Personality formation in psychology: stages and their features

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In this article we will tell you:

  1. Main factors of personality formation in psychology
  2. 3 phases of personality formation in psychology
  3. Stage-by-stage formation of personality in psychology
  4. Theories of personality formation in psychology
  5. Personality formation in domestic and foreign psychology
  6. Formation of personal maturity in psychology

Personality formation in psychology has been considered and studied for many years. Both domestic and foreign psychologists put forward their theories. In general, they all imply that a person goes through certain stages in the process of growing up and life.

To achieve true growth and become a mature person, you need to know about the characteristics of each stage. This knowledge will help to correct certain abilities, which is important in the modern world.

In the dictionary D.N. Ushakova

FORMATION, formations, cf. 1. units only Action under Ch. to form" title='what is to form, the meaning of the word to form in Ushakov's dictionary'>to form and state" title='what is a state, the meaning of the word state in Ushakov's dictionary'>state according to Ch. to be formed" title='what is to be formed, the meaning of the word to be formed in Ushakov's dictionary'>to be formed in 1 and 2 meaning. (book, military, railway). Formation of views. Formation of regiments. Formation of the organism. 2. Formed, newly organized military unit (military).
Fresh formations have been added to the army. Arrival of formations at the front.

The concept of “formation”, “formation” and “development” of the personality of a professional


1. The concept of “formation”, “formation” and “development” of the personality of a professional.

2. Contents of the stages of development of a professional’s personality.

3. Professionally important personality traits of a professional.

4. List of used literature.

The concepts of “formation”, “formation” and “development” of a professional’s personality.

The term “becoming” is perhaps one of the most frequently used in philosophy, pedagogy, and psychology, but its semantic content is just as often vague and indefinite.

In the modern generally accepted scientific understanding, “becoming is a philosophical category that expresses the spontaneity, variability of things and phenomena - their continuous transition into another, the acquisition of new characteristics and forms in the process of development, approaching a certain state.” This term has attracted the attention of many thinkers. The most common understanding of becoming in the history of philosophy is its interpretation as a transition from one certainty of being to another: everything that exists is becoming, and its being is becoming. Later, in the process of development of philosophy, becoming again received priority over being. According to Hegel, everyone has an idea of ​​becoming, and at the same time everyone recognizes that “this is only one idea; everyone further admits that if we analyze this representation, we will be convinced that it contains the definition of being, as well as that which is completely opposite - the definition of nothing; further, these two definitions are inseparable in one idea, so that becoming is the unity of being and nothingness.” Becoming itself, according to Hegel, acts as the “first truth”, which is the starting point of all subsequent development, the starting point of the emergence, generation of things and phenomena.

The study of the problems of formation and development of a person as a professional in activity is one of the essential tasks of the new science - acmeology (B.G. Ananyev).

Most often, formation is characterized in inextricable connection with development or formation, combining and even replacing these terms with each other, especially when it comes to the formation and development of personality. The essence of the category “professional development” can be identified by comparing it with the categories “development” and “formation”.

Development is defined as an objective process of internal consistent quantitative and qualitative changes in material and ideal objects. Our analysis of the scientific literature showed that many psychological concepts of personality development do not provide a clear answer to the question of what is meant by “personality development.” There are many definitions. Here's one of them. Personal development is an objective process of formation and enrichment of a person’s physical and spiritual powers, ensuring the realization of his internal potential, his essence and purpose, the process of changing an individual as a result of his socialization. Personal development is carried out through a change in its direction. The orientation of the individual is the result of the contradictory unity of socialization, that is, the assimilation of social experience and culture, and individualization (the process of development of intelligence, will, aesthetic taste, and creative abilities of the individual). In the course of personality development, the formation of its integrity also occurs. According to K. M. Levitan, this integrity lies in the direction that ensures continuity, continuity of all periods of personality development, as well as in the acquisition of the necessary missing personality qualities.

The development of a professional’s personality occurs through qualitative changes leading to a new level of integrity. It involves changes in the essential forces of the individual, transformation of existing attitudes, orientation, and motives of behavior under the influence of changing social relations.

From the point of view of L.I. Antsiferova, “development is the main way of existence of an individual, the social and mental formation of which is not limited to any specific periods of time. It is carried out at all stages of a person’s life path. The period of maturity cannot be considered as the final state towards which development is directed and with which it ends. On the contrary, the more mature a person becomes in the social and psychological sense, the more his ability for further development increases.” Thus, constant incompleteness, and, consequently, the never-ending process of formation, is a characteristic feature of the psychological organization of the individual and one of the prerequisites for its ability to develop limitlessly.

Personality, developing, being formed, takes a certain form. This form represents an integral system of social properties that allows human social life to function not only in a collective, but also in an individual form. Formation is usually understood as a set of techniques and methods of social influence on an individual, with the goal of creating in him a system of certain relationships, value orientations, beliefs, and cultivating professionally significant qualities. By predicting oneself into the future, the personality shapes itself. Thus, the formation of personality is the process of developing socially significant qualities of an individual, his beliefs, views, abilities, and character traits. As the personality develops, the integrity of its psychological organization grows and new development potential accumulates.

But as noted in their study by E.N. Gusinsky and Yu.I. Turchaninova, trying to pinpoint the moment of the appearance of personality in the process of individual development, we inevitably come across a difficult-to-define period of a kind of “preparation” for the appearance of an object, which, as a rule, is denoted by the word “becoming”. During this period, an external observer can sometimes already discern individual features of the future object, but they do not yet form into that definite whole that the observer knows from other samples. It is not easy to separate formation from development: when thinking about the formation and development of personality, we, as a rule, consider precisely the period when the personality is being formed, but has not yet fully emerged. When we talk about the development of an object, we usually mean that this object somehow improves, becomes more complex, and develops.

Speaking about the personality of a professional in general, as an established integral system of professional knowledge, abilities, skills and, most importantly, filling them with personal meaning, we consider the training of future professionals precisely as a period of professional formation. This is the individualized development of professionally significant qualities and abilities, professional knowledge and skills, an active qualitative transformation by a person of his inner world, leading to a fundamentally new system and way of life - creative self-realization in the profession.

In psychological and pedagogical literature, the term “professional development” of an individual is widely used. Modern researchers consider it from different positions. For example, T.V. Kudryavtsev considers “professional development” as a long process of personal development from the beginning of the formation of professional intentions to the full realization of oneself in professional activities. The central link of this process is professional self-determination. T.V. Zeer interprets “professional development” as the formation of a personality that is adequate to the requirements of professional activity. K.M. Levitan explores this term as a solution to professionally significant, increasingly complex tasks - cognitive, moral and communicative, in the process of which a professional masters the necessary complex of business and moral qualities associated with his profession.

It is important to emphasize that almost all scientists dealing with the problem of professional development recognize that a person reaches the pinnacle of his professional development at the stage of independent professional activity. Therefore, professional development depends on the characteristics of the activity and the individual capabilities of a particular person. It follows from this that the process of professional development is individual and unique for each person.

Contents of the stages of development of a professional’s personality

The current stage of development of society is characterized by automation and computerization of production, the introduction of new technical means and technologies, and the change from mono-professionalism to multi-professionalism. This leads to the fact that the professional and business world needs specialists who are able to successfully and effectively find and realize themselves in changing socio-economic conditions in connection with planning and organizing their careers. Thus, the problem of professional development of personality is one of the actively developed psychological problems.

Considering the professional development of an individual, many researchers identify stages, levels, stages that a specialist goes through in his professional advancement. Currently, in science there is no generally accepted division of a professional’s life path into stages or phases.

Let's use one of the options proposed by E.A. Klimov:

-optant – phase of choosing a profession;

-adept – a person who has already taken the path of commitment to the profession and is mastering it;

-adaptor – a young specialist’s getting used to work, getting into many of the intricacies of the job;

-internal – an experienced worker who can already independently and successfully cope with basic professional functions;

-master, authority, mentor.

K.M. Levitan

distinguishes three main stages: the preparatory (pre-university) stage associated with the choice of profession; the initial (university) stage, during which the foundations of professionally important skills and personality traits of a professional are formed; basic (postgraduate) stage. This is a period of development of all the essential forces of the personality with the goal of its full self-realization in professional activities. It is at this stage that the formation of a professional’s personality occurs.

During the university period of professional development of an individual, we distinguish several levels. Namely (according to the concept of V.A. Slastenin


1. Level of development – ​​adaptive. Adaptive stage in professional activity:

— adaptation to new social and cultural realities;

- professional activity follows a well-established pattern, creative activity is weak, at the everyday level;

— stimulation of various forms of independence and activity;

— formation of skills of self-control and emotional self-regulation;

— acceptance of subject-subject relationships;

— finding direct and alternative ways to solve life and professional problems.

2. Level of development – ​​professional and reproductive. Stage of mastering professional knowledge and skills:

— development of the need for professional fulfillment;

— updating cognitive reflection;

— mastering the values ​​and meanings of professional activity;

— development of initial skills to create life path projects;

- development of thinking and understanding.

3. Level of development – ​​personal-productive. The stage of accepting the personal meaning of professional activity:

— development of regulatory mechanisms of activity, communication, creativity;

— search and stimulation of an individual style of professional activity;

— readiness to professionally solve theoretical and practical problems;

— development of adequate communicative behavior of a future specialist in the professional activities of life.

4. Level of development – ​​subjective-creative-professional. Practical implementation of the professional development of a future specialist:

— subjective implementation of the personal and professional development of a specialist;

— the ability to make the necessary correction based on self-analysis of professional and life activities;

— strengthening the role of professional knowledge in personal, life and professional terms;

— systematization of views and attitudes regarding life and professional paths;

In the Dictionary of Synonyms

development, forging, development, education, maturation, development; organization, creation, founding, formation, composition, establishment; part, agricultural formation, evolution, formation, creation, detachment, generation, device, connection, generation, formation, cobbling together, establishment, emergence, lithogenesis, construction, pneumatic molding, turma, deployment, bending, acquisition, morphogenesis, establishment, arrangement, assembly, birth, foundation, formation

Psychological aspect

As mentioned earlier, the concept of personality formation in pedagogy is directly related to psychology. This means that the methods used in this educational process are also of an appropriate nature.

Many teachers often ask their students to solve Lawrence Kohlberg's dilemmas. This man is one of the founders of moral theory. He insisted that nothing in the world is absolutely right or wrong. The morality of any action depends not on its consequences, but on the person’s intentions. And he was right.

Kohlberg's dilemmas are hypothetical situations. However, in real life there are tens of thousands of identical ones. There is no perfect solution, each has its pros and cons. Here is one of these dilemmas: one woman has a severe, incurable form of cancer. She has six months to live, but she is constantly in severe pain. The woman asks her doctor to give her an increased dose of morphine, allowing her to “go away.” This is illegal, but the doctor understands the patient’s request and is considering fulfilling it.

This dilemma is very useful in forming beliefs. It provokes thought, evokes emotions, makes students think, and puts them in the place of participants in the situation. They, in turn, ask themselves a lot of questions that would help them find a solution and understand whether it is correct. This is how children learn to empathize, sympathize, reflect and feel responsibility.


This concept is very multifaceted. And it is reflected in pedagogy. Formation is a complex process. It implies instilling in students aesthetic and ethical tastes, as well as the ability to see beauty in what man once created, or to find it in something else.

Why is it important? Because the personality whose formation we are talking about can only become a person who has become a part of sociocultural life. Every good teacher can convey this to students.

In psychology, which is closely related to pedagogy, the concept of “personality” means the totality of preferences and habits developed by a person, his social and cultural experience, knowledge, skills and ability to think independently.

However, we can put it more simply. A person is an educated and intelligent person. And the goals of pedagogy are to arouse interest among students in everything that will help them become such. And in the subsequent provision of appropriate assistance to them in achieving their plans.

A good teacher promotes the development of students' inclinations, abilities and interests, and encourages them to creative activity. It also helps to cultivate in them an attitude towards work, society, various professions, parents, art, friends, life. But the main goals of pedagogy are to shape behavior and consciousness.

Changes taking place

Methods of team building in pedagogy are intertwined with the principles that the teacher follows in individual work with students. Be that as it may, a highly qualified specialist ultimately achieves impressive results. Students develop a new level of affective-need and cognitive spheres, stable forms of activity and behavior arise, social orientation and individual character develop. In the process, each of them is transformed. Because personality development implies the origin of changes in the psyche, as well as in the spiritual and intellectual sphere of the student.

Positive transformations include improving memory, character, thinking and will. This also includes the acquisition, expansion and subsequent deepening of knowledge, a certain intellectual growth. Naturally, all this is accompanied by a change in consciousness and moral development.

If expressed in scientific language, the student begins to turn into a subject of social activity and interpersonal relationships. And he doesn't just move from a lower level to a higher level. Quantitative changes dialectically transform into qualitative transformations of the spiritual and mental characteristics of the pupil.

This is socialization. A young member of society learns to assimilate values, norms, attitudes, adopts patterns of behavior, and reproduces the acquired life experience. And this process does not stop. Socialization lasts throughout life. But it begins at school, and is kept under the control of caring professional teachers, on whom it largely depends on what their students will become in the future.

The problem of modernity

In pedagogy, formation is the process of personality formation. And it is usually considered as a problem of education. And in the modern 21st century it is really acute.

This is because now many people have a tendency to advocate the free development of personality. Some even seriously consider pedagogical education to be a violation of the pupil/student’s right to be an individual. Therefore, a professional teacher must competently combine traditional methods with modern ones.

Self-determination is important. But! No less important is the integration of the student into world and national culture, the formation of him as a citizen, as well as instilling in him the awareness that without cooperation and mutual understanding it is impossible to exist in modern society

Foreign concepts are interesting, but they cannot be transferred unchanged and, especially, completely into our lives. This is what parents of the 21st century must understand first.


This is exactly what happens in a team. Formation is a definition in pedagogy, the meaning of which has been given a lot of attention. What can you say about creating a student team? This process is extremely important because it is in this society that children will grow as individuals and learn.

In a good team, the ethical education program is implemented in full. Children form opinions about the norms of interpersonal relationships, they learn forms of expressing requests, greetings and addresses, learn correct behavior and competent speech. In the future, they develop the ability to interact with other people. They adapt to them, try out the acquired communication skills and qualities. Children also begin to sympathize and empathize with people, animals, plants, and often even try to look for ways to cooperate with their parents.

Interaction with the audience

It cannot be ignored when talking about the formation of personality

This is very important in pedagogy - contact with students. Therefore, in the educational process there is a dispute

This implies an active discussion of a certain topic, which the teacher must prepare in advance and announce in class so that students have time to think

Therefore, there is a dispute in the educational process. This implies an active discussion of a certain topic, which the teacher must prepare in advance and announce in class so that students have time to think.

The purpose of a dispute is to form beliefs and attitudes, which occurs in the process of dispute. Which, of course, is logically constructed and reasoned. In a dispute, opposing points of view collide and erroneous opinions come to light. The teacher must control the debate, ask the “right” questions that provoke reflection, and clarify the thoughts expressed by the students.

By the way, this not only affects the formation of the child’s personality. During the debate, each student learns to competently express his thoughts, construct a speech, prove the correctness of his own judgments and convince listeners of it.

Origin of the word

The roots of the word “formation” are German (from former or formieren). Difficulties in spelling borrowed words are usually caused by a transfer of spelling from the original version. Since the German version of the word, as always, is laconic, the interfix “ir” and two suffixes are used for the harmonious pronunciation of the Russian variety.

The noun is derived from the verb form “to form” (to create something from existing parts). The meaning of the word "formation" is not too different from the meaning of the original. The interpretation depends on the scope of application: philosophy, pedagogy, psychology, natural sciences. Shaping is the process of putting something into the required form. The object on which this action is performed changes in accordance with the section of science.


This is the main base, with the exception of the family, where children receive their first social experience. It is in the team that the child begins his development as an individual. In addition, in school, communication is planned and subsequently directed by highly qualified teachers.

A team is an association of students characterized by certain characteristics. The main one is that they have a common socially significant goal - obtaining an education.

Another principle involves the joint activities of the team. And a relationship of responsible dependence. Everyone knows that a specific connection is formed between members of any team, which reflects both the unity of their activities and experiences with value judgments.

The last sign of a team is the presence of a common governing body. In this case, naturally, it is the teacher who regulates all psychological and pedagogical processes. It is the teacher who creates a healthy microclimate in the team, promotes friendly relationships between students, and helps them be united. And it depends on the teacher whether the children understand what mutual understanding and mutual assistance are.

Education process

So, it was clearly explained above what a formation is. This is a definition in pedagogy that occurs quite often. Therefore, it is appropriate to talk about what methods a teacher should use in order to promote the personal development of his students.

The path to the consciousness of students lies through clear examples. How to develop in them justice, mutual understanding, respect, culture and dozens of other qualities? Only by conveying their meaning. Students should develop the belief that they need all these qualities. Then they themselves will strive to cultivate them in themselves.

And for this, the teacher must be able to evoke in them experiences and feelings associated with a particular issue. Otherwise, they will experience only one emotion - indifference. Which hinders the development of personality.

Stories on ethical topics help to bring students to consciousness. First of all, children like interesting stories. Secondly, in the process of listening, they themselves draw some conclusions and analyze the actions of the characters in the story. As a result, they form an attitude towards the qualities shown in history. The teacher does not impose anything. Students’ personal attitudes are formed on their own, under the influence of their own impressions and experiences. This is a very effective method. Because it pre-forms children’s attitude towards actions that they have not yet committed.

Central problem

First of all, it is important to mention that in pedagogy, formation is one of the most important concepts. Which is the central problem of the entire sphere as a whole

After all, teaching activities are aimed not only at familiarizing students with the subject and instilling in them knowledge related to it. Teachers also influence the formation of the personality of each student. They also help them realize themselves and overcome the spontaneity that many of them encounter for the first time during their education.

There are many questions and nuances in the process of personality formation. A teacher is able to help students realize themselves only if he can understand them. This is the most important theoretical and applied part of pedagogical activity.

The teacher must know about the role of the pedagogical system in education, family and society, about the process of formation of individual personality traits, about upbringing, development and training, as well as about the age and personal characteristics of students. And, in addition to this, he should be familiar with the technique of an individual approach.

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