Feminists, or what are women called who don't like men?

In this article we will tell you:

  1. Reasons why men hate women
  2. How to figure out a misogynist?
  3. How should a woman behave if she discovers a misogynist in her close circle?

Misogynists are men who secretly or openly hate the entire female gender.

It would be nice to learn to recognize them at first sight and stay away from them, but, unfortunately, this is not always possible, since many of them are successfully camouflaged.

In addition, almost all misogynists do not consider themselves such at all and do not admit their biased attitude towards women, even to themselves.

Why do men become misogynists?

What are women who don't like men called?

There are women who don’t like men, they simply don’t need them. Such women are called man-haters, or feminists. Basically, such women have a masculine character and habits. For them, a man is a competitor, a rival. She can make such a choice both in childhood and in adulthood. Since childhood, this may be due to her relationship with her father, maybe he beat her or humiliated her. However, conscious choice should not be written off either.

Such a woman builds her life in such a way that there is no place for a man in her. She has a strong character, she does not require male support or anyone else. She has her own life priorities and values. Also, the cause of hatred may be unrequited love at school age, because of which the woman became angry with all men. Because of one incident, she developed a bad opinion about all men.

Feminists have not so much hatred as envy of women who are happy and who have good relationships with the opposite sex. These women achieve everything in life themselves, build a career, raise children and they don’t need anything from the male sex.

So what do you call women who don't like men?

Possible reasons

A strict, domineering mother who resorts to physical punishment can influence the development of hatred towards women.
Let's look at what factors can influence the development of hostility directed towards the entire female sex:

  • lack or absence of emotional contact with the mother;
  • the presence of special religious views within the family;
  • bullying and humiliation from classmates and peers;
  • lack of close relationships with girls due to the presence of physical defects in appearance;
  • growing up in a family in which the female role was devalued;
  • unsuccessful first experience of sexual life, open ridicule of a partner;
  • rough treatment by female relatives, especially mothers, corporal punishment;
  • betrayal of a beloved woman, treason.

In most cases, misogyny begins to form in childhood, when there is no formed worldview and there is emotional instability.

Smart people

For some reason, men are intimidated by smart women. Maybe they are afraid of looking stupid in their eyes. After all, if a woman does something better than a man, then it hurts him. Men are more interested in communicating with those women who are dumber than them. Based on this, many make the not entirely correct conclusion that they like stupid women more.

However, the weaker sex likes smart men. After all, with such people there is always something to talk about and something to discuss. You will never be bored or sad with them. In a difficult situation, a smart man will take responsibility, and a weak one will transfer it to a woman. An intelligent man knows how to communicate well and correctly, takes care of his woman, shows tenderness to her, can cheer her up and lift her spirits, can give and conquer, and most importantly, he knows how to solve problems and negotiate.

An intelligent person will praise another person, and not just himself, he will not humiliate and offend, he will show respect. He loves and will love both himself and his woman. What do you call a woman who loves smart men? They are called sapiosexuals.

What danger do misogynists pose?

First of all, a misogynist is a very bad boyfriend or husband. Because of his beliefs, he can turn the life of his chosen one into a living hell. At the same time, he will not repent, since this order of things is quite ordinary for him. In addition, misogynists can make life difficult even for those ladies who rarely cross paths with them. For example, having acquired a leadership position, such men can use their power to put a spoke in the wheels of their colleagues of the opposite sex.

Womanizer, that's who he is

There are men who love many women or girls. Why is this happening? Now it’s like a disease or an epidemic. Not every man is able to appreciate and love a woman, her beauty, her character. He has no concept of correct relationships, he does not understand the meaning of relationships between a man and a woman, he does not know why they are valuable. For him, women are toys. He uses them for his own purposes.

In ordinary life, a man receives his image of relationships from the relationships of his parents. If he often changes women, this means that he is depriving himself of happiness. What do you call a man who loves many women? Such men are called womanizers, ladies' men. This guy doesn’t need a single girl, he’s already comfortable and good.

To change such a person, a woman needs to show her love, her care, tenderness, what their relationship can be like on another level, loyalty and devotion, wisdom and respect. A smart man will understand that such a woman should not be let go.

What is internal misogyny and how does it manifest itself?

Internalized misogyny is a situation of Internalized misogyny, when women belittle their importance and want to distance themselves from other representatives of their sex. And they broadcast these installations in every possible way. A study APPLYING A MIXING METHODS STRATEGY TO STUDY LEARNED MISOGYNY AMONG WOMEN OF THE MILLENNIUM GENERATION, conducted by the Higher School of Economics, shows that pronounced misogynistic attitudes were demonstrated by 26% of respondents. Internalized misogyny can manifest itself in a variety of ways. Here are the main ones.

Misogynistic language

For example, well-known insults with “b”, “s” and “sh”. And also all sorts of mocking words like “jamat”, “tp”, “woman”, “klusha” and many, many others. They are actively used not only by men, but also by women.

At the same time, the researchers, having analyzed swear words in different languages, came up with Can Gender‑Fair Language Reduce Gender Stereotyping and Discrimination? to the conclusion that they are divided into two groups: neutral and female.

There are not many specific male insults: most of the verbal aggression is directed specifically at women. Although attention to language and the rejection of sexist vocabulary, according to Language, Consciousness and Reality scientists, could reduce discrimination.

Endorsement of violence against women

Any news about the murder or rape of a woman literally opens a portal to hell. In addition to those who sympathize with the victim and wish terrible punishment for the criminal, there is a whole crowd of people who, in different ways, blame the woman herself for what happened.

Among these scavengers are women. The main motives of their speeches are something like this: “It’s my own fault! There’s no point in visiting strangers / drinking / wearing short skirts / leaving the house after dark”, “First they spread their legs when they’re drunk, and then they ruin the boys’ lives.” Even if the victim is a little girl, her mother will be blamed for everything: where she looked, why she gave birth, why she didn’t raise her.

Screenshot: community page on the VKontakte social network

Unfortunately, the idea that sexual and other violence against women is acceptable is also conveyed by media personalities. For example, actress Lyubov Tolkalina, who in 2021 said “If you have a role, then what difference does it make how you got it?” Russian actresses and directors talk about harassment in the film industry, that “harassment is wonderful.” Or women who are State Duma deputies who called the Women's Club in the State Duma called the media campaign about Slutsky's harassment a provocation; journalists' complaints about the harassment of their colleague Slutsky were a provocation.

All this normalizes violence, makes it more acceptable in the eyes of society and shifts the focus from the perpetrator to the victim. As a result, victims cannot find any help, protection, or sympathy - and are often even persecuted.

Don't repeat other people's mistakes

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