How to call a girl affectionately: life hacks and best options

There is a lot of injustice in the vast world that we have to deal with very often. Offensive nicknames for girls are one of these injustices. It’s a pity that sweet and pretty girls have offensive nicknames and nicknames.

Offensive nicknames for girls: from Anus to Adolf

It's time to come up with something interesting.

Still from the film “Revolutionary Road”

If you're wondering what cute nickname to come up with for your loved one, but don't want to seem trivial, we have several proven options for you. Moreover, we will give not only specific examples of how to affectionately call a girl, but also tell you what to do to make her like it.

The fact is that a love name should not only sound pleasant, but also correspond to your relationship, as well as the girl herself, her character and personality type. Thus, her nickname should be as personalized and unique as possible.

For example, some may prefer funny and funny nicknames that add lightness to relationships, while others, on the contrary, would like a more romantic name.

Ivanov - that's what you are!

The boys come up with the most offensive jokes at school. They use not only the first name, but also the last name of the unfortunate person. Some surnames do not require much imagination. They seem to be asking for a funny nickname:

  • whiny
  • Zhirnova
  • Cerebral
  • Popkova
  • Petushinsky
  • Duritsky
  • Dead end
  • Still beer
  • Nalivaiko
  • Babai
  • Freezing
  • Hoarse
  • Blokhina
  • Trachtenberg
  • Okhrimenko
  • Babaeva
  • Gnidenko
  • Zhopina
  • Fatty
  • Mogilevich
  • Golikov
  • Tarkhanov
  • Popadinets
  • For example
  • Kovbasyuk
  • Curve
  • Durboy
  • Krivoshey
  • Piskunov
  • Mamontov
  • Pugach
  • Rakova
  • Grudieva
  • Borodulina
  • Bykov
  • Kozin
  • Liznik
  • Durov
  • Pilyuskin
  • Popovich
  • Troupe
  • Kutya
  • Koraed
  • Pomorgailo
  • Chervyakova
  • Kozlova
  • Zubarev
  • Proskurin
  • Kapelyashkin
  • parrot
  • Kopeikin
  • Murashkin
  • Lupachev
  • Marmyshkin
  • Piskunov
  • Siskova
  • Magpie
  • Doolin
  • Lyapkin
  • Pupykina
  • Buzonina
  • Borshchev
  • Pig
  • Rude
  • Nosova
  • Bugaev
  • Korovaykin
  • Puzynnikova
  • Bearded man.

When can you start calling a girl affectionately?

No matter how strange it may sound, often when you are in a relationship with a girl, for some reason it becomes difficult for you to call her by her full name. Even if you're dating for the first day.

Therefore, you can come up with a cute nickname from the very beginning of your romance.

If your relationship is just beginning, you can call her affectionately, but not too provocatively. For example, start with the most classic options: sweet, sweet, and so on.

However, the further your relationship goes, the more varied her nicknames can be - from “my queen” to “infinitely beloved”.

Rhyme for the name

First and last names are popular components for offensive jokes. Boys and schoolchildren love to come up with cutting phrases and nicknames related to the names of their classmates.

Personalized “name-calling”, consisting of three or four words, comes out very smoothly:

  • “Roman - spit in your pocket”
  • “Karina - drink a mug of kerosene”
  • “Andrey is a well-known fool”
  • "Alice - the blond rat"
  • "Boris - head banging for an encore"
  • “Sashka is a shaggy little drummer”
  • "Veronica is a rotten strawberry"
  • "Anatoly - walks naked"
  • “Natasha is big-eared, like Cheburashka”
  • "Angelina - she's full of Vaseline"
  • “Vasily – gorillas are more beautiful”
  • “Arthur is an old set.”

How to call a girl affectionately: basic ways

There are several characteristics that you can look for to come up with a nice nickname for her.

Here are a few of them:

And two more tips:

  • Come up with a nickname in honor of characters from popular shows, TV series, films, books, comics, computer games, and so on.
  • Finally, change her name by adding a little rhyme or diminutive suffix. It's so simple!

There's a joke in every name

Offensive jokes with names find their way into sarcastic slogans, cheeky songs or humorous rhymes. Name poems are popular not only on birthdays. They are loved by wits and bullies in order to once again find a reason to laugh.

Very popular teasers that begin with the phrase: “If your name. "In the continuation of the poem, any name and an offensive joke are substituted:

  • “If your name is Vova, clumsy as a cow”
  • “If your name is Sveta, skinny as a cigarette”
  • “If your name is Evgeniy, your ears are like dumplings”
  • “If your name is Irina, this is a terrible picture”
  • “If your name is Sashka, you have a dirty face”
  • “If your name is Seryozha, then you have a fat face”
  • “If your name is Oksana, you look like a monkey”
  • “If your name is Tanya, then the bathtub is crying behind you”
  • “Your name is Mikhail. It’s clear which of us is the one!”
  • “If your name is Alyosha, you are a holey galosh”
  • “If your name is Andrey, get out quickly!”
  • “If your name is Polina, your skin is like clay.”
  • “If your name is Katya, clean up under the bed.”
  • “Your name is Konstantin - you’re the only one so stupid!”
  • “If they called you Gena, by all means leave.”
  • “If your name is Roma, then you look like a gnome”
  • “If your name is Kolya, then you are clearly an alcoholic.”
  • “If your name is Camilla, you have crocodile teeth.”
  • “If your name is Denis, then quickly get out of here!”
  • “If your name is Tishka, your panties have burst.”
  • “If your name is Egor, you wet the fence”
  • “If your name is Alenka, then you have green on your forehead”
  • “If your name is Arina, then you look like a goose”
  • “If you are called Vera, you drink beer without measure.”

Edible nicknames for your girlfriend

As you know, in addition to people, we really love delicious food. And so much so that we come up with “delicious” nicknames for people. So why not continue this tradition and start calling your girlfriend some fruit or dessert that, among other things, can highlight her personality? For example:

  • Cherry

    — in popular culture, the image of cherries is associated with desire and passion.

  • Cookie

    - this nickname is suitable for a girl with whom you can always have fun, and she is not a stranger to self-irony.

  • Peach

    - this fruit is associated with juiciness, sweetness and round shapes.

  • Waffle

    — if you love waffles very much, you can name your girlfriend after your gastronomic love.

  • Strawberry

    - a nickname that simultaneously excites and touches.

  • Sweetie

    - when you feel that your girlfriend is as sweet as chocolate candy.

  • Caramel

    — an improved version of the candy.

  • Pie

    - to some this nickname may seem vulgar and offensive, but to others it is very suitable.

  • Gingerbread

    - a sweeter version of the pie.

You shouldn't call it:

Borscht, jellied meat, dumplings, steak, compote, beans (although “bean” is a rather exciting nickname).


For couples who love good food almost as much as each other. Not recommended reading for those trying to diet.

  • Pancake.
  • Donut.
  • Cheese ball.
  • Marshmallow.
  • Marshmallow.
  • Marmalade.
  • Cupcake.
  • Sugar.
  • Pumpkin.

  • Chocolate.
  • Waffle.
  • Coconut.
  • Bun.
  • Pancake.
  • Pudding.
  • Muffin.
  • Cupcake.
  • Croissant.

Nicknames borrowed from animals

If your girlfriend associates you with cute animals, or she herself loves them madly, you should think about this thoroughly. Here's a short list of ideas:

  • Chanterelle

    (little fox) - ideal for girls with red or red hair.

  • Kitty

    (kitten) - for flirty and elegant girls.

  • Butterfly

    - this is how you can call a girl who radiates incredible lightness.

  • Fish

    (on special occasions fishy) - a classic cute nickname for a girl you want to eat.

  • Titmouse

    - very well suited for petite girls.

  • Martin

    - almost any comparison with a little bird always sounds very cute.

  • Teddy Bear

    — if a girl has a complex about her weight, it’s better not to call her that. However, to some, on the contrary, this nickname will seem very gentle.

  • little hare

    (hare, bunny) is the most popular term of endearment in this category.

You shouldn't call it:

Herring, mackerel, snake, crocodile, killer whale, perch and other offensive nicknames from the animal world.

From school

Offensive jokes with names happen even in the elementary grades of school, when children get acquainted with the first poems and practice rhyming. How not to substitute the appropriate word for a classmate's name? It turns out very easy and fun:

  • Andrey - sparrow
  • Alexander - spacesuit
  • Alyosha - galosh
  • Arkhip - flu
  • Arkasha - curdled milk
  • Tolik - rabbit
  • Bogdan - suitcase
  • Barek - coal
  • Vova - cow
  • Vitek - hobby
  • Ivan - ram
  • Valera - cholera
  • Roller - crane
  • Garik - cracker
  • Gena - foam
  • Gavrila is a simpleton
  • Grisha - roof
  • Dima is an image
  • Daniel - crocodile
  • Egor - ax
  • Emelyan is drunk
  • Zhora - glutton
  • Zakhar - mosquito
  • Ilya - pig
  • Igorek - bubble
  • Nikolai - samurai
  • Maxa - dachshund
  • Mikha - dashing
  • Nikitos - nose, watchdog
  • Oleg - escape
  • Petrukha - ear
  • Pashka is a bug
  • Rusik - panty
  • Roman - drum
  • Glory - mace
  • Seryozha - mug
  • Tikhon - griffin
  • Timur - cupid
  • Fedya - bear
  • Feofan is a blockhead
  • Yurets - cucumber
  • Jan is a brawler
  • Yashka - drummer
  • Yarik is a flashlight.

Symbolic cute nicknames

It is not always necessary to call a girl food or animals, despite the fact that the previous two categories already have many beautiful and affectionate options. You can come up with some cute nicknames based on your personal attitude towards her, and believe me, in some cases this will work best.

You shouldn't call it:

A woman is needed, a mother, a sister, and so on.

Linguistic ecstasy4

Nicknames borrowed from foreign languages. Perfect pronunciation will be a nice bonus. Parle vous France?

  • Mi amor (mi amor) - my love (Spanish).
  • Mi angelita (mi angelita) - my angel (Spanish).
  • Bombón (bombon) - my candy (Spanish)
  • Mi Bambino (mi bambino) - my baby (it.).
  • Ma chérie (ma sheri) - my love, my soul (French).
  • Mon amour (mon cupid) - my love (it.).
  • Cutie pie (cutie pie) - cutie, literally “cute pie” (English).
  • Sexbomb (sexbomb) - it’s easy to guess that this is a sex bomb (English).
  • Baby doll (baby dollar) - doll (English).
  • Wifey (wifi) - the same “wifey”, but in the language of Shakespeare.
  • Ginger (ginger) is a popular nickname for red-haired girls, has two meanings - “ginger” and “redhead” (English).
  • Pumpkin (pumpkin) - pumpkin (English).
  • Candy (candy) - lollipop (English).
  • Daisy (daisy) - daisy (English).

  • Bun/ Bun-Bun (ban/ban-ban) – bun (English).
  • Cherry (cherry) - cherry (English).
  • Cookie (cookies) – cookies (English).
  • Boo/Baby Boo (boo/baby boo) is a hard-to-translate popular word to denote a soulmate in the English-speaking environment.
  • Sweetheart (sweetheart) - literally translated as “sweet heart” (English). A popular nickname for friends and significant other.
  • Hottie (hotty) - hot thing (English).
  • Yummi (yummy) - tasty, tasty (English).
  • Pussycat (pussycat) - kitty (English).
  • Soulmate (soulmate) - soul mate (English).
  • Bella (bella) – beauty (It.).
  • Pearl (pearl) - pearl (English).
  • Baby Girl (baby girl) - little girl, baby (English).

Nicknames inspired by popular culture

If your girlfriend is into comics, loves TV series, fairy tales and science fiction films, you can give her a nickname based on a huge base of iconic pop culture characters. Here are some options:

  • Cinderella

    - you can call her that when she works hard.

  • Mermaid

    — she loves water, the sea, taking a bath? Perfect.

  • Barbie

    - a popular doll is associated with an ideal appearance and a happy life.

  • Wonder Woman

    - if your beloved loves superhero movies and is crazy about Wonder Woman played by Gal Gadot, you can safely call her that.

  • Hermione

    - only for devoted fans of the Harry Potter universe.

  • Daenerys

    — as you might have already guessed, this is what you can call a fan of one of the hottest heroines of “Game of Thrones.”

  • Hello Kitty

    - at first glance, this option may seem strange, however, by calling it that way, you will turn out to be very original.

You shouldn't call it:

Hulk, Doctor Evil, Austin Powers, Blair Witch, Sinister, It and other nightmarish and offensive nicknames.

Vulgar nicknames in English for guys

Vulgar nicknames in English for guys
Sex︾ ApatheticPardelys FactureFutureCEO AxiomaticStiTimex ❅Seאָ❅ BabyBabyHuey SexSaltysea SexExtrapack ๖ۣۜßa?͢͢͢ψ VerdantFachanyw SexSelfish Bartencen Sex ༺Ṩex༻ JumbledJurtuTug ExcetifWatch face SweetyWenct ꧁Ba͢͢͢多y ◤Seאָ◢ Ϛe͢͢͢אָ Se͢͢͢メ Sedmisitsdo Bashilmish ฿?by☏ Seメ ๖ۣۜSex ค ͢͢͢by SetialFurball VestesLateness McDreamyByeamani Litimpedur SugarBabyBaby MyEnergyHament SexSepukku Seaphaseen LegdaySeralway Ṩex ?Bαby? SexBerserker Absechingi Seメ SexExcavator

?ℕ????????? ๖ۣۜßaby Baaccomers BabyBally SelatPlatinum ⁣?ꜱᴇx GumbyBaby ▓Ṩ͢͢͢eאָ ๖ۣۜßa多ℽ Bⱥ多? by Babℽ BarnyBaby Barrusentelle SΣx MacabreBaby Spersecanishe ArfewspSportySpice ⁅Baby⁆ Honventar ༼Ṩєメ༽ 乃ค๒ץ⇜ ⦉Se?⦊ AmiableBaby BabySilverback IncCreedence PreciseSex Itimispere HumptyBecedemp ßåߥ ⎝⎝✧Ba多¥✧⎠⎠ ୨Ƨ?x⪑ ׺Se͢͢͢xº× íɑʍSeメ ❅Seメ❅ Bαbℽ Ƨ Σ ?eאָ ?͢͢͢??? Difersign Sex ProfuseFro Ṩeメ Setarrelysille PrizPizza 丂єχ ★Bส多y★ SexCrazyHorse ฿a多? ★彡[Sex]彡★ StunningFingsteg SexVortex 乃Λ FaithfulOtheinge Bbվ Se? BabyBalloon BabyBabyCut BabyBabyAngel 【รex】 BabyScab ThoughtfulSershoun ๖ۣۜSe BabyHelenkBat ๖ۣۜßαb? Seldrelta Andomiles? santLein VersedSex ßåߥ Seאָ Rueemosesi Sumensesemsym Abirryint Ϛҽ͢͢͢× BabyTubby EntranaStreets TwinklyServinly Offersummi WholvWhiplash AssertiveSex SexArsenic ᚛Seאָ᚜ ExactExitsVex Watindishe Quelyanciabeip MouseySex SassyLassyOftesa ๖ۣۜßαbψ AstoundingInkinges BabyJackBauer ˢᵉ͢͢͢ˣ ⦉ᙠค多ψ⦊ Baby ᚛ᷝ ͣ ͫBส多ℽ ͭ ͪ᚜ͤ ⦅Sǝx⦆ █▬█ █ ▀█▀??? ⑉Ṩeメ⑉ ฿aby♛ Courybeenate ✐Sєאָ BabyRosaBaby Sexlเττlє EnchantedSedg Ba?ץ BalancedBaby Seメ︾ SexBerserk Ba?y ๖ۣۜßa多y Lailsomen BabyMycabbage BabyBabyface ᚛Bคb ψ᚜ BigBabyBaby Annerstif SexDarkHorse BabyCrowbar BabyBarchen AbousynKaynaat íɑʍ「Baby」 Sex ExcellentSex BabyPandabear Alsoutivid DrabbCabbie MettiPretty 〖Seאָ〗 Sex♦️ Bαbℽ Herantionto SexSelenium BabyBabes BabyBabyJoker Baboxityri Baby ⫷Seメ⫸ ✹Bสßy Ṩeメ 巛ƧΣ◥ ⎝⎝✧Bbψ✧⎠ ⎠ InsiUprising Sunatichw 乃Λ▒ ?ℕ???????? ? S͢͢͢ex ᚛ᷝ ͣ ͫ๖ۣۜßabℽ ͭ ͪ᚜ͤ ⦅?⦆ Ṩeメ BotanBoudica ManubabyBaby BabyBlobby BabyBandit DasiySelthase BabyBabylove GibbyBaby Istsithio LasercopySex ??? SexIbex ArtingEngineer SexMonFraise BabyBabyblue BabyHugabug Setworarts SexExpedient ๖ۣۜßⱥby ?͢͢͢?? S?メ⇜ SexBowser Ṩexツ ExactSex SequeMannequin SexExpert InargNano ฿αbℽ RudeBoyDemserea PassionateByesio Sestsedscel ᖫ฿abℽᖭ ׺Bⱥbℽº× CherishedMeredisc Sex SexNoseBug Ṩ͢͢͢e אָ LilWoodyPalife DonkeySendsona BabyKillaB BabyDaBoss Lausegantakedge ❅๖ۣۜßαby❅ SloppyTonsli є҉๖ۣۜßabℽ DisDigger Byloventiom DeservingCasedu SevedgeCleverfox SexExorcist ✰Se?✰ Bสby Inestagityful SensuousSex VandieDinky Ṩeメツ BabyRobotobama Sex AthugHuggly SexTimex ฿aby SeemlySex CommittedCon ๖ۣۜßa多ℽ♦️ ༼Sex༽ BalancedFictuals VersatileCurs Sex FlybyBaby Ṩeאָ Seאָ ⪓ᙠɐqʎ⪔ Fla grantLoginto FabBaby BabyBahu TrianiGangster Seאָ WubbyPubtater ฿αbℽ ProfuseSex MiticaPancake ?สbℽ Armicalue BabyBatman ༺Seメ༻ HoutYoungin Byeassendisond SegeVegas SchoolboySednecha SexSelkie DiverseSex BabyGulabo ?ⱥbψ MelodicSeedi ⦇вαву⦈ Tonalfirem SleepyOfteptsi StakiKabuki SedateComendat SexSeru TubbyBaby ❅Ṩex❅ Bⱥby⇜ Fockedisi SexSeiUnica SexSamwise ?a多y ?ab͢͢͢?? Verdant Serfunly ???? NothigMasterChief ?คby CheyeasStealth BabyGebby Dessionewi WhariLunaStar GebbyBaby ConciseCosesem CeaselessCese BabyBaccarat Sex ?Seאָ? Stempleamill Ϛҽ× Exivedstor ItstStickers ManubabyBackledu ๖ۣ•҉Baby ??͢͢͢??? BabyGrabber SquabbyBaby รєא SexHase ExtedulLecter Sedingaimpar LancesRaunchy RommiDestroyer WildSkuldema CeaselessSex Bค?ץ BabyHarshbaby vαvu HarshbabyBaby ExuberantSex Sҽメ Se? вabψ SexDamsel ๖ۣۜBabψ ᙠɐqʎ FrivenCheerio ﹄Bคby﹃ Seメ S?x ?สbץ❥ BabyBabykins DuddyBabyBaby Extemsexpl SexRosePetal SeentioClencher ⦃??͢͢͢??⦄ Abbilicamo BabyBabybunni ?ab ℽ SedateSex ?abℽ Solicksocischily BabyBaldman ⋉????⋊ SexSemtex ☽?ค by☾ Ṩex ??? SexHousemaid ★??? Basesesply TonsiEspeon SexRoselove SexTRex Sєאָ CraftyOftwelif Bα多y SexMegaflex PexxiousSex Ṩeˣ Baby ⁣S?メ? TincespSting Sex Cestrouldh SexShortFuse ◤?คbψ◢ ??? B͢͢͢aby OfficheDeffy IntenseSex Bαbץ ?a多y乃丹刀 Sex⇜ ₠Seאָ ฿αby Sex Abyperegarwi MeekSeekso RearDreamLady BabyBananaSplit ßaby ★彡[Ꭰìçҟ]彡★ LityampPlump TricksyBa lksg SexSecondMum QueenSequesen RosaBabyBaby Housedanc ?ⱥbץ S͢͢͢eאָ ObservantSex ?ส多y StroUproar FatyOftyliz Bαbψ Sellestri Offiringlantson ClearBartmose Anseliaelpan Barydreetti Sex ReservedSex SexCheesecake BabyBuggaBoo SesediSecDef SexHorse S͢͢͢ex✇ ToughoSugarBear SnowyBabyBaby WorthyThimetur Sedianormi ? BabyDabo LubberlyDoweredd ♥Bby ๖ۣۜßabψ รєא ๖ۣۜßa?ℽ Mpardices Torldrest Ṩeאָ Magenvoce SescrivCrossbow ∉Babץ∌ ๖ۣۜ?a͢͢͢bʸ ??????฿ⱥ by ⦇๖ۣۜßⱥßℽ⦈ 巛?αby◥ Sex ︽?ⱥby BirdyArdedide SexApex ⸔Ṩeメ⸕ ?Bαbℽ? ?S?͢͢͢x? Ingessoleson BabyLamby InveltsCaltrop ⦅Bαby⦆ LasercopyOncesese ⫷Bα多ψ⫸ Ṩeאָツ ꧁Sex ◤๖ۣۜßa多ℽ◢ YieldingBypollyi ⑉๖ۣۜßɐbψ⑉ ๖ۣ ۜ?ⱥҍy Ƨeאָ SexVontses Se͢͢͢x▒ BabyBabyCakes ୨Ṩeメ⪑ Tantleass BabyBabeStar ★๖ۣۜßⱥ多վ★ Ṩex⇜ ▓?ex ᖫ? a多yᖭ 【Ṩex】 AnkstalSocks Seメ BigbyBaby βąҍվ Babψ Mmarientive BabyBabyPanda 『Seאָ』 Peryoureq Banductur AblazeBaby

See also popular on the site:

Nicknames for girls Paired nicknames Symbols for nicknames English nicknames Japanese nicknames Arabic nicknames

Individual nicknames

But if you still haven’t found the answer to the question “What to call a girl affectionately and originally?”

, we invite you to think for yourself what nickname she would be very happy with. Here are some tips on how to get there.

Try to make a cute nickname from her initials

If all of the above examples seem ridiculous or unoriginal to you, you can come up with a nickname that will fully reflect her personality.

Let's imagine that your girlfriend's name is Katya Smirnova. Now we'll take her initials and see if we can come up with something cute based on them. For example, if they were letters of the English alphabet, we would pronounce them as “Kay” and “Si”. Thus, Katya Smirnova turns into Casey.

You can also shorten part of her first or last name to make it sound affectionate. For example, Natasha can be called Nata.

Get rid of her habits

You can also come up with a cute nickname based on her mannerisms, personality traits, or career traits. For example, if she often forgets things or doesn't remember where she put her things, you can call her Goldfish (fish are traditionally associated with short memory). However, if your girlfriend has real memory problems, she is unlikely to like such a nickname.

Also, if she works every day from nine in the morning until six in the evening, you can call her Eight (after her eight-hour work day). Only, again, if it suits her.

The main thing is that you must intuitively understand that her nickname sounds pleasant and does not contain anything offensive to her.


The custom of replacing one's name with another arose long ago, even before the invention of printing. Nicknames, which appeared more than a thousand years ago, were initially equivalent to the modern word “surname”, and later became the basis for the formation of many Russian surnames. The names of rulers and political figures remain forever in the history of our state: Yaroslav the Wise, Alexander Nevsky, Yuri Dolgoruky, Peter the Great, Ivan the Terrible and others. Knowing what contribution they made to the history of the country, it is not difficult to guess why they received such nicknames.

Every indigenous person in the village has a nickname. Someone knows the history of the origin of their nickname, someone hides it, and someone lives and does not try to find out. It is very interesting to know why sometimes, in a conversation, someone is called not by their first and last name, but by something else. The nickname has its own history of origin, which, when clarified, everyone is surprised by. One has only to name the nickname, say it in street language, and it becomes clear who we are talking about. There are many nicknames in villages. They have not disappeared completely, they continue to exist, carrying a special meaning, reflecting the real properties and qualities of a person, certain historical events.

What is a nickname?

A nickname is a name given to a person based on some of his characteristic traits or properties. Unlike a name, a nickname reflects not the desired, but the real properties and qualities of the bearer, the origin of their bearers and captures the special meaning that these properties and qualities had for others . Nicknames could be given to people at different periods of their lives, and in many cases they were known to a rather limited circle of people.

There is one inviolable rule - a person cannot give a nickname to himself. Nicknames differ from pseudonyms, which a person can choose for himself, guided by his own considerations and intentions. In general, a nickname is given as a sign of affection, but it can also be used to tease or offend a person.

We decided to collect information about what nicknames are common in the settlements of the Unechi region and how they appeared.

Nicknames of the residents of the village of New Ivaytenki


What does it mean
From last name (first name))
Grinichi Great-grandfather's name was Grinka
Nixon Name was Nikolai, and the nickname was in honor of US President Richard Nixon
Puchkovtsy People came from the village of Puchkovka
Garter People came from the village of Vyazovsk
Turchonkovs There were once “Turks” in their family
By type of employment
Boatswain Served in the Navy
Heroes Great-grandfather was a participant in the Finnish war
Khimka She taught chemistry at school
From hobbies
Makabka As a child, I took a book from the library “Grandfather Makabka”
Chester I loved watching the cartoon about Chester the Mouse
From habits
Kisa As a child I was a whiny boy
Mole A very cunning person, knows how to get out of any situation
Squirrel As a child I loved to climb trees
Chicken Wasn't very efficient
Bulyolya As a child, I called a bottle of milk “bulolya”.
Kanter (sounds like kanter)

(means steelyard)

Before speaking, he weighs everything, hence the nickname.
Egg The grandson took an egg from his grandmother without permission, and the grandmother says: “I took the egg, I didn’t take it, say that I took it.”
Pacifier As a child I sucked a pacifier for a long time
Teal As a child he spoke very quickly, chirped like a sparrow
From appearance
Puzhey Unpleasant appearance, scary
Cigarette butt As a child he was short, his father called him a “cigarette butt”
Chubka She braided her hair and wore it in front
Handsome I really admired my appearance
From behavior
Lascadriga Very affectionate people
For physical ailments
Hook It was bent like a hook
Bye Says the word “bye” poorly
From everyday circumstances
Topknot Father was from Ukraine
Kopytok When I was a child, I was hit by a horse's hoof.
Gorbelkovs People lived near the row (dam near the river), i.e. fences across the river.

Nicknames of the residents of the village of Novoe Zadubenye

Nickname What does it mean
On behalf of
Maximkins There was Grandfather Maxim
Savochkins There was grandfather Savva
Pimanovs There was Grandpa Piman
Avdeyonkovs Grandfather Avdey was
Levichevs There was Lev's grandfather
Pilipenkovs There was Grandpa Pilip
Prokopovs Grandfather Prokop was
Dimidkovs There was a grandfather Dimidok
Kostikovs Grandfather Kostya was
Mishachkins Grandfather Misha was
Isaacs There was grandfather Isak
Borisovs Grandfather Boris was
Rodionovs There was grandfather Rodion
Khrolichevs There was grandfather Khrol
Mahlya Grandma Masha
From last name
Shish Shishenok
Gavroche Gavrikov
By type of employment
Boatswain Served in the Navy as a boatswain
Tokarek Worked as a turner
Tenant I rented a collective farm garden
Murmansk We came from the city of Murmansk
From habits
Machine gun Speaks quickly
Cholik When speaking, he emphasizes the letter “C” and clinks glasses
Crap Uses this word often
Svistunovs Loved to whistle
Cough I always carried all my money with me
From appearance
Stocking Very tall

Nicknames of residents of the village of Vysokoye

Nickname What does it mean
From last name (first name)
Bull From the surname Bykov
Prokopochka On behalf of Father Prokop
Markyanov On behalf of Father Markyan
Sankin On behalf of father Alexander
By type of employment
Hen Worked in a chicken coop
From hobbies
Schnapps Drinker
Village Loved to sing the song “My Village”
Robin Loved playing Robin Hood
From habits
Miser Greedy
Kolobok A very cunning person, knows how to get out of any situation
Squirrel Small, dexterous

Nicknames of residents of the village of Rassukha (Vysokskoe settlement)

Nickname What does it mean
From last name (first name)
Ivanchik Grandfather's name was Ivan
Taras On behalf of grandfather Taras
Harlanka On behalf of grandfather Harlan
By type of employment
Turner Profession
cog Repaired the tractor
Sergeant Major Rank awarded in the army
From hobbies
Kopytok Treated animals
From appearance
Mermaid Long hair

Nicknames of residents of the village of Rokhmanovo

Nickname What does it mean
From last name (first name)
Ram From the surname Baranov
Vasilets From the surname Vasiltsov
Minich Minovich (patronymic)
Driver on behalf of Vladimir
Markey On behalf of grandfather Mark
Kuzmikha On behalf of her husband Kuzma
Atroch On behalf of Trofim
Atroshikha On behalf of my husband Trofim
Parfenikha On behalf of my husband Parfen
Lukyanich, bow On behalf of grandfather Lukyan
Yakovka On behalf of her husband Yakov
Sevolodikha On behalf of my husband Vsevolod
Gapka, Gapich On behalf of Grandma Gap
From hobbies
Shaggy When I was a child, I had my hair cut bald, and someone said:

“You’re so shaggy”

From habits
Magpie Grumpy woman
Kolobok As a child I was small and nimble
Chepik Instead of the word “hook” he said: “Give me a cap.”
Baron Important
Marten Fast, nimble
German They played war, they told him: “You will be German”
From appearance
Goose With a long nose like a goose
Gapa (boyfriend, female name) Looked like a woman
Mountain High like a mountain
From everyday circumstances
Topknot Father was from Ukraine

Nicknames of the residents of the village of Berezina

Nickname What does it mean
From last name (first name)
Vulikov On behalf of mother Ulyana
Malankina On behalf of mother Melania
Otrokhov On behalf of father Trofim
Fomicheva On behalf of grandfather Thomas
Kolyak On behalf of Kolya
Varochka On behalf of Varya
Sergiyan On behalf of father Sergei
Avginkina On behalf of Evgeniy's mother
Karpova On behalf of Father Karp
Odarka On my behalf Daria
Fly From the surname Mushkarenko
Geraskin On behalf of father Gerasim
Mityukova On behalf of father Dmitry (Mitya)
Potap On behalf of grandfather Potap
By type of employment
Chekist Served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Dushman Served in military service in Afghanistan
Phase Worked as an electrician
From appearance
Mouse In life I was small and thin
Ginger Always had red hair and was covered in hemp
Hassan As a child, I looked like the artist's character. movie - a boy named Hassan
Hedgehog Hair stood up like a hedgehog
From behavior
Hornet Everyone in the family is fast and agile
From everyday circumstances
Novoseltsev We moved to live from Novy Selo

Nicknames of residents of the village of Ryukhov

Nickname What does it mean
From last name (first name)
cowgirl From the surname Korovko
Bobok From the surname Bobkov
Filipchikovs On behalf of Philip
Tail From the surname Guzkov
Borisovs On behalf of Boris
Maximovs On behalf of Maxim
Marfochkins On behalf of Martha
Korzhikhins From the surname Korzhov
Khomkins On behalf of Khoma
Gavrilichevs On behalf of Gavril
Romanenkovs On behalf of Roman
Prokopovs On behalf of Prokop
By type of employment
Vakula Was a blacksmith
Cheap The village developed a cooperage industry. The master offered to buy finished products and at the same time said, “Buy it, I’ll give it away cheaply.”
Gorgeous Always a neat, beautiful woman.

She worked as a teacher.

Postman From office. Worked as a postman
From hobbies
Beekeeper From beekeeping
Hockeys Loved to play hockey
Sour cream Loved sour cream
From habits
Understood Often in conversation he repeated the word “understood”
Shaman In every case in which something needed to be repaired or done quickly, the person said “to cheat.”
From appearance
Rook had black hair
Mitten Two fingers on my hand were torn off by an explosive package,

I wore a mitten on my hand for a long time

Beetroot For the red complexion
Goose Walked important
From behavior
Iron woman For strength of character

Nicknames of residents of the village of Naytopovichi

Nickname What does it mean
From last name (first name)
Hare From the surname Zaitsev
Kashchei From the surname Kashcheev
Timokh From the surname Timoshenko
From hobbies
Shoe covers Often wore rubber shoe covers
Sandals Put shoes on bare feet
From habits
Koepka As a small child I became like a baby (straight)
Cooper Made barrels
From appearance
Pyakhter Fat man
Thick The man is actually very thin
Centner The man was short and plump
From behavior
Kolchak Loved to be in charge

Nicknames of the residents of the village of Bryankustici

Nickname What does it mean
From last name (first name)
Anushka Great-grandfather's name was Anufriy
Kuzya He tore off buttons and called them “kuziki”
Pomoz They nicknamed him because, as a child, he stole a piece of lard from a frying pan - a scraper that was used to grease a frying pan and bake pancakes, and ate it.
Suitcase hid in a suitcase, they couldn’t find him all day.
Crap They called him that for his nimble character, for his pranks and ridicule.

Nicknames of residents of the village of Lyshchichi

Nickname What does it mean
From last name (first name)
Owl From the surname Sychev
Yashkin On behalf of father Yakov
Anoh From the surname Akhonkov
By type of employment
Shepherd Shepherd in the village
Broiler Worked in a poultry house
Peasant Peasant family
From hobbies
Mistress Lover of cooking
Sailor Loved to fish
Wattle Weaving from the vine
From habits
Kurets Smokes a lot
Taratunka Joker
Lefty Works with his left hand
Pilot Likes to talk about airplanes

Nicknames of the residents of the village of Belogorsch

Nickname What does it mean
From last name (first name)
Zakharova On behalf of Zakhar
Lebeduhovka From the surname Lebedukho
Whiplash From the surname Khlyst
By type of employment
Colonel Former soldier with the rank of colonel
Remyon Made belts
From hobbies
Hake Fisherman
Kozichikha Had a lot of goats
From habits
Tarabanka She spoke quickly and rattled
Stomper He stamped his feet when walking
From appearance
Small Small in stature
Scull Bald
From place of residence
Refugee They moved from Belarus during the Second World War
Khokhlukha They moved from Ukraine to live in the village

Nicknames of the residents of the village of Shulakovka

Nickname What does it mean
From last name (first name)
Romanichi Great-grandfather's name was Roman
Ermachikha From the surname Ermakova
By type of employment
Lavoshnitsa Salesman in the store
Forester The husband was a forester
Ensign The husband was a military ensign
Belchikovs Bleached homespun fabrics
Musicians or musicians Riveted braids
From habits
Tobovs or Tobikovs The man did not pronounce the word “so that”, but said “to”
From appearance
Tyulenevs Father was teased about the seal, it was fat and big
From everyday circumstances
Bobylevs I haven't gotten married for a long time

Nicknames of the residents of the village of Korobonichi

Nickname What does it mean
From last name (first name)
Owl From the surname Savitskaya
By type of employment
Tramp Never worked in my life
Slizka Didn't drive up the hill in my car
Milkman In the 90s I took milk on a collective farm
Shepherd Herding cows
Klepa Worked on a collective farm and riveted everything
Steering wheel Worked on a tractor
Myadichka Previously worked as a nurse
Geza After the war I looked at the children of the Jews, when they asked her what her name was, she answered Galya, and for them it was Geza. That's what they called it from then on.
From hobbies
Rose I was interested in Spanish TV series
Magpie Liked to talk a lot (gossip)
Khrushchev I caught May beetles (Khrushchev) and collected them in a jar
Tsybulka As a child, he called the onion “tsybulya”
From habits
Tail Since childhood I loved to imagine and show off
Solokha The woman wore many scarves on her head
From appearance
Baranchik Had curly hair

Nicknames of residents of the village of Pavlovka

Nickname What does it mean
From last name (first name)
Volodya From the surname Volodchenko
Overclocking From the surname Razgonov
Moshkar From the surname Moshkarev
From hobbies
Frenchman Enjoys French

Nicknames of residents of the village of Rassukha

(Pavlovskoe settlement)

Nickname What does it mean
From last name (first name)
Potap From the surname Potapenko
Klim From the surname Klimenko
Baby From the surname Malyshev
Oak From the surname Dubaenko
Grey On behalf of Sergey
Zhekos On behalf of Evgeniy
By type of employment
Miner Worked in a mine
Doctor Works as a paramedic in the village
From hobbies
Mozart Played the guitar
From habits
Fly Moves fast
Confused Clubfoot when walking
From appearance
Owl A man has big eyes and bags under his eyes
Spotted A man has a birthmark on his face
Kamsinka Small man
Bald A man has a bald spot on his head

Nicknames of residents of the village of Lizogubovka

Nickname What does it mean
From last name (first name)
Kolyak On behalf of Kolya
Lukic On behalf of Lukic
Mine As a child I couldn’t pronounce the name Misha
Syoma On behalf of Semyon, that was the name of the grandfather
Zuhar On behalf of Zakhar, that was the name of the grandfather
By type of employment
Doctor Worked as a paramedic in a village
Kozhanikha The family raised sheep
Tenant In the 90s, he rented land
From hobbies
Captain As a child I wanted to be a captain
Hooves He stole horses from the collective farm at night to ride them.
Eat He seated everyone at the table
From appearance
Suhan Tall, thin
Bek (Uzbek) Similarities with Caucasian nationality
From everyday circumstances
Mahmoud This man's father was born in Chechnya

Nicknames of the residents of the village of Staroselye

Nickname What does it mean
From last name (first name)
Hooves From the surname Kopytov
Marinkins On behalf of Marina
Tolta On behalf of Anatoly
Lodya On behalf of Volodya
Kolyany On behalf of Nikolai
By type of employment
Policeman Worked in the police
From hobbies
Lynx When they cut their hair as a child, instead of bald they said “lynx”
cue ball Loved to fight
Crap Was harmful
From habits
Kurkul Was engaged in collecting
Tsarki Wealthy
From appearance
Midge Was short
Horn Hair curled like horns
From the location of the settlement
Goats Residents of the village of Zhudilovo (due to the fact that the village is located on a hill)
Vodni Residents of the village of Puchkovka (there are many gadflies there)
Forest Residents of the village of Podzorichi (the village is located in the forest)

Nicknames of the residents of the village of Pisarevka

Nickname What does it mean
From last name (first name)
Vitechka Victor
Maikins Mother Maya
Galkins Mother Anna
Simanenkovs Great-grandfather Simon
Petyukhanovs Grandfather Peter
Egorenkovs Grandfather Egor
Eumeniche Patronymic Evmenovna
Lyosik On behalf of grandfather Alexey
Levonikha My husband's name was Levon
Peacocks Mother's name was Pavel
Lexa On behalf of Alexander
Varochkin On behalf of grandmother Varvara
Artamonov On behalf of grandfather Artamon
Katyaba On behalf of grandmother Katya
Kalyukhany On behalf of grandfather Nikolai
From appearance
Rose Very beautiful woman
Left Lefty

Nicknames of residents of the village of Krasnovichi

Nickname What does it mean
From last name (first name)
Syoma From the surname Semchenko
Klim From the surname Klimenok
By type of employment
Construction work Worked as a foreman
Medic Works as a paramedic in a village
For physical ailments
Bear Gait like a bear (clubfoot)
Elk Large, clumsy

Nicknames of the villagers of Dobrik

Nickname What does it mean
From last name (first name)
Trishkins On behalf of Trifon
Pilipovs On behalf of Philip
Demidovs On behalf of Demid
Gridkins From the surname Gridina
By type of employment
Phase Worked as an electrician
From habits
Tralivala Cheerful man
Pheasant Acts like a pheasant
I wish it was quiet Constantly uses this word
For physical ailments
Shalo From poor pronunciation of the word lard
From everyday circumstances
Topknot Father was from Ukraine

Nicknames of the villagers Peschanka

Nickname What does it mean
From last name (first name)
GB On behalf of the patronymic Grigory Borisovich
Mihalic very similar to the famous Czech hockey goalie
By type of employment
Betsa Worked as a driver, nicknamed by the letters of the car number
Baker Worked as a driver on a bread machine
From hobbies
Polonica Loved to swim a lot
From habits
Grandma "Ugolyok" I heated a house with a broken stove, and constantly walked around with a black face and hands.
Crap A small man, very active, shifty eyes, shaggy.

Nicknames of residents of the village of Staraya Guta

Nickname What does it mean
From last name (first name)
Demakovs On behalf of Demyan
Manyoshiny On behalf of Maria
Martinovs From the name Martin, that was the name of the grandfather
Lusiki On behalf of Lyusya, that was the name of the grandmother
Vasyutkins On behalf of Vasily
Valgushins On behalf of Olga
Maximachers On behalf of Maxim
From appearance
Horror He scared everyone and had an unpleasant appearance
Slap foot The man was limping
From everyday circumstances
Magadan residents Came from Magadan

Nicknames of the residents of the village of Robchik

Nickname What does it mean
From last name (first name)
Vidiny On behalf of Father Venedikt
Beaver At a young age I caught a beaver in a fishing net
From habits
Coward Shakes lips when excited
Darling She was the only child in the family, her father called her “my darling”
From appearance
Fur A tall, plump man who is slow to respond to requests

The collected information helps to conclude that many nicknames were formed from the names of ancestors, some of them became surnames, and some remained nicknames. Those around you are very attentive and witty. They often gave nicknames based on the person’s appearance, habits, type of employment, or hobbies. Some nicknames are so original that the owner can no longer be confused with anyone else. Identical nicknames were revealed in settlements of the Unechi region (Doctor, Medichka, Devil, Soroka, etc.)

Unecha, 2018

Cool teasers

Do you know that the more interesting your chosen one calls you, the better he treats you?

The man diligently comes up with interesting nicknames for girls in order to emphasize his uniqueness and originality. And even if such an affectionate word is incomprehensible to others, lovers know perfectly well what they are talking about:

  • Teletubby, belly - a person is very attached to you and wants to create a strong hearth. He is a faithful partner and caring husband.
  • A stupid fool - a gentleman is ready to forgive any weaknesses and mistakes. Energetic and strong, ready to take on all responsibilities.
  • Krokozyabra is a sympathetic and generous person. He loves you and understands you in any situation. He is noble and strong in spirit.
  • Monster, miracle - your man really needs attention and understanding. The person values ​​relationships and is willing to compromise.
  • Musipusichka, lobe, musk - your partner is very passionate about you, has strong feelings and serious plans for the future.

Cool nicknames for boys

For boys, a cool nickname is a way to emphasize their high status among their peers, raising their authority and earning respect.

Cool nicknames invented based on:

  • Names of popular cartoon characters - for younger boys (Winnie the Pooh, Spirit, Stitch, etc.).
  • Characters or actors of popular films - for older boys (White - especially if the name is Alexander, Schwartz, Rambo).
  • Indian - Keen Eye, Hawk Claw and others.
  • Names reinterpreted in a Western manner or translated from English and other foreign words - Dan, Dick, Ben, Michael, Dario.
  • In some circles, nicknames based on thieves' jargon are popular, giving weight to their owner - Kidala, Pahan.
  • Famous literary characters - Don (Quixote), Paganel, Dracula.


By calling a girl in an unusual and original way, a guy on a subconscious level shows how warmly you feel about her. There are no restrictions, it all depends on the personal relationships and imagination of the man.

  1. Nightmare: Can be used if the girl regularly finds reasons to argue.
  2. A child - a man shows that he takes a woman under his protection.
  3. Snot, snot - usually used when a girl is sick.
  4. A big man, a strong man - even better is to use a loved one during illness to support her.
  5. Darling, darling, darling: a man admires the appearance of his chosen one.
  6. Playful, mischievous, naughty - often used with intimate overtones.
  7. Karapule, karapule, karapule - can be used in any case.
  8. Nyunya, lala - best used during a quarrel.
  9. Little Tiny is a tiny nickname that can be used all the time.
  10. Curly, fluffy - admiration for hair or hair.


  • laskovye-prozvishha-dlya-l

Well, where are you girls?

An offensive joke is an evil, insulting joke for girls and classmates of bully boys. But this fact does not bother the guys. They take great pleasure in coming up with all sorts of nicknames and “name-calls” for the girls’ names.

  • Allah - tired
  • Anechka - T-shirt
  • Alice is a rat
  • Angelina - mandolin
  • Arina - sore throat
  • Alina - viburnum
  • Bella - caravel
  • Jackdaw-jumping rope
  • Valya - kralya
  • Vika - blackberry
  • Vita - trough
  • Diana - monkey
  • Dina is a dog
  • Irish - fig
  • Zina is an image
  • Eva - tired
  • Lencha - kalancha
  • Lyudka - booth
  • Lida - insult
  • Lyuba - fur coat
  • Katyukha is a fly
  • Ksyushka - donut
  • Karina is a beast
  • Masha is a blotter
  • Marina - tangerine
  • Nina - painting
  • Natasha is a mess
  • Nadezhda - clothes
  • Tonya - sleepyhead
  • Tamara - Khmara
  • Tanya is a pig
  • Polina - ballerina
  • Svetka - pipette
  • Olka - balabolka
  • Sveta - cutlet
  • Ulya - doula
  • Christina - Tina
  • Yulka - bobbin
  • Shura - truck
  • Faina is a kid
  • Yanka is a monkey.

Top 500+ most awesome nicknames

Top 500+ most intoxicating and killer nicknames
Medvedka Loving son-in-law UNCLE VASYA BAYAN Yohannu DELETANT HOUSE OF SAMBUCA K[on] Gr[igor]iy Abbey Gadya Khrenova Gwenlexia Daniil Kronberg Joulupukki Davitos Are you a fool SHOLI!? ROAD THE SEA Dagistanian!!! B_A_N_A_N Vyablochko GOD SAMPA Banditka B.O.D.R.Y. NEURON Granny in sneakers What the hell are you scum Hot_toilet_RuffNk Abram Lincoln Baba_Yaga SOULLESS Skipper ShkololoTEAM: Blonde Daigold Aaldra BIG (12 years in css) SAUSIE STEEL EYE VNAYA_FISH Chic Lover of Mars NINJA

Bigheaded_Nitdat PiTak In Gravy K_O_L_L_I_K_Ts_I_O_N_E_R ShkeT K.I.T.AEC}xxx_Link:) Pimpochka Shkafloid PROUD SHOTGUN GOGOL I want 2007 Yozhik_without_something Danil01^_^ Yo this is Lauri Viblochko Muskrat BaBu[sh]Kf_ BatMon Gauruk DEMON DOSHIRAK B@t|{@ 3|]Ecь Turetsky Gambit GOG GENERATOR REX Shirmenet ASHOTIK FALLED UNDER VASHOTIK NO GLORY TO UKRAINE Blizzard B A G I R R A Campai Jerboa Loving Mommy SHOTGUN EFROSEN GURAB Danikec Even pony B46yLLl__|{@_6eTm3H HIGHLANDER05 Batuk GIV TRAMP OLEZHIK Gadgetnik BANTIK Even YARIK Aarlain NICK Thumps Afraid_228™ GRANDPA BOM BOM BAM (grandfather) Zatarlin Hans Flores Tickle Beloved Granny BOLT SASHA_AKASH POKING GOOSE_DEATH PITUSHOK_IN_TITCH Gargoyle SVAROG Zahandor Medved Fell asleep BONUS - NICKNAMES NAMES: BEAR BE mortal beast I love you... SANYA Dagestani!!! Mevelol Where_is_my_to_eat Ganjubas PiTushok Lover_to_EAT? GÞu¢ŀlyy cheΛǿβeķeķ 6 BANDIT_228 Even BURNED Danabek Lyubofff K4PITAN_P4NIKA B@B@Y Va! (NYY BAKH BAKH KILLED NAH)) BABA WITH VOZU ARTYOM-ZOMB Vyacheslav+++ Spike-eared Shishka228 Tutta Death's Mistress DanilkAZHJ ET Cookie Newel Bycunka GEISHA SOFIA B0LShe_N3_Tv0ya I Love Brain Love Grandma - AIKA Even the boss niga BaWkiRi9 102 Krosha NECHEMNYY Gatletas Gabe I love you my friends GrandmaMeteor DRAGON HOMELESS IVAN GWENNADON AT.Byk Fragile BoGDaH NicE BAYFIRST ASKO Lover BaBuIn Aaradal Aangel_Heaven_228♥♥♥ Gl Ę₱ChŲĶ Piggy Butterfly without wings GOL BR@TOK Mego… Girl Gahanrb GR!B Hamadrya GÞu¢ŀlyy cheΛǿβeķeķ Aborigine Shy Let's keep the HEAVENLY BOY B_E_L-_-K BOOKED FROM HIS AWESOME HOMELESS S-Northern Gazhuvtapki K.E.P B.O.K.S. — 23. BANDYUGAN Cookie HOW IS THIS? 0-0 NIZHNIKAMSK Kishka_u_Kishki-tonka Pi0ner -1 BPAN SERGO Yozhik K.O.Z.Y.R.N.I.K. Davinchi ARVARS AS Woof: 3 Khramova is the best KAYFARIK Davedzhin Ba[Z]LIGHTER K.E.K.S Even GRYSHA Khokholy sucks GREKINA BABY* PIE Cross it out. passed DERZHIMORDA GOOD_MrMustafHD B°e°z°y°M°n°a°ya POOR Pivasik Khrustik Keeper of the Czech BASHKIR 22 Khokhol (UA) Gazzobomm By™aH Nasty Gashik)) BPAN. 37 REG BAIGOT BAGUETIK Snow-covered Christmas tree Dubster wolf Baber G? (SHCH Why are you reading my nickname a!? B.O.K.S Guest worker Love me MERCURY DaladNoooOooO Abida... B@NTI {Adventure Lover Tuerdrak Schizophrenic Clouds in blue Unforgivable Yes, love is chemistry , but it is needed SHOTGUN GENA Babushkin_ak-47 K@pRizYu/\b [email protected] BaryGa K5K SHOTGUN PEOPLE DZHIGGURD! GENERAL I love only myself SHOTGUN AKAKIY ARAB APILE SHOTGUN ALYOSHA I love Womanizer No1 Furniture?nNnada?BeSk0 Ne4NаR_Б0Jль KAZYAN OU74 Yo!) BPAN_Mazahaka GOPNIK LOLITA Gangster pony КϷმϛϟɮыȗԊИҞ DIMUSHKA<3 SHOTGUN VASYA Cookie. :z You're a noob and I'm a gayfruit NOBODY'S GRAY URINE!!! DADDY KǿT•†V•†Cowards Ridge SOUL YOUR BUSINESS NEFERTITI Aarius BOLT :3 Favorite I AM A CAUCASIAN Gardey GIRL SPRING BOAT bear NERVOSIS Megaluk Pika_pika(*^-^*) Nail !=_=! Gaya____F{o}KS Babayka Danliam Galya11 years old GRANDMA FEYSA K[A]zik Dander DPR skorpion4ik/ INSANE KAZAKH is always right! Khrum-Khrumych K0vAgn1Y Even Solo MegaZadrot Daniilchampion1 Bear Efimych Dadrobride SEIDZAN BICHEY KAMAZ 228 GET! BDNOWNAEK GO! BDNOWNEAK UNZBAGOY XuMuK Galzodis GRAY CAT Gahatai K@pRizYu/j [email protected] Abbreviation BO-BO PiSyuGAN HOLY SMILE ja INVISIBLE FOR EVERYONE -1 Mego Deffochka Khrensin BUMBAE Cookie—> Blêçnezhkâ BBBBUTERRRBROD DEN GO IN PILLOWBOOK PLZ DIOSGO Zatedrel Tutochka BOT AND ALL BABUSYA_S OAR UNDOCRIP Pingial Shoe BARADA BJlygηy SYη DK - fighter-cheese Guardian BATTLE Cannibal and Soul Lover Crossed out in life Pumpkin Favorite Juice Gahangor You_Idiot -4 BAGIRA G@L@V@lomka DIVERGENT Galina CHIEF FOR GOOD Gazzebakhs BPAN_BUNKER Where are you flying now ? Zatidrel Medvedev Fell asleep Tybik BORSCH† LAWN MOWER PETROSIAN'S GRANDFATHER GUM VҞѻԋҭმӄϯѐ CONDENSED MILK 228 Gamtarlin Garrenho TREE CLIMBER IN...ONE...EgzemPlya Tushik White Bear Garvarol Granny Dalegail BiTbIuy _PRO Pygmyka BPAN.RF 23 RUS GBOU Secondary School No. 240 Kissedovaya I Love like K@ [email protected] Pivagor GpauBuu* BUKHOI Love this B@B@Y Asshole Gg Pikova-Suit Shishka Boyce Guygerk GARAZHIKA 0.5 EACH GRANDMOTHER'S COMPOTE WITHOUT LANDING-AUTO. Vichko Rotten Chucho Aabirad Mega-Slipper-Power You're just LI Dysnon Schoolboy_Terorist INFORMAL DAFI_-_Dak NINA Jacket BOT Arnold DanYA You_Your_P?m?yy Cookie 1488 HOW SO 76RU Dairivard ATOMULIADALA Dabertia Aaaayyyy lasharaa DOSHIRAK 5 DIT Favorite Shitamon BOTTOM SELF_SO Hryun Morzhov GaShiShaShaurma YOUR K .U.K.U.R.U.Z.A. 235 DEXTER BARSIC 116RUS BEAVER If you want, you can achieve it Haloperidol BABAY I love him, what are you doing?? Come on? Crystal Heart Mego Bee_ Chronicle Loving BOT_I DON'T KNOW PLAY WELLWISHER GǾĹẎ฿ь ℕÅ₸Å₩Å DOCTOR GEISHA EVANGELINA DOBRYNYA NIKITICH B_o_s_o_n_o_zh_k_a GET! BDNOWNIEK Give2 -1 Nut ( . )( . ) G_I_D_R_A Vừԋừшkổ ፐяԋ SHOTGUN SEREZHA INFORMAL Elephant Ridge Mega Babe No. ❶ BULKAMET If you want, you can achieve it Dasha DK Srunezhetno BatKo))) Favorite TutitaM Grandma V KeDax BabaEshka Pikachushka: 3 KpAsAvItsA Mega handsome Christamrirados Penguin HOMELESS.HyperX Megavolt K@TE=) BEAR™ Lady without a dog GRACCH_1337 Danribel Granny_V_KedAKH GRANDMOTHER BATMAN Pikachu :3 Gamzee K_A_N_T_R_I BIKA K@R@PU3UK GøpĤiķ ฿ ќèÐåχ GOOSE BARBED:) DIMOOOON Horseradish SAPORCHU IS BETTER THAN KUROKI BOSS GEISHA ASHOT! K-O-T-Y—V-Y—AF-I-G-E-L-I DEADPOOL Hanibal BATKAAAA!!11!! GEISHA VAGINASLIM Garfield73 Pi0ner Baba_Galya BrO Bubblegum DIBIL IN SLIPPERS 1 DIMUSHKA>3 DRUNK zm VIRUSSSS SCHOOLBOY CLAMPS THE KΛDΛYAΣI Favorite MOST*** MOST HRUMIK Gadget Butterfly_in_socks APOZH Pingzhou B0SYA4INA Viper INFINITY AND ETERNITY Medvedev Dmitry Shilenor DONDO_TNE_SUPAMIDA RAGING Squirrel!!! Butterfly Are you reading? BABAIKA Garkok SASATYA I'M HERE DADDY DK-Etovipe fightin' cheese Dad CS BOOTS, STALKER I love nighties GIFT OF THE SUN FREE LIGHT Daladaal DAW HELP Zashkvar Higher than the roof People Eat Homeless Daingel K0pyushon§No_More§ Let's devour DARLING ARTELLA I love chicks# Pivkaby BaBa_V_KeDAhHx Dalbert Gaelel K4pitanPanic Danilka ? Cloud Zatakierech INVISIBLE TO EVERYONE NO NO NO SECTOR76 GESHHA Gambit Dazey GALKANAGIBALCAS BERKUT (OCG) Cupcake Lover GTAshnik Khrust<3 BBI BAGA Curious Jackdaw BENDING; DI[SH]A Mistress_of_Death SASHUL B.O.K.S. SUCK CHILDREN B@MBUK Daniilchampion Khrenova Gadya B [email protected] _М_Б_i_Ш_к [email protected] DREAMS_COME TRUE You're tired Brewer SOMEWHERE _IN_ BLACK}{ Bouncer MedvedevSleeping MY SISTER BLOCKING ME*.cOm.nEt G@Yk@ Gøćp BOKLOZHAN GEISHA EVANGELINA GOOD_CAT I love her clitoris BOT Matt BalhAsh Tourmalinka Danonel GABE GIVE CASE Yocosmus Dakota B@NTI|{ Pills_From_Grandma Cookie :3 THUNDER in the HOUSE Ya_Sama_Takaya_ Give2 ASHAB NIZGI DIMKA BEST BARAGOZ PikaPikaCHUUU MANIST Love_Evil_I_Love_Goat I love Roma Give grave captain, Lover Best Love_me_seven Ugly furs Grandma Hacker Lump evil, aggressive BOT Neil Baba Zina:D GNOME_2001 GAJIWANO Karis Oink_OPINK GEISHA GEISHA JOHN_SINA You are my Prince Yohoani BORYA)) Glקoﮎto want ฯєλỗßeķ Gajeel UNCLE_PREDATOR Lyudmila Makarova DRON Piart Penguin Vasily Ga got it Gatsulnis BARKHAN Hryundel What are you talking about? Danil I love you BRUNﻉT]{A 1 SEREZHA Gardavinn Gadodor Bez_B ded MAZAI GO IBATS! NICOLA RIVNE Love me as I love you K0n4eHHHYY Gwinara AHMAD BRO Unprincipled FUCK YOURSELF SASA NUMBER 1 K_1_n_D_e_R GANG Hickey of the Queen Gùŧٳɛק ც yuδķɛ LET'S HURT YOURSELF HAPPINESS Turk Shkédt Jackdaw GOOD ALEXEY =) FRIENDS

We hope you found the funniest nickname to joke about in your favorite game! Write your options for carbon monoxide nicknames below in the comments!

Beware of pathos

How nice it is to hear words addressed to you that emphasize your uniqueness! Very often, men, when coming up with beautiful nicknames for girls, use pretentious metaphors. Yes, it's cute, but you need to beware of such sensual displays. Some men tend to show off their feelings. In society, he claims that he has the best woman. In everyday life they behave completely differently. They view the girl as another “victory” and often lead a double life. Let's find out what these words mean:

  • Queen, queen: your chosen one is eccentric and cunning. He loves to own beautiful women and bask in the rays of success.
  • Aphrodite, Cleopatra - a person dreams of fame and comfort in life. If you can give him this, he will adapt easily and will live even without love. He doesn't trust anyone.
  • My life, my soul is clearly excessive and undisguised pathos. These guys really love women and different ones.
  • Gold, diamond: Although you value your relationship, feelings for him are far from the most important thing in life.

Funny examples from films

As examples to confirm the above words, I would like to highlight the following films, the Russian film “DMT”, part 1, exactly the moment when the main character gives nicknames to his colleagues: “You will be a bayonet, because you are slim, you will be a bomb, because explosive, and I will be a bullet. - Why the bullet? “Because it’s on target!” These are such cool nicknames! An equally fascinating moment was played out in the TV series “Friends” by the wonderful Julia Roberts, who played the role of an offended classmate. Her resentment can be understood, because until the eighth grade the girl was called “Suzzie the Cowards”, she received such an offensive nickname from her classmate and carried the childhood resentment through many years, and according to the script, the main character will brutally pay for the offense caused to her.


When a guy has the deepest feelings for a girl, he tries to call her affectionately and tenderly. This is due to the fact that on a moral and emotional level, a man is trying to protect him from difficulties, protect and reassure his beloved woman.

Moreover, one nickname can not only be inclined, but also be used differently in different situations.

  1. My love, darling, darling - a universal nickname that can be used in any situation
  2. Star, star - secret admiration for your chosen one.
  3. Sun, sunshine, ray of sunshine - a man considers his woman better than everyone else.
  4. Soul, darling - the guy is ready to move to another level of relationship.
  5. Doll, baby doll, baby doll - used to emphasize external characteristics.
  6. Flower, flower – this can include different types of flowers. For example, rose, chamomile, petal, lily, dandelion.
  7. Angel, angel, angel - the guy has found his soul mate to be proud of.
  8. Cinderella is an affectionate nickname for a business woman.
  9. Hostess, hostess - also shows that a man values ​​home comfort.
  10. Beauty, beauty, beauty - for a guy, this is the only woman.
  11. Miracle, wonderful - everything a woman does, she succeeds.
  12. Tenderness, tenderness - a man experiences the most tender feelings, which he does not hesitate to express.
  13. Darling, sweetheart - this nickname is used when everything is fine with a partner.
  14. Little devil - the guy likes the girl’s character.
  15. Witch - a man is in love, although he tries to hide it.
  16. Queen, princess, lady - he admits that his beloved’s character is stronger than his.
  17. Paw, sweetie, lapula - the guy is proud that he has such a soul mate.
  18. Baby, baby is just a term of endearment that has no subtext.
  19. Sugary, sweet - the guy is in love with his chosen one.
  20. Baby, baby, little is a universal nickname that can be used anytime, anywhere.
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