How to talk to arrogant people: Advice from famous psychiatrist Mark Goulston

"Audacity second happiness" - a common phrase. And some are even sure that being arrogant is very cool. But at the same time, no one likes people who are too arrogant - that’s a fact.

You can treat insolent people in different ways - you can be indignant at their impudence, secretly envy and wonder how they can easily get their way, despise, criticize...

There is one thing in common: impudence, especially of extreme degrees, leaves few people indifferent. Although there are still individuals who have overcome the anger caused by insolent people. Now let's ask ourselves a question. Do we like to get angry, pay attention, or otherwise react to the actions of people who behave in this way?

Hardly. After all, by and large, this anger will not give us anything good - only stress, frayed nerves and the consequences that flow smoothly from this. But what should we, mere mortals, do to avoid wasting our precious health? After all, every day and everywhere we come across this kind of personalities: in the subway, in queues, at school and work.

First you need to understand the insolence . The question is - why? It's very simple - we will not be able to influence the behavior of the offender. The only way not to be irritated is to understand the mechanism that makes the insolent person be so, and us react negatively to him.

Definition of insolent behavior

Insolence is an action or behavior that shows disrespect for a boss or co-worker and has the potential to be offensive. In work settings, insolence is most often viewed in the context of relationships between employee and supervisor rather than between coworkers.

For example:

  • Significantly raising your voice to managers or colleagues.
  • Refusal to comply with a reasonable request from a supervisor.
  • Negative influence on the work of others.
  • Sabotage of business relationships.

In addition, arrogance can be offensive behavior, boasting, challenging the status quo in a way that harms the organization.

It is worth understanding that impudence is not a professional disagreement or a personal conversation. This is a pattern of employee behavior that is most likely toxic and has a negative impact on the team.

Don't stoop to his level

No matter how much you might want to respond with rudeness, I do not advise you to do this in any situation. Why?

  • Firstly, you will show that his words influence you and you succumb to his rules of the game.
  • Secondly, it is always necessary to remain a well-mannered and cultured person.
  • Thirdly, this way you will only descend towards him, because you won’t be able to raise him to your level.

Believe me, if you think that by coming up with a more serious insult you can teach the insolent a lesson, then you are mistaken. As a rule, no techniques work on such people except ignoring and calm refusal. But if you still decide to fight him in a verbal battle, then you will definitely find my article “How to stand up for yourself with words” useful.

Personnel Responsibility

Everyone in the company must behave in accordance with the corporate culture and respect their colleagues. Three levels of responsibility can be distinguished, depending on the position:

  • As an employee

Employees have a responsibility to maintain a professional work environment even in the face of disagreements with co-workers or managers. Aggression, use of obscene or offensive language, humiliation of others - all this can be considered insolent behavior. Employees who engage in these activities are subject to reprimand, termination and, in exceptional cases, legal action. Employees who feel unable or unwilling to change their behavior should consult with their Human Resources representative to discuss options.

  • As colleagues

It's easy to turn a blind eye to abusive behavior around you in order to save yourself unnecessary stress. However, if left unaddressed, having a pushy employee can demoralize the team and impact productivity. This can also lead to a stressful or hostile work environment, and therefore employees have a responsibility to record incidents of insolence they witness and, if the situation does not improve, share this information with a manager, supervisor, or HR representative.

  • As a leader

Managers have many responsibilities when it comes to insolent employees. The first step is to understand the behavior, counsel the employee about the unacceptable behavior, document the conversation, and outline options if the behavior continues. If the behavior persists, managers should work with Human Resources to take corrective action as outlined in company policy or, in extreme cases, terminate the offending employee.

If the dispute reaches the court or judicial practice

In court cases with harmful clients, entrepreneurs are also protected by the prohibition of abuse of rights from Art. 10 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. When a person abuses the law, the court rejects the claim.

If this is your case, show exactly what the abuse is like in these examples.

1. A woman bought a down jacket in a store for 24,000 rubles. The down jacket was too big and the store offered adjustments based on sleeve length and hood depth. The woman agreed and agreed on six days.

The down jacket was sewn in, but the woman did not come after six days. Nine days later, the woman asked for the money back because she no longer liked the model. The down jacket had already been customized for the customer, so the store refused to return it. Then the woman went to court and asked for 24,000 rubles for the purchase, 200 rubles of interest for the delay in returning the money, 10,000 rubles for compensation for moral damage, 32,000 for legal assistance and a 32,000 rubles fine for the store’s refusal to pay voluntarily.

The woman was not awarded a penny. The court found that she was abusing her right. The buyer herself agreed to have the product adjusted, and then refused. Now the down jacket cannot be sold. Therefore, the store has the right not to accept it - case No. 33-11245/2018.

2. A man bought a sewer cleaning machine from a catalog for 405,000 rubles. Eight months later, the man sent the store a demand for a refund. He explained that the seller sent instructions for the car in a foreign language without translation. It is impossible to use the machine without instructions.

The seller refused to refund the money. Then the man filed a lawsuit demanding the return of 405,000 rubles for the car, 20,250 rubles in penalties, 8,000 rubles for the cost of delivering the car back to the store, 5,000 rubles for moral damages and 10,000 for the lawyer’s fees.

The man lost because the court found an abuse of the law.

The seller explained at the meeting that three weeks after the purchase he sent instructions in Russian to the address of the man’s friend. There was a witness to this.

He received the instructions, which means he can use the machine. The cleaning machine is not a seasonal product, which means that claims must be made within a reasonable time, and not after eight months. You cannot make money from minor store mistakes - case No. 33-5794/2017.

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