How to find a job you like in 2021: tips and instructions8 Reading time

The article explains:
  1. Description of your favorite activity
  2. Characteristics of a life's work
  3. Factors that prevent you from finding your passion in life
  4. Traits of a person who is passionate about what he loves
  5. The first steps in finding what you love
  6. A strategy for finding your life's work
  7. 8 ways to find your favorite business and make good money
  8. Obstacles on the way to your dream

How to find your own business is the eternal question of millions. Not everyone is destined to be born Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg, gifting the world with a great discovery. But you can become like them, passionate about your favorite pastime. To do this, you don’t need to make extra efforts, just sit down and figure out your dreams and goals.

We first recommend that you familiarize yourself with the “pitfalls” that will come across along the search path. This is fear of change, banal laziness, the opinions of others, and so on. In an effort to do what you want, you need to give up on these little things and go with the flow. How? We have described the algorithm of actions below.

Description of your favorite activity

Your own business is any activity that brings pleasure. By doing it, a person realizes the skills inherent in him. It can be carried out on a commercial, charitable, social or creative basis. In this article you will learn how to find a business you like and make good money.

Description of your favorite activity

It would be wrong to think that working for someone else’s organization is definitely a bad decision. Alas, not all people are called to be leaders. Take your best employees and make them bosses. More than half will not cope with new responsibilities. But they cannot find a replacement in their place. They are in demand, being in creative and professional development.

And for some it is difficult to sit in the office. Working for another person cuts your wings. At the same time, such people do not understand how to find their own business, organize their own successful business. You can also engage in non-profit activities - charity, creativity, helping people. This is usually not done for profit. But with the proper approach, even from such activities it is quite possible to derive material benefits.

For example, you love painting and paint pictures yourself. Open an art gallery where you will exhibit your work along with the works of other emerging artists. This way you can make money without going against the morality of art.

Finding your favorite thing in life is real happiness. You enjoy your work without constantly thinking about how you want the work day to end as soon as possible. Chronic depression, burnout is something that happens to someone else. You only feel pleasant fatigue and a state of elation from the work done. It often happens that girls who have not found something they like, strive to realize themselves through marriage and the appearance of children. They rejoice at maternity leave as an option to temporarily leave the hated office.

Characteristics of a life's work

Not everyone succeeds in finding their true calling. But if this happens, a person’s life will never be the same. It is literally divided into “before” and “after”.

Characteristics of a life's work

A person who finds himself and does something he likes becomes successful faster. He easily achieves inner harmony, happiness and material security.

How to determine that you are doing work according to your calling?

  1. Working time passes unnoticed. A person is surprised that a whole day has passed, while it seems to him that he has been at work for only an hour.
  2. A person continues to do what he likes, not paying attention to the people around him who criticize and condemn his work or even suggest changing it.
  3. No fatigue from work . On the contrary, more strength and energy appears. Doing your own thing brings pleasure and a feeling of comfort. Successes cause additional euphoria and motivation.
  4. People seek advice, ask for help, talking about their problems.

Anyone can find their own business in life. This is not so difficult to do - carefully analyze all your characteristics, abilities, skills and personality traits.

Types of hobbies

In general, hobbies are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Sport. It includes active activities - from skydiving to dancing. Each person is attracted to their own sports. This could be running, swimming, alpine skiing, yoga, fencing, horse riding, Nordic walking. Your favorite sport will definitely bring positive emotions.
  2. Creation. If you are attracted to quiet activities at home, then this type of hobby is perfect. Master classes are organized in almost every city. When visiting them, you can determine whether this type of creativity is suitable or not. You can take classes in painting, pottery, cutting and sewing, and knitting. Some people are attracted to beadwork, painting objects, and wool felting. Handcrafted items delight and bring joy.
  3. Interesting activities. If you are interested in practicing your skills and communicating with new people, then you can enroll in a photography school. These can also include courses in acting and public speaking, which can help you get rid of embarrassment and find new friends. Interesting activities include language and music courses.

These types of hobbies are great for any age. There would be a desire to do them. For many people, interesting activities have improved their well-being. But for this, a hobby must inspire, bring only positive emotions, and eliminate negativity.

Factors that prevent you from finding your passion in life

If doing something you love can radically change a person, why don’t people try to quit their hateful jobs? There are several reasons:

  • Feeling of stability. It is difficult to break the boundary of your comfort. The narrower it is, the more stable a person’s position in society and in his own environment. Imagine the simplest non-deformable geometric figure - a point. This is absolute staticity - no deeds or actions. But the smaller the geometric figure, the less opportunity for escape in the event of sudden blows of fate. In fact, stability is an imaginary characteristic. The more confident a person is in it, the greater his vulnerability, for example, in the event of an unexpected dismissal. Stability is limiting.

Factors that prevent you from finding your passion in life

  • Fear of change. What if it only gets worse? It's true, not every attempt will be successful. But this mainly depends on motivation and your own confidence. If you are afraid, then fear will take over you and will not allow you to change anything. Remember that you cannot achieve anything if you just go with the flow. If you resist, the strength to do so will immediately appear.

How to choose just one

No way. If this question already arises, then the problem is not in choosing something specific, but in the very idea of ​​choice.

Why did you decide that you need to choose one? Who told you this?

That's right, that's what we were taught from childhood. Like, if you don’t choose, you’ll start scattering yourself left and right, and as a result, you won’t manage to achieve anything, you won’t achieve anything, and you’ll generally go to waste and no one will remember or love you. Life is pain.

Seriously? Have you ever wondered where these directive statements come from?

If we remember the not so distant past, say 150 - 200 years ago, then such a statement made sense. And what a one! In those days, mastering a profession was equated with survival. If you don’t get a profession, you’re considered lost. And literally.

Even some 30 years ago, this statement also made sense in the territory of the former USSR. Without a profession, you can be a freeloader and a parasite, and for this you could be imprisoned.

Today there is no longer such categoricalness. You can be a nobody and still earn some money, enough to satisfy your basic needs.

Traits of a person who is passionate about what he loves

Are you thinking about changing your field of activity, but are not completely sure about it? Try to find in yourself the traits of a person following his calling:

  • The maximum amount of time is spent on hobbies. You don’t force yourself to do something, but combine business with pleasure. You don’t get tired, even though you spend hours on end studying an interesting topic. Time flies by quickly.
  • Full concentration. You are not distracted by anything extraneous while doing what you love. If you really get carried away, you can work in any conditions - neither other people nor loud noises will interfere.
  • Searching for something new, expanding your own abilities . To achieve success and professional growth, and increase self-esteem, you need to engage in self-improvement. If you have found something you like, then you want to learn more about it - you take additional courses, read professional literature.
  • Constant emotional upsurge. With every success you receive a charge of positivity. Even if you get tired, you still have a decent supply of new ideas and plans.

Your favorite activity should generate income. Most likely, at first you will have to go into the red - starting a business always requires money (purchasing the necessary equipment, materials, paying for training). A little later, the business that you approach with all your heart will begin to pay off and make a profit.

Visit and selection

Even if you choose several classes, you should attend them. It is advisable to go to 1-2 different activities per week for a month. You should record all the sensations from the classes, impressions, cost of the hobby, and ease of visiting.

If you liked several options, then you should write down all their advantages and disadvantages, distribute the schedule so that you can manage everything. But you shouldn’t take on everything at once, because fatigue will set in and classes will be torture. If one hobby is sports, then it is better to choose a calm one. It is important to listen to your personal feelings and then you will be able to choose a suitable hobby. Sometimes a hobby can become your main job.

A strategy for finding your life's work

Do you want to live every day meaningfully, like a free person, and not vegetate like a gray office plankton living on coffee and energy drinks? If you have already thought about it, then all that remains is to find your favorite thing.

A strategy for finding your life's work

Don't make the mistake many people make: don't think about profit first. If you chase profitability and prospects, you can very quickly burn out, falling into routine and routine.

The consequences sometimes appear only after a while. Chasing success in a business that is not his own, a person will suddenly realize that he is at a dead end. All the accumulated mistakes will suddenly fall on him - alas, most often a crisis is inevitable. Previous successes will be doubtful, fatigue will set in, apathy and irritability will appear, and the desire to move on will disappear.

To prevent this from happening to you (or to solve the problems that have arisen with a minimum of losses), you will have to pass the real test of how to find your business in life. Only by approaching your search with the utmost seriousness will you realize yourself as a specialist or creative person.

You need to realize that what you love will help you fulfill your purpose. After all, we are not just born. Everyone has their own calling, which still needs to be identified. Unfortunately, not everyone succeeds.

How to understand what the meaning of your life is? There are many spiritual practices - from simple exercises to long meditations. We will mention the most reliable thing - clarifying the mission (destination) from the spiritual level through going through a special process of direct experience of the truth. Having overcome internal limitations and stereotypes, you will get to know your own Self and find out your purpose.

By engaging in such a spiritual search, although you will get closer to the truth, it can have a huge number of solutions. Therefore, your next task is to translate the abstract meaning in life into a conscious, concrete goal. Having formulated it in your thoughts, you will decide on the general direction, discarding unnecessary hesitation. You will have your own path in life, along which you will not be afraid to go to a successful future.

After this, you have to decide on the tools to achieve your goal - your life strategy.

A strategy for finding your life's work

To do this, you will need to get a complete picture of yourself from disparate pieces:

  • Your psychophysical nature. In spiritual practices, people are divided into the following roles: brahmana, kshatriya, vaishya or sudra.
  • Your values. What ideas, principles, goals do you (namely you, and not someone else) consider the most important. They guide you in your life.
  • Your talents. What you do best without difficulty.
  • Your personal characteristics. This includes personal qualities and properties, genetic data, your dreams and interests.

To find, sort, explore and assemble all these parts into one whole, you will need systems thinking. The “puzzle” must not only be assembled, all the pieces must be in harmony with each other, being in their places. If any inconsistencies or roughness arise, this will give rise to additional confusion and conflicts in human thoughts.

Let's imagine a man who dreams of becoming a writer. At the same time, he is not able to express his own vivid mental images as beautifully on paper. In addition, genetically he is restless, but completely confident in his own uniqueness.

What hobby should you choose if you have a dacha or a country house?

Owners of vegetable gardens and country houses also ask themselves the question: “what hobby should I choose?” Time spent at the dacha or in a country house can in itself be considered a hobby. But if you spend more of the year there, you should think about interesting activities.

  • Plant growing and floriculture are the most popular hobbies. Think about how you can create a flowerbed of different plants that will bloom all season. How and when to plant certain types of flowers so that they bloom alternately, create a bright color scheme, etc. How to care for rare plants and grow unusual vegetables, fruits, and berries on your property.
  • Landscape design as a hobby . Creation of fancy lawns and functional areas on the site, landscaping, design of recreation areas, gazebos and beds.
  • and caring for domestic birds
  • Carpentry, pottery. Making a gazebo, benches, swings, a children's playground with your own hands, decorating a well or terrace, fashioning clay sculptures, flower pots or decorating an artificial pond are worthy and useful activities. If you choose them as a hobby, you won’t have to pay other craftsmen and you can create unique products in a single copy.

  • Cooking based on products grown on your own plot or collected yourself . You can not only get carried away with cooking healthy dishes, but also share recipes and the process on social networks.
  • Creating and maintaining a country blog. Show everyone how you live in your dacha, what you do, and why you lead such a lifestyle.
  • Get some bees . This is not just an interesting, but also a useful hobby.
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