How to cheer yourself up. Improve brain function. How to produce dopamine (the hormone of happiness)

A lot depends on our mood, namely how our day will go and how it will end, how we will communicate with family, friends and colleagues. When a person arrives in a good mood, his day goes well, everything goes well at work, and at home too. But when a person is in a bad mood, then everything all day can go absolutely horribly and this can make the person’s mood even worse.

But what to do when your good mood is constantly overshadowed by external factors: failures at work, bad weather or a quarrel with loved ones? How to always stay in a good spirit? After all, a poor perception of the world adversely affects your health. will give you some useful tips that will help you always stay in a good mood and not pay attention to the little things that spoil it for you.

Eat right

We are what we eat, so nutrition has a huge impact on our mood. Food itself, according to practical psychologist Vadim Kurkin, is one of the most important joys of life. Whether we enjoy it affects psychological well-being.

The following products are useful to lift your mood:

  1. Eggs, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, and nuts stimulate the production of the happiness hormone, serotonin.
  2. Dishes with mushrooms, corn, broccoli, spinach and soy products stabilize serotonin levels.
  3. Foods containing the amino acid tryptophan (poultry, bananas, milk, oatmeal, cheese, peanut butter) promote the production of serotonin in the brain.
  4. Beef, pork, chicken, vegetables and citrus fruits contain B vitamins and help fight depression.
  5. Meat, fish, beans, eggs, nuts, soy and cheese stimulate the production of dopamine, which affects mood.

Active lifestyle

It has been scientifically proven that sports and sex have a positive effect on health. Sports activities strengthen muscles and joints, increase endurance, and improve appearance. At the same time, adrenaline and endorphin are produced during physical activity. Adrenaline in the right amount energizes, endorphin improves mood and causes satisfaction. At the end of any workout, there is a significant increase in the overall tone of the body, a change in worldview, and a change in mood in a positive direction.

Sex is also a powerful mechanism for launching the most important hormones: the same endorphin, oxytocin and dopamine. Endorphin increases satisfaction and feelings of joy. Oxytocin stimulates pleasure, calmness, tenderness, devotion, and maternal instinct in women. Dopamine increases mood, self-satisfaction, and determination.

Regular high-quality sex has a positive effect on the health of the reproductive, cardiovascular and nervous systems, energizes and increases the level of “happiness”.

Enjoy the little things

Joy in the Little Things: Freepick
Every person has favorite habits that bring joy. But often people perceive them as the norm and implement them automatically.

Think about what are the most enjoyable moments of the day:

  • morning cup of tea;
  • reading a book at night;
  • watching a movie with family;
  • cooking dinner.

Throughout the day, notice and focus on those activities that bring you joy. The anticipation of such moments greatly lifts your spirits.


Lying is bad. It's even worse when a person deceives himself. There are many such situations: living with unloved people under the same roof, unnecessary work, achieving someone else's goal. If doubt creeps into your soul, you need to analyze yourself and your world.

  1. Determine your own life goal.
  2. Correlate the functions performed and the type of activity in terms of consistency with it.
  3. Decide whether the people with whom you are building a relationship are truly loved.

When answering the questions posed, you need to be extremely honest. After all, the lack of agreement between implemented actions and desires is a serious reason for destabilizing the internal state. You cannot be afraid of changes if they happen for your own benefit; you must be afraid of imaginary stability that destroys the personality.

Meet your friends

When a person is sad, he often remains alone and does not want to see anyone. However, meeting loved ones and pleasant people makes life more fun and happier.

To lift your spirits:

  1. Write to your friends in the chat: words of support, jokes and funny stickers will improve the situation.
  2. Call your loved ones.
  3. Make an appointment.

Plan meetings with friends, holidays and time to relax together. There will be no time to be sad.

Proper rest

Excessive fatigue is a significant stress for the body. Unfortunately, most people don't know how to rest. Vacations should not be a waste of free time. It must be carried out with benefit and maximum utilization.

Possible options for spending time: the company of close friends or just interesting people, films for a positive mood, music for the mood, reading, creativity, fishing, solitude in the lap of nature, beauty treatments or just taking a relaxing bath.

It is good to combine individual versions of such activities with meditation. For example, yoga classes and music for the mood.

Also, we must not forget about the beauty of nature. How often in the bustle of the city people have no time to raise their heads and appreciate at least the beauty of the sky. Meanwhile, the pleasure of contemplating the natural beauty of the world stimulates an improvement in vitality.

It is important to find time exclusively for yourself, even if it is a small amount. One hour spent for pleasure awakens new reserves of energy, opens horizons, clears thoughts, awakens interest in meeting people, communicating, new activities, and self-development. And in all of the above there is hidden a reserve of good mood for our loved ones. And this is not selfishness at all, but healthy methods of keeping your sensual soul in good shape.

Find a hobby

When the only trajectory left in life is work - home, it doesn’t take long to feel sad. To maintain a good mood, do what you like and enjoy, for example:

  • read;
  • embroider or knit;
  • color anti-stress pictures;
  • practice music or dance.

In search of a hobby, you can find like-minded people, make acquaintances and join the company.

Alarm. Charger. Positive.

Unfortunately, the morning is not joyful for everyone, but there is no need to set yourself up for negative emotions, so we do everything to make it cheerful.

You may ask where to start? We start by setting the alarm clock to music that you really like. It can be anything from ditties to rock, the main thing is to cheer yourself up as soon as the sun rises. Although, do not overdo it so that the melody does not resemble a lullaby, otherwise you will fall asleep again and be late for work or school. Then your boss or strict teacher will definitely ruin your positive attitude.

But let's return to the alarm clock. Don’t rush to immediately jump up and run to put the kettle on like you were scalded. Forget about this habit if you have it in your arsenal.

Give yourself another five minutes, try to plan the current day, tell yourself that it will bring something wonderful, perhaps it will be a pleasant acquaintance, a funny dog ​​hurrying somewhere, or just the smile of a pleasant person. Set yourself up for the good and get up to do exercises. A little warm-up won't hurt.

There is no need to persist, start with a few simple movements. Do this at least once, it's easy! You will understand that training will raise your self-esteem and put you on the positive side. It’s important to start, and then all this will become a habit, forget about laziness, train your body and thoughts.

Strive for something new

Secrets of a good mood: Freepick
Ordinary life often becomes an activator of a bad mood, according to consulting psychologist Svetlana Bargan. Moreover, it causes depression. So experiment as much as possible:

  • update your wardrobe;
  • change your hairstyle;
  • choose new routes to get to work;
  • try new dishes;
  • travel on weekends.

The more diverse life is, the more new emotions and sensations it contains, the higher your mood.

Common causes of bad mood

Before you figure out how to cheer yourself up, you need to understand the reasons. Sharp outbursts of bad health and mood are typical for men, however, sometimes women allow themselves to rebel. If negativity persists for a long time, you need to work on yourself so that others can see a pleasant and sociable person again.

One of the obvious and common reasons for a bad mood is a feeling of guilt. A committed offense, even a small one, unsettles a conscientious person for a long time. In this case, it is important to know how to cheer yourself up so as not to be tormented by pangs of conscience for too long. The best option is to do everything possible to correct the current situation and compensate for the damage caused.

Also, minor troubles in life, grievances against friends and relatives can greatly spoil the mood of a man or woman. Everyone knows the feeling when you can fall into depression even because of a mere trifle. Such a mood may “speak” that too many grievances and misunderstandings have accumulated, which is why a breakdown occurs.

The mood can deteriorate even when a girl posted wonderful vacation photos on Instagram, but no one reacted to them. In fact, there is a place for dissatisfaction with one’s own life, because such a trifle will not unsettle a satisfied and self-confident person.

Burnout caused by a huge number of tasks and complex tasks can also take a person out of a rut. If there is only one task, then the girl or man finds the strength to complete it, but when there are too many things to do, the plan goes astray and dissatisfaction with oneself grows.

An equally common reason for dissatisfaction with one’s own life and bad mood is “living in the past” and an unwillingness to return to the present. Most often, girls who have broken up with a loved one do this.

Praise yourself and thank others

Constant dissatisfaction with yourself spoils your mood. Praise yourself more often for completing a project on time and with high quality, cleaning quickly, or looking beautiful. Celebrate all your successes mentally or keep a special diary.

Sincere gratitude to others can lift your spirits. At the end of the day, remember those who helped, did or said something nice. This simple practice will allow you to look at the world positively.

Useful tips - how to always be in a good mood

Most likely, you know people who are constantly in a good mood, and who are constantly in some kind of sadness. So what do you need to do to always enjoy this world?

Start by listening to your favorite music. It stimulates the brain to think new thoughts and can also easily lift your mood. Gather your thoughts, you can start a diary or blog for this. Don't think negatively. Always try to think about the good, so you will most likely get the world you are thinking about.

  • Always try to laugh a lot. Laughter is as important in life as a delicious breakfast, it will give you a boost of energy to stay positive.
  • Enjoy others' victories, sometimes you can get more pleasure even than the winner himself.
  • Just do what you like, or at least try. There is no need to do what you don’t like, because it is so necessary.
  • Learn to distract yourself from all the things you have to do, from this fast-flying world.
  • Prefer to be in nature rather than indoors, it will be better for both your health and your mood.
  • Sometimes you can act as you feel, give free rein to your feeling.
  • Look at beautiful things. To the fire, to the sunset, to the river, into the distance, into the night sky. So you will mentally begin to forget about everything and all this fuss that you are very worried about.
  • Get creative, this way you will express yourself and it will make you feel better.
  • Write poetry, draw a picture, invent something.
  • Allow yourself to play for a while, it will only be better for you and your business. Play and completely lose yourself in the game, it will definitely lift your spirits.
  • If you're struggling with something, ask for help, even if you're used to never asking for help.
  • Don't be afraid to dream, dreaming is very important.
  • Be in a happy society; if the society is unhappy, you are unlikely to always be in a good mood.
  • Don’t forget your loved ones, hug, so you will feel comfort inside yourself more than if you don’t give them the necessary attention.
  • Remember the past, and preferably only the good moments.
  • And set yourself a goal to be happy.

For each person, the reasons for a good mood are purely individual. But it is from general recommendations that secrets are formed. Fill every day of your life with only the most pleasant moments. Enjoy the little things and smile as often as possible. Be happy. Good luck!

Say no to bad thoughts and emotions

It is human nature to unconsciously think about bad things or imagine negative scenarios for the development of events. Try to pay attention to such moments and redirect them in a positive direction:

  • the car had a flat tire - we managed to avoid an accident;
  • the child got into a fight - he will be able to stand up for himself.

It is important to control emotions:

  • do not be offended over trifles;
  • do not quarrel with loved ones, forgive them.

Forgiveness gets rid of anger and vindictive feelings, which are primarily destructive for the one who experiences them.

Article information

wikiHow works like a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. This article was produced by 11 people, including anonymously, to edit and improve it.

Categories: Relationships | Friendship

In other languages:

English: Make Someone Feel Better, Português: Ajudar Alguém a se Sentir Melhor, Español: hacer que alguien se sienta mejor, Italiano: Tirare Su di Morale una Persona, Français: réconforter un proche, Deutsch: Dazu beitragen dass es jemandem wieder besser geht , Bahasa Indonesia: Memperbaiki Suasana Hati Seseorang, Nederlands: Iemand een beter gevoel geven, 中文: 让一个人感觉好受一点, العربية: التحسين من حال ة الآخرين, 日本語: 誰かを元気づける, Tiếng Việt: An ủi người khác

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Don't keep problems to yourself

Negative moments in life cannot be avoided. It is important not to hold back negative emotions, otherwise there is a risk of developing depression. Choose healthy ways to get rid of them:

  • write down what upsets you;
  • have a heart-to-heart talk with a loved one;
  • Seek advice from a psychologist.

Remember that everything in life passes, and try not to dwell on unpleasant moments.

About depression and the dangers of negativity

According to statistics, about 120-150 million people experience depression every year. It is one of the most common mental illnesses in the world.

The essence of the problem is that only a small number of “carriers” of this disease have good reasons for it, such as heredity, loss of a loved one, illness. For most, the root cause is instability to stress factors, which for a certain period of time determines a state known in everyday life as “out of mood.”

Systematic dissatisfaction with life destabilizes the personality and its perception of the surrounding reality, attracts negativity, and leads to the development of depression. In this chain of events, it is important to reassess your values ​​in time and protect your life’s fire from dying out.


Even if you smile forcefully, it stimulates the production of joy hormones. Excellent mood lifter:

  • jokes;
  • stand-ups;
  • comedy films and TV series.

A good sense of humor and the ability to find a reason to smile in any situation will save you from the blues. Start every day with a smile: smile at yourself when looking in the mirror, and your mood will always be at its best.

Sadness and sadness come into our lives without demand, but, fortunately, we are able to influence our mood and improve it. Be open to the world, everything new and unusual, communicate with others and believe in the best. Good mood rules will help you maintain a positive outlook on life.

Original article:

How to keep a good mood

So, here are the best useful tips for you to stay in a good mood every day and feel good.

  1. Don't take minor troubles or disappointments that happen to you personally. Even if they do not bypass you, they do not cause sadness or frustration. These are all little things, so don’t pay attention to them.
  2. People often get into a bad mood when they themselves dramatize and invent negative life scenarios for themselves. Remember: thoughts materialize, so don’t torment yourself with bad thoughts or worries in advance. Think only about good things and hope for the same.
  3. Try to see the beauty around you! To smile all day long, it’s enough to smile at a passerby, look at a child playing on the playground, hear your favorite song on the radio or a compliment addressed to you. There is a lot of beautiful and amazing things around that can provide you with a good mood for the whole day.
  4. It would be a great idea to make it a rule that development and movement are the key to life! Do something interesting, read books, improve yourself and develop. Visit places you have never been to before, go to the theater or cinema. Raise your mood yourself.
  5. To be in a positive frame of mind day after day, rest well, when you wake up in the morning, think about something pleasant and good. You are the master of your destiny, which means you create your own mood.

Even if you take into account all the rules for a good mood, believe me: in reality, all this is not so simple. However, even the smallest changes in life rhythm and schedule will help you cope with all the problems and also give you a good mood.

How famous people dealt with depression5

The biography The Melancholy of Lincoln describes the president's two greatest depressions, the first at age 26 and the second at age 31. During one of these depressions, Lincoln expressed various suicidal thoughts, and this frightened his close friends so much that they even posted caretakers at the doors.

Some acquaintances noted that when Lincoln passed by, melancholy and despondency literally oozed from him. To cope with this condition, the president read funny texts.

Great depression also overtook the famous artist Georgia O Keefe. When the woman turned 46 years old, she was even taken to a New York hospital with symptoms of anxiety and depression. During this breakdown, the artist did not sleep or eat. Despite the fact that treatment in the hospital did not help Georgia, she found her own way to cope with depression and began to travel.

American psychologist William James, despite his impeccable consultations, himself suffered from depression, and even thought about suicide. Only the philosophy of pragmatism saved the psychologist.

Emotional states in psychology9

Psychologists have found that the various experiences that fill a person’s soul are a representation of his emotional sphere. No one begins to hate or love just like that, all feelings are directed towards one specific object. Hormones and certain factors can influence a person’s condition, but mood changes constantly. It is important to understand that long-term, stable states are feelings. Short-term changes are understood as affects.

Both states color a person’s life in certain shades and influence all areas.

By some signs, one can distinguish a person’s mood from other, stronger and deeper emotional states: personal characteristics of the state, which depend not on external factors, but directly on the person and his attitude to the situation.

The mood may have no connection with any specific situation. However, it manifests itself so strongly that it affects almost all areas of life, and can greatly ruin the situation in the public and social sphere.

Mood is a whole fusion of different experiences and states. Even at one point in time, a person can combine emotions such as joy, sadness and irritation, and sometimes even hatred.

Interesting facts about human mood8

The time of year and weather have a significant impact on a person’s sense of self. When there is no sun for weeks, the content of vitamin D and some hormones in the body drops, which means there is no good mood. Waking up on a cold day in a warm apartment, you want to stay under the covers and do nothing, but when the sun is shining brightly, a person is eager to go outside, wants to walk, breathe fresh air, and do some kind of action.

The amount of sleep, the level of stress, and life circumstances also have a significant influence, however, experts have found that in general our mood depends on the amount of certain hormones in the blood - endorphins, dopamine and serotonin.

Endorphins regulate a huge number of processes occurring in the human body. First of all, they affect metabolism, the immune system, and help strengthen and preserve memory. However, among other things, endorphins cause a feeling of joy. This same hormone is the “culprit” of the feeling of falling in love with another person. people who have normal levels of endorphin experience joy every day, their lives are filled with bright colors.

Another hormone is serotonin. Interestingly, people who are divided into pessimists and optimists can actually all quickly switch roles if the amount of serotonin in the body changes. Pessimists often complain of poor sleep and decreased sexual activity, however, as soon as the hormone level rises, the situation quickly returns to normal.

To quickly increase serotonin levels, you should improve your diet and introduce chocolate, bananas, and dates into your diet. It’s also worth taking care of lighting, using more lamps at home, or going outside more often into the sun’s rays.

The third important hormone is dopamine. When there is a lack of it, a person plunges into a stressful state. The decrease occurs when doing unloved work, as well as with a small amount of sex and chocolate.

How to improve the mood of a creative person7

It may seem trivial, but a person who loves to write books, compose music or paint pictures just needs to do what he loves. If you don’t want to go out and merge with the noisy crowd, you can completely enjoy being at home, dance, turn up the music at full volume (but not so loud that the neighbors start banging on the pipes), or give your friends nice hand-made gifts .

But when doing creativity, it is important not to forget to straighten your back. Walking with a straight back is necessary not only from a visual point of view, but also for comfort, as well as to avoid curvature of the spine, which can also partly have a negative effect on mood.

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