How to respond to “thank you” depending on the situation (50+ phrases)

  • 227
  • 24-11-2021
  • Author: Mysekret Team
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Thank you - gratitude that you want to respond politely and pleasantly. But what words should you choose if you were thanked by a work colleague, a friend for sending him a holiday greeting, or a boss for a job well done? And sometimes you just want to be original and avoid clichés in your speech.

Love for your neighbor

The words “thank you” and “thank you” are abbreviated phrases “God bless you” and “I give you bliss.” This is how people show that the one they turn to is on the righteous path, and therefore deserves salvation and preservation before the End of the World. That is, they show love for their neighbor. And who is our neighbor? Any person with whom you communicate or collaborate.

What should the answer be? When we answer: “No way,” we seem to not understand that we are refusing salvation and preservation in paradise. Even worse, we show disrespect for God. You must answer with love, as if you were answering yourself: “And the same to you,” or “God save you, too,” “Good for you, too.”

Introductory word

The word “thank you” is not introductory. However, it can serve as an introductory word in a modal meaning. Moreover, it corresponds to the meaning of “good that” and can be replaced by synonyms “fortunately”, “to joy”, “thank God” .

The introductory word “thank you” is typical for a conversational style. With its help, the author expresses satisfaction with what is happening.

  • Example: “Thank you, we have already been informed about the impending cyclone.” “Fortunately, we have already been informed about the impending cyclone.”

The introductory word is not connected with other words in the sentence and does not participate in the formation of questions. Its removal or rearrangement does not in any way affect the structure or meaning of the sentence.

  • Example: “This year, thank you, there was no drought.” “There was no drought this year.”

The introductory word is not part of the sentence and is almost always separated by commas .

Commas in a simple sentence

A single introductory word “thank you” is always separated by commas. At the beginning or end of a sentence it is separated by one comma , and in the middle it is separated by two commas .

  • Example: “Thank you, at least you responded to my request.”
  • Example: “My boss, thank you, he’s an understanding person.”
  • Example: “I haven’t had a single scratch since this accident, thank you.”

With alliances

The coordinating conjunction (“and”, “a”, “but”, “yes”) is separated by a comma from the introductory word “thank you” , if deleting or rearranging the introductory word does not violate the structure and meaning of the sentence. Otherwise, there is no comma between them.

  • Example: “We were afraid that something might happen to you, but, thank you, everything worked out.” “We were afraid that something might happen to you, but everything turned out okay.” Without the introductory word, the sentence retained its structure and meaning.

The connecting conjunction is not separated by a comma from the introductory word at the beginning of the sentence . However, a comma is allowed if the author emphasizes the word with intonation.

  • Example: “And thank you, I have everything I need for life.”
  • Example: “But thank you, we were very lucky this time.”

The introductory word is always separated by a comma from phrases beginning with the conjunction “so that” or “how .

  • Example: “Thank you for having an umbrella with me, otherwise I would have gotten wet through in this downpour.”
  • Example: “I have no desire to walk for an hour again, thank you, like I did last time.”

In separate circulation

At the beginning or end of a separate phrase (participial, adverbial, clarifying, and others), the introductory word is not separated by a comma . Only the entire turn is separated by commas.

  • Example: “By some miracle, I managed to buy the last tree, thanks to the one that was still standing in the corner of the sales tent, otherwise I would have had to celebrate the holiday without it.” The introductory word is not isolated at the beginning of the participial phrase “still standing in the corner of the sales tent.”

In the middle of the turn, the introductory word is highlighted with commas on both sides . In this case, commas are also placed along the boundaries of the turnover.

  • Example: “The doctor deftly removed my tooth, making it quick and painless, thank you, and sent me home.” The introductory word is highlighted with commas in the middle of the adverbial phrase “having done it quickly and painlessly.” Commas are also placed along the boundaries of the entire turn.

If a phrase is enclosed in brackets or separated by a dash the introductory word inside it , regardless of its position.

  • Example: “He happily grabbed my hand with his huge hand (without breaking my fingers, thank you) and shook it tightly.” The introductory word is separated by a comma at the beginning of the adverbial phrase, located inside the brackets.

Two introductory words

Two adjacent introductory words or phrases are always separated by a comma .

  • Example: “At least, thanks, we don’t have to work in the hot sun.”

With an intensifying particle

The intensifying particle (“after all,” “after all,” “even,” “the same,” “even,” “yet,” etc.) is not separated

  • Example: “Thank you so much, it’s nice to hear praise from the champion himself!”
  • Example: “No, thank you, I’ll figure it out myself somehow.”
  • Example: “Yes, thank you, you successfully got out of this story!”

In a complex non-union sentence

An introductory word can separate parts of a non-union complex sentence or homogeneous members. If in meaning it refers to the sentence or word following it, then a comma is placed only before the introductory word .

  • Example: “The glass service was delivered in the evening, thank you, nothing broke.”

If the introductory word in meaning can be attributed to any of the parts of a complex non-union sentence, then it is separated by two commas, and after the first comma an additional dash is placed .

  • Example: “He left somewhere - thank you, I know his phone number.” Tire emphasizes that it’s not “he’s gone somewhere, thank you,” but “thank you, I know his phone number.”

Why can't you say this word?

“Thank you” was once considered a magic word. They were taught to pronounce it from an early age. What happened, why is it now banned?

When watching old films, we hear the word “thank you,” “thank you,” or “give thanks.” It turns out that the word “thank you” contains not entirely positive energy. It is hidden on a subtle level and seems to push people away from each other.

To prevent the relationship from deteriorating, say “thank you,” or “thank you.” Again, a question mark, what is the difference between words of gratitude, because both mean only good things.

Even in Ushakov’s explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, “thank you” means: “God save.” It turns out that the man asks God to save me from this man! That is, at a subtle level, the channel that connects these two people is closed. What a twist!

Today it seems different to us. If you don’t say this word of gratitude at all, then the person will be so offended that he will turn away forever.

“Thank you” has become such a strong part of our speech that when you hear “thank you,” it already hurts the ear. We are not used to this kind of thanksgiving. How can we understand this behavior of people: when we say “thank you,” we see a smile or a nod of the head in response. So it has a positive meaning!

In our society, the one who says “thank you” is considered a rare intellectual who miraculously made his way into our world. But the fact that this man will be remembered for a long time is indisputable.


In context, the word “thank you” can act as a particle characteristic of colloquial speech. It expresses the speaker’s attitude and adds an additional shade of meaning. The particle “thank you” is used to mean “good”, “yes”, “successful” .

  • Example: “I couldn’t make jam without sugar, but thanks to my neighbor, I shared.” “I couldn’t have made the jam without sugar, but my neighbor shared it well.”

A particle is an unchangeable function word that does not belong to the members of a sentence. The isolation of the particle “thank you” depends on the intonation of the statement .

  • Example: “It rained all day, thank you, at least the sun came out in the evening.” The intonation emphasizes “towards the evening”. A comma before “thank you” separates parts of a complex sentence.
  • Example: “It rained all day, thank you at least, in the evening the sun came out.” The emphasis is on the word “even”, so a comma is placed after it.
  • Example: “It rained all day, thanks at least the sun came out in the evening.” It is pronounced without a pause, so there is no comma after the word “thank you.”

What pictures and postcards can you use?

You can say “thank you” without saying it literally, effectively and completely free – in pictures.

Hand-drawn pictures are popular

Beautiful pictures are freely available and finding a suitable one with the word “thank you” will not be difficult.

Or this option

Russian- and English-language sites and photo stocks offer both .gif and static images.

Gif image

And on social networks there are special extensions, specialized groups and public pages with thematic images.

This little eye will not leave anyone indifferent

Reply using gestures

Of course, gestures also help in communication. In no case should you use the irritable “oh, there’s so much to do,” but you had to be distracted by other people’s problems.

But gestures are different, not all are verbally translatable, but each is intuitive. We suggest you study a small list. In response to “thank you” you can do the following:

  • just smile cordially, this action works wonders;
  • place your palm on your heart and slightly tilt your head;
  • imitate a handshake by clasping your own palms and shaking them slightly;
  • just nod your head slightly and smile back;
  • depict an “air kiss” (for ladies).

This list can be continued with your own options (imagine at your leisure)!

Who else doesn't want to hear "thank you"?

Even today, Old Believers never say “thank you” as a form of gratitude. In their opinion, the mention of the Lord becomes “incomplete”, since the letter “G” disappears. And some Old Believers even today believe that this word of gratitude hides the name of the pagan god - “save Bai” or the idol Aba.

Some Old Believers do not accept this thanksgiving because the name of God is taken in vain. Old Believers say “Christ save (you)” or “Thank you.”

Many Cossacks today, just as before, prefer to say “thank you.”

They don’t say “thank you” at wakes either. After all, in this word we express gratitude for kindness or for the kindness shown to the living, so it is completely inappropriate to say this at the funeral table.

By pronouncing this phrase, you seem to express your satisfaction for the departure of this person to another world. There should be silence or a reserved presence at a wake.

When you are served a dish at a funeral, you also cannot say thank you. This way you can bring illness and misfortune upon yourself. Save your “thank you” for another occasion. It’s better to provide people with support, pay attention the next day or when the person is having a hard time.

It turns out that it is also better to say “thank you” to the doctors for the operation and for the medicine than our usual “thank you”.

It’s also better not to tell magicians and fortune tellers. It is blasphemy to give thanks to the evil one.

I give you the blessing - a wish from the heart?

So say “thank you” or forget? There was an opinion among the people that this word should be spoken to those with whom you no longer want to communicate or to those who have harmed or hurt you. In this case, such gratitude takes on a sarcastic meaning.

You can often hear people answer “no way.” It turns out that this is protecting yourself from possible troubles from that person.

If we say “thank you,” then we are doing something beneficial to ourselves. By saying “thank you,” we wish the person good. That is, having wished good for another, we begin to believe that all good things will return to us.

Do these words really have such different meanings? Try saying both of these thanksgivings, you will see that nothing in your life will change. Doubts will just begin to live in your soul.

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