My achievements, successes and uniqueness | Inna Morozova

On this page I would like to get to know you better, my dear reader!

Here is my personal story, where I did not hide my mistakes and defeats and shared how I got to “myself today”...

And below is what I am proud of, what I can do well, what I am similar to you in and in what I am unique.

I also ask you to share in the comments what you want about yourself - I will be glad to meet you and will be very grateful to you for your trust!

My 17 achievements and successes in life:

  1. I graduated from school with a gold medal, which required my perseverance in achieving my goals and hard work
  2. gave up a stable and well-paid job to try to create my own business
  3. I changed my profession, mastering a completely new direction, when I realized what I wanted to do, and that I didn’t like what I was doing now
  4. I bought a car and got behind the wheel without any driving experience - on the day of purchase I drove the car 300 km to Kyiv, and the next day I drove to the city center. I quickly learned to drive, and after six months I was already driving a car with a manual transmission well.
  5. married the person I love, creating our “dream wedding” together
  6. gave birth to three children at home, which gave them health and gave me confidence and strength
  7. breastfed all three for more than one and a half to two years, while working
  8. For 3 years I ate only live food (raw food diet)
  9. my husband and I designed and carried out renovations in a 120-meter apartment in 6 months
  10. I took a risk and went on a 2-year journey with my family, which changed a lot in my life priorities
  11. I started a project on the Internet without understanding anything about it, and for several years now it has been my source of inspiration and funding
  12. mastered several Internet professions in the process of building her business
  13. wrote several e-books, created a website with more than 300 articles and a channel with more than 300 videos, 5 author trainings and more than 30 seminars
  14. I have formed my own outlook on life, formulated it into an author’s approach and distribute and sell it through the project
  15. I teach my child at home, organizing education and leisure in the best way for him
  16. I have been maintaining and deepening a loving relationship with my husband for more than 11 years
  17. I do the Goltis Healing Impulse and do a facial massage
  18. happy and satisfied with her life, despite the occasional temporary difficulties
  19. I have a dream and believe in its fulfillment

Responsibilities or achievements?

A distinction must be made between achievements and responsibilities. Often the end result is good performance of job functions. Can solving problems with placing outdoor advertising or concluding a contract be called an achievement? This is only high-quality performance of a task within the scope of job responsibilities.

Another thing can be said about the fact of cutting company costs or completing work ahead of schedule. If this happened at some stage with direct participation, then it can be characterized as an achievement.

Therefore, the prompt execution of orders should not be considered an achievement; this is a normal working moment. And a 30% reduction in the company's expenses on stationery without loss of quality will already be some kind of achievement.

Walt Disney: success story, achievements, photos

Walt Disney was born into a poor family; from childhood he was forced to work as a newspaper delivery boy. When World War I began, Walt Disney had to become a Red Cross driver.

He had a passion for drawing, and later got a job as an artist in a film studio. He managed to open his own studio, but it soon went bankrupt.

Walt and his brother moved to Los Angeles, where together they founded the animation studio The Walt Disney Company. They began to produce cartoons, but did not achieve great success.

Success came to the company when the cartoon about Oswald the Rabbit was released. Later a new hero appeared - Mickey Mouse. At first, the cult cartoon character was not approved, but then Walt Disney received an Oscar for creating the image of this mouse.

In terms of the number of cinematic awards, Walt Disney is the most titled person. He made the world of animation completely new, revolutionized the idea of ​​cartoons and animation.

His achievements include the famous Disneyland amusement park. The idea for the park came to Walt during a walk with his daughters, whom he adored.

Walt Disney and his heroes

Rules for writing achievements

The principle of filling out a resume paragraph about personal success can be subject to several rules:

  1. Provide specific indicators.

If your achievements helped increase profits, reduce costs, speed up work, then they should be supported by numbers. Express them in units or percentages. This will make it clearer that your work has brought benefits, expressed by specific indicators.

Numbers catch the recruiter's eye, so such a resume has a better chance of attracting his attention. Try to use digital metrics whenever possible.

  1. Always compare your achievements to the vacant position you are applying for.

You don't need to list all your successes in life. Select the most significant ones and compare them with the position for which the resume was compiled. An employer may be interested only in those achievements that will help make the company's work better if you work for it in this position.

  1. Describe your achievements in your last place of work.

In order to correctly highlight the most significant successes, consider your last 2-3 places of work and indicate the results achieved there.

  1. Lots of responsibilities? Follow the 50% to 50% rule.

It lies in the proportional relationship between the number of responsibilities and the results of success. If you include a list of more than 8 responsibilities in your resume, you will have to prepare the same amount for results. Since the latter is quite difficult to do, you will need to reduce the first indicator. This rule will prevent your resume from being inflated onto many sheets.

  1. Use words that indicate exactly the success achieved.

Talk about your achievements as if they were a completed task, for example, “carried out”, “implemented”, “concluded”.


We have prepared additional examples of resume achievements for you that you can use as a template.

Office administrator

From 2021 to 2021, I saved more than 520 thousand rubles on office supplies, receiving personal discounts after negotiations with the supplier.

Sales Manager

During its tenure, the customer retention rate was 45% higher than the company average. Implemented a customer service process that reduced the number of return requests by 32% and direct labor costs by RUB 2.5 million. Trained 3 junior employees to the level of sales managers.

General practitioner

Received 95% positive feedback in post-visit patient surveys.

Project manager

Implemented a CRM with remote reporting capabilities, reducing project costs by 30% per quarter. Personally interviewed and hired eight office assistants, leading the team to a 22% annual increase in new contracts.


Created a mobile note-taking app that has been downloaded over 8,000 times.

Primary school teacher

She received the Teacher of the Year award in 2010 based on student performance.


My article “Problems of intercultural communication in third world countries” was published in the scientific journal “Knowledge”.

To see all the achievements in different professions, go to resume examples.

What to write if there are no achievements?

If you have not held a responsible position, this does not mean that there is no success. For vacancies as a cleaner, cashier, or driver, they are not needed. It is enough to indicate your experience. The professional skills of a storekeeper, fast food restaurant workers, and the achievements of a sales consultant are already clear. If your previous job involves secrecy, tell us about your area of ​​activity without numbers or specifics. Focus on personal successes that demonstrate responsibility and determination. All these rules speed up the search for a vacancy and help form the impression of a specialist.

How to make a list of 50 goals in life?

There are an unlimited number of desires, so the main thing is to highlight the highest priorities. The deadline is of no small importance. Fifty tasks is quite a lot. The optimal time is a year. This does not mean that they must be completed in only 12 months. The main thing is that they are completed within this time period.

Measurable Goal

To make a list, you can use a simple technique:

  • Sit in a cozy and calm environment, so that there are no distractions. Without trying to concentrate, write by hand or type on the computer all the goals that come to mind, as much as possible. They can be big or small.
  • Try to be inspired. Write down your current, potential, global, absurd and even seemingly most incredible dreams. This greatly expands the possibilities for subsequent selection.
  • Now you need to show maximum attention and concentration. Look again at what you wrote. Highlight priority ones, the implementation of which will not only bring benefits, but will also fully satisfy your wishes. Break down your goals into short-term, medium-term, and long-term.

Ask yourself the questions “why?”, “why?”, “what will this give me?” Consider whether you will be completely satisfied with the result. This will motivate you to achieve your goals.

Important! You can set goals for your entire life, but this is not the most serious approach. Truly important tasks must be implemented at least a year in advance, but it all depends on desire. If you want to become a millionaire, it may take several years, but every step should lead to this result from the day you decide.

Short term

Such desires and dreams are achieved in a short period of time. They do not require careful planning. To achieve the goal, 1-2 weeks are enough. Often it’s even less, for example, signing up for swimming lessons. The main thing is to clearly understand that everything will not end there.

Features of the vision board of goals and desires


These are life priorities. They require a clear and well-thought-out plan. You need to know exactly what actions to take to get results. Such goals are divided into several stages and completed one after another. Otherwise they will remain unfulfilled.

Medium term

The fulfillment of such dreams takes from 1 to 3 months. Similarly, long-term ones may not be broken down into separate subtasks. The main thing is that they are correctly formulated, that is, they have a specific deadline within which they will definitely be fulfilled.

Setting goals by deadline

Steve Jobs: success story, achievements, photos

Important: Steve Jobs is an outstanding person who was able not only to build a computer empire, but also to change the lives of millions of people. He made complex technologies easy to use, aesthetically pleasing and accessible to people.

Steve Jobs was adopted by foster parents shortly after his birth. His biological parents were students, experienced difficulties and could not raise their son. It is known that Steve’s birth mother took a receipt from his adoptive parents stating that they undertake to pay for the boy’s college education.

Steve never considered his adoptive parents to be strangers; on the contrary, he was very irritated if this fact was mentioned in his presence. Steve Jobs' parents were people of humble origins: his father was an auto mechanic, and his mother was an accountant. Together they earned money to fulfill their promise and educate Steve. However, Steve himself was not distinguished by a diligent disposition, although he was a very capable child. His teachers called him a “prankster.”

After graduating from school, Steve left his parents' house and moved into a cabin with his girlfriend. By the way, he managed to go to college, but Steve could not finish it - his disposition was too free, not conducive to discipline.

Steve Jobs easily made new acquaintances, became interested in hippie culture and spiritual practices, and became a vegetarian. One of the decisive acquaintances was meeting Stephen Wozniak. Having become best friends, they began developing their first computer. To raise money for their developments, they sold their main assets: Jobs' minibus and Wozniak's programmable calculator.

Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in their youth

Thanks to the oratorical and entrepreneurial skills of Steve Jobs, it was possible to attract sponsors. Soon Jobs's house and garage were occupied: development of the first batch of Apple computers was in full swing here.

Steve Jobs loved simplicity, and successfully applied it to the design of his devices. Many team members found him extremely difficult to work with; he was characterized as a hot-tempered and stubborn person.

During the years of Steve Jobs's life, he managed not only to become the founder of Apple, but also to fail and be fired from his own company. Subsequently, Steve Jobs returned and helped Apple achieve unprecedented levels and success. But besides Apple, Steve Jobs made significant contributions to other industries, for example, he bought and developed the animation film studio Pixar.

Steve Jobs' irrepressible energy was undermined by health conditions; in 2003 he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and in 2011 he resigned. That same year, Steve Jobs died at the age of 56. However, his name remains forever in the pages of history.

He is called differently: “father of the digital revolution”, “visionary”, dreamer and innovator. One thing is clear - crazy love for your hobby and confidence in what you do can change the world.

Steve Jobs


You have reached the age when you understand that admitting your mistake is not shameful or “uncool”. This is wonderful. Recognize, understand, realize and don’t do it again. This is your third achievement in our maturity test.

Under point four - knowledge of the world. You find and enjoy reading a book (or books) that change your worldview, philosophy, and life. You read books meaningfully, and not “diagonally.” You try to understand the essence of things, do not leave the process of acquiring knowledge “for later,” but immediately fill in the gaps in your horizons. You become inquisitive.

For example, you are happy to open a search engine and look for what bakpfeifengesicht (a person asking for rudeness) or gintauan (when a newcomer comes to the team and you have to work 2 times more efficiently so as not to lose yourself in the eyes of your superiors and “bring up” this new employee) is. , help).

# What personal achievements to include in your resume

Expert opinion

Ekaterina Troitskaya

HR manager

The employer is looking for employees who get things done, who are able to improve processes, save time and increase the company's profits. Therefore, he is interested in the results of previous work.

First, you need to identify successes that are useful to your boss and your desired position. The effect will produce a result that will be important for the company, measurable and consistent with the objectives of the vacancy.

When applying for a leadership position, the achievements should reflect the manager: making strategic decisions, experience in leadership, planning, filling the position of manager, and the like. If you are aiming for a line specialist, match the level: improved, implemented, increased...

Do not confuse personal skills and professional victories: mastering a new technology is a skill, but implementing it or creating it, thereby increasing work efficiency, is already an achievement.

# Achievements in life

This is an outcome that benefits the employee and can benefit his business partners. The point of such success is to inform the employer about your skills, which will help you cope with responsibilities and assignments better than other applicants.

For example: receiving thanks and rewards for effective work, rapid career advancement.

# Career Achievements

This is the result of the work of a specialist who has brought benefits to an enterprise or company. These achievements show how successfully the employee has realized himself in his position and what unique experience he now has.

For example: improving business processes, increasing sales or reducing company costs, attracting partners or creating a team.

What to write to a sales employee?

Consider how to phrase your sentences to highlight the sales representative's key skills . It depends on whether they want to talk to you. Write that personal achievements lie in the ability to negotiate, plan sales, draw up commercial proposals, and post online.

The professional skills of a store director are not much different. Emphasize that:

  • know the functions and responsibilities of sellers;
  • trained new sales employees;
  • simplified document flow;
  • wrote new instructions;
  • created a bonus system.


Love and friendship

The sixth, seventh and eighth points of defining our maturity belong to the concepts of love and friendship. You calmly tell a person that you love them, whether they love you or not. You don't need obligatory feelings in return. You just love and that's all. And don’t be shy about talking about it.

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You also know how to be sincerely happy for your friend or loved one when he has achieved something and achieved something. Don’t force a smile, secretly suppressing the raging fire of jealousy (why was he able to do it, but I couldn’t???), but are happy for him, and talk about it sincerely. And believe me, the fact that you are not playing will be very noticeable!

But you also know how to be strict. You can look a person in the eye and refuse him. And if this is justified, then you will not be embarrassed and blush.

How to set a goal correctly

A person faces difficulties in achieving his goals based on inaccurate formulation. What goals in a person’s life can be cited as an example?

  • Have an apartment, a house, a dacha.
  • Lose weight.
  • Relax by the sea.
  • Start a family.
  • Provide parents with a good old age.

All of the above goals, to a greater extent, one way or another, are a person’s dream. He wants this, perhaps with all his heart. But the question arises: when are his goals realized and what does he do for this?

In order to achieve the desired result, you need to set yourself a clear and precise task. It should fit into one phrase. A clear example of the correct setting of goals in a person’s life are the following formulations:

  • Have an apartment (house, dacha) at the age of 30.
  • Lose 10 kg by September.
  • Go to the sea in the first month of summer.
  • Create a happy and strong family.
  • Take your parents into your home and provide them with a good old age.

From the above goals we can conclude that almost all of them have a certain time period. Based on this, a person can plan his time to implement his plans; develop a daily action plan. And then he will see the full picture of what needs to be done and undertaken in order for the goal in life to be achieved.

Croc Ray: success story, achievements, photos

Ray Kroc is a shining example that it's never too late to start. Success came to him at the age of 52. Before this, the future founder of the McDonald's empire sold paper cups and was even able to found a company producing mixers, but it did not bring tremendous success.

One day he was selling his mixers to the McDonald brothers and saw their roadside restaurant. It had a self-service system, and the price tags for food were obscenely low. And Ray Kroc, unlike the McDonald brothers, saw a “gold mine.” He invited them to sell franchises, the brothers quickly agreed and gave permission to use their name.

Ray Kroc improved the franchising system by establishing strict requirements - everything must meet the standards. He didn't want the brand to be disgraced in the pursuit of quick profits.

Kroc's real success came after McDonald's opened in a small town and lines began to line up at the cash registers. Since then, crowds of people who wanted to invest their money profitably came to Kroc, because, as it turned out, the business paid off very quickly.

Ray Kroc

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