Cognitive - this is what it is, how to develop cognitive functions and abilities so that later there are no violations and distortions

Cognitive processes are a person’s ability to note events that occur, remember what needs to be done or bought, and listen to the interlocutor when he wants to tell something.

Cognitive processes

The text below will talk about what kinds of cognitive processes there are, what role they play in human learning, how mental direction processes can be improved, and much more.

What are cognitive or mental processes

The human brain is called upon to solve quite a lot of problems in different directions every day. Cognitive mental processes are those that are responsible for information processing of information that a person receives from the world around him. In other words, cognition is the knowledge of the environment, the person’s surroundings.

Mental psychological processes must interact harmoniously. This is necessary so that reality is adequately assessed by a person, then the response will be correct. This is why you can adapt to different life situations.

Mental processes are designed to interact with each other, but sometimes they occur separately. For example, some people whose speech is impaired, or whose memory does not perform its functions, solve math problems with ease and hear more sensitively. That is, if one function is disabled, the other continues to work.

What are cognitive processes

See also[edit]

  • Cognition - the action or process of knowing
  • Cognitive psychology - Branch of psychology
  • Cognitive revolution
  • Cognitive science is the interdisciplinary scientific study of the mind and its processes.
  • Computational theory of mind - Family of views in philosophy of mind
  • Consciousness - The feeling or awareness of internal or external existence.
  • Critical psychology
  • Educational psychology is a branch of psychology concerned with the scientific study of human learning.
  • Enactivism is a philosophical concept
  • List of important publications in psychology § Cognitive psychology
  • Mentalism (psychology)
  • Phenomenology - philosophical method and school of philosophy
  • Postcognitivism
  • Symbol Grounding Problem

What sciences study these processes?

There are quite a lot of sciences that study cognitive processes in psychology. This list includes neuroscience, philosophy, sociology, anthropology and linguistics. A large number of works, term papers and dissertations have been written on this issue.

Mechanical memory - what is it in psychology and how is it characterized?

Scientists from various scientific fields more than fifty years ago with their research contributed to a revolution in the issue of cognitive research. Because of this, mental processes began to be studied in even more depth.

For your information. In modern days, cognitive processes lend themselves to very global study, and the knowledge that can be obtained is successfully used in marketing and psychotherapy.

Various brain activity disorders

Impairment of cognitive functions can have varying degrees of severity. There are a number of specific factors that lead to changes in brain activity. Such factors include traumatic brain injuries, infectious diseases and cancer. In addition, cardiovascular pathologies such as atherosclerosis, stroke and heart attack have a certain impact on brain function.

Degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's or Alzheimer's disease play an important role in the issue of cognitive impairment. The development of various disorders in the functioning of the brain is facilitated by problems with metabolism and the functionality of the immune system.

Quite often, the type of violation depends on the form of exposure to certain factors. Some skills can be fully restored with the right approach to treating the disease. However, the effectiveness of treatment directly depends on the timeliness of seeking medical help.

Types of cognitive processes

Low or basic

Sensation and perception

Determination - what is it in psychology

A sensation is something that is formed under the action of various stimuli, as well as the determination of signals from a person’s environment. He accepts them with the help of his feelings. This is how information is acquired from the environment around you. Data comes from the outside world, and sometimes from the human body. The process of perceiving a basic type includes some interpretation of the information received.

Attention! There is plenty of information around, yet each person has the ability, having received many different signal stimuli, to pay attention to what is really interesting to her. Some actions do not require attention. This is, for example, moving or chewing food. Others require attention without fail, such as speech or body language.

Some processes that are repeated often in life are done automatically. When learning to drive a car, it is difficult to immediately act in a coordinated manner, but then less and less effort is put in, as automaticity develops.

About memory

Human memory stores answers to a fairly large number of different questions. It encrypts data, it is able to save it, and then restore it if necessary. The classification of types of memory is as follows:

  • Memory is short or short-term;
  • Sensory type memory;
  • Semantic type memory;
  • Working memory;
  • Autobiographical memory and others.

All of these species are capable of interacting or not. For example, if a person with amnesia remembers where he needs to go today, he may forget the name of his closest relative.

Attention and memory

Processes are complex and higher

Intelligence or mind

This concept means an ability that gives an individual the ability to solve a variety of problems. Some scientists have popularized in society the theory that there is no intelligence, but only different abilities that are used according to the situation or activity.

On a note. In order to skillfully deal with different circumstances in everyday life, many researchers emphasize the importance of emotional intelligence.


Human thoughts are complex and heterogeneous. This process is necessary in order to make decisions, reason, solve problems, and think creatively.

In order to make these functions somewhat simpler, the human brain creates judgments and inferences. In order for mental processes to speed up, it is necessary to group events, people, objects, and so on.

Often people use shortcuts to make the thought process happen faster, and do not process information in general. In this case, there is some deviation from normal reasoning. For example, when someone thinks that they can predict the ending of a game in advance.


Speech is a complement to body language. With its help, you can reproduce entire words and sentences, use their combinations, the main thing is to give an outlet to emotions, feelings and attitudes towards the situation.

Speech can develop throughout life. Everyone's communication skills are different and can be improved with practice. When speech impairments are present, communication becomes difficult, but these impairments can be corrected with proper attention.

Thinking and speech

What types of learning are explained in detail by this position? [edit]

Cognitive theory primarily explains complex forms of learning in terms of reasoning, problem solving, and information processing (Schunk, 1991). Emphasis should be placed on the fact that the goal of all the above-mentioned perspectives is considered to be the same - imparting knowledge to the student in the most effective and efficient manner (Bednar et al., 1991). Simplification and standardization are two methods used to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of knowledge transfer. Knowledge can be analyzed, decomposed and simplified into basic building blocks. There is a correlation with the behaviorist model of the knowledge transfer environment. Cognitive scientists emphasize the importance of effective processing strategies. [12]

Functional diagram of the cognitive process

Long-term memory - what does it mean in psychology, how to improve it

This scheme is used to specify the cognitive process and consists of the following blocks:

  • Initial information analysis, that is, the receptor area;
  • That which concerns perception: hearing, sight, smell, taste, and so on;
  • Memory is like a storage facility, which is quite complex. It contains knowledge and information;
  • The area of ​​representation. This is where the synthesis of perception occurs.

Application of cognitive processes in education

When receiving education in the classroom, a person is constantly faced with activities that test knowledge and abilities. There are a sufficient number of learning theories, but almost all take into account mental processes.

When reading, a person recognizes letters, recalls words, and compares them with what he already knows. He can process the information received in different ways. It depends on what you need to get in the end: prepare for an exam, just find a passage, and so on.

When writing, much the same thing happens. You need to not be distracted by extraneous stimuli, pay attention to the quality of what is written, do not neglect spelling, etc.

Improvement of mental processes

Ways to improve

Cognitive development can be improved and trained throughout your life. To do this you need:

  • Take care of health, which means a lot and is directly related to cognitive processes;
  • Use technological advances such as intelligence games. They allow brain testing;
  • Celebrate your successes;
  • Develop critical thinking;
  • Read.

All the processes described can indeed be significantly improved, and this is not too difficult to achieve with proper attention and practice.


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