Signs of a successful person: 15 touches to a portrait

Today almost everyone talks about human success, but few people are clearly aware of what success is and what it depends on. In this sense, success is somewhat akin to love, when everyone imagines what it is, but is completely unable to clearly explain their ideas to others. So what is success? Let's try to figure it out.

What is success

Success... Having heard this word, a poor student will most likely imagine himself as the son of rich parents, riding a Lamborghini, and basking in the attention of girls with model appearance. And a girl of the same age as this student, an equally poor girl, will most likely dream of regular shopping in Paris and Milan. And after some time, our heroes, being “actively searching” for a good job and personal life, will understand success as having good friends who can help with advice and put in a good word...

You can give an infinite number of such examples, considering how a variety of people imagine success, and... drown in information noise, not understanding anything. There is a better way. Simply, looking at the above examples, let’s fix two properties of success so that, starting from them, we can move on.

First, the concept of success varies from person to person. Since all people live at some distance from each other, we can say that the concept of success changes in space.

Secondly, the concept of success changes over time. After all, what seemed significant ten years ago may lose all value and meaning today. In the same way, today's values ​​may become irrelevant after some time.

Where do space and time intersect? They intersect at a point called “here and now.” This means that “here and now” there is always some chance of success. When they say that “success is having time,” they leave out one important detail. Success is not just about being on time. Success is having time to see or find your chance here and now. But this does not always work out and not for everyone. And now it’s time to talk about the qualities that allow you to see and find your chance here and now.

Big Eight

After conducting 500 interviews and spending 10 years on it, Richard identified 300 factors that contribute to success. And among them are eight necessary basic qualities.

These eight qualities are like a magic pill. They form the basis of success in any industry. What about 300 others? They help, but you can do without them. For example, communication skills are valuable. But many successful people, including famous businessmen and scientists, do not have developed work and interaction skills. However, this did not stop them because they have eight key qualities.

Qualities of Success

There are two of these qualities: the ability to navigate and intuition. What is the difference? The main difference is that the ability to navigate is a purely human quality, based on personal experience and a person’s awareness in any field of knowledge. And intuition is a trans-personal quality that appears as a kind of insight, a new unprecedented idea. Let us emphasize: intuition is a trans-personal quality. In other words, intuitive insight never comes on its own. It can come as a result of explicit or implicit interaction between people.

To train the ability to navigate a situation, you need, firstly, to study, and, secondly, to practice. To train intuition... wait, is it possible to train it? No, intuition cannot be trained. You can only follow certain rules so that intuitive insights come as often as possible. One of these rules is to listen to other people more often, mentally (namely mentally, not verbally) trying to oppose this person. It is at these moments that some useful idea may come to mind.

Now, having understood the ability to navigate and intuition, we can define the concepts of “success” and “successful person”. So…

Success is the ability to see a chance to improve your life here and now, with the help of the ability to navigate the situation and intuitive insights. A successful person is a person who sees opportunities to improve his life right here and right now, and takes advantage of them.

More down to earth, a successful person is able to improve his life anywhere, in any environment. For example, we all know people who, having found themselves in a new city, very quickly acquired good acquaintances, quickly found their soulmate, and soon had their own business. This is an example of a successful person. Another example: a person found himself in difficult conditions (in the army or prison), and there he was able to achieve some kind of respect and position. True, in the last example, not only success plays a role, but also resource, but this is a separate topic...


Everyone knows it: the guaranteed way to achieve success is to find your passion. Much more important is how to find it. Richard divides people into “struggling” and “seekers.” “Struggling” are those who are lucky: they have already met their passion and are now moving towards their goal. And the “seekers” are trying to find passion.

Robert Munsch said that he tried many professions before finding his passion: “I studied to be a priest, but nothing came of it. I worked as a sailor on a ship. The ship sank. I searched for myself in many ways, but in vain. However, I didn't give up. And suddenly I found something worthwhile for myself.” And this is truly “something worthwhile.” Having discovered his passion for writing books for children, Robert already has 40 million copies of his works sold in 20 countries.

Take the advice of Erik Weihenmayer, the first blind person to conquer Everest: “Find your passion. Look for her in dark alleys and inaccessible places. She will bring you happiness."

Qualities that prevent many people from being successful

  1. Firstly, this is the expectation that one stage will end, and after it a new, “more successful” one will begin. For example, a young man or girl thinks: “I’ll finish school, go to college, and then life will begin.” But, alas, life does not begin. Dull lectures drag on with breaks for session hassle. And further, such a person thinks: “I’ll finish college, go to work, and...”. But history repeats itself, and people step on the same rake. Although no, not the same ones. The previous rake didn’t hit the forehead so painfully...
  2. Secondly, this is faith in miracles. Such a person believes that “suddenly a wizard will fly in in a blue helicopter.” What distinguishes faith in a miracle from the expectation described above is spontaneity. If waiting always has a specific period, then a miracle can happen at any moment. However, when a person expects a miracle, he does not see the chances that exist here and now, and thus becomes less successful. The expression “if you wish for something, then stop wishing, and your wish will come true” is precisely about this situation. A person wants a miracle to happen that would make his desire come true, but at the same time he does not see the chances that exist here and now.
  3. Thirdly, the belief that the basis of success is one thing. For example, money. If you have money, then you can, if not everything, then a lot. Another example can be given: love. If there is love, then everything in life will work out. As a rule, the first belief is more characteristic of men, and the second – of women. In fact, both men and women here replace cause with effect. If a person can earn money, then this is just the result of the fact that the person is successful. Or, if a person is loved mutually, this is the result of the fact that he saw and did not miss his chance.
  4. Fourthly, the desire to succeed by deceiving someone. After all, if one person deceives another, then trust does not arise between them on a subconscious level, and, consequently, the opportunity for intuitive insight disappears. A person who deceives another, as it were, deprives himself of one of the qualities that allows him to see his success here and now. Of course, such a person can use his ability to navigate the situation, but such a skill can not always help. Therefore, it is more profitable to be honest.

What would you like to say finally? The fact that the external attributes of a person’s success (money, cars, girls, travel) is not success itself, but only its consequence. And success is, first of all, the ability to see your chance. And, of course, I would like to wish all readers to see their chances! Or, more simply put, wish them good luck!

The Steve Jobs Story

Steve Jobs is a child of the family of Paul and Clara Jobs, who was born in San Francisco on February 24, 1955.

The natural parents abandoned the baby due to his youth and insufficient readiness to raise him. Guardians completely replaced his family.

According to the recollections of Steve Jobs himself, he was distinguished by a specific character, which was the reason for several temporary exclusions from attending school. Thanks to his unique abilities, he entered the fifth grade of school, immediately moving from fourth to sixth. As a teenager, Steve loved to tinker with his guardian in the garage, spend time repairing the car, and went to a radio amateur club.

He had a craving for technology since childhood, and during the same period he met his future partner, Stephen Wozniak. Together with him, Jobs created an analogue of a satellite phone, allowing him to connect with telephone network subscribers around the world. This blue box cost about $100 and sold well.

After completing his secondary education, Steve continues his studies at a fee-paying college, but the subjects he studies during the first semester disappoint him. Succumbing to teenage maximalism, he leaves school and tries to live independently, without financial support from his parents. A year later, after wandering, his resolve weakens, he returns home to California.

Parents do not pay attention to the impulses of youth, Jobs goes to work at a company that produces video games. At that time, he had a new dream - to visit India as a pilgrim. The tourist trip ends with a return home to the previous place of work. Atari developers made good money, which allowed Steve to continue to engage in third-party development.

The first attempts to create the famous Apple began in the garage of Steve's parents' house. Together with Wozniak, he assembled a personal home computer that met the needs of customers: a complete machine, not individual parts sold in electronics departments. The friends received their first orders from a store that specialized in household appliances.

In the process of further research, the first device that supported color graphics was invented. Investors were found to expand the company, the company's staff increased, and the transition to large-scale production of technical innovations began. The enterprise's profits amounted to approximately $200 million, representing a rare success in innovative technologies.

After a while, the development of the Macintosh began - a device that combines a standard personal computer with a system unit, keyboard and monitor. The evolution of the Macintosh family became the progenitor of modern laptops, at that time the software was developed for Apple by Microsoft. A little later, another brainchild of geniuses saw the light of day - the iPad laptop computer, which became a breakthrough in the world of computer technology.

In parallel with the development of new computer technology, the company began producing music gadgets - iPods. At that time, they aroused interest among the target audience and began to be considered a symbol of style and convenience. The demand for the music player quickly outweighed the costs of its creation.

The iconic mobile phone iPhone became the next stage in the development of the corporation. Having combined all the achievements available at that time and developed the latest software, the company released expensive and prestigious cellular phones. The next steps were improved computers and iPod tablets, which are still very popular among the population.

The original design, style and thoughtfulness of all the little things have become the hallmark of Apple Corporation. In Jobs's biography, in addition to working for the famous company, there is time devoted to the production of animated films. The computer genius's total fortune is estimated at $7 billion, 2 of which are in Apple shares.

October 2011 became a day of mourning for admirers of Steve Jobs - the brilliant developer died of cancer. Faith in his own strength allowed him not only to become successful, but also to fight the disease for a long time, not to allow him to give up and accept the inevitable.

Not workaholics, but “hard workers”

The second common quality of successful people is hard work. When Richard asked Martha Stewart what helped her achieve phenomenal success, she replied: “I have always worked hard. I just work, work and work all the time. Never trust that someone else will do your work for you.” Labor is the price of entry into the territory of success.

According to Larry Page, work was the key to Google's success:

We started working on this search engine eight or nine years ago, while we were still at Stanford University. And we always worked on it very hard, 24 hours a day. Inspiration alone is not enough for success. It is probably 10% inspiration, and 90% working up a sweat.

A successful person knows what his problems are

If you can quickly figure out what exactly the main difficulties are, success will very soon find you. You must be able to see the whole situation as a complex equation in which the difficulties are presented as unknowns and you need to calculate them. If you get over it quickly, that's a big success. If you don’t have this habit yet, try reading specialized literature that develops visualization abilities.

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A successful person eats right

There is nothing worse than eating unbalanced and poor quality food. You need to be a healthy person, and for this the body must receive all the necessary nutrients. A body that is exhausted by an improper diet is unable to function normally. Make sure to eat healthy and regularly so that your body can cope with all the challenges that come your way throughout the day. On top of everything else, it's also worth adding daily exercise. Untrained people often have inflexible thinking. Finally, your lifestyle is reflected in your appearance, which also plays a role in achieving success.

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