Self-irony - what it is, examples and ways to master it
Not everyone knows how to accept their shortcomings with dignity and adequately evaluate themselves. Easy enough
Dale Carnegie's Principles for Success
Text of the book “Dale Carnegie. How to become a master of communication with any person, in any situation. All secrets, tips, formulas"
American author and motivational speaker Dale Carnegie (1888-1955) is considered one of the pioneers of the self-help industry.
Enneagram technique according to G. Gurdjieff and P. Ouspensky
Become a professional trader A test using the Enneagram was developed at the beginning of the twentieth century by a Russian mystical philosopher
How to get a guy to text first
How to get a guy to write first: women's tricks, tips and tricks
Most modern young ladies are still under the sway of the established stereotype that
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How to get over a breakup with a girl: practical advice
The opinion that it is much easier for a man to get over a breakup with a girl is, in fact,
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Human needs, their types and means of satisfaction
Existence needs usually include physiological and safety. We believe that this type
How to get rid of the fear of blushing in public and overcome your Erythrophobia?
The face becomes flushed with color and heat, the skin becomes the color of a tomato, and a telltale sign appears on the cheeks.
Cool and short SMS to a girl to lift her spirits
Silence, peace, the moon is getting higher. There is jealousy in the heart, the roof is going crazy! Come quickly, well! Or
7 difficult life situations and how to cope with them
In the life of every person, as an individual or a citizen, certain problems may arise that can be
How to overcome your fear of girls: psychology tips
Paralyzing fear, coming from somewhere inside and always manifesting itself at the wrong time, breaks the plans created. It seemed
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