Types of conflicts and behavior in them: why we behave differently with different people - answers the psychologist
Have you ever tried to find two absolutely identical people? Even if there are those who can
energy flows in the body
How to effectively manage your own energy: 10 tips
Share more A person’s energy is formed, for the most part, precisely from his own thoughts and
picture of loss of concentration and memory
“I can’t concentrate on anything”: what is the reason and how to deal with it
Good concentration and memory are integral factors in any effective activity and meaningful communication.
Fear. What to do with him?
Psychological characteristics of fears - The concept of the category “fear”. Research on fear theories
Quite recently we came across some interesting material about human fears, and we found
What is selfishness
10 recommendations from a psychologist on how to stop worrying and stressing yourself out.
Self-love is a synonym for selfishness. Sometimes this concept is identified with pride, but it is not
Anancastic personality disorder (16)
Anancastic personality disorder - manifestations, treatment
Anancastic personality disorder (APD) is a congenital or early acquired personality disorder that interferes with
Article “Features of the formation of self-esteem of a junior schoolchild”
What is a child’s self-esteem? A child’s self-esteem is the preschooler’s perception of his qualities, his character.
3 tips on how to dream correctly so that your wishes come true, photo
3 tips on how to dream correctly so that your wishes come true
Two girl friends lived in a small town - Sveta and Dasha. In the morning we went to school,
What is the behavioral approach?
Behavioral approach: concept, essence, features and representatives
Dictionary interpretation First of all, we need to clearly formulate the essence of the behavioral approach, its meaning. So,
Fear of flying
How to stop being afraid of flying on an airplane: 7 ways to get rid of aerophobia
Although in the last year and a half, civil aviation has faced a sharp decline in passenger flow
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