Where to go on a first date with a girl - Top 8 places

Think about which place is best for your romantic evening. To do this, you need to know your woman at least a little. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What does she like? Calm holiday or extreme?
  • Is she more interested in cinema or a walk in a beautiful park?
  • Is there a place she's been wanting to go to for a long time?
  • Does she like surprises or, conversely, for everything to be transparent?

Believe me, the answers to these questions will immediately give you a sea of ​​options for a romantic date.

What to do if you are dating recently?

You have to play detective, but in such a way that only you understand what is happening. This way you can narrow down your possible romantic date ideas. Soberly assess your strengths and finances and choose an option that will bring pleasure to both of you.

By the way, you shouldn’t get fucked up and organize a romantic first date. You don't know her tastes and preferences and how much time she has. So leave your wonderful ideas for the second, or better yet, the fifth date.

What to consider when organizing

Consider the preferences of your other half, because your ideas about the ideal date may differ. For example, a clichéd dinner on the roof can be hopelessly ruined if it turns out that the girl is afraid of heights. Follow the recommendations:

  1. To find out what kind of date your girl dreams of, just talk to her about it.
  2. Choose a few of the most suitable options and discuss them with your significant other.
  3. Consider the lady's tastes and desires.
  4. Before a date, get yourself in order: perfect hairstyle, fresh breath, ironed clothes, pleasant perfume.
  5. Make sure that on an important day you will not be called to work or other urgent matters will appear.

If you have a first date, it would be ideal to give preference to the classic options - a restaurant, a cafe, a walk in the park. After you get to know the girl better, you can make big plans. You never get a second chance to make a first impression.


If a couple has a cheerful disposition and does not like to sit still for a long time, active adventures will suit them. Below are 10 great ways to have fun.

  1. Visit an amusement park. Grab some cotton candy, compete in the shooting range, jump on the trampoline and be sure to check out the roller coaster.
  2. Go to a dance party. It could be a nightclub, but better - an outdoor disco. Dancing on the evening beach is romance wrapped in fun.
  3. Go to the bike rental point. It is better to take water with you in advance. You can travel around the city, but if the bike is not yet mastered, it would be good to choose a place outside the city or away from the main roads.
  4. Use rollerblades, skates or a skateboard. Find helmets and knee pads for insurance.
  5. Create a personal tour of the city and visit previously unfamiliar places. Take cameras with you or use cameras on smartphones.
  6. Go for a swim. Water parks, local natural or artificial ponds, swimming pools or even spas.
  7. Devote a day to volunteering. To do this, you can look for volunteers on the streets, look at the city website, or organize your own charity event.
  8. Play non-team games . Tennis (table and regular), badminton, squash. Bowling, billiards, and darts are also suitable. If desired, you can arrange sports competitions, taking into account each other’s capabilities.
  9. Organize a flash mob . You can attract people through social networks, print advertisements and post them around the city. Or it’s enough to just involve close friends.
  10. Check out the city festival , fair, competition. Almost every locality has a page on social networks, which is maintained by active citizens. Announcements of upcoming events are posted there.

Main types

You can come up with an almost endless number of original dates, but they all fall into five categories:

  1. Extreme. A parachute jump, a horror room, a hot air balloon flight and much more will leave an unforgettable experience.
  2. Homemade. These types of dates are suitable for calm individuals and homebodies. Watch a movie, cook dinner together, or take a relaxing bath.
  3. Relaxing. This ideal first date in a couple's life can be spent in a bathhouse or spa, but there is one condition - you must be close enough for this, otherwise the girl may think that you are trying to get her into bed.
  4. Cognitive. The most useful and successful dates. Sign up for a reading group, go to a museum or art gallery, attend a master class to improve your cooking, singing or drawing skills. Focus on the preferences of your other half.
  5. Romantic. Invite a girl to a restaurant or a movie, and then take a walk in the park and buy her a bouquet of flowers.

To easily get out of an awkward situation, always have a plan B. If you see that the date is not going the way you wanted, and the girl is not happy with your idea, use a backup idea.

Unusual ideas for a romantic evening

If you need to make a special impression on a girl, take a closer look at these ideas.

  • Wine degustation. They usually take place in a good restaurant, where you can then have a civilized meal. If your lady knows at least a little about strong drinks, she will be interested in hearing about her hobby. Afterwards she will definitely be able to say: “I’m not a drunk, but a taster.”
  • Jazz concert. In general, there is something romantic in jazz, right? The atmosphere itself, musicians, alcoholic drinks and pleasant conversations will create the atmosphere for an interesting date.
  • Art master class. You need to love this business, although it is not at all necessary to be able to draw. You can arrange a romantic date for two by drawing a beautiful landscape or even a portrait of each other. It's all about your imagination and perseverance.
  • With animals

    This date idea requires good preparation, because if one of the partners is allergic to animals, the meeting will be ruined. Where and how to have a date:

    1. Hippodrome. Here you can not only touch horses, but also get a riding lesson.
    2. Shelter. Buy a few kilograms of food and go to the shelter. This will demonstrate your generosity.
    3. Farm. This idea will appeal to lovers of unusual animals. At the farm you can touch and feed the pets, and then take a photo with them.
    4. Zoo. Some people are skeptical about this type of leisure, because in such places animals are not kept in the best conditions.

    It is important that the date is not tiring and long. Think about rest and the opportunity to have a snack in advance. It is not recommended to take food with you.

    Let's understand the details

    So, you're in luck. You are going on a first date with a man with whom you are going to start a family. What do you need to pay attention to? You need to imagine yourself in the place of the chosen one and take into account several main points:

    They meet you by their clothes

    Consider your appearance carefully. Objectively evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your figure. Make an effort and change your image for one day:

    • If you like a tracksuit, choose classic trousers;
    • If you like faded jeans and hoodies, wear a dress.

    You should not shock your chosen one with an excessively short skirt, deep neckline and tight curves. There must be a mystery in a woman. You will show all your charms gradually in the process of further communication.

    Getting your hair done

    Look at yourself carefully, remember the last time you visited a hairdresser. Even a trendy and expensive outfit cannot compensate for an unkempt hairstyle. The impression will be ruined. When styling your hair, keep a few tips in mind. It's better if:

    • the haircut is modern, but not shocking;
    • hair color is as natural as possible, not green or purple;
    • The styling is neat, but not pretentious.

    Your hair should be an addition to the image, and not an object of close attention and surprise.

    Doing makeup

    Makeup is a delicate matter. It will emphasize individuality. When applying cosmetics, take your time. Focus on what you like most about yourself. For example, when emphasizing your eyes, do not highlight your lips with bright lipstick. If possible, use the services of a professional cosmetologist. The first date with a man is a responsible matter and should be approached seriously.

    Choosing a scent

    If you use certain perfumes, you shouldn’t change your habits. While you are in the process of searching, choose a pleasant, long-lasting scent that will make you stand out among the crowd.

    Taking into account the weather

    Before you go to a long-awaited meeting, look out the window. It may be raining or the wind has picked up. Be fully prepared. The absence of an umbrella can ruin any meeting.

    Remember, a man with serious intentions is attracted to femininity and charm. A frivolous rake - a deep neckline and short skirts.

    Choose an outfit based on who you hope to meet: a potential spouse or sexual partner.

    Let's learn a lesson: We dress in such a way as to attract the attention of the chosen one, and not those of others. You should look a little sexy, erotic and mysterious. There is no need to flaunt your charms. Attracts the unknown. Let there be a mystery within you. To solve it, the man will want to meet again.

    City Tour

    Start your walk at one end of the city and walk to the other, stopping at a restaurant along the way to replenish your strength and eat. Such a date will allow you not only to enjoy the beauty of the city, but also to get to know each other well.

    READ How to behave on a first date with a girl: advice from psychologists

    Be sure to warn the girl that you are planning a long walk so that she wears comfortable shoes. It is unlikely that she will be happy at the prospect of walking across the city in high heels.

    To avoid awkward pauses during your walk, think over topics for conversation in advance. It’s better to take a taxi back, because a tired girl is a dissatisfied girl.

    Romantic date at home

    You can have a romantic getaway without leaving your home.
    Yes, you will have to get off your butt and create a special atmosphere so that the girl can feel all the romance of the moment. A small but very important rule: if you live together, then you take on both the preparation and cleaning after a romantic date. Otherwise, it will turn out like in the jokes about March 8: leave the dishes, you’ll wash them tomorrow. If you set out to make an impression, be a man to the end.

  • Romantic dinner. Ideas for a romantic evening can be taken from a girl’s favorite movie. This is a 100% slobbering melodrama, where she comes home, and there her lover in an apron is preparing his signature dish. Something like this. Prepare something special or order it. Just don’t forget to get rid of the boxes from the restaurant to make everything as romantic as possible.
  • Romantic movie evening. Such evenings will be a great way to get closer, because you will hug, kiss and, most likely, have sex. You can watch a couple of romantic comedies in an evening, although it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to watch any of them to the end.
  • Sexy games. If you create a romantic setting, these games won't look so cheesy. The main thing is to prepare thoroughly: a list of games, a gentleman’s set and relaxing music.
  • In general, ideas for a romantic evening can perfectly diversify your evenings together. Try to surprise your girlfriend!

    Swap meet

    Walking through a flea market, you can find many interesting and rare things that no one else has. If you are both lovers of mysteries and antiques, a topic for conversation will come naturally.

    To provide your significant other with comfort during a walk, immediately discuss the financial side. Tell them that you will pay for the purchases yourself.

    You should not divide the checks in half, as the girl may regard this as greed. You invited your friend on a romantic date, which means you need to take care of her comfort.

    Let's talk about the main thing

    How to behave with a man on the first date to achieve your goal. This is only greeted by “clothes”, but everyone sees off “by the mind”. Let's look at several options.

    1. You are young and attractive, have no shortage of male attention, and are not going to give up your freedom in the foreseeable future. In this case, there is nothing to worry about. The style of behavior is not limited by strict boundaries. You can relax and not think about words and gestures. After all, a first date is another adventure. If the meeting does not meet your expectations, do not be discouraged. You have time to try again.
    2. You are ripe for family life and are actively searching for your other half. Then approach the matter with full responsibility. It is this situation that needs to be discussed in more detail.

    First, try to calm down and not think that the date will end in failure. Our mental ideas can become reality. Treat the upcoming event lightly, but responsibly. If you want to find a friend or dream of a long-term relationship, pay attention to the following points:

    The first minutes of the meeting

    The first glance, the first phrases, the first touches can become decisive in the development of further events. Therefore, every little detail is important. Smiling sincerely, look into your partner's eyes and say something nice. Be surprised at the punctuality, praise the meeting place, thank you for the flowers. A little flattery at the beginning of a date with a guy will make you feel comfortable and create a favorable impression.

    Intellectual conversation

    Think in advance about questions that can be discussed during the meeting:

    • show interest in his hobbies;
    • talk about your profession without touching on the topic of income;
    • share your plans;
    • tell us about what you love, what you do, what you dream about.

    Don't try to shine with your intelligence or seem naive. Know how to pause, shifting the responsibility for maintaining the conversation to the interlocutor. It is better if the conversation is frank, but not too serious. Do not try to find out the details of your personal life, leave aside questions of religion, and do not focus on your financial situation.

    The first date with a man is valuable not for the information collected, but for your feelings from communicating with your partner.

    Objective attitude

    It is very important to see not only the shortcomings of your partner, but also your own weaknesses. Don't be afraid to admit you're nervous before the meeting. Thus, you show your weakness, vulnerability, and your partner has a desire to show his strength in order to protect him and protect him from unpleasant experiences. A person who does not hide his weaknesses evokes sympathy and respect because he is not afraid to openly admit it.

    Demonstrating an ironic attitude is useful not only towards your loved one, but also towards your interlocutor. You shouldn’t prevaricate, admiring every word and gesture of a man. This will cause bewilderment and suspicion of the insincerity of your feelings. After all, a person knows that he is far from ideal. Don't turn a blind eye to your chosen one's mistakes and awkwardnesses. By your behavior, make it clear that you see and forgive his weaknesses and expect a response from him. Remember a similar situation that happened in your life, turn the awkwardness into a joke. In a word, do not strain your new acquaintance, defuse the situation. Let him make sure that such a trifle is not a hindrance to your relationship.

    Light irony and an adequate attitude towards oneself and one’s partner attract more than feigned admiration and narcissism.

    A little slyness

    • calm, confident behavior will create the impression of a familiar environment. Even if dating is a rare occurrence for you, pretend that you feel comfortable;
    • be serious and a little thoughtful. Let your partner torment himself with guesses about what thoughts are crowding into your charming head;
    • express approval, give compliments. Representatives of the stronger sex also love to be praised;
    • if you want to like him on the first date, talk to the guy about pleasant or neutral things. No negativity or complaints about fate, relatives, friends.

    There is no need to lie or hide past relationships. Just cheat: don’t talk about what’s unpleasant to you.

    Tactfulness and delicacy

    It is quite understandable that you want to know more about your chosen one. However, too intrusive questions can cause a negative reaction. If a man wants to share something intimate, listen, expressing sincere sympathy and interest. Avoids direct questions - don’t be offended, tactfully shift the conversation to another topic. At this stage of the relationship, your task is to listen and not interrupt.


    A smile is the key to a good mood. A smiling person inspires trust. He wants to smile back. Consequently, contact between interlocutors will be established faster. Provided that the smile is sincere and friendly, and not polite, strained or mysterious.

    Believe in yourself

    Self-confidence is the main component of success. Every morning, looking in the mirror, repeat the phrases: “I am irresistible, attractive and charming! The men around me like me!” If you carry out such training systematically, you will gain confidence and can confidently go on a date. Love yourself, and the man you like will be yours.


    The date has come to an end, questions remain.

    The man is required to pay in the cafe. Your task is to politely thank them for their attention and say that dinner and communication gave you pleasure. Even if in your heart you decide to end the relationship, maintain decency. The person who paid the bill and spent the evening with you does not deserve an insulting, indifferent “Bye.”

    In order not to feel obligated (especially if your partner did not live up to expectations), you can offer to divide the amount on the bill in half. However, don't insist. This will put the person in a humiliating position. In any case, it’s more pleasant to part without resenting each other.

    Live music

    If there is a concert of a popular musical group in your city in the near future, do not miss the chance to attend it. Here you can not only listen to live music, but also enjoy the unique concert atmosphere.

    READ Questions that can and are important to ask on a first date

    To avoid confusion, invite your significant other on a date in advance. Make sure she hasn't purchased a ticket yet. In addition, avid homebodies may not like such an active form of recreation.

    Getting rid of misconceptions

    On the eve of a date it will be superfluous, some common misconceptions:

    • naive fears When getting ready for a long-awaited meeting, a girl gradually convinces herself that her new acquaintance is only interested in sexual contacts. Therefore, when communicating with a young man, she puts on a mask of inaccessibility. “I’m not ready for a close relationship” is her main style of behavior. You should not defend yourself without waiting for an attack. Perhaps the man had no intentions at all other than meeting another representative of the fair sex.
    • suspicious distrust The woman expects a trick in advance, prepares to be deceived. She is convinced that a stranger must be extremely sincere and honest. Trying to catch her partner in a lie, she herself forces him to lie.
    • a riot of fantasy A beautiful picture created by a rich imagination does not coincide with the original. You should not trust photographs on the Internet, absentee descriptions and characteristics. If you let your imagination run wild, you won’t be disappointed.

    To avoid becoming another victim of stereotypical thinking, do not try to predict the development of events. Everything has its time. You will always have time to be upset, but in the meantime, prepare and hope.

    At home

    This type of date is suitable for people who are away from home most of the time. Otherwise, you will turn dating into a routine. How to arrange a date at home:

    1. Prepare a delicious meal together. Cooking together brings people together, so psychotherapists recommend practicing these types of dates more often.
    2. Watching movies and TV series. Enlist the help of popcorn and a warm blanket to create a cozy environment that encourages intimacy.
    3. Massage. If you are close enough, you can organize an evening of massage with an intimate continuation.

    When a girl is a housewife and is constantly at home, it is better to give preference to more active types of recreation.

    You've been in a relationship for a long time. How to organize a romantic date?

    As the main inspirer of the Akloni team, I claim that it will be much easier for you than in the previous case. Yes, you can say: “Anton, what the fuck? It couldn’t be any easier!”

    Look, you at least understand that your girlfriend gets high from walks, but can’t stand movies. It's easier, right? You know her preferences in food, relaxation, and you can pick up an interesting souvenir to surprise her. This, of course, is the case if you tried at least a little to get to know her during the relationship.

    So choose ideas for a date that will appeal not to you, but first of all to your girlfriend.

    Romantic date ideas

    In this article, I, Anton Glomozda, have collected the most interesting and unusual ideas for a romantic evening that will help you have an ideal date together.

    Picnic on the roof

    It belongs to the romantic types of dates, because it remains in the memory for a long time. To organize a picnic on the roof, you need:

    1. Agree with the building manager to let you onto the roof at the appointed time.
    2. Remove debris and bird droppings from the roof.
    3. Set up a table and chairs.
    4. Decorate the roof with glowing lights or balls.
    5. Stock up on blankets in case the girl gets cold.
    6. Come up with a menu.
    7. View the weather forecast. The date will be ruined if it unexpectedly rains or gets very cold.

    Choose light meals and snacks, and make sure you have alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. If you don't know your significant other's tastes, take a little of everything.

    It is not recommended to place the table too close to the edge of the building, as the girl may feel discomfort due to her fear of heights. Also, don't force her to look down if she adamantly refuses. Respect her fears and experiences.

    How to behave on a date with a girl

    Just choosing a place for a date is not enough. It is also important to act correctly in a given situation, to use such tactics so that at the first meeting you become as close as possible, mutual trust and sympathy are formed between you.

    Below I will give you some tips that are important to use when meeting a girl.

    Self-confidence and inner positivity.

    It's important that you project self-confidence at all times. Girls are attracted to confident men with leadership qualities. Therefore, choose those places for a date in which you can show these qualities. For example, if you play tennis well, then it is better to go to the tennis court, where you can show a master class to a girl and teach her how to play.

    In addition to self-confidence, your inner attitude should be at its best. A girl feels a man’s inner state, so when you are charged with optimism, she will begin to broadcast the same in response. Your goal is to get the most vivid and positive emotions possible, and not burden the girl with your problems and pessimism.

    Take the initiative.

    Take the initiative into your own hands - invite your chosen one to where exactly you want. There is no need to ask where she would like to go, much less ask her to suggest options for places to go on a date.

    I also recommend reading: How women test men at the beginning of a relationship - in simple words (Opens in a new tab)

    Change of locations.

    During the date, change locations, do not stay in one place. Each new location is like a new date and an exciting adventure. Therefore, the level of trust between you will increase.

    Don't try to please and please.

    When you try to impress her, while forgetting about your interests, you are from a position “from below”. The one who evaluates – his value is always higher. Therefore, do the opposite, start evaluating the girl yourself and then she will want to meet your standards. Get high and enjoy your date. Seeing how cool you are, the girl will catch your vibe (high mood), and you will enjoy this time together.

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    First date ideas you can repeat several times

    The ideas below can be applied to the first date as well as the second or third. Just keep in mind that most of them are focused on watching something. This means that you won't have as many opportunities to talk and get to know each other better.

    • You can go to the cinema or to a concert. Just find out in advance what genre of films your potential romantic partner is a fan of;
    • Attending a sporting event. It could be anything: football, tennis, hockey, boxing, hand-to-hand combat, and so on;
    • Take a meditation class together;
    • Find an animal exhibition in your city and visit it;
    • Fly a kite or sky lanterns together;
    • Go to the opera or theater;
    • Picnic in a local park on a blanket. This creates a romantic atmosphere. You can agree in advance which of you will prepare which dish. In addition, you can arrange such dates at any stage of your relationship;
    • If your girlfriend or boyfriend loves hookah, then go to a hookah bar and arrange an oriental fairy tale there.

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