By pumping up your muscles, you strengthen your intellect. How can movement help you become an excellent student?

How to keep a clear mind

Neurobics is a brain exercise that makes it possible to develop mental abilities and maintain a clear mind for a long time.

If the brain is not developed, then it slowly begins to degrade. The fundamentals of neuroscience were developed by Professor Lawrence Katz. American scientists have conducted studies that refute the claim that nerve cells die and are no longer restored.

Lawrence Katz, along with other scientists, proved that dendrites are depleted in humans.

Dendrites are processes of nerve cells that receive impulses from neurons.

If these processes become depleted, the nerve endings lose their ability to conduct nerve signals. As a result of this process, a decrease in a person’s mental abilities appears.

To maintain dendrites in working condition, it is necessary to perform exercises that will keep brain cells in good shape.

When exercising, neurons begin to grow new processes, thereby developing the neural network of the brain. This can happen at any age. A person’s task is to help them develop.

If a person does not want to think, but is looking for ready-made solutions, then the cells seem to freeze. Neuroscience is ready to awaken your thoughts and help you improve.

This gymnastics is not boring, even fun. She is able to paint your everyday life with new colors.

By performing ordinary, often boring actions in a new way, you will involve different senses in the training so much that the brain will begin to produce new nerve cells.

Brain training does not require any special preparation from you. You can even exercise while walking or during dinner. Once you become familiar with the principles of neurobics, you will be able to create a training program yourself using “neural practices” for the brain.

Neurobics makes it possible to engage different senses. Having involved 2 organs, one will have to perform the usual actions, and the other will have to perform a new “reading”.

In neurobics, you can perform several actions at once: combing your hair, brushing your teeth, putting on clothes, closing your eyes. You can walk down the street while simultaneously counting how many people have passed you wearing blue clothes.

Logical tasks for “stretching”

Problem 11

The father decided to ask his schoolboy son a tricky question: name the largest number. The son's answer stunned the father; there was nothing to object to.

This is an easy task for a programmer, right? But what did the schoolboy say?


Thirty-first. The date of the month is assumed.

Problem 12

A warlike tribe captured the wanderer. The leader wanted the wanderer to die and allowed him to choose. The wanderer was allowed to voice one phrase. If the phrase is true, he will be thrown from a steep cliff. If the phrase turns out to be false, he will be given over to the lions to be torn to pieces. But the wanderer chose a phrase that gave him freedom.

Guess what this phrase is?


Phrase: “I will be torn to pieces by lions.” Then, if the leader had given the wanderer to the lions to be torn to pieces, then the spoken phrase would have become true, and he would have been thrown from a steep cliff. But if the wanderer is thrown from a cliff, then the phrase will turn out to be false. The leader considered that the only correct outcome would be to give freedom to the wanderer.

Problem 13

After the party, the man was heading home, slightly tipsy. He walked along the center of a sandy country road. The path was not illuminated by moonlight. In addition, there were no lights on the road. The man's clothes were black. Suddenly a car pulled out onto the road with its headlights off. Eventually, the driver noticed the man and swerved.

How did he manage to see the pedestrian?


It was day outside.

From words to practice

When starting classes, strain those senses that were quietly dormant before. Examples of neurobics:

  • Look at 2 objects, then find something in common between them.
  • Write sentences with different hands, right-handed - left, left-handed - right. This exercise will help engage the inactive hemispheres of the brain.
  • When you ride the subway, choose rhymes for some words.
  • Change your image or the decor in your room more often. Rearrange objects, add variety to your life. Down with routine!
  • Novelty will help the brain develop rather than stagnate. Change the route you take to work. Go shopping at a different store, bypassing your usual supermarket.

Activate your brain cells even with simple actions. Don't let your nervous system fade away. As a result, you will notice how your mental abilities improve and your mind becomes clearer.

The head must work

Our brain resembles a muscle, that is, if it is not given the required amount of work every day, it becomes lazy and ceases to recognize the command “think!” Scientists describe this process as follows: new synapses are formed between neurons, the cortex thickens and becomes more tortuous, then new capillaries grow, axons increase the speed of nerve signals, and functional connections between individual brain structures become more complex.

However, the brain is not as simple in structure as muscles. When performing the same type of tasks every day, sooner or later he will get bored, and then dismiss the routine as an unnecessary activity. Therefore, it is important to deceive him in a timely manner by performing special exercises.

Train your brain regularly

Constant brain training will help you maintain a clear mind and good concentration until old age. Exercise revives brain cells, which in an adult, as a rule, begin to weaken over the years.

Neuroscience accelerates self-education. A person who begins to constantly perform exercises will, as a result, very soon notice that he has begun to quickly grasp and remember the necessary information for a long time.

He stops thinking in patterns, begins to solve complex problems faster, and discovers new abilities in himself. The person will be surprised that he has such talents!

Lawrence Katz proved that a worker who repeats the same actions day after day stops thinking. And the brain, deprived of work, atrophies.

The benefits of neurobics are undoubted and obvious. Thanks to it, those parts of the brain that were “resting” suddenly begin to act, producing neurotropin.

Elderly people who regularly perform neurotraining will, as a result, maintain mental clarity and avoid the risks of developing many age-related diseases.

We write synchronously

Memory and mind training is very important for every person. Consider an exercise that promotes simultaneous stimulation of the right and left hemispheres of the brain.

  1. Take two sheets of paper and two pencils.
  2. At the same time, with both hands, draw various figures or words, different in meaning, but the same in the number of characters.

Neuroscience for the brain will help raise a genius

Neurobics is very useful for restless children who fail at school. And it will help the student become a better specialist, a successful person at work and in his personal life.

Do the entire set of exercises outlined above with your children, introducing playful moments into the child’s usual life.

For example, after changing the route to kindergarten or school, ask your child to find the way himself and tell him what you should pass by.

And brushing his teeth with the other hand will seem like an unusual adventure to him, as will walking around the room with his eyes closed.

Make different crafts with your child. Turn every day into a new, exciting journey around the world.

Remember the words

Mind training tasks can be performed not only by adults, but also by children. The activity is often used in schools and kindergartens. The goal is to remember as many words as possible in the correct sequence and then reproduce them from memory.

Let's say: sun, sky, sakura, grass, blue, blooms, nature, happy, sea, constellation, sand, excitement, hot, coconut, elephant.

Initially, the exercise resembles memorizing a poem, but differs from it in that it does not have a semantic sequence; accordingly, it will be quite difficult to remember such a set of words and then reproduce it from memory.

Neuroscience for the development of thinking

Neurobics also offers a lot of interesting things for older people. Scanword puzzles, crosswords, playing chess, puzzles - will bring benefit and variety to the life of an elderly person.

An elderly person can place objects under their hands, then ask them to describe this object by touch. It will be interesting every time to come up with new recipes from ordinary products and set the table.

In a couple of months, mental abilities will begin to improve even in people who have never stopped repeating that they have a bad memory.

Neurogymnastics for everyone on concentration:

  1. Select an object, for example a wolf. Think about it for a few minutes. Soon your thoughts will begin to get confused. Time yourself and force yourself to think about the wolf for 60 seconds. Then complicate the task by thinking about the animal and comb your hair.
  2. When talking on the phone, draw neat tic-tac-toe without interrupting the conversation.
  3. When doing homework, count numbers from 1,2,3, etc., then back.
  4. When choosing products in a store, mentally count how many letters are in a word.
  5. Mentally draw letters while doing gardening at the same time.
  6. Work with the Schulte table. Draw a table. Then find the numbers in ascending, then descending order. Speed ​​up your work with the table.

You can find apps and exercise machines that will help you develop your brain.

Shall we practice?

So let's start with something simpler. Read the list of items carefully (almost all vital things!). And remember. Do you remember? Scroll down and...

... and find those items that have been replaced. Please note that the order of items has also changed.

Neuroscience has taken over the world

Neuropsychologist Svetlana Novikova has prepared 10 exercises that many consider a magic wand. They will help develop attention, memory, speech, and increase self-control.

SIP of water

Charging your brain starts with a glass of water. Our thinking organ needs water to transmit nerve impulses. His reaction slows down if a person drinks little water.

Steps in place

Next comes the activation of the thinking organ for logical thinking and counting. Start walking in place, raising your knees high. At the same time, pull your elbow towards your knee. Walk quickly at first and then slow down.

Elbow to knee

Stand up straight. Pull the opposite shoulder towards the knee, first quickly, then slowly. The slower the movement, the better the head thinks.

Lazy Eights

Bend your arm at the elbow, put it forward, keep your thumb at eye level. Move your finger to draw a figure eight, starting from the center of your field of view. The finger goes up, then counterclockwise down and back to the center. Then do the same, but clockwise. Do it 3 times.

After this, clasp your hands and raise your thumbs up. Draw a figure eight with both hands.

Belly breathing

Breathing from the belly will help fill the brain with oxygen. Place your hand on your stomach. Exhale the air in short exhalations. Next comes a deep breath. When you exhale again, bend your back so that air flows into the lungs.

Funny monkeys

If your child doesn't read or write well, do this exercise. With your left hand, grab the tip of your nose, and with your right hand, grab the ear on the opposite side. Now we change hands by clapping our hands.


The child, leaning on his arms and legs, stands on the floor. Then he walks on all fours in different directions, like a crab.


The owl exercise will relieve tension in the neck and shoulder muscles. You need to grab and then tightly squeeze the muscles of the right shoulder with your left hand. Turn your head, look back over your shoulder.

Do it with the other hand. Taking a deep breath, roll your shoulders. Lower your chin to your chest. Then take a deep breath, relaxing your muscles.


Lower onto the table in turn: fist-rib-palm.


Sit with your legs crossed at the ankles. Bend forward. Slowly lower your arms down and exhale. Straighten up, raise your arms - inhale. You can lean in different directions, simulating the flight of a glider.

Do the moves with your child before school. You will be surprised by the effect of simple charging.

Developing the right hemisphere

The right hemisphere, which is responsible for imaginative thinking and creativity, is well developed in left-handed people, but right-handed people can use various exercises to try to strengthen the brain processes in it. This is more difficult to do, since it is unusual for people who are accustomed to using their right hand and do not show certain creative abilities. At home you can offer your child the following activities:

  • acquaintance with the work of great artists and musicians;
  • writing poetry, writing stories;
  • development of the left hand;
  • fantasizing, inventing interesting stories;
  • describing sounds, smells, comparing them with certain images.

For elementary school students, neurogymnastics exercises can help with this. Their effectiveness at this age is due to curiosity and the desire to learn new things.

The connection between intelligence and mental processes

The human psyche is a complex structure, therefore all processes in it are interconnected and interdependent.

In particular, intelligence is largely influenced by the following internal realities:

  • Thinking

Some scientists even considered these concepts to be synonymous. But this is fundamentally wrong. Thinking is the process of cognition and processing of information, and intelligence is the ability to competently apply knowledge at the right time. Without mental operations, a person's intellectual level would be very low.

  • Will

Volitional efforts are needed precisely in order to master new material, study important books, and bring thoughts to the final result.

  • Memory

The ability to retain, store and reproduce information is an integral part of intelligence.

  • Attention

Intelligent people are distinguished by an attentive attitude to the world around them. They are able to notice the smallest details, analyze and study them. The development of intelligence is closely related to the improvement of human attention.

  • Creativity

Guilford wrote about this sweet couple: intelligence and creativity. This term refers to a person’s ability to think creatively, that is, outside the box, to synthesize original ideas.

Don't forget about nutrition

Decreased memory and concentration, increased absent-mindedness may be a signal that the body simply does not have enough vitamins. Indeed, many foods (especially fruits, vegetables, nuts) contain many useful elements for effective brain function. For example, beef, herring and peanuts contain coenzyme Q10, which is believed to prevent many neurological diseases. And for memory, attention and resistance to stress, eggs, liver, rabbit meat are suitable - this is what is especially recommended to eat before the exam. To improve your thinking abilities, you need to eat fatty fish, beans, greens and pumpkin seeds. If you feel a loss of energy, you should add foods containing vitamins to your diet: melon, pumpkin and carrots (vitamin A), meat, nuts and grains (vitamin B1), eggs and dairy products (vitamin B6), orange, pineapple, tomatoes ( vitamin C).

Play sports

It’s not for nothing that they say: “A healthy mind in a healthy body!” Even the simplest physical exercises increase blood circulation, and this, in turn, activates brain function. It is very useful to do exercises in the morning and then take an exercise break during the working day. During lunch, be sure to get up from your desk and stretch. For example, go with your colleagues to the canteen - the main thing is not to sit still. In the evening, try to walk in the park. The brain will receive more oxygen and nutrients, for which it will be very grateful to you.

Basic indicators of intelligence

Psychologists have identified four key characteristics of intelligence:

  1. Depth of mind is the ability to get to the bottom of phenomena and events.
  2. Inquisitiveness is curiosity, the desire to learn new things.
  3. Flexibility and mobility - the ability to act outside the box, bypass barriers, and overcome difficulties.
  4. Logicality is the ability to justify one’s point of view and correctly present the material.

Some authors also consider creativity to be part of intelligence. However, this is not an entirely correct approach, because it is part of the structure of creativity. A person can be very creative, but not intellectually gifted.

read books

Another habit that should have remained from school days is reading books. Only now you can choose works not from the school curriculum, but for the soul. The main thing is not to be lazy to devote at least an hour a day to this work and entertainment at the same time, maybe half an hour in the morning and evening. The book will help you develop imagination, creative thinking and memory, improve concentration - when reading, the brain works what is called “to its fullest.” At a minimum, the book will not let you get bored: imagine and analyze the characters, their actions and dialogues, try to decipher the subtext and find the moral of what you read. In this way, you can improve not only your erudition, but also your intellect.

As for specialized literature (be it medicine, psychology or nanotechnology), experts advise choosing books that do not match your professional profile. The fact is that in this case, during reading, previously untouched areas of the brain will be activated. And even if you don’t become a doctor of medicine, reading a few books will definitely force your brain to work and gain new knowledge. In addition, experts remind that there are no special books in the world that can increase your IQ - this is just a marketing ploy.

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