10 main reasons why girls don't give in to guys

It is natural for men and women to desire intimacy. The desire to procreate is inherent in nature, so why doesn’t the girl give and resist? Sex is fun, healthy and logical if two people are in love with each other. Maybe you’ve been dating for a long time and it’s time to move into bed, or you’ve already had intimacy before, but now the girl is avoiding it. Let's look at different situations and figure out why it arose and what to do if a girl doesn't give.

First, let's look at common reasons that are beyond your control. The girl does not give because of her “corrals” or other objective-subjective reasons.

Reason No. 1: Wrong time, wrong place, so it doesn’t work

Sometimes it is clear that a girl wants, but does not give. You are at a loss and don’t understand what’s wrong, but the reasons can be quite simple:

  1. She doesn't have nice underwear and is embarrassed to undress. She was not ready for intimacy and wants your first or hundredth time to be beautiful, and she is wearing “granny pantaloons.” You can try dimming the lights, maybe that will relax her.
  2. She is having her “critical days.” For a minute, out of 30 days, a girl has 3-10 “red” days, and don’t forget about the discomfort before and after this event. So look, in the most unpleasant case, a whole third of the month can fall out of the sexual schedule. And if these days are short for her, then the “law of meanness” has not been repealed.
  3. She didn't prepare her body. For example, she didn’t shave her legs and because of this she has a terrible complex.
  4. The girl did killer makeup and used push-up or figure-shaping underwear. She may be afraid that in the process of undressing her, the man will lose all desire.
  5. The situation is not conducive to intimacy: the back seat of a car or a movie theater is not suitable for every girl.
  6. You had an unpleasant conversation. You or she remembered your exes and it killed the romantic mood.

Unpopular with girls

Your personal problem that you need to do something about. If you don't have enough sex in your life, you need to get serious about improving your seduction skills.
Think about what you are doing wrong, read the relevant literature and constantly practice communicating with different girls. This is a winning tactic that has never failed anyone. What to do if girls don't give? I have a lot of materials that will help you take your first steps, for example, how to learn how to look sexy. You can also sign up for a course and receive complete information in a concentrated form. Only direct instructions for action and constant practice with support.

Reason #4: She is looking for a sponsor

A beautiful girl may turn out to be an ordinary kept woman. It is beneficial for her not to give it as long as possible in order to whet your interest in her. At the initial stages, it is not so easy to recognize that she only cares about the size of your wallet, but it is still worth paying attention to these “bells”:

  • she often complains about financial difficulties and hints that she would like help;
  • she immediately talks about money: literally from the first meeting;
  • she tries to keep her distance, but at the same time piques your interest.

You are good and correct. In short, boring

You are the one who is used to opening doors for a woman, giving her space, giving her compliments and asking permission about everything. You are good and correct.

Who instilled these principles in you? As a child, it was my mother who gave me an understanding of the word “good.” Then the teachers, girls from school, trampling on the last eggs.

You are used to acting on command and not worrying about anything, since a woman will solve all problems. And what's sexy about that? What should the weaker sex like about this?

Do you know who women sleep with? Who do they want during the day, at night and immediately after sex? Do they want it in the bedroom, on the table, in the cinema, in the restroom and on the embankment?

Women are attracted to bad boys. Because assholes are the alpha. This is strength, this is leadership, this is masculinity and emotion. Brutal energy emanates from them.

This is the type of man who makes girls want to possess him, tame him and domesticate him, like a wild animal. Everyone sees this scenario in their rosy dreams before going to bed.

The bad guy is unpredictable. The young lady is excited and spurred on by interest, intrigue, inner strength, and risk. Such a man is used to winning and achieving. This is courage. These are actions. This is the result.

Read also: Why do girls love bad boys?

Reason #5: She is sure that all men are lustful males

This “truth” could have been drilled into her by her parents, films and TV series, or friends. But she is sure that intimacy should not be on first dates, so if a man is assertive, then it seems strange to her. Girls who have little or no sexual experience usually think this way. Perhaps she herself was burned and now has difficulty trusting men. If a girl doesn’t give, then it’s important to understand the real reason. The opposite situation may also occur, when a guy specifically does not touch on the topic of intimacy, waiting for the girl to “ripe.” This is also wrong, because the initiative should still belong to the man.

You are embarrassed to show your true desires

Many people would like to sleep with her - but you are trying your best to prove that you are not like that. That you are interested in her inner world and what she eats for breakfast. So you talk to her about work, the weather and clouds, films and Bach opera. And at night, left alone, you google “why doesn’t the girl give you?”

Now answer the question: why do women take so long to put on makeup? Why do you constantly visit beauty salons? Why do they spend so much money on shopping and getting plastic surgery?

To become in demand in a man's world. And if she came to you on a date, it means she was interested in you as a man.

So don't be afraid to show it! Give her compliments, flirt, be sure to touch her, touch her - show in every possible way that you are interested in her as a woman. That you want her.

And if you do nothing, nothing will happen. You'll be like everyone else. At best, you will lead a cavalry of her idiot fans.

Read also: Why is it so difficult to seduce a woman into sex?

Reason #7: She saves herself for “the one”

Well, since you are still not in the same bed, then most likely you are not the one. All you have to do is either convince her otherwise, or give up empty attempts to storm the impregnable fortress. Men are turned on by inaccessibility, but such a game is dangerous for both: at a certain moment, your goal becomes to conquer her at any cost, and when sex finally happens, it turns out that there is little that connects you. This is good if it doesn’t come to marriage, children and a mortgage: then the realization of your mistake and stubbornness is even more painful.

Understand how to no longer receive refusals from the girl you like!

STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONS from Alexander Galevich, a trainer who has trained more than 20,000 men over 15 years, will help you

Which you will receive during the FREE ONLINE INTENSIVE and you will learn:

  • 1. How to spend less resources (money and time) to seduce girls
  • 2. How to easily meet and lead communication with a beautiful girl to sex
  • 3. How to find your unique effective model of seducing girls

Understand more at the FREE ONLINE INTENSIVE “FROM REFUSAL TO BED” - https://galevich.site/

No seduction process

You don't seduce because you don't know how to seduce.

Don't agree? Do you think you understand a lot? Why did you decide this? Why are you a guru? How many women did you have? What were they like?

Nobody taught you how to position yourself correctly. Your father didn’t do this - rather, for everything, your mother was the main one in your family. Since childhood, you haven’t had the correct male model of behavior before your eyes.

Complexes from childhood, an unsuccessful first experience with the opposite sex - there can be many reasons, but there is only one result. Everything you know about women is just the advice of your friends, who themselves do not understand anything about it.

You don’t have a step-by-step working model of behavior with a girl: how to meet her, how to call her out on dates, how to go on dates, what to talk about with her on a date, how to start touching her, how to take her home and how to make her run after you afterwards with a mattress.

That is why, at the 16-day workshop “How to turn a woman’s NO into a woman’s YES ,” I tell you what needs to be done from A to Z, with what consistency and intensity - at every stage of your relationship.

Do you want to get a working model of behavior with a girl and solve all your problems? Click the button below and start learning!

Why doesn't the girl who used to give

All forums on the Internet are full of the phrases “My girlfriend won’t let me.” Why is that? Here are the most popular reasons that will help you understand what needs to be changed in order to improve your personal life:

  1. She's simply tired.
  2. She stopped loving you.
  3. You have changed not for the better: you have gained weight, you have neglected yourself.
  4. Your sex is boring.
  5. You don't care about her having fun, so she doesn't want to waste time pleasing you. Previously, the girl had to lie down and endure, but now she has the right to refuse.
  6. Some of you cheated.

You take a passive position

Continuing the previous reason. Remember how often it happens that you sit on a date and wait for the right opportunity to touch her hand?

Now remember, a man does not wait for the right opportunity. He creates them himself.

Or are you waiting for her to make the first move herself? Will he text you first, put your hand on his chest, take your car keys and take you to his home?

You are a man - you do everything! You said where and what time we meet, what we will do, you entertain her, you seduce her, you kiss her, you take her home, you unfasten her bra, you... In general, all of you.

Read also: How to behave correctly with a girl

What to do if a girl doesn't want intimacy

When a girl doesn’t give, it’s important not to give in to emotions and not rush from one extreme to another. Be a man and show restraint and tact, first finding out the reason for her behavior, and then taking action:

  1. Explain to her that sex is a normal physiological need. That your hormones are raging, and you involuntarily begin to pay attention to other girls due to the lack of sex. The argument will be especially powerful if you have been together for a long time and the girl stopped giving due to unknown reasons. A frank conversation will help to understand her fears and difficulties and establish normal relationships.
  2. Carefully monitor your appearance so that a well-groomed male with a burning gaze is always looking at you from the mirror. Girls are attracted by energy and physical attractiveness: she will drag you into bed if you broadcast sex only with your presence.
  3. They moved away a little: let her think what was wrong with her. This method will help if your relationship cannot become concrete and teeters on the brink of romance and friendship. If you are with her this way and that, and she still keeps her distance, then it’s time to secretly raise the issue head-on. Let her feel that she can lose you and then she will have to make a decision about getting closer or breaking up.
  4. Convince her that you are serious about her. There is no need to run after the ring and fulfill all her whims, just show with your actions and voice out loud that you consider her as a person with whom you would like to be together forever. Keep your doubts and doubts to yourself: a man must be specific, and if it seems to you that such words will be a lie, then it is better to find someone with whom they will become true. The girl doesn't give it because she's not sure of you.

Now you know what to do if a girl doesn’t give. Basically there are two reasons: either she is not the right girl, or you are not making enough efforts. You have to make sure that she understands that you are her ideal option.

Your girlfriend refuses sex

A permanent relationship is such a hassle. If you decide to take this step, you need to properly maintain the relationship and work on it. Here are some reasons why a girl won't give.

  1. If this is the first time, there will definitely be problems. You don’t want to act in harsh ways, do I understand correctly? In this case, the girl does not want sex with you because of her beliefs, like “not before marriage.” Today it looks a little different: a girl wants to sleep only with a man with whom everything will be serious. Decide for yourself whether this is good or bad.
  2. Raises the price. Another common situation for first sex. The girl simply does not want to give herself up for anything. We are not talking about commercialism here, you shouldn’t overwhelm her, this can only worsen the situation, she will decide that you won’t be able to surprise her with anything other than the thickness of your wallet. Better play this cat and mouse game with her. The “closer-further” technique and the “needle” technique will help to quickly knock down her arrogance. This always works flawlessly and makes you move faster to the horizontal plane.
  3. Another problem with first sex is the fear of being used. This is a problem in the girl's head. She initially perceives sex inadequately. For her, this is not a way to relax, have fun, or satisfy her needs. This is a sacred ritual that should only be performed with a select few of the best. Fear of mistakes often stems from childhood and upbringing. It won’t be easy to work through it; you’ll have to work with your attitudes and tell her what sex should really be like for her.
  4. She just doesn't like you or has stopped liking you. You yourself will not deny that in relationships, guys begin to take less care of themselves. What for? There is a girl nearby, for whom else should I try? This is nonsense, you need to keep doing the same thing. At any moment you should be ready to take off and go to another girl. If you have lost your attractiveness, urgently correct the situation and return to your previous form, or even better.
  5. A girl has complexes about her appearance. More than once I have met girls who are ready for sex only in complete darkness or strictly dressed, under a blanket, etc. This is another problem, you will have to somehow convince her that she is attractive enough, that she has nothing to be ashamed of, and so on. This is a serious psychological problem that should be addressed by specialists. But you can try, the chances of success are high.
  6. Period. No comments here. Unfortunately, not all guys still understand that sex during menstruation is taboo. You can’t and that’s it, just wait a couple of days, everything will return to normal.
  7. If a girl doesn't give, it's likely that her bra and panties are different colors. Agree, it's nonsense. But for them it is very important. It could also be that she undresses only while wearing beautiful lace lingerie and nothing else. You will have to take such things calmly, and besides, this is only the first time. Sooner or later she will understand that you will take off her underwear anyway.
  8. Bad feeling. And these are not excuses, like headaches. If something is really wrong with her body, she won't be ready for sex. There should be no discomfort at all; this is an important rule. Otherwise there will be no good sex. Remember, did you want sex when you had a temperature of 40 degrees?
  9. You are not satisfied with your partner's sexual preferences. Everyone has different tastes: oral, anal sex, roughness in bed - all this is not for everyone. And she may not share your views, refusing you everything except the classic pose. Here you either change her beliefs or hastily say goodbye, because sooner or later the problem will become too acute to ignore.
  10. And the most important reason is that she simply doesn’t want to. But what do you mean, I don’t want to? Do you really want to get someone into bed all the time and there are no periods at all when you have other desires? So she also has such periods. And if all this is fueled by a minor hormonal imbalance - that’s it, she won’t want sex, possibly for a long time. All this is explained by natural mechanisms in her body. She's just not ready to breed.

Note that there is no reason for “another appeared.” You should notice such things faster than she starts showing them to you. I will say more, this is not the whole reason why girls don’t give. Problems at school or work, lack of a kiss when you met her, a careless word, an old grudge - all this can cause a refusal of sex

, and for a long time. And even she herself won’t tell you the reason, she just won’t remember, and neither will you.

You need to gain self-confidence

In order to refuse other annoying bosses, colleagues and friends, you need to be a confident person. If this is not the case, then it is easy to put pressure on you and get what you want from you. Because you, having low self-esteem, will want to prove your need and importance by helping others, even if you don’t want to. And if you encounter a similar problem, you need to seek help from a psychologist.

Don't try to solve other people's problems

All the people who surround you, like you yourself, always have problems. These include sick relatives, failures in love, and a child’s poor performance at school. Realize that no one can solve them all, including you. And your attempts to do this are not only pointless, but also harmful, as they will lead you to nervous exhaustion. Therefore, you should stop saving the world and finally mind your own business.

You are responsible for your happiness

Being responsible for your own happiness means you have to figure out for yourself what makes you truly happy and then make your desires come true. And you don't have to wait for someone to do it for you. And if overly annoying people bother you by invading your personal space, set personal boundaries and live in your own, individual, happy world.

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Advice for a man whose girlfriend doesn’t want sex

If there is no intimacy in a young healthy couple, this leads to the destruction of the relationship.
In the vast majority of women, it is the guardians of the hearth who refuse sex. What should a man do if his girlfriend doesn't want sex? In order to deal with a consequence, it is necessary to find out its cause. A frank heart-to-heart conversation will not only clarify the situation, but will also make the girl understand how worried the man is about her refusals. If it is difficult to find mutual understanding during a conversation and the conversation threatens to develop into a new, regular conflict, it is better to stop communicating and seek the help of a specialist.

One of the main criteria for a woman’s relationship is its spiritual component. A manifestation of sincere love, care, and attention from a man, not only in words, but also in deeds, can melt the ice and establish harmony.

A polite, tactful man, ready to take on some of the household responsibilities, is unlikely to be left without a woman’s gratitude and affection. A romantic dinner, gifts, surprises and compliments will help you cope with a little chill in bed. Fill your life with new experiences - go to the cinema, theater, travel. Spend more time together - communicate, go for walks, receive guests. All this will contribute to your rapprochement.

Don't be afraid to put someone in a difficult position

Don't be afraid if your refusal gets someone into trouble. For example, you regularly support your colleague so that he can deliver his work on time by performing his responsibilities for him. And if you stop doing this one day, he will be in trouble. And of course he will be angry with you. Well, let! But he will finally start working normally and stop exploiting you.

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