need adaptation, and they should be taught gradually. Encourage and encourage them to learn new things.

Recommendations for parents

Teachers give general recommendations:

  • Set your child up for positive changes. Explain to him how great it will be for him in the new place, and how many would like to go there. Celebrate how lucky you are that your child was accepted into the preschool.
  • When bringing your child to an institution, try to part with him quickly and easily. Long goodbyes and a worried face will make him anxious.
  • If the baby experiences separation from his mother very difficult, then it is advisable that another family member take the baby for the first time. He should also be taken home early and not be separated for too long.
  • The family climate should be calm and conflict-free.
  • Treat his nervous system with care.
  • Reduce your TV viewing and spend more time outdoors.
  • Tell teachers about all your child’s characteristics and preferences.
  • Treat your child's tantrums with understanding and show that you notice them. Help your child calm down, do not ignore his problem.
  • In case of pronounced neurotic reactions, consult a specialist.

Main features of the normal current period of adaptation

Mood disorders

Tearfulness, moodiness, depression in some children; excitability, anger, aggressive manifestations in others (duration - from a week to 1.5 months).

Sleep disorders

Children very often begin to sleep worse, have difficulty falling asleep in the evening, and may cry before going to bed; in the morning it can be very difficult to wake them up at the right time. Some children cannot fall asleep during the day in kindergarten, become overtired and quickly fall asleep in the evening. Others, overexcited, cannot calm down until 22-23 hours. Lack of sleep affects the well-being of children almost immediately and has a complex negative effect on the nervous system (duration - from 1 to 2 months).

Appetite disorders

Children begin to eat poorly (both at home and in the garden) for the reason that they are offered unusual food, new dishes that taste unfamiliar. For children who are accustomed to eating pureed food at home, the consistency of the dishes in kindergarten may be unexpected. In combination with the increased nervous excitability of some children, this can lead to short-term gastrointestinal disorders - vomiting, abdominal pain, hiccups, and sometimes food allergies (duration - from 1 week to 1 month).

Decreased immunity

Due to stress, the immune system of young children suffers, they begin to get sick often (usually ARVI), react to hypothermia, overheating, and drafts much more often than in the normal state; easily become infected from each other (duration - from 2 to 10 months, for some even longer).

Behavior disorder

Children seem to return to earlier stages of development, play worse, games become more primitive, cannot tear themselves away from their mother even at home, and begin to be afraid of strangers. Some experience a loss of self-care skills, hygiene skills (they do not ask to go to the potty, have difficulty washing their hands, etc.) (duration - from 1 week to 2 months).

Recommendations for the adaptation of children in kindergarten

Most children begin attending child care at the age of 2.5-3 years. For some of them, the transition from a home environment, familiar and favorite toys, and close adults is more or less easy, and after 2-3 months they get used to kindergarten. For others, it turns into a tragedy, fraught with behavioral disorders, a sharp deterioration in health, constant dysphoria (low emotional background, bad mood), and in the future even early neuroticism, leading to the appearance of multiple psychological and neurological disorders.

At the age of 2-3 years, a child is not able to play with toys, even very attractive ones; he still does not know how to communicate with other children, does not understand them and cannot express his desires, thoughts, feelings so that he is understood. Some children may simply be afraid of strangers.

For any teacher, the period when many newcomers come to the group is a great challenge. It is especially important at this time to lay the foundations of favorable relationships between children in the group and to create the prerequisites for emotional comfort for each child. All further tasks related, for example, to learning, self-care, etc., are secondary, since their implementation may be possible a little later, when the children calm down and make contact.

Working with parents of children entering kindergarten should begin long before they bring their child. Even when enrolling a child in an institution, the mother should receive clear information about the adaptation period and what she personally can do to make this period as easy as possible for the child. Parents and educators should be aware of the specifics of the adaptation period, its stressful effect on the child, its duration (1.5-3 months), and possible violations.

Games with a child during the adaptation period

Play is the main means of relaxation for a preschooler. Through the game, trusting relationships are built.

What are the advantages of playing for a child in comparison with other means of relaxation:

  • The child gets the opportunity to feel his strength and abilities.
  • He doesn't have to feel helpless.
  • He learns about the world around him, learns self-expression, and rises in his own eyes.
  • Learns to communicate.
  • Learns to manage your own feelings.
  • Experiences a wide range of emotions.
  • Various games with sand and water provide an excellent relaxing effect.
  • Negative emotions are inhibited by monotonous hand movements, so pay attention to games such as collecting large construction parts, stringing balls on a cord, and the like.

Preschool educational institutions often use such effective games as “My Favorite Kindergarten,” which demonstrate all the advantages of the institution. Usually in the center of the room there is a small stand with a photo of the institution. Petals with corresponding notes are glued next to him. These inscriptions (or drawings) should be made by the child, listing all the good things that exist in the kindergarten and school.

The game “Sunshine” is also often used, which allows you to receive “psychological strokes” from others, which are urgently needed for a child to feel his importance and value in the eyes of others. The game is played in a friendly atmosphere and in a good mood. Ideally, the participants in the game will be the baby’s parents, whose encouragement and appreciation is especially important. Through games and fairy tales, you can show your child all the advantages of a preschool educational institution, and this opportunity must be used at every convenient opportunity.

Adaptation of a child to a preschool educational institution - recommendations for parents and teachers

To make a child’s adaptation to kindergarten as easy as possible, parents and educators should help him. The main task of the parents is to create a caring environment for him, to convince him of safety and that mom and dad are always there, love him and will definitely come back for him.

During the adjustment period, it is important not to overload the child. At home he should be surrounded by a calm atmosphere. It is very important to praise and hug your baby more often, but to be more tolerant of whims. If possible, on weekends you should follow the same regime that is established in the preschool educational institution.

Particularly restless children can be given a small soft toy in kindergarten; it will serve as a substitute for their mother. You definitely need to talk to your child about kindergarten - for example, come up with fairy tales about how the character went to kindergarten for the first time, how scared he was, but then he made friends with other kids, and in the evening his loving mother came for him.

Adaptation of children to preschool educational institutions for educators means that they should encourage any cognitive activity of the child, try to expand his social circle, encourage him to meet other children, but in no case force or put pressure. Educators should help children handle toys, answer all the children’s questions consistently and clearly, and be attentive. This strengthens children's confidence in safety and facilitates adaptation.

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