Close relationships - men and women. What are the differences?

Sex is not work

Sometimes for partners in sex, only the result is important - their own satisfaction and the satisfaction of their partner. The desire for this can be perceived as work activity that requires the achievement of a fictitious indicator. Under these conditions, a man cannot simply have fun, relax and completely surrender to the process. His thoughts are focused on one thing - how to show and prove what he is capable of. He needs to satisfy his partner. Only after this will he consider himself a hero and sex as successful. This attitude does not bring satisfaction, but, on the contrary, neuroticizes the man and scares away the woman. Because of such tension, the other half begins to get irritated, look for flaws in themselves, or think that the partner is not suitable for her.

Focus on giving rather than receiving

Intimate relationships require time, honesty, shared experiences, and openness. Intimacy is not about trying to earn approval or compliments, to create admiration or envy, to be liked or to feel superior.

Most people believe that intimacy is something you can earn if you're "good enough." Although in fact, intimacy is something that arises when we strive for it enough. If healing means returning to wholeness, then healing from trauma means remembering that we can trust others, ourselves and life. Return to a simple, calm life, accepting what is, and not trying to control how our life looks from the outside.

This means not expecting others to make the first move or make efforts to maintain the relationship. This means trying again, being vulnerable, supporting others, initiating conversations, and being actively involved in our communities, families, and friends.

Relationships between loved ones

Relationships between women and men are of the following types:

  • Development. Partners enjoy spending time together. They support each other and spend time together. But relationships are only one, enjoyable part of life. People have interests, friends, jobs, are constantly developing and making plans.
  • Full mutual understanding. Lovers are immersed in romance, enjoy communication and want to be close to them all the time. Other interests, friends and relatives remain in the background.
  • Calculation. People come together because of direct benefits - money, social status, the need to care for children. The union brings comfort to both if the partners know how to negotiate and clearly define the conditions in advance. Otherwise, only one person will enjoy the relationship.
  • Experiment. Partners experience tender feelings and want to be together, but one constantly remakes the other for himself. The desire for maximum convenience often leads to quarrels. Relationships cease to be close and trusting.
  • Tightness. The affair has long ceased to bear pleasure; the partners constantly quarrel, break up and return. But they stay together because of painful attachment and fear of loneliness.

A truly close connection between two people arises with complete trust, the desire to meet people halfway and wisely sacrifice interests for the sake of a common future.

Cast aside your fears

This is an important decision that can help not only men, but also women. While the latter may most often be embarrassed by their body, others overly fixate their attention on their own potency. Due to the fact that men are overly focused on their sexual strengths, psychological problems can arise. Anxiety and uncertainty are the path to hectic movements, lack of rhythm and rapid sexual intercourse. The end of sex is perceived as freedom and an opportunity to return to calm. This approach makes the process boring, ineffective and even unattractive. Erection problems and the inability to give a woman full pleasure are the results of being in fear, which urgently needs to be gotten rid of.

Determine what intimacy is for you

Intimacy is the experience of togetherness, shared experiences, similar feelings or ideas.
It's a feeling of belonging to something larger than yourself. When you watch sports with friends, you experience intimacy. When you gather with your family for dinner, communicate openly and sincerely, or discover something in common with another person, you experience intimacy. We have created a world in which there are more opportunities to experience intimacy than ever before. Yet somehow the digital age mostly destroys intimacy or promotes inauthentic relationships that don't work. Unity cannot be faked. It cannot be intellectualized. Closeness is what we feel.

Emotional level of intimacy

What is emotional intimacy? When in your relationship there is always room for mutual understanding, respect and acceptance. The strongest marriages rest on these “three pillars.” Unfortunately, over the years, a strong connection can weaken. The reason for this is various tests. Be it the birth of a child, financial crises, long separation.

Those who initially did not show empathy towards each other do not cope with difficulties. They shift the blame onto their spouse, argue, and swear. Instead of directing energy to creation, they destroy everything good that was.

The emotional connection between a man and a woman grows stronger when both are ready for dialogue. When they calmly sit down and solve problems that have arisen.

Who is considered a close relative according to the Russian Family Code?

Article 14 of the RF IC states that close relatives are blood relatives in one generation, across a generation and in neighboring generations. In simple terms, in family law, close relatives are parents, children, grandparents, grandchildren, brothers and sisters (full and half-blood).

It is noteworthy that according to the Family Code, a husband and wife are not close relatives , since they are not related by blood. Spouses are recognized as family members in accordance with Article 2 of the same Family Code. However, an officially registered marriage, by law, is considered a special type of relationship. Therefore, despite the lack of family ties, husband and wife have some privileges. For example, if one of the spouses died without leaving a will, then the second is the heir of the first priority, like close relatives.

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