31 questions to ask your friends to get to know them better

Best Friend Quiz

Want to test your friendship? Create your own quiz about yourself and see how well your friends know you:

Best Friend Quiz

50 questions, how well do you know me?

  1. Who has had the greatest influence on my life?
  2. What's my favorite drink?
  3. What 3 things would I like to have on a desert island?
  4. How many children do I want?
  5. What's my favorite movie?
  6. Did I have a favorite restaurant growing up?
  7. What's the longest book I've ever read?
  8. How much is my most expensive item of clothing worth?
  9. Have I ever been to summer camp?
  10. Who do I talk to most often on the phone?
  11. What was the best day of my life?
  12. Do I like to get up early or go to bed late?
  13. What does my morning routine look like?
  14. When did I/did I learn to ride a bike?
  15. Would I ever adopt a child?
  16. What was the last concert I went to?
  17. What languages ​​do I speak?
  18. What should I be grateful for?
  19. What's my favorite series?
  20. When did I start swimming?
  21. Have I ever tried drugs?
  22. What do I love most about myself?
  23. What did I like to do as a child?
  24. Am I for Android or iPhone?
  25. Do I have an addiction?
  26. What's my favorite TV genre?
  27. What do I really hate?
  28. Did I have pets when I was growing up?
  29. What's my favorite food?
  30. What was my worst breakup?
  31. Do I enjoy meeting new people?
  32. Do I have nieces or nephews?
  33. What is my deepest fear?
  34. What does my name mean?
  35. I would like to be a famous musician or actor?
  36. What do my parents do for a living?
  37. What is my zodiac sign?
  38. What's my favorite book?
  39. Where do my parents live?
  40. What do I think about drugs?
  41. What do I think about equality?
  42. What would I name my first child?
  43. If I received a Nobel Prize, what would it be for?
  44. What would my ideal day look like?
  45. What is my full name?
  46. Where am I from?
  47. Will I ever join the army?
  48. What's my favorite sweet?
  49. What color are my eyes?
  50. Where I live?

50 funny questions, how well do you know me?

  1. What's my opinion on pineapple on pizza?
  2. Would I eat a bar of chocolate or a bag of chips in one sitting?
  3. What's the most embarrassing moment of my life?
  4. Who would I be: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw?
  5. What was the most illegal thing I've ever done?
  6. What movie or television character reminds me of you?
  7. Would I ever go on a blind date?
  8. What kind of Disney character am I?
  9. What always distracts me while studying?
  10. What's my favorite gummy flavor?
  11. How often do I use social networks?
  12. What am I doing that makes me look really stupid?
  13. What always makes me smile?
  14. How much money do I spend each week?
  15. What word do I say too often?
  16. If my life was a movie, which actor/actress would play me?
  17. What's my least favorite genre of music?
  18. If I could have any thing, what would it be?
  19. Do I play any instruments?
  20. What do I hate?
  21. My dream travel destination?
  22. What kind of superhero would I be?
  23. What is my most embarrassing childhood memory?
  24. What kind of animal would I be?
  25. What food can I eat every day?
  26. What's my favorite computer game?
  27. Did I have an imaginary friend as a child?
  28. Which alcoholic drink best describes my personality and why?
  29. When and how did I find out that Santa Claus is not real?
  30. What would my polar opposite be?
  31. What era would I like to live in if I could?
  32. What is my opinion about hairy legs?
  33. What is the stupidest situation in which I almost died?
  34. Do I prefer coffee or tea?
  35. How long will I survive the Zombie Apocalypse?
  36. When was the last time I peed/peeed my pants?
  37. What's my favorite board game?
  38. If I could live in a fictional universe, where would it be?
  39. What song would I choose if I had to sing karaoke?
  40. Do I prefer swimming or running?
  41. Have I ever had a crush on an animated character?
  42. Worst situation in which I laughed/laughed?
  43. Have I kissed anyone in the last five days?
  44. What do you think I was doing an hour ago?
  45. What strange habit did I have as a child?
  46. What do I love most?
  47. Which fictional character would I like to marry/who would I like to marry?
  48. Would I date someone who is stupid or ugly?
  49. What's my most annoying habit?
  50. What baby item do I still love?

What kind of friend are you? testtest (grade 4)

Test “What kind of friend are you”
1.Remember your best friend. Which of the following qualities do you value most in him/her:
  • Reliability - he (she) will never let you down;
  • Loyalty - he (she) is always with you, no matter what you do;
  • Compatibility - you feel good in his (her) company

2. If a friend came to you late at night in tears, what would you do:

  • Listen and reassure;
  • If you don’t open the door, pretend you’re not at home;
  • Say it's late and promise to meet tomorrow

3. You listen to the long story of one friend's troubles, and at this time another appears who also needs your sympathy. What will you do?

  • Invite a second friend to join the conversation;
  • Explain to the second friend that you are busy with the problems of the first and invite him to wait;
  • You will begin to reject all requests that are made to you.

4. If a friend asked you for a new item before you had even used it, what would you do:

  • Give without any hesitation;
  • Agree, but reluctantly;
  • You won’t let me, admitting that you would like to be the first to use it

5. If one friend asks you to lie to another for their sake, you:

  • Flatly refuse;
  • Refuse and inform the second friend about the first friend’s request;
  • Agree, but explain that you hate such things and are doing them for the first and last time

6. If you think that a friend is experiencing financial difficulties, what will you do:

  • Try to help him;
  • Ask if you need help;
  • Treat it like it doesn't concern you

7. Your friends:

  • People are about the same type, but different from you;
  • Everyone is alike;
  • All different

8. Who are your classmates:

  • Some are friends, some are comrades;
  • All comrades;
  • Some are comrades, some are strangers

9. Which of the following qualities is the most important for being a friend:

  • Provide pleasure from communication;
  • Always be on your side;
  • Provide you with practical help or advice whenever you need it

10. Which pet do you want your friend to resemble:

  • Talking parrot;
  • Affectionate cat;
  • An angry but loyal shepherd

Test “What kind of friend are you”

1.Remember your best friend. Which of the following qualities do you value most in him/her:

  • Reliability - he (she) will never let you down;
  • Loyalty - he (she) is always with you, no matter what you do;
  • Compatibility - you feel good in his (her) company

2. If a friend came to you late at night in tears, what would you do:

  • Listen and reassure;
  • If you don’t open the door, pretend you’re not at home;
  • Say it's late and promise to meet tomorrow

3. You listen to the long story of one friend's troubles, and at this time another appears who also needs your sympathy. What will you do?

  • Invite a second friend to join the conversation;
  • Explain to the second friend that you are busy with the problems of the first and invite him to wait;
  • You will begin to reject all requests that are made to you.

4. If a friend asked you for a new item before you had even used it, what would you do:

  • Give without any hesitation;
  • Agree, but reluctantly;
  • You won’t let me, admitting that you would like to be the first to use it

5. If one friend asks you to lie to another for their sake, you:

  • Flatly refuse;
  • Refuse and inform the second friend about the first friend’s request;
  • Agree, but explain that you hate such things and are doing them for the first and last time

6. If you think that a friend is experiencing financial difficulties, what will you do:

  • Try to help him;
  • Ask if you need help;
  • Treat it like it doesn't concern you

7. Your friends:

  • People are about the same type, but different from you;
  • Everyone is alike;
  • All different

8. Who are your classmates:

  • Some are friends, some are comrades;
  • All comrades;
  • Some are comrades, some are strangers

9. Which of the following qualities is the most important for being a friend:

  • Provide pleasure from communication;
  • Always be on your side;
  • Provide you with practical help or advice whenever you need it

10. Which pet do you want your friend to resemble:

Talking parrot; Affectionate cat; An angry but loyal shepherd

Processing and interpretation of results

The table shows the scores for the answer options for each question.

Question no. Answer options
A b V
1 4 5 3
2 5 0 3
3 5 4 0
4 5 4 2
5 5 0 3
6 5 3 0
7 4 3 5
8 5 3 1
9 3 3 5
10 1 4 4

Calculate your total points.

37-49 -You are a good, true friend - attentive, magnificent, loyal, full of sympathy, but slavishly devoted. Your friends know you can be trusted, and you are willing to take the time to try to understand them.

27-36 – You are capable of being a good friend, but within certain limits you sometimes show selfishness when your interests and theirs collide. If you don't share their point of view. If you strive for genuine friendship. You must be willing to sacrifice yourself for the sake of others.

13-26 – You are a person who takes everything and gives nothing. And if your friends intend to ask you for something, you go into the bushes, so you have few real friends, only a narrow circle of admirers who are attracted by some quality of yours.

How well do you know me? Questions for couples

Are you worried that your girlfriend isn't listening to you? Or do you think that your boyfriend always forgets everything you told him five minutes after talking? Or maybe you just think that you put a lot more effort and energy into getting to know your significant other as opposed to him/her? Well, then these questions are perfect for you. Grab your partner and find out how well he or she knows you!

50 questions, how well do you know me? Questions for couples

  1. What was I wearing when we first met?
  2. Where would I like to spend my honeymoon?
  3. Are my parents still together?
  4. What always makes me smile?
  5. What was my least favorite subject in school?
  6. How do you know I've had a bad day?
  7. The name of my school where I went to primary school?
  8. What movie always makes me cry?
  9. What's my favorite place on earth?
  10. What is my mother's maiden name?
  11. How old was I when I had my first kiss?
  12. What is my father's name?
  13. What turns me on?
  14. What would make me jealous?
  15. Where did we kiss in public for the first time?
  16. How many brothers and sisters do each of my parents have?
  17. What job would I never do?
  18. What is your opinion on how I deal with difficult situations?
  19. Do I have brothers and sisters?
  20. Do you think I initially fell in love with your thoughts or your body?
  21. Have I ever lived with a significant other before?
  22. My favorite subject at school?
  23. Did/did I play sports when I was growing up?
  24. My opinion on open relationships?
  25. Would I like my parents to live with me when they get old?
  26. My darkest secret?
  27. Who is too picky about food - you or me?
  28. What's my favorite smell?
  29. Is my family religious?
  30. The worst thing I did as a child?
  31. What's my most awkward sex story?
  32. How much honesty do I need in a relationship?
  33. Do I look more like my mom or my dad?
  34. Where do I want to live in the future?
  35. If I could erase one thing from my past, what would it be?
  36. What would my ideal day look like?
  37. What will my dream home be like?
  38. Do I believe that love can last a lifetime?
  39. Did I have a favorite teacher?
  40. What's my biggest nightmare?
  41. What city did I grow up in?
  42. What did we do on our first date?
  43. How often do I talk to my parents?
  44. Do I consider myself creative?
  45. What's my favorite word?
  46. If our life were a movie, what actors would play us?
  47. Who is my favorite family member?
  48. What is my mother's name?
  49. What always makes me angry?
  50. When did I start falling in love with you?

Friendship test

Author of the material:

Svetlana Smyshlyak

philologist, writer, lyric poet

Friendship is an important part of life. Friends keep mutual secrets and significantly influence the emotional state and decision-making. However, sometimes it can be difficult to say for sure who is your best friend or someone you shouldn't trust. This friendship test will help you understand what stage your friendships are at. The results will also tell you whether it is worth continuing communication and what to do to improve the situation, get closer, resolve differences, or say goodbye.

1. How often do you quarrel with your friend? Note: we are talking not just about disputes of interests, but about grievances about character, actions, and behavior.

2. You are having a business dinner that will determine whether you will get a promotion at work. While your interlocutor is away for a while, you receive a text message from a friend saying that his dog has died and he is very sad about it. What will you do next?

3. How much time in a row can you spend with each other without getting tired of communication?

4. Have you ever spoken unkindly about your friend when talking to other people?

5. Do you have secrets that you don’t want and aren’t going to tell your friend?

6. How long have you been communicating with this friend?

7. Does your friend often criticize you?

8. Do you approve of absolutely all of your friend’s hobbies, decisions and choices?

9. Are you sure that your friend will be by your side in any difficult situation for you and will always take your side?

10. Do you sometimes feel awkward or want to interrupt a conversation with your friend when you talk about certain topics?

11. If you call your friend in the middle of the night because you are emotionally sick or because you have a bad nightmare, how will he react?

12. If you were planning a wedding, would you invite your friend to it and, if so, who?

13. Do you have much in common?

14. Do you think that you yourself are behaving like a true friend towards this person?

15. Do you know your friend's favorite drink, music genre, color, movie genre, sport, type of entertainment?

16. Would you like to have a common business with this person?

17. Why are you communicating with this person?

Articles on wikiGrowth.ru about: Friendship between a man and a woman Platonic love Does he love me? Human psyche Love relationships

Additional Information:

  • Test: what is my psychological age?
  • Test: emotional intelligence EQ
  • Sense of humor test
  • Selfishness test
  • Empathy test
  • Intuition test

How well do you know me? Questions for friends

Whether you're chatting with an old friend or talking to a new acquaintance you just met, we all like to think that we know our loved ones well. The following questions concern personal dreams and hopes, childhood, family and loved ones. Grab your friends and take the opportunity to learn more about each other!

50 questions, how well do you know me? Questions for friends

  1. How many countries have I visited?
  2. Would I live in a big city or on a farm?
  3. What makes me nervous?
  4. Who was my crush five years ago?
  5. How old do I look?
  6. What was my first experience with alcohol?
  7. Do I like to dress up (for example, in suits)?
  8. What makes me feel most alive/alive?
  9. Have you ever suspected that I am gay?
  10. What is my dream job?
  11. Do I have any weaknesses?
  12. Who is my favorite celebrity right now?
  13. What does love mean to me?
  14. How do I spend a typical Saturday evening?
  15. How did I lose my virginity?
  16. What's my favorite song?
  17. What is my favorite winter activity?
  18. Who is the man/woman of my dreams?
  19. What is my greatest talent?
  20. The story of my first kiss?
  21. How different was my life a year ago?
  22. What was the last movie that made me cry?
  23. Would I kiss on the first date?
  24. What do I prefer to do on a hot summer day?
  25. Have I ever lost someone close to me?
  26. What was the name of my first pet?
  27. Who do I hate?
  28. How old was I when I started dating?
  29. Have I ever cheated on someone?
  30. Would I rather/would I rather spend the day with my parents or your parents?
  31. How long was my longest romantic relationship?
  32. Do I have brothers and sisters? What are their names?
  33. Have I ever had to repeat a year in school?
  34. What's my favorite item of clothing?
  35. Worst date I've ever been on?
  36. What do I think about politics?
  37. Where do I see myself in 5 years?
  38. Have I ever dyed my hair?
  39. What is the length of my longest romantic relationship?
  40. Am I for dogs or cats?
  41. Which celebrity would I like to meet?
  42. Who was my first true love?
  43. Would I like to be taller or shorter?
  44. Am I right-handed or left-handed?
  45. Who was my first crush?
  46. What's my best solution?
  47. Where would I like to go?
  48. What's my favorite music?
  49. How did my last relationship end?
  50. Scariest moment of my life?

How well do you know me? Questions for the family

Are you close with your family? Not sure about the answer? Time to find out! The following questions are ideal for your parents, siblings, or even grandparents. Use the list and find out how well you know your family members, and vice versa.

We offer you: 250+ questions to get to know someone

50 questions, how well do you know me? Questions for the family

  1. Where do I want to live in 10 years?
  2. Would I date someone who doesn't like music at all?
  3. Who is my favorite actress?
  4. What's my favorite ice cream flavor?
  5. What's the most beautiful picture I've ever painted?
  6. What can I talk about all day?
  7. What do I think about climate change?
  8. How did/did I cope with my feelings and emotions as a child?
  9. Would I date someone who doesn't have books in the house?
  10. If I had to move to another country, where would I go?
  11. What am I afraid of?
  12. Name three things I did today.
  13. Do I take my leftover food home from the restaurant?
  14. How old am I?
  15. Would I like to lose or gain five kilograms?
  16. Who is my favorite author?
  17. Am I satisfied/satisfied with my life?
  18. How did I meet my best friend?
  19. How much do I earn?
  20. What's my favorite restaurant?
  21. When do I usually brush my teeth?
  22. What's your oldest memory of me?
  23. What's my favorite color?
  24. Where do I want to live when you retire?
  25. How late did I go to bed last night?
  26. Do I prefer jeans or sweatpants?
  27. Who is my secret hero?
  28. What's my favorite weather?
  29. What was my favorite toy as a child?
  30. If I had to rename myself, what name would I choose?
  31. What took me too long to figure out?
  32. How could I save the world?
  33. What would I order at McDonald's?
  34. What's my favorite city?
  35. Do I believe in zodiac signs?
  36. What do I like to do on weekends?
  37. What are my hidden talents?
  38. Have I ever fought?
  39. Have I ever received an award?
  40. What do I like - rain or snow?
  41. If I could work anywhere, where would it be?
  42. What's my favorite sport?
  43. How tall am I?
  44. Who is my best friend/best friend?
  45. What was my favorite TV show growing up?
  46. What's my favorite restaurant?
  47. What is my favorite time of year?
  48. Do I believe in aliens?
  49. Who is my favorite actor?
  50. Who was my first best friend?

Questions about dreams4

  • Do you want children? How many children do you want?
  • What life values ​​do you think should be instilled in children first?
  • Would you like to learn how to ride a horse?
  • What unusual food or drink would you like to try?
  • How do you feel about extreme sports?
  • Would you like to bungee jump?
  • Would you like to live in a village?
  • What is your most unusual vacation?
  • Do you want to visit the mountains?
  • Would you like to climb Everest?
  • Which tropical island would you like to go to?
  • Would you like to celebrate New Year in Lapland?
  • Do you want to go on a trip to India?
  • Would you like to visit Antarctica?
  • Have you ever wanted to indulge in unbridled revelry?
  • Would you like to see a real Spanish bullfight?
  • Or maybe you would like to run with the bulls through the streets of Pamplona?
  • Do you have a favorite superhero?
  • What toys were your favorite?
  • Do you have any children's toys left?
  • Would you like to attend the premiere of a film or play?

  • What historical era would you like to live in?
  • Would you like to visit the future?
  • What historical secret would you like to know?
  • Would you like to go back to your childhood?
  • At what age would you like to remain permanently?
  • What kind of wedding do you dream of: a magnificent one or a modest one?
  • Which of your habits do you consider the strangest?
  • Would you like to live forever?
  • What emoticons do you use most often?
  • Do you have a wish list?
  • Do you like to recite poetry?
  • Do you like reading aloud?
  • Would you like to go on a real hound hunt?

How well do you know me? Questions for a guy

Do you think that you and your boyfriend know everything about each other? Even every little detail of your life? It's time to find out. These questions cover your first memories together, your family and friends, and your future dreams and hopes.

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