How can a person become an individual: what is necessary for this

A person grows, develops, gains new knowledge, skills, and learns life lessons. These factors influence the process of becoming his personality.

Today, more and more people strive for self-development, self-improvement, knowledge of themselves and the world. More and more often we are faced with the question: how can a person become an individual, discover and develop his individual characteristics?


Personality is an individual capable of thinking and making decisions. A person of any age is a person. The child independently decides which toy to choose and which game to play. For an adult, decisions are more complicated. Where can the idea that a person is not a person come from, and how to get rid of it? You need to understand the reasons for such ideas:

  1. external environment;
  2. receptivity to other people's opinions;
  3. lack of confidence in oneself and one’s actions;
  4. low self-esteem.

Up to a certain age, children can hear their elders say: you are small, you cannot make decisions, you have little experience, knowledge, you do not understand. Such statements make a person perceive himself as inferior and weak.

The first factor is closely related to the second. If such statements are taken too close to the heart, are regularly thought about, and have any influence on a person, then the attitude towards oneself changes. The next factor is lack of confidence in yourself and your actions. A person stops believing in himself, self-esteem drops, and the thought may arise: “I am not a person.”

History is the path to integrity

Art coach Eva

Everyone has their own path in life, as well as the path to internal integrity. But I know for sure that it is very difficult to cope without help. The realization that you need to work with your “inner self” came intuitively. Practices, people, events - everything came together and active work began.

Events began to happen in life that threw me off balance. At first I couldn’t understand where this was leading. I even saw prophetic dreams.

Suddenly I found myself in that very place: I screamed, cried, felt that someone was infiltrating my space. Then I got emotional and I attacked my husband with aggression. I decided to sort out this situation with a psychologist.

And do you know what it turned out to be? This was the release of my inner child, who was traumatized at age 5. And only after carrying out the correct techniques, awareness of the problem came and peace of mind was restored. I learned to give myself what my parents didn’t give me, and reconnected with that little girl. It’s as if she took on the roles of mom and dad. And finally, harmony reigned in me.

As a result, a holistic personality was formed: strong, self-sufficient, loving, open, conscious, abundant, energetic, happy.

What do we have to do

It is necessary to understand that in psychology there are still blind spots in the study of man. Scientists today argue about whether everyone should be considered a person or whether there are exceptions.

Some experts argue that certain individuals cannot be considered individuals because they do not develop, but, on the contrary, degrade.

Some people believe that every person is an individual. Scientists agree on one thing - infants are not individuals, since they cannot express thoughts and do not have tastes, interests, norms, or values. How do you understand that you are a full-fledged person? First, it is necessary to identify the characteristics characteristic of an individual:

  • desire to gain new knowledge and experience;
  • understanding the body and trust in it;
  • understanding of proportion in everything;
  • independence from other people's opinions.

I want to become a strong person

Do you want to become a strong personality?

Pay attention to these simple recommendations:

  1. Do some self-reflection
    . Think about your preferences and desires. Take several personality tests and answer unexpected questions from them. You probably still don’t understand what kind of person you are - figure it out.
  2. Achieve your goals

    , both small and significant. With every task completed, self-esteem will grow.

  3. Play sports

    . A person who strives to become strong in spirit must not forget about the strength of the body.

  4. Improve your speaking skills

    , work on developing eye contact. When talking, look into the eyes of your interlocutor for so long that you can at least determine the color of his eyes.

  5. Have your own opinion

    , don't give in to pressure. Don't go to extremes: be confident, but not cocky. Advice from wise people is appropriate, but think with your own head, do not follow public opinion.

  6. Don't be superficial

    . Go deeper into the study of issues that are relevant to you, draw conclusions after fully studying the information.

  7. Remember your inner strength, remind yourself of it

    . Mentally say: “I am strong”, “I can cope with any problem”, “I will overcome obstacles”, “I will succeed.”

Action plan

A plan for finding individuality within oneself has been proposed by some scientists. There are only two points, but their implementation will help a person find his personality:

  1. Lack of fear of oneself;
  2. Stage of emotional experience.

Don't be afraid to admit your weaknesses, failures, and shortcomings. Everyone perceives them differently. For some, failure in their personal life may not be solvable, but for others it may be an unimportant trifle. Women are more emotional than men. A woman may take the breakup hard, she will think about her guilt in what happened, and look for shortcomings in herself.

If accepting yourself causes difficulties, create a certain scheme and act on it. A common and truly working piece of advice is to compliment yourself in the morning.

Learn to focus on individual qualities and your attractiveness. Remind yourself that you are a strong person, that you are capable of doing what you want, capable of achieving your goals.

Being an individual does not mean being very smart or a genius. It is enough just to want to develop, to be confident in your successes, to be purposeful, to have a creative or technical mind, to understand that all your shortcomings and advantages make you a complete person.

Methods to become stronger in spirit

Do you want to become a strong personality? The strong in spirit do not have unnecessary suffering, dramatic attachments to the past, hesitation and affairs abandoned halfway. A strong person realizes what he wants and strives for it. He does not look for excuses or excuses, but brings what he starts to the desired result.

If you do not have these characteristics, strengthen your fortitude.

Why is it important:

  • a strong person is attractive, he is respected, his opinion is taken into account;
  • he controls his life, overcomes obstacles, does not bend to circumstances;
  • copes with adverse conditions without stooping to questionable or dishonest actions;
  • achieves success, does not waste time on nonsense, does not pay attention to trifles.

There are many other reasons that make you want to become mentally strong. Have you decided to strengthen your inner core? What has been done for this?

How to gain mental strength

Some people gain inner strength from birth, while others have to develop it.

Psychologists recommend following simple recommendations for those who are thinking about how to become a strong personality:

  • Don't be afraid in advance
    . Fear hinders development and ruins many endeavors in the bud. Are you haunted by negative, depressing thoughts? Get rid of them, don't be influenced by them. Fight your fears - distinguish reasonable worries from empty ones.
  • Don't feel sorry for yourself
    . You need to love yourself, but there is destructive pity. Make responsible decisions, do not vainly blame others. Only you are responsible for what happens in your life.
  • Live in the present, minimize thinking about the past
    . Focus on the current state, realize your current situation, feel it. Live today - neither in the past nor in the future.
  • Don't ignore your inner desires
    . Do as you see fit, as long as it does not fundamentally conflict with ethics and the criminal code.
  • You cannot become a strong person if you do not appreciate all the good things that happen in life
    . Appreciate the actions done for you, the support, the pleasant moments.
  • Don't worry about what is beyond your control
    . If you cannot change the situation, do not worsen your situation by wasting energy. Let go of events, do what is under your control.
  • Accept failures with grace
    . Look at missteps and unfulfilled hopes from a different perspective: it's a chance to try again and a lesson that gives you experience and extra strength.

Definition and stages of socialization

Socialization is the continuous process of preparing a person for life in society by becoming familiar with social norms, values ​​and customs. In other words, it is a process of learning about social order, which represents the development or change in a person's sense of self.

It is important to note that socialization is not a voluntary procedure. The process of establishing social order begins immediately after a person is born and long before he has the intellectual capacity to understand what is happening. Let's look at how this works.


Socialization begins in the maternity hospital, when newborns are divided into two large groups: boys and girls. Groups are immediately assigned different gender roles and status. Girls are swaddled in pink blankets and are a priori assigned the roles of future mothers, hearth keepers, etc., and boys are swaddled in blue blankets and assigned the roles of leaders, breadwinners, and protectors.

In gender socialization, parents are a powerful force; they treat boys and girls differently, placing different expectations on them: they communicate with them differently, play with them, dress them, and even hug them differently depending on their gender. Professor of gender development, segregation and inclusion Carol Martin conducted an experiment: she surveyed a group of adults, trying to find out what their gender expectations were for children.

It turned out that, according to most adults, boys should enjoy mechanical objects, dominate, be independent, aggressive, strive for competition, but not cry or get upset. Girls were expected to have such characteristics as tenderness, neatness, responsiveness, good manners, silence and a desire to help around the house [Koenig AM, 2018]. Therefore, parents teach girls to look good, be modest, and refuse dominance, and boys to demonstrate activity and avoid weakness.

Although there has been a recent weakening of gender divisions in some societies, the vast majority of families still raise children with the idea that women should bear children and be primarily responsible for their upbringing, while men should earn money to provide for the family.


In addition to gender socialization, parents carry out differentiated class socialization. Working class children are taught to be punctual and hardworking and to follow rules and directives. Representatives of the middle class – value stability and cope with competition. Elite children are taught to be leaders, to think freely and express their own opinions, and to feel comfortable disagreeing even with authority figures.

According to research by education and social policy professor Jean Agnon, in some countries the process of class socialization continues actively in school. In her opinion, teaching methods and educational philosophies differ greatly depending on the class background of students and are aimed at preparing children for relevant production roles: factory workers, middle class managers, senior executives [Anyon J., 2016].


At about the age of 5-6 years, children themselves begin to socialize each other. They enforce gender and class expectations by ridiculing, ridiculing, or mocking those who fall outside prescriptive stereotypes.


The process of socialization at school lasts about 11 years and is celebrated with a graduation party, the symbolic meaning of which is the transition of newly minted members of society into the adult world, where they must take on appropriate roles.


Further, universities, the media, churches, work groups, etc. become agents of socialization (i.e. people, groups or institutions that contribute to the socialization of the individual). These institutions transmit and reinforce certain ways of thinking and behavior. It is worth noting that their influence is not always positive.

For example, in their research work, digital technology expert, teacher Sarah Genner and professor of media psychology Daniel Suss indicate that the media can implicitly or explicitly encourage undesirable values, such as cruelty, drug addiction, extremism, biased standards of beauty [Genner S., Suss D ., 2016].

Associate Professor of Sociology at Athabasca University Mike Sosteric, in one of his articles, expressed the opinion that the well-known film “Star Wars” imposes on viewers a certain ideology, the goal of which is “to turn passive and peaceful people into obedient instruments of violence” [Sosteric M., 2018].

Personal socialization continues throughout life. As a person gets older, he is faced with transitional stages that require socialization into a new role, for example, when retiring, joining the army or moving to another country where it is necessary to learn new traditions, language, food habits. This process is called resocialization and involves replacing a person’s previous set of values, beliefs and ideas with a new ideology or worldview.

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