How to properly respond to rudeness and rudeness - from children, husband, boss, colleague: advice from a psychologist. Is there immunity from rudeness?

If you don’t know how to react to people’s rudeness, then read the article. It contains a lot of useful advice from psychologists and recommendations for a decent way out of situations.

Rudeness, in essence, is a defense mechanism that, like a shield, protects the vulnerable being behind it. Every time he raises his voice, this creature straightens up behind this strong wall to feel significant and strong. But feeling sorry for him and succumbing to provocation is a mistake.

Read the article on our website on how to respond beautifully to insults . You will learn to use the right phrases to respond to rudeness and answer awkward questions.

Of course, first of all, a person’s response to rudeness depends on the set of his personal qualities. But this does not mean that any response will be correct. In any case, if after reading this article you realize that you are not endowed with “immunity from rudeness,” then at least find out how to acquire it. Read on.

Why people are rude to each other: reasons for rudeness

Of course, a person’s upbringing plays an important role here. If a child is a constant spectator of protracted arguments between his parents, then this will not pass without a trace and will affect his future worldview. Parents, as you know, are an authority for a child, whom you want to emulate, but usually you want to be like the strongest. Yes, if one parent humiliates and is rude to his spouse in front of his child, then their child will quickly realize who is in charge in the family. Why are people rude to each other? Here are the reasons for rudeness:

  • This is one of the ways to assert yourself.
  • If a boor sees that his verbal opponent cannot stand up for himself, then he freely starts to “dance.”
  • He thereby tries to elevate himself in the eyes of others and feel strong and confident.
  • It is for these reasons that weak, shy, not very proactive individuals are subjected to rudeness, who cannot “fight back”, but only endure the damage caused to them.

Rudeness is not always a character trait. Perhaps the person simply had a difficult day, and therefore his overwhelming negative emotions tend to come out. You can fall under the “hot hand” anywhere.

Where does rudeness in people come from?

Individuals who are rude often regret their words, but there is no going back. Relationships are damaged, reputations are tarnished. But why does a person break down? There are reasons behind all this, and in order to understand how to stop being rude to people, you first need to understand yourself.

If a person has complaints about others, most likely, this is due to the fact that he also has such complaints about himself. In general, this negatively reflects on character and behavior. A person has a negative attitude, and such an attitude attracts difficulties in life. Perhaps in order to understand how to stop being rude, you need to delve into yourself and your grievances. You should forgive the offenders, let go of all negative feelings and love yourself. Then it will be easier, self-esteem will grow every day, and with it the desire to lose control will disappear.

Women's rudeness is extremely intimidating. A woman by nature is born to be gentle, affectionate and feminine. But today you can often see a representative of the fairer sex who is angry and rude in communication. You can overcome rudeness and understand for yourself how to stop being rude and harsh.

Why should rudeness be stopped?

Rudeness should be stopped.
With such people, the main thing is to be able to stand up for yourself. Why should rudeness be stopped?

  • Don't give these people any reason to think that they can get away with anything, because they will immediately automatically exalt themselves to the skies, naively believing that they are higher and more important than the people around them.
  • Boors, as a rule, are cowards who hide behind the mask of a kind of daring, self-confident person who can do anything, always and everywhere.
  • They passionately try to be just like that, and therefore, using caustic words, they try to convince not only you, but also themselves.

Therefore, rudeness must be stopped by always responding to offensive words.

Good people, why are you so angry?

As a rule, boors are people who:

  • want to assert themselves at the expense of others,
  • demonstrate their strength on a weaker person, in their opinion
    (the consequences of such mistakes can be seen in videos on YouTube with the title “Run into the wrong one...”),
  • throw out their emotions with the help of the conflict that they provoke with rudeness.

Most often, these are emotional people who first do something and then think. Also, the cause of rudeness can be problems and complexes originating from childhood or adolescence.

Is there immunity from rudeness: what is it?

There is no immunity from rudeness
. Boors are just people whose hobby is raising their voices and harsh words. Just give them a reason to make a fuss and they will take advantage of it. But it's better not to give it. Try not to enter into discussions with such people, but if this happens, do not just back down, thereby making it clear that he has won. Don't be like yourself, be better. Is there immunity from rudeness? What it is?

  • We encounter rudeness face to face literally at every corner: in the elevator, at a bus stop, at work, in a store and even at home.
  • In some cases, we are witnesses to this manifestation, in others we are the victim, and sometimes (or often?) the instigator himself.
  • Essentially, it’s like a lottery - you never know how a person will react to one or another of your actions or phrases.
  • When you do come across this, you have no idea what to do about it or how to react.
  • Sometimes you want to fall through the ground, or, conversely, attack a person in reverse.

Most people will simply remain silent and complain about their bad upbringing, or the unfair treatment of other people towards them. Therefore, immunity from rudeness does not exist. It is important to learn how to respond to a rude person correctly. Read more about this below.

Additional factors provoking aggression

Anything can happen in life, and if the situation has reached a dead end and you just can’t stop yourself, it’s still better to turn to a qualified psychologist. It will help you overcome the black streak and get out of the zone of ignorance.

Another reason for irritation can be expectations, or rather, inflated expectations. You imagined the situation in your own way, in your head there is already a scenario of how everything should happen, but these events do not depend on you and do not develop at all the way you want them. In principle, they should not follow exactly your script. Don't demand too much from the world and it will keep you calm.

Fatigue is the most inveterate provocateur of irritability. The ability to control your emotions directly depends on the state of your nervous system. If for a long time there was no opportunity to relax, get distracted, or simply be alone with yourself, the consequences can be sad. Even the calmest people, whom no one has ever noticed, sometimes break down under the pressure of fatigue.

To prevent such situations from happening, always distinguish between work and rest. Find time for your family, walks with friends in nature, going to the cinema, doing what you love and doing sports. All this is the key to your good mood.

How to react to people’s rudeness and rudeness: advice from a psychologist on how to do it correctly

You need to react correctly to people’s rudeness and rudeness.
You can encounter people’s inadequate reactions almost everywhere: at home, on the street, in the office and even on the Internet. Naturally, a boorish attitude is not only annoying, but also upsetting - especially if the person has not done anything wrong before.

Some people seriously believe that the best thing to do is not pay attention. However, if this advice is applicable to a stranger who was simply rude on the tram, then in the case of energy vampires it will be useless.

  • People of this type experience incredible pleasure from other people’s negative emotions and will deliberately provoke a mentally unstable, vulnerable, emotional person to have a breakdown.
  • What bad will happen if a person ignores rudeness? In essence, he will become a “whipping boy.”
  • Energy vampires will continue to suck the life force out of him, destroy his self-esteem, and amuse his ego at the expense of his neighbor. This should never be allowed to happen.
  • Why does this or that person become a victim of rudeness? The reason is uncertainty.
  • Many rude people choose as their victim an emotional, quiet, complex person - someone who cannot respond to their advances.

How to react to people's rudeness and rudeness? Here are some tips from a psychologist on how to do it correctly:


  • Of course, in such a situation it all depends on your self-esteem.
  • If you don’t feel confident, beware of getting into arguments and are afraid to express your opinion, because because of this there is a threat of encountering the opposite - start improving your self-esteem.
  • Because it is precisely such people that boors (and not only) “hunt”.
  • After all, it is precisely such people who have the habit of remaining silent where they need to speak, defending their own dignity, but they are not able to do this.
  • After all, they themselves are not sure how great their own potential is, which means they have no idea whether it is even worth “protecting” from the attacks of others.
  • Boors are quite unhappy and weak people. They will never dare to offend someone who goes through life with his head held high, who knows his worth. Naturally, we are not talking about excessive pathos - everything should be in moderation.
  • It is important to show rude people that this is someone for whom it is dangerous to be rude. The basis is a stable psyche.
  • A holistic personality, resistant to emotional “tests” and “assaults,” becomes an object of rudeness much less often than one “lost in life.”

This principle works the other way around - if you have healthy self-esteem and feel good emotionally, then it will be almost impossible for you to be rude.


  • It may be difficult to restrain yourself in an argument with a boor, but this should not prompt you to turn into a mirror.
  • Do not expect that in this way you will be able to repel the attack of your verbal opponent. This is wrong.
  • Don’t be like the person you plan to “fight” with, otherwise everything will be pointless.
  • To stop the flow of rudeness in your direction, you will need patience. Only this will help you reason soberly and calmly, because it is precisely this behavior that can “scare away” the enemy from you.
  • The fact is that boors most often encounter only two models of behavior: detachment and attack. The first implies a person’s inability to stand up for himself, and the second implies irritation, which will soon cause you to raise your tone and begin to be rude in response. No need - you are above this.

Conduct a conversation with such a person casually and calmly. Such restraint will force the boor to show his true nature - a coward, and leave the game.


  • In fact, people are rude to you only because they themselves are not settled in life and are trying to release their negativity in this way.
  • But, unfortunately, this negativity can inhabit others.
  • Boors are well aware of this, and therefore mindlessly throw harsh words, thereby trying to raise their self-esteem.
  • Under no circumstances should you succumb to this influence. Treat such people condescendingly, like an adult, and do not take their words seriously.

NEED TO DISCOURAGE—turn the conversation into a joke

  • How to react to rudeness? Be rude in response? This is not the best way.
  • The best strategy is to discourage the “emotional opponent” without getting into an argument or losing your composure.
  • In essence, the potential victim simply does not give the boor what he wants.
  • Calmness in a situation with a rude person is a kind of “break of patterns” that he simply does not expect.
  • If the actions of a boor really offend you, but you don’t have time to come up with a suitable argument to show him your superiority, it’s easier to turn it all into a joke.
  • Even if it is absurd.
  • You can add praise to your opponent for a “successful joke.”
  • It is important that the remarks are witty, unpredictable, and confident.
  • You should never mumble in a situation with a boor. This is a definite loss.


  • Another powerful strategy is empathy.
  • A rude person comes into a stupor when, instead of retaliatory aggression or frustration, he receives support: “What, brother, was it a bad day? I understand, it happens."
  • However, one should not provide food for new insults and ground for unsolicited advice.
  • It is important to put up a kind of barrier: “Is that all you wanted to say? What do you have on the case?”

Another great option is to SNEESE and say:

  • “Sorry, this happens to me every time I hear nonsense addressed to me.”

Advice: There is no need to replay this unpleasant situation in your head every time, coming up with belated response phrases or your interlocutor’s reaction to them. Forget it. Firstly, you can’t fix a boor so easily. Secondly, you understand perfectly well that that person was wrong. Thirdly, do not give him what he initially sought - lowering your self-esteem and depressed mood.

You can also put down a boor with the phrase: “Rudeness generally suits few people, and even more so you . Naturally, these tips relate more to the situation when an ill-mannered person of equal social status should be put in his place. In the case of a tyrant boss, you need to act differently. Read about this below in the text.

Child-parent relationships

How to stop being rude to loved ones is an eternal question in the relationship between children and parents. Maybe you have caught yourself thinking that you are often rude to your parents? Why does this happen and how not to be rude to parents? To answer all the questions, you need to understand yourself and find the origins of the problem. If you feel irritated towards your loved ones and cannot tell them that you love them, it means that somewhere inside you there is resentment.

The first thing you should think about is: you are no longer a child, and it’s time to leave all the grievances behind. Adults and serious people can sit down at the negotiating table and discuss all the omissions from the past. Afterwards, a new stage in life will begin in harmony and love, with support and strong support in the form of strong family values. After all, who, if not relatives, are the people closest to you?

How to properly respond to the rudeness and rudeness of a child or teenager to parents - son or daughter?

It is important to respond correctly to the rudeness and rudeness of a child or teenager to parents.
Adolescence is a time of open (albeit absurd) protest. A mature child seriously believes that he is an adult who can make his own decisions and enter into “equal” discussions with his parents. This is why many fathers and mothers are stupefied when a teenager begins to dictate his rights and resort to rudeness and rudeness. How to get out of the situation? How to properly respond to the rudeness and rudeness of a child or teenager to parents - son or daughter? Here are some tips:


  • For a teenager, rudeness is a way of psychological pressure.
  • He tries to “push” the parent’s personal boundaries in order to achieve his own.
  • Practice works - most adults are horrified when a previously friendly and calm child says terrible things with a defiant look.
  • Some are overcome by anger, while others are about to start crying.
  • In fact, calm is your best friend in the fight against teenage aggression and rudeness.
  • When a child sees that no one is afraid of his antics, he will “slow down.”


  • By reacting to a teenager’s rudeness with shouts, parents only “add fuel to the fire.”
  • You should resort to another strategy: “If you want to talk and discuss something, then let’s do it calmly.”
  • But if the child is “seething”, you need to give him time to come to his senses. After all, an adult is a wise person. Which (unlike a child) should be able to cope with their emotions.


  • The phrases “you are a bad mother, I hate you”, “you are not my parents, I will leave you” - hurt the hearts of many parents of teenagers.
  • But, in fact, you should not think that the child really thinks so. An hour or two will pass, and the child will think differently.
  • Teenagers are maximalists, often exaggerating reality.
  • Therefore, this “hatred” is a kind of “attack” that quickly passes as soon as the explosion of emotions in the offspring’s soul fades away.
  • This is why you should not panic. It is better to continue the conversation when the child calms down somewhat.


  • Despite the fact that no one has canceled discipline, it will not be possible to instantly “extinguish” a teenager’s ardor.
  • It is better to be for him not a supervisor, but an older friend.
  • This approach minimizes conflicts by more than 50% .
  • If the parent immediately attacks the offspring with moralizing, then the teenager will begin to “defend” with redoubled force.
  • The best way to establish contact with a boorish teenager is to remember yourself at his age, try to understand the reason for the “rebellion” and jointly find a compromise.


  • For a teenager, rudeness is a way to throw out negative emotions.
  • However, you should not “give up” and indulge the slightest whims.

Despite the fact that you need to be a friend with your child, it is important to give him an understanding that the opinion of an adult is still more authoritative.

How to properly respond to the rudeness and rudeness of a colleague at work, a boss, or a manager?

You need to respond correctly to the rudeness and rudeness of a colleague at work, a boss, a manager.
If it’s easy to “send off” a bully on the street, then adequately responding to the rudeness of a colleague or boss is a much more difficult task. In this case, it is important to give a worthy “rebuff” without crossing the line - otherwise you may lose your job. What to do? How to properly respond to the rudeness and rudeness of a colleague at work, a boss, or a manager? Here are the tips:


  • This should not be regarded as a shortcoming of the “victim”.
  • It is worth understanding that a rude colleague is a complex person whose problems force him to behave this way.
  • This is an unhappy person whose only joy is to ruin someone’s mood.
  • You should take it calmly, letting 90% of what is said fall on deaf ears.
  • Naturally, you can make contact and find out what caused this behavior, try to make friends - but only when the rudeness is “one-time”.
  • Perhaps the person really has problems.
  • But if a colleague is constantly rude, it is best to simply not give in to provocations and minimize communication with him.
  • You can give the opposite reaction. The bully always hopes that the victim will “explode” in response. If she is calm, speaks politely and even smiles, the boor will simply have “nothing to cover.” Sometimes the phrases are appropriate: “I understand you perfectly, I myself would be angry in such a situation . After such words, the boor will even want to apologize in most cases.
  • There is no need for an active dialogue with a rude person - if there is no other option, you should limit yourself to a couple of barbs.


  • Everything is more complicated here.
  • Unlike colleagues, any response to the boss’s rudeness can cost you the job.
  • If your boss's rudeness is common, it is better to refrain from frequent contact with him.
  • Don't pay attention to minor niggles.
  • You should respond affirmatively to instructions: “Yes, I understand, it will be done,” “This minute,” “Here is my report, I have redone everything as you asked,” “Yes, of course, I will do it,” etc.
  • Alas, you will have to sacrifice a little of your character and pride and completely adapt to the rules of your boss.

Does he want to see the ideal employee? You should become one. You shouldn't get upset and show disrespect. But you also shouldn’t fawn. In the end, the boss is not a girlfriend or a friend, he is just a person who wants to see the work done to the highest possible quality. Accordingly, it is worth giving it to him. The best way to gain understanding with your boss is to silently deliver excellent results. There will be much less rudeness.

Rudeness: definition and characteristics

Rudeness is rude behavior that consists of invading someone else's psychological boundaries, disrespectful communication with obvious or indirect insults.
You can highlight its universal features with examples:

Negative value judgments

Often unsolicited assessments are given when surrounded by acquaintances. A person who finds it difficult to openly express aggression towards a loved one can use rudeness as a “weapon”. Usually nasty things are not obvious insults and look like advice or opinion.

Disrespectful attitude in a situation where polite communication is expected

Employees of a store or institution that provides services to the public often use hidden rudeness, because... it is difficult to prove. Salespeople or consultants may speak to customers in an irritated, mocking, or rude manner.

Offensive characteristics affecting the individual as a whole

The boss reprimands the subordinate using unconstructive criticism, speaks to him in a rude manner (uses insults regarding character, appearance, behavior).
The purpose of such communication is not to improve the quality of work, but to assert oneself by humiliating another.

There are several types of rudeness:

  1. open (insults, outright rudeness);
  2. hidden (rude intonations of voice, inappropriate grins);
  3. verbal (using words);
  4. non-verbal (using gestures and facial expressions).

So, the main feature of rudeness is the willingness of one to humiliate another.
But why do some people do this? How to stop swearing?

How to react to the rudeness of parents and mothers?

The mother needs to react correctly to the rudeness of parents.
Not all parents are wise. Sometimes it is not the teenager who becomes the boor and the aggressor in the family, but the father or mother. How to be? How to react to the rudeness of parents and mothers? First, you should develop immunity to parental accusations. Many fathers and mothers assert themselves by humiliating the child. The phrases “it’s your own fault , “you brought me out yourself” are not always true.

  • The source of rudeness is bad manners and disrespect for others.
  • Even if this person is a minor, he deserves understanding and humane treatment.
  • The disadvantage of parents' rudeness is that the latter, one way or another, are in a dominant position.
  • As long as the child is dependent on them in material and everyday matters, it will be very difficult for him to express his position. Rude parents take advantage of this. Therefore, you should react calmly.
  • You will have to grow up morally early. The difficulty is that the despot mother or father will not change. If a child “did not live up to his expectations” at 15 years old, then at 30 years old he will resort to pressure and groundless accusations.

Advice: So you need to be smarter. Conversations from an “adult-to-adult” perspective will reduce the number of conflicts significantly. One can imagine that these phrases do not come from the mouth of the parent, but are said by a stranger.


  • Keep silent
  • Stay with your self-esteem
  • Communicate minimally, step aside

If parents are constantly rude to a child or teenager, he can turn to an adult he trusts - an older brother, aunt, grandmother, etc. An option with a school psychologist is also possible. The specialist will be able to develop the right strategy based on individual details.

One way or another, verbal altercations should be avoided - they will only aggravate the situation. The best option in the fight against rude parents is to become independent as soon as possible, capable of self-sufficiency, in order to live your own life without moral terror.

How to react to your husband’s rudeness and insults?

Reacts to her husband's rudeness and insults
If rudeness in transport or at work can still be tolerated, then what should you do if it comes from your husband every day? How to react to your husband's rudeness and insults? In this case, you should not leave rudeness unpunished. Successful attempts at energy vampirism will only inspire a man - and he, considering the girl his property, will become rude much more often.

But you don’t always need to respond with rudeness:

  • The husband may move on to more radical measures.
  • To begin with, it is worth developing the “metal dome technique”.
  • You should imagine yourself covered with it - your partner’s offensive phrases seem to bounce off the “canopy” and do not penetrate the soul.

The second stage is awareness of the cause. Even a notorious tyrant will not resort to rudeness just like that. There must be some reason for this. Trying to understand them is a great move in the struggle for understanding. Often, tyrant husbands grow up from unhappy children who were abused in childhood. Accustomed to getting their way only from a position of strength and aggression, such men believe that it is impossible to achieve respect through harmless methods.

The opposite must be proven:

  • Make your husband understand that the best way to find consensus is a calm conversation, the ability to listen and hear each other.
  • It is also important to make a man think that aggression is not a way to vent emotions.
  • This is the wrong way. Taking out anger on loved ones is the last thing.

Ways to respond to husband's insults:

  • You should not try to change your spouse - this is a utopia . Accepting it “as it is” and gaining understanding minimizes conflicts.
  • Don't be angry at advice. Even if your husband is being “clever” not on the point, you should politely thank him or say that you will think about the proposal. This option will avoid anger. Let a man think that his opinion is truly authoritative if it calms him down.
  • Distance. If things have gone too far, it is important to be able to rebuff your husband. You should not tolerate insults and beatings. It is worth explaining that if these events are repeated, this will be followed by a statement to the police, recording of dialogues, and involvement of the relevant authorities. The boor must understand that such actions will not go unpunished. Even if he does not stop this behavior, he will certainly think about the possible risks.
  • A rude husband is still a loving person. It is worth finding out the cause of the conflicts and working together to resolve the issues.
  • Long pauses - often they give confidence to words and show seriousness of intentions.
  • At one level , you shouldn’t start screaming and fall into hysterics.

A boorish husband should not be given any slack. But open war will only worsen the situation. It is important to understand the reasons for his dissatisfaction, draw conclusions, and correct the situation.

How not to be rude to people?

In order to remain patient and not lose your temper over trifles, you need to master a few simple techniques.

  1. Tolerance. Everyone has a turmoil inside sometimes, and the world is not perfect. To stop in time, you need to understand your emotions and when they already overwhelm you, be patient. Yes, it is true that people are not perfect, but no one has yet canceled working on themselves. If you objectively assess the situation and try to keep everything under control, this is almost a success.
  2. A smile is the most beautiful thing a person can radiate. Try to think about the good more often, exactly what makes you smile. Remember pets, children, relatives, moments of happiness, and smile. Look around more often, notice the details: they, like beads strung on a thread of positivity, can awaken the warmest feelings in you.
  3. Discharge. Accumulated negative emotions and aggression lead to an imbalance of emotional balance, and as a result – to deterioration of health. Think about what will help you throw out the accumulated experiences. This could be sports training in the gym, swimming, perhaps drawing or embroidery will suit someone.
  4. Use this exercise: when you want to say something rude, imagine that you are mute and cannot speak, clench your teeth so as not to open your mouth. At this moment, count to 10, during which time the wave of aggression may pass and you will avoid an unpleasant situation.
  5. Learn to love the people around you, respect their position and point of view, even if it differs from yours. All people are different and have their own views on certain situations. A well-mannered person is above any emotional difficulties and will always show respect for others.

Our environment and society directly influence the formation of character. If a woman is mostly surrounded by men whose upbringing is not at the highest level, then her communication skills may soon drop to their level. How to learn not to be rude when there is provocation everywhere? In these situations, it is very important not to be led by circumstances, but by all means to remain calm and remain feminine and wise. It is necessary to read books more often that tell you how to stop being rude in communication, engage in your own development and remember that men love soft and flexible people.

How to elegantly respond to a man's rudeness as a lady?

You can elegantly respond to a man’s rudeness like a lady.
If it’s easy and simple for men to respond to rudeness, then getting out of this situation with dignity is a real art for a polite woman. How can you not give in to a rude man, but remain a real lady? How to elegantly respond to a man’s rudeness? Here are the tips:

  • Agree - this method is suitable for people whom the girl sees for the first and last time and for social networks. It is worth remembering Abraham Lincoln. One day a man came up to him and mockingly asked: “Oh, you clean your shoes, really?” . To which the politician replied: “Yes, I’m cleaning it. Whose shoes are you cleaning? .
  • Show honesty - you can answer any taunt: “Yes, I know perfectly well that you want to hook me. But I don’t give a damn about your opinion . Another approach is also possible: “I know that you want to hurt me. Why are you doing it?" - however, it is less profitable, because it will give the boor the ground for further attacks and barbs.
  • Intellectual aikido is to agree with a boor, bringing his position to the point of absurdity. You can always find something to answer. But you need to answer in such a way that the offender subsequently looks funny and absurd. Of course, the latter requires wit. But a real lady should always have it in stock.
  • Self-esteem - a real lady always knows her worth. She is able to turn any joke into an even bigger joke, so that the boor has no choice but to retreat back home.

As for the prohibitions that are relevant for a real lady, these are emotions, retaliatory aggression, irritability, vulnerability and gentleness. Conducting yourself with dignity is the foundation.

“How do you react to people’s rudeness”: how do people answer this question in ASC?

“How do you react to people’s rudeness” - people answer “I ignore”
Trolling on the Internet is a common phenomenon. That is why 99% of people and users of Aska , who have more or less “pumped up” profiles, unanimously answer the question: “How do you react to people’s rudeness?” - .

  • The point here is not at all a matter of weakness of character and cowardice.
  • “Askers” are confident that they assert themselves through rudeness on the Internet - only weak, unhappy people who, in reality, would not dare to say something bad to their face.
  • You should treat trolls like sick children - with understanding and sympathy.
  • To indulge in mutual insults is, to say the least, stupid.

However, visitors to “Ask” still allow for the human factor and agree that sometimes even they “break down” and can get upset because of rudeness, or enter into a discussion with a troll, wasting their time and nerves. In general, even at Asuka everything depends on the situation. In one case, the boor can and should be put in his place, in another, he can be banned and ignored.

Reasons for rude behavior

One of the most common reasons for rude attacks on a person is his underdeveloped psychological strength. Such people are much more likely to become victims of rudeness than strong and self-confident individuals. Boors and rude people have a fairly well-developed instinct and will never get involved with someone who can give them a worthy answer.

If in front of them is a person from a different category, then why not amuse yourself and say something rude to him. Most often, the following types of people are among the offended:

  • highly cultured and brought up in old traditions;
  • having low self-esteem;
  • trying to avoid conflict situations;
  • with a high sense of guilt;
  • fearful of hurting and offending other people.

In this situation, the reaction to rudeness may be different, but first you should work on your own self-esteem and confidence so as not to be a constant victim of poorly behaved citizens. Finding inner strength will forever get rid of outside aggression, because a strong person cannot be an object of attack.

Read further: 65 phrases to respond to rudeness

How to respond to schoolchildren's rudeness?

We need to respond to the rudeness of schoolchildren.
Children are very often cruel. Often parents and school teachers suffer from their rudeness and aggression. What to do in this case? How to respond to schoolchildren's rudeness? Here are some tips for teachers:

  • Calmness - aggression in response to aggression only provokes children. The best thing is to try to talk with the rebel as an equal.
  • Understanding the situation - the child is rude for a reason, he has a specific goal. You should find out what he is trying to achieve and work out a wise way out of the situation.
  • Mutual respect - many adults make the mistake of underestimating children and not taking their opinions into account. It is important to give the child an understanding that he can express his position as an adult, independent, civilized person. Adults (if he wants to seem like one) solve problems not with screams and hysterics, but with calm dialogue. You should also explain to the student that mutual insults are not the best way out of the situation. It makes more sense to discuss any issue with dignity.
  • The ability to stand up for oneself - just as schoolchildren choose the weakest child in the class to troll, so too kind or vulnerable adults are chosen for moral pressure. As soon as the child understands that an adult knows his worth and does not give in to provocations, he will moderate his ardor. Perhaps he will want to go to peace.

Alas, it is not always the case that a boorish child is able to conduct an adequate dialogue and hear at least some arguments. In the case of an uncontrollable student, desperate teachers should seek help from other school employees, try to gain control over the young person through parents, a psychologist, etc. Good luck!

What to do if you want?

How sometimes you want to send someone in a certain direction! Sometimes there is a desire to provide a trip there to a whole group of people. But is it worth doing? By starting a conflict, you will only take away your time, and over the years, time becomes less and less; you don’t want to waste it on arguments on the Internet or at the cash register. Don't forget that there is only one step from insult to a broken nose. And it doesn’t matter whose nose gets hurt, the consequences can be sad for both word athletes. Have you forgotten that we have a rule of law? Unfortunately, the example of Kokorin and Mamaev is still widely heard.

There is no universal advice: whether to make a scandal, defend your point of view or not. You just need to understand the possible risks, damage to your time and mood. Some people actually enjoy it—a kind of relaxation after a busy day. But you better think that after several such incidents, the children in your yard will begin to look at you as an always scandalous neighbor. This was once in your yard when you were little. For some reason his face was always red. Do you remember him?

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