How to become cheerful and cheerful: useful tips

Quite a lot of people often experience communication problems without knowing how to learn to live with them. Surely, every person remembers cases when they were overcome by shyness and timidity, an almost panicky fear of saying something “unnecessary”.

It also happens that in the presence of some individuals it is easy for a person to develop a conversation and even joke, although this is completely out of character for him, but just being around others is a true test. Thanks to today's article, we will try to learn how to always be a pleasant, cheerful and interesting person.

Rejoice often

Man comes to this earth to have fun. It was in the Middle Ages that people thought that earth was hell, and that heaven awaited people in the next life. Today this assertion is highly questioned. How to become cheerful and cheerful? Take a closer look at your life and learn to appreciate it. The average healthy person can find reasons to be happy every day. For example, good health, the opportunity to do what you want, a job you love, wonderful friends, a loved one nearby. All this becomes so familiar that a person takes the pleasant aspects of life for granted. Learn to appreciate every moment and understand that tomorrow you can lose what you don’t value today. Therefore, thank fate every evening for giving you a happy destiny, and for the fact that it gives you wonderful gifts that you accept with joy and a smile.

Don't beat yourself up

Problems that may haunt you today will soon be resolved. There is nothing eternal in this world. So don't beat yourself up. Do you want to become cheerful and cheerful? How to achieve the desired result with the least amount of effort? Stop beating yourself up. Just because you play out all sorts of situations in your head, life will not change. Many people are used to imagining the worst possible scenarios that the event could take before an important event. This is not worth doing. Let go of the problem. If you cannot influence the outcome of events in any way, then do not take them to heart. If you have the power to change something, then change it. A person who does not worry about trifles does not undermine his nervous system and, as a result, lives much happier than people who cannot bring their raging feelings under control and calm down in time.

Let go of the past

How to become cheerful and cheerful? Many people cannot accept their past. Mistakes made several years ago have left a feeling of guilt that haunts a person on a constant basis. Try to understand that the past cannot be changed. To live happily, you need to accept all your mistakes. In the future, you will try to avoid them and will no longer make rash actions. But it is impossible to change anything in your past. Therefore, stop mentally replaying situations in which you do an action differently. Watch any movie with a time travel theme. For example, "Butterfly Effect". The example of the main character clearly shows that no matter how you change events, the result will be the same. Understand that if you had not done what you did, you would not have become the person you are. Mistakes teach people and make them stronger, wiser, more experienced and nobler.

How to stop being afraid of people?

The first step that needs to be taken on the path to change is to stop being afraid of people, since it is this phobia that becomes the cause of “closedness” and shyness. You can learn this by:

  • workouts at home. Imagine that you have to do something that you have always been afraid of - speaking in front of an audience, a group of people. Prepare the phrases you will say and the questions you will ask. Improve your voice and diction.
  • memorizing jokes. You will never be able to become a sociable person if you don’t know how to joke, be self-ironic, know or be able to come up with a funny story for a certain life occasion.
  • smiles. Just smile in difficult times - and you will feel how the constraint, which makes it very difficult to become different, will slowly fade away. Pay attention to those nearby, perhaps they are no less afraid than you, support them with your friendliness.
  • hearing and hearing. Treat others with as much sensitivity and consideration as possible, be sure to demonstrate your own involvement with phrases that support the conversation, and, if possible, never answer sincere questions from others in monosyllables. At least a few simple details, even if you don’t always want to talk about anything.

Start keeping a schedule

A good mood is the key to success. There are many ways to improve your mood. One of them is planning. A person who keeps a diary lives productively and rationally. If you want to improve your life, then start writing yourself to-do lists from today. How will they help you become happier? A person who keeps everything in his head cannot enjoy life to the fullest. A person’s walk down the street is accompanied by thoughts about preparing dinner, doing laundry, and checking on the children’s homework. People don’t have time to enjoy great weather and flowers in their flower beds. If all your tasks are listed in a diary and tied to specific hours at which tasks need to be completed, you will not be burdened with unnecessary thoughts. What is written down on paper can be safely forgotten. There is no point in keeping all your affairs in your head; they will look great on paper. And you will be able to see the world around you in all its glory.


If our advice did not help you and your mood stubbornly refuses to lift, perhaps it’s time to think about professional help. Consulting with a psychologist will help you look at this world differently. "If you can't change the situation, change your attitude." Specialists will determine which treatment method to help you with. Perhaps it will be cognitive behavioral therapy. It helps you focus on what is happening around you and distracts you from the problem. Or perhaps it will be drug therapy. Your doctor may prescribe antidepressants for you. However, do not try to prescribe medication for yourself. Trust a professional. He himself will determine which tablets will help you in your case and what dosage to take them. On your own, you can only harm yourself.

Listen to your health, physical and mental. Do not let dullness and despondency into your life. Stay positive. And good mood to you!!!

Don't pay attention to the opinions of others

Do you want to live happily? Doing things that you have a passion for can significantly lift your mood. But many people hesitate to do what they love for the reason that they do not find the approval of others. For example, a person wants to draw and enjoys sketching. But parents and friends do not approve of the desire for creativity. They say you can't make much money from drawing. Do you want to be in a good mood all the time? Don't listen to the opinions of others. If you have a desire to be creative, do it. A person lives once, and he does not have the opportunity to try several life scenarios to understand which one is correct. In order not to regret wasted time in retirement, do not be afraid to think with your own head. In this case, you will have to take responsibility for your actions, but you will not have to share the joy of victory with anyone. Your success will be well deserved.

Do charity work

A happy person does not save money in a chest under his bed. He is not afraid to give away what he has and believes that fate will give him good dividends for such good deeds. Don't be afraid to be an altruist, do charity work. Helping people is pleasant and rewarding. By helping someone who is in a difficult situation, you become a better person. Every person came into this world in order to make it better. So you need to justify your existence. Charity is one way to increase your karma without making Herculean efforts to improve the world.

Play sports

How to become cheerful and cheerful? Useful advice that will help any girl become a better person is to immediately go in for sports. The modern pace of life does not leave many people time for the gym. But you can exercise not only in the gym, but also at home or in the yard. Exercising improves your body, eliminates extra pounds and cellulite, improves stamina and makes you happier. During sports, a person’s brain is filled with oxygen, and as a result, the person begins to think faster and better. It was not for nothing that our ancestors believed that a healthy mind lies in a healthy body. The outer shell is a direct reflection of a person’s inner world. If a person is happy, he will be beautiful, and if his face is distorted by grief and melancholy, no amount of cosmetics will make the person more attractive.

Make your loved ones happy

How to cheer yourself up? Surprise your friends more often. Giving pleasant gifts or creating a festive atmosphere for no reason will lift the spirits of your loved ones. And as you know, people treat you the same way you treat them. The more often you delight your surroundings with pleasant surprises, the more you will feel the gratitude of your loved ones. Don't be afraid that your imagination will run out. When a person does good, the imagination works flawlessly. Remember, the more positive you bring into this world, the more it comes back to you.

Get involved in your education

How to become an energetic and cheerful woman? Start filling in the gaps in your education. How does intelligence level affect happiness? A person who knows a lot will never get bored in his company. He can always find something to do to his liking. Reading a book, watching an educational program or simply talking to yourself will be interesting to the person. A poorly educated person cannot be alone with himself. She needs someone who will entertain her. TV, social networks or friends help a person feel complete. But such a person will not be happy. Why? Each person has his own happiness. Some people want to start a family, others want to realize themselves in their career. And the joy of a poorly educated person will be consumption. Marketers have been selling emotions, not products, for many years. And a stupid person buys them, and then is surprised at yet another deception.

Spend less time on your phone

This is a small addition to the tips above. University of Massachusetts professor Sherry Turkle, in her new book, cites a survey: 89% of Americans were distracted by their phone during a conversation in person, 82% confirmed that this ruined the conversation with the person.

An interlocutor who often hangs out on a smartphone, scrolls through the news feed of social networks in the presence of people, or watches some videos will never become the life of the party. He will be considered a boring and limited person. So don't make this mistake.

Find a hobby

To live happily, you need to be passionate about something. Not all people have hobbies and work as synonyms. Work should be something you love, but it doesn't have to be passion. For example, a person can happily work as a hairdresser, and in his free time he can breed dogs. Animals and caring for them will be a huge part of a girl’s life. Psychologists say that you need to smile more often. Cute doggies will help keep a lady's smile on her face.

How does a person live without a hobby? Boring. And if a person also has a job he doesn’t like, then life can become unbearable. You definitely need to find an outlet for yourself. Find an activity that inspires you and practice it as often as possible. And remember that watching TV and TV series, as well as sleeping, are not hobbies.

Is sadness a feeling or an emotion?

Sadness is the weakest of the negative emotions. It happens to everyone and it is necessary to recognize that sadness is a natural process of restoring our emotional state. This is how the psyche protects itself from overstrain. Everything is simple here, if today you have a lot of fun, usually the next day you are a little sad and miss the past coins.

Many people confuse sadness and depression, yet these are different states, although in fact the difference between them is only in the intensity of the impact on the person and emotional state. Apathy, by the way, is also not suitable for sadness.

Note that usually when you are sad, you want to cry, and tears are cleansing. Everything we cried is cleared from our psyche. Therefore, I do not recommend to never hold back your tears, but to have a good cry.

Communicate more

Do you dream of becoming joyful and positive? How to achieve this? Talk to people more. Books are a good teacher, but direct interaction will teach you more. People are an endless source of knowledge. Learning from a person is much easier and faster than learning the basics of some science on your own. By communicating with people, you broaden your horizons and learn other points of view on problems that did not seem so obvious to you. The wider your social circle, the richer you are. Today you can make friends anywhere in the world. You can learn about many cultures from their native speakers without leaving home. Learn languages ​​and talk more with foreigners. This way you will be able to understand the world, which, it turns out, is not as simple as you thought about it.

Add new facets to your personality

It is generally accepted that boring people have a narrow outlook. They are meticulous, pragmatic, and rarely agree to adventures and activities. Because of communication problems, they constantly worry and think: “People are bored with me, what should I do? How to behave? And at this moment another problem begins - they learn jokes, try to be “in trend,” but it turns out ridiculous, and everything only gets worse.

I recommend that you first become more interesting to yourself, broaden your horizons, gain new experience and knowledge. It's an organic way to stop being boring. Here are some ideas:

  • Read. This can be any literature that interests you. Classic novels, fantasy, plays, poetry. A well-read person is always more pleasant than someone who has seen nothing except posts on social networks.
  • Travel. Traveling around the world is wonderful, but even a trip to another city is enough for positive impressions. New experiences will be an excellent basis for an interesting conversation.
  • Find a hobby. Your hobby will help you meet new acquaintances and also provide an additional topic for conversation. People who are passionate about something seem more charming to us and create the impression of a deep personality.
  • Visit unfamiliar places. Restaurants, social events, exhibitions, concerts - all of these will expand your worldview and develop you. No matter how much you love a certain dish in a certain place, don't pass up the chance to try something unusual.

The more new things you learn, the more things you will have to talk about. But boring people, due to their meager life experience, tell the same thing over and over again, fixating on one subject, which makes the interlocutor yawn.

Love yourself

A person who wants to become happy must love himself. A confident person who knows her strengths and accepts her shortcomings makes a good impression. If a person loves himself, then he will look good, speak well and be satisfied with his own life. A person who lives for himself and does not save money to meet his own needs is, according to statistics, more cheerful. And making others happier is easier for those who themselves experience true pleasure from every day.

How to become a cheerful and interesting girl? Don't skimp on yourself. Dress nicely, go to a beauty salon, eat from the formal service and do what you want. Don't prove anything to anyone and don't accuse anyone of anything. Plan for the future and don't cling to the past. Try to see something good in every day. Living in such a rhythm, it is very easy to understand that life is truly beautiful.

Easy level: quick and easy

The easiest ways to be happy are to buy something on Aliexpress, eat a chocolate bar or drink wine. The problem is that this feeling of joy from it all is fleeting. Therefore, these methods cannot be considered universal in the fight against despondency or stress.

There is nothing wrong with eating chocolate or chips. But food or alcohol should not be the only source of joy. At a minimum, because this is fraught with alcohol addiction or problems with excess weight.

Oleg, 30:

— My parents never listened to my opinion.
For example, one day I wanted to go to a school camp with friends, but this went against the plans of my father and mother - they wanted to go on vacation and leave me at home, “on the farm.” I understand that they wanted to rest, but I needed it too. In general, it was not possible to come to an agreement. As a teenager, I tried to rebel, but every time it ended in scandal. Over time, I gave up and began to live according to my parents' rules. But the feeling of injustice did not go away, and I began to eat stress. It was unconscious - it was just nice to eat a Big Mac after getting a bad grade at school: I tried to study well, but failures in some subjects hurt me.

I didn’t notice how by the age of 18 I started having health problems due to excess weight. I began to avoid my parents and went to university in another city, but the habit of eating away my emotions remained. When I didn’t get a test, I went to the food court, and when I had a fight with a girl, I could eat a set of rolls. I did this automatically and only realized that something was wrong when I couldn’t find pants that fit in my favorite store.

I came to psychotherapy on the recommendation of a cardiologist. I was offered to talk to my parents in order to express everything that I had been silent about for so long, and to let go of the resentment. I refused, but decided to write a letter to my parents and tell them about my experiences. There is no need to send a letter, the main thing is to express what worries you and not keep it to yourself.

This was then the first and important step for me - to admit that I have negative emotions that I avoid and automatically eat.

Another easy way to be happy is to collect what you like in one place. This could be a list of pleasant activities, souvenirs, postcards or a selection of photographs from a pleasant event. You can collect everything in a box and look through it in moments of sadness.

Anna, 30:

- I noticed that only bright events make me happy, for example, a parachute jump - and little things no longer bring pleasure.
I tried to keep a diary of emotions, but in fact I constantly avoided it, because I thought that keeping a census of emotions was “the lot of the weak.” It turned out strange: I wanted to fill out the diary, but at the same time I always found excuses not to do it. At some point, I stopped having fun even on roller coasters. It was just “well, not bad,” although I always enjoyed the rides. Then I realized that I had no other desire than to curl up in a ball, lie down and not see anyone. Everything around seemed normal, “neither bad nor good,” I could not be happy or sad like a child.

Then I began to fixate on those events that made me happy before. For example, I’m standing on the balcony, the sun is shining, and I remember how such moments once made me happier. And now I understand that today is just as good a sunny day - and I just feel good about it.

I realized that there is happiness in my life, it’s just that over time there was no time to pay attention to it. Work, home, children... I was really tired, but not physically, but mentally.

Now, if I, for example, walk down the street and feel that there is nothing good in my life, I start looking for something interesting around. There's a sparrow jumping - I take a closer look at it and realize how funny it is. In moments when I'm sad and feel like the most miserable person in the world, I remember how happy I was about a fun day at work or when my neighbor treated me to pie.

Somehow it dawned on me that I needed to collect all these moments in one place, like a treasure chest from childhood. Now I have a box with postcards, photographs, stationery, and stickers from the coffee shop, which I periodically go through to please myself.

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