This needs to be kept secret: the wisdom of life in 8 tips

Aphorisms about wisdom

Aphorisms » Aphorisms about wisdom
Curiosity is not a vice, but a great disgusting thing. Folk

The least good in life is wealth, the greatest is wisdom. Gotthold Lessing

Learning wisdom is as impossible as learning to be beautiful. Henry Wheeler Shaw

Wisdom, like turtle soup, is not accessible to everyone. Kozma Prutkov

Wisdom is knowing what to do next; virtue is the action itself. D. Jordan

The ignoramus who is alien to wisdom is wiser than the sage who hungers for ignorance. William Shakespeare

It is much easier to show wisdom in the affairs of others than in your own. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Only one deity can possess comprehensive wisdom, and man can only strive for it. Pythagoras

Faith is not the beginning, but the end of all wisdom. Johann Wolfgang Goethe

There is no greater wisdom than timing. Francis Bacon

To have wisdom and not move your hand (i.e. to remain silent) is true self-absorption. Kang Youwei

A learned person is a vessel, a sage is a source. W. Olgerai

With a strong soul, free from seduction, look, sage, at the ups and downs. Firduosi

All philosophers are wise in their maxims and fools in their behavior. Benjamin Franklin

He who has never committed folly is not as wise as he thinks. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

He swallowed a lot of wisdom, but it all seemed to go down his throat the wrong way. Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

We live in a world where one fool creates many fools, and one wise man creates very few wise ones. Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

You will never be able to create wise men if you kill naughty children. Jean Jacques Rousseau

Nowadays more is required from one wise man than in ancient times from seven. Baltesar Gracian

The real sign by which you can recognize a true sage is patience. G. Ibsen

Man has gathered together the wisdom of all his ancestors, and look what a fool he is! E. Canetti

The first sign of true political wisdom is always the ability to renounce in advance the unattainable. Stefan Zweig

An individual does not have to be wiser than an entire nation. Honore de Balzac

A wise person understands that it is better to forbid oneself from a hobby than to fight it later. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

The perfectly wise man never considers himself great, so he can become truly great. Lao Tzu

There are no situations and no matters so insignificant in which wisdom cannot be manifested. L.N. Tolstoy

He who is wise is also good. Socrates

The sage creates his own destiny. Plautus

Wisdom is intelligence infused with conscience. Fazil Iskander

The philosophical wisdom of the present century becomes the general common sense of the next century. G. Beecher

Wisdom comes with time. Sometimes the time comes alone. Unknown author

Foolish people argue with other people, wise people argue with themselves. Oscar Wilde

No one should exceed the limits: the wisdom of life is to know the measure in everything. Hippocrates

Lord, give me the peace of mind to accept the things I cannot change, the strength to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Catholic prayer

And everything that was written before was written for our instruction. Apostle Paul

Only the wisest and the stupidest do not change. Confucius

The sage keeps his mouth closed: he knows that even a candle burns out with his tongue. Chuang Tzu

Know that wisdom reduces complaints, not suffering! Kozma Prutkov

The equanimity of the sages is nothing more than the ability to hide their worries. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

The brave man is tested by war, the wise man by anger, the friend by need. Arabic proverb

It is wise to water the wheel of friendship with the oil of polite politeness. Gabriel Colette

A wise man demands everything only from himself, while an insignificant man demands everything from others. Chinese proverb

Experience increases our wisdom, but does not decrease our stupidity. Henry Wheeler Shaw

The wisest man is the one who is most annoyed by the loss of time. Alighieri Dante

You should set two goals for yourself in life. The first goal is to achieve what you are striving for. The second goal is the ability to enjoy what has been achieved. Only the wisest representatives of humanity are capable of achieving the second goal. Logan Piersall Smith

It is wise to write only about what they do not understand. V.O.Klyuchevsky

Doubt is halfway to wisdom. Publilius Syrus

Who knows more - a wise man or a fool? Of course, he is a fool: a wise man doubts everything, but a fool does not. Unknown author

The art of being wise is knowing what to ignore. W.James

Wise is the one who knows not much, but what is necessary. Aeschylus

To live your life wisely, you need to know a lot. Remember two important rules to begin with: You’d better starve than eat anything, And it’s better to be alone than with just anyone. Omar Khayyam

Who is called the wisest? Someone who accepts things as they are. S. Gabirol

Once you take a step forward, think about whether you can step back. Then you will avoid the fate of the lively ram, whose horns are stuck in the wall. Before you start anything, consider whether you can complete it. Then you will not be like the one who undertook to ride on a tiger. Hong Zicheng

A wise man asks questions to the world, a Fool gives precise answers. But does the wise man ask so that the last idiot can answer? N.N.Matveeva

Whoever acquires honesty and wisdom will truly not be lost forever: After all, honesty keeps its promises, But wisdom... never gives them! E.A.Asadov

It is human nature to think wisely and act foolishly. Anatole France

Having avoided one trouble, you find yourself in another; However, this is wisdom: having weighed all possible troubles, consider the least evil as a good. Niccolo Machiavelli

Rulers need wise men much more than wise men need rulers. Abul Faraj

Keeping your secret is wise, but expecting others to keep it is stupid. Samuel Johnson

Learn to see where everything is dark and hear where everything is quiet. In darkness you will see light, in silence you will hear harmony. Chuang Tzu

When trouble threatens, when things get tough, the wise man blames himself, the fool scolds his friend. Eastern wisdom

What has become funny cannot be dangerous. Voltaire

Folly and wisdom are transmitted as easily as contagious diseases. Therefore, choose your comrades. William Shakespeare

The source of our wisdom is our experience. The source of our experience is our stupidity. Sasha Guitry

The best proof of wisdom is a continuous good mood. Michel de Montaigne

Try to be wise first, and learn when you have free time. Pythagoras

Use the wisdom accumulated by humanity over the past centuries. Konstantin Shchemelinin

The reason why rivers and seas receive tribute from a hundred mountain streams is because they are lower than the latter. Thanks to this, they are able to dominate all mountain streams. In the same way, the sage, who wants to be above people, places himself below them. Wanting to be ahead of us, he stands behind. That is why, although his place is higher than people, they do not feel his weight. Although his place is ahead of them, they do not consider this an insult. Lao Tzu

Proverbs contradict one another. This, in fact, is the folk wisdom. Stanislav Jerzy Lec

He took Stupidity to the master. “Can it be converted into Wisdom?” “It’s possible,” answered the master, “and there will still be some left.” Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Be careful to dilute your own wisdom with the stupidity of others. Stanislav Jerzy Lec

There should be plenty of wisdom, because few people use it. Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Women rule us; Let us try to bring them to perfection: the more they know, the more perfect we will be. Male wisdom also depends on the development of the female mind. R. Sheridan

Wisdom is when you no longer consider yourself smarter than everyone else, but try to be no more stupid than others. Boris Krutier

The wisdom of centuries was swallowed up by the stupidity of centuries. G.E. Malkin

Wisdom is the healing power of sorrows. G.E. Malkin

A sage is one who has become imperceptibly wiser. G.E. Malkin

True wisdom does not bow its head. Stanislav Jerzy Lec

You have to beware of two things: your own stupidity and the wisdom of others. Veselin Geogiev

Worldly wisdom is the understanding that most of the dangers, the anticipation of which is a source of unrest, do not materialize. Ilya Shevelev

Wisdom lies not in being smarter than others, but in not letting others know about it. Veselin Geogiev

Where are the mines of wisdom? Usually where she is buried. Stanislav Jerzy Lec

In this age people read too much to be wise and think too much to be beautiful. Oscar Wilde

The fool thought that wisdom would come to him over the years. Leonid Krainov-Rytov

© Compiled by: Shamir Tilyaev, 2007 © Published with the kind permission of the author

Quotes about intelligence, wisdom and sages

It is not the one who knows how to distinguish good from evil who is smart, but the one who knows how to choose the lesser of two evils. Al-Harizi

A reasonable person does not pursue what is pleasant, but what saves him from trouble. Aristotle

A smart person will be able to learn a lot from the enemy. Aristotle

The mind, like a country road, has its own well-worn path. O. Balzac

One of the misfortunes of a high mind is that it inevitably understands everything - both vices and virtues. O. Balzac

The mind is a person's spiritual weapon. V. G. Belinsky

Reason is given to man so that he can live wisely, and not just so that he can see that he is living unreasonably. V. G. Belinsky

The greatest weakness of the mind is distrust of the powers of the mind. V. G. Belinsky

Our mind is the metal extracted from the form, and the form is our actions. A. Bergson

The mind is the bread that satisfies; a joke is a spice that induces appetite. L. Burnet

The difference between reason and reason is the same as between a cookbook and a pie. L. Burnet

A person who speaks little is often considered smart by many, just as a calm character is often mistaken for a strong one. L. Burnet

An intelligent person will not only never say anything stupid, but will never even hear anything stupid. L. Burnet

You can give in to force, but you meekly submit only to reason. L. Blanki

Since the mind cannot be humiliated, it is taken revenge by persecuting it. P. Beaumarchais

Few minds perish from wear and tear; most of them rust from disuse. K. Bovey

A feature of a living mind is that it only needs to see and hear a little so that it can then think for a long time and understand a lot. D. Bruno

A person is human only through reflection. P. Buast

The heart lives in the present, the mind in the future: that is why there is so little agreement between them. P. Buast

He who values ​​little things for their own sake is an empty man; he who values ​​them for the sake of the conclusions that can be drawn from them, or for the benefit that can be obtained from them, is a philosopher. E. Bulwer-Lytton

Everyone has stupid thoughts, but smart people don’t express them. V. Bush

Wit is not the same thing as intelligence. The mind is distinguished by ingenuity, but wit is only resourcefulness. K. Weber

The mind achieves great things only in impulses. L. Vauvenargues

The mind should not limit, but complement virtue. L. Vauvenargues

The main advantage of the mind is not in liveliness, but in accuracy, just as the advantage of a pendulum is not in speed, but in the accuracy of its movement. L. Vauvenargues

The vivacity of the mind depends on the speed of its operations. It doesn't necessarily have to do with ingenuity. A heavy mind can be inventive, but a lively mind can be sterile. L. Vauvenargues

The human mind is more penetrating than consistent, and embraces more than it can connect. L. Vauvenargues

Loneliness is for the mind what a starvation diet is for the body: sometimes it is necessary, but it should not be too long. L. Vauvenargues

The spirit is subject to the same law as the body - the impossibility of existence without constant nutrition. L. Vauvenargues

Where the mind is lacking, everything is lacking. D. Halifax Wise people think about their thoughts, foolish people proclaim them. G. Heine

There is nothing on earth more worthy of respect than intelligence. K. Helvetius

The vastness of the mind is measured by the number of ideas and their combinations. K. Helvetius

Thinking is a great virtue, and wisdom lies in speaking what is true and listening to nature and acting in accordance with it. Heraclitus

A strong mind pursuing practical goals is the best mind on earth... I. Goethe

Smart people are the best encyclopedia. I. Goethe

An intelligent person is not one who knows a lot, but one who knows himself. I. Goethe

Reason serves to identify the truth, not a fact, but an inference. T. Hobbes

Through suffering and grief it is destined for us to obtain grains of wisdom that cannot be acquired in books. N.V. Gogol

Reason is an incomparably higher ability, but it is acquired only by victory over passions. N.V. Gogol

The mind can be compared to keen eyesight, quickly noticing things; a sound mind is a mind that notices objects and relationships as they really are; a confused mind is a mind that notices only wrong attitudes. P. Holbach

The mind is the same everywhere: smart people have the same common characteristics, like all fools, despite the differences in nations, clothes, languages, religions, even outlook on life. I. A. Goncharov

Wisdom is a set of truths obtained by the mind, observation and experience and applied to life - it is the harmony of ideas with life. I. A. Goncharov

There is a precious stone that plays more beautifully in the frame of modesty. M. Gorky

A mind that is not organized by an idea is not yet the force that enters life creatively. M. Gorky

A smart person does immediately what a fool does late. B. Gracian

Originality is loneliness of the mind. A. Graf

The mind rebels against certain views, just as the stomach rejects certain foods. W. Gaslitt

The human mind has three keys that open everything: a number, a letter, a note. Know, think, dream. That's all there is to it. V. Hugo

Where there is thought, there is power. V. Hugo

Thought is the same food. To think is to eat. V. Hugo

It is not enough to have a good mind, the main thing is to use it well. R. Descartes

In order to improve the mind, you need to think more than memorize. R. Descartes

The mind is a burning glass, which, while ignited, itself remains cold. R. Descartes

For most people, the mind remains a neglected soil almost throughout their entire lives. E. Delacroix

The habit of orderly thoughts is the only road to happiness for you; to achieve it, order is necessary in everything else, even in the most indifferent things. E. Delacroix

From wisdom come the following three characteristics: making excellent decisions, speaking accurately and doing what should be done. Democritus

He is prudent who does not grieve about what he does not have, but, on the contrary, is glad about what he has. Democritus

It is not physical strength or money that makes people happy, but righteousness and many-sided wisdom. Democritus

The highest degree of human wisdom is the ability to adapt to circumstances and remain calm in spite of external storms. D. Defoe

The art of being wise is knowing what to ignore. W. James

Fallacy of opinion can be tolerated if reason retains the right to decide. T. Jefferson

Deep thoughts are iron nails driven into the mind so that nothing can pull them out. D. Diderot

Wisdom is nothing other than the science of happiness. D. Diderot

Strong minds are precisely distinguished by that inner strength that makes it possible not to succumb to ready-made views and systems and to create their own views and conclusions based on living impressions. They do not reject anything at first, but they do not stop at anything, but only take note of everything and process it in their own way. N. A. Dobrolyubov

That's what the mind is for, to achieve what you want. F. M. Dostoevsky

To act smartly, intelligence alone is not enough. F. M. Dostoevsky

It is not the mind that is important, but what guides it - nature, heart, noble qualities, development. F. M. Dostoevsky

No mind is identical to another, and never alone. and the same causes do not produce the same effects in different minds. George Sand

The real sign by which you can recognize a true sage is patience. G. Ibsen

When a smart person scolds himself, it is bad, but when a fool praises himself, it is even worse. T. Iriarte

A mind that is too scattered is not capable of comprehending things. D. Cardano

Thought is the mother of activity, it is its living soul, not only its instigator, but also its guardian. Thought therefore serves as the foundation, beginning and innermost essence of all human life on earth. T. Carlyle

The wise man is not the one who thinks he knows everything, but the one who understands that he knows little. M. Claudius

Being smart means not asking questions that cannot be answered. V. O. Klyuchevsky

The whole difference between a smart and a stupid person is in one thing: the first will always think and rarely say, the second will always say and never think. For the first, language is always in the sphere of thought; the second has a thought outside the sphere of language. In the first, the tongue is the secretary of thought, in the second, its gossip and informer. V. O. Klyuchevsky

The misdirection of the mind consists solely in the habit of reasoning from ill-defined principles. E. Condillac

The immorality of the heart also indicates the limitations of the mind. B. Constant

A person has three paths to reason: the path of reflection is the most noble; the path of imitation is the easiest; the path of personal experience is the most difficult. Confucius

A wise man is ashamed of his shortcomings, but is not ashamed to correct them. Confucius

The intelligence of all people taken together will not help one who does not have his own: a blind person is not benefited by someone else’s vigilance. J. Labruyère

A person of mediocre intelligence seems to be cut out of one piece: he is constantly serious, does not know how to joke, laugh, or enjoy trifles. J. Labruyère

A person whose intelligence and abilities are recognized by everyone does not seem ugly, even if he is ugly - no one notices his ugliness. J. Labruyère

It is not so much the mind as the heart that helps a person get closer to people and be pleasant to them. J. Labruyère

A person who is strongly convinced that he is very intelligent is almost always one of those people who have either little or no intelligence. J. Labruyère

The wise man does not submit to the reckless will of the crowd, but himself gives it direction. I. I. Lazhechnikov

Not every person who has known the depths of his mind has known the depths of his heart, F. La Rochefoucauld

You can't like someone for long who is always smart in the same way. F. La Rochefoucauld

Everyone complains about their memory, but no one complains about their mind. F. La Rochefoucauld

A limited but sound mind ultimately tires us less than a broad but confused mind. F. La Rochefoucauld

A wise person understands that it is better to forbid oneself from a hobby than to fight it later. F. La Rochefoucauld

The mind is always a fool of the heart. F. La Rochefoucauld

You need to have a great mind to be able not to show your mental superiority. F. La Rochefoucauld

The zealous desire to appear so is a great hindrance to being smart. F. La Rochefoucauld

It is much easier to show wisdom in the affairs of others than in your own. F. La Rochefoucauld

He who has never committed folly is not as wise as he thinks. F. La Rochefoucauld

It is easier to judge a person's intelligence by his questions than by his answers. G. Lewis

The human mind has discovered many strange things in nature and will discover even more, thereby increasing its power over it. V. I. Lenin

The smart one is not the one who doesn't make mistakes. There are no such people and there cannot be. Smart is the one who makes mistakes that are not very significant and who knows how to correct them easily and quickly. V. I. Lenin

Iron rusts without finding a use, stagnant water rots or freezes in the cold, and the human mind, without finding a use, withers away. Leonardo da Vinci

Wisdom is the daughter of experience. Leonardo da Vinci

then under certain circumstances he does not lose his mind, he did not have anything to lose. G. Lessing

The least good in life is wealth; the greatest thing is wisdom. G. Lessing

A sharp mind is an inventor, and reason is an observer. G. Lichtenberg

Teaching reason and being reasonable are completely different things. G. Lichtenberg

Finding small faults has long been a characteristic of minds that have risen little or nothing above mediocrity. Sublime minds are silent or object to the whole, but great minds create themselves, without judging anyone. G. Lichtenberg

Overthinking is one of the most shameful types of stupidity. G. Lichtenberg

The most essential and noblest of all that is inherent in us is the mind. G. Mably

The older I get, the more I distrust the famous phrase that wisdom comes with age. G. Mencken

Subtlety is as necessary for the mind as grace is for the body. A. Mere

Our wit seems to be more characterized by speed and suddenness, while our mind is more thorough and slow. M. Montaigne

It is very useful to sharpen and polish your mind on the minds of others. M. Montaigne

The best proof of wisdom is a continuous good mood. M. Montaigne

If we can be learned by someone else's learning, then we can only be wise by our own wisdom. M. Montaigne

It's not enough to be smart. You need to be smart enough not to allow yourself to become overly smart. A. Maurois

A learned person is a vessel, a sage is a source. W. Alger

The greatest wisdom is not to always be wise. M. Opitz

The smarter a person is, the more originality he finds in everyone with whom he communicates. For an ordinary person, all people look the same. B. Pascal

All our dignity lies in thought. B. Pascal

The dictates of reason are much more powerful than the orders of any ruler: disobedience to the latter makes a person unhappy, and disobedience to the former makes a fool. B. Pascal

There is nothing more shameful than to be useless to society and to oneself and to have the intelligence to do nothing. B. Pascal

Cunning in comparison with wisdom is the same as a monkey in comparison with a man. W. Penn

The mind does not tolerate bondage. D. I. Pisarev

The greatest thing contained in the least is a sound mind in the human body. Pittacus

The whole life should be entrusted to reason alone, as a wise guardian. Pythagoras

The sage creates his own destiny. Plautus

The basis of all wisdom is patience. Plato

Prudence is the ability to curb your lusts and passions. Plato

The mind often becomes silent when the heart speaks. G. V. Plekhanov

No one can be wise at every moment. Pliny the Younger

The two main assets of human nature are intelligence and reasoning. Plutarch

Exercise, not rest, gives strength to the mind. A. Pop

Doubt is halfway to wisdom. Publilius Syrus

Seeing other people's vices, a smart person gets rid of his own. Publilius Syrus

A man's mind is stronger than his fists. F. Rabelais

No authority should dominate reason; on the contrary, reason must dominate and control authority. P. Ramus

The highest wisdom does not lie in self-denial, but in the ability to find pleasure in the smallest things. D. Ruskin

The human heart knows no limits, the human mind is limited. A. Rivarol

Courage of the mind consists in giving it flexibility through tireless and persistent training, and not giving in to the hardships of mental labor. R. Rolland

The mind enlightens the senses. R. Rolland

Of all human abilities, reason, which is the unification of all others, develops most difficultly and later than all. J.-J. Rousseau

And the wisest of minds still has a lot to learn. D. Santayana

In comedy, the smartest role is that of the jester, for the one who wants to pass for him must not be a fool. M. Cervantes

A mind that has overcome its own doubts does not make the heart indifferent to the misconceptions of others. V. S. Soloviev

Wit is like talent: it is better not to have it at all than to have not enough of it. Sommeri

Intelligence is undoubtedly the first condition for happiness. Sophocles

How terrible the mind can be if it does not serve a person. Sophocles

A thought, before it became a thought, was a feeling. K. S. Stanislavsky

Flexibility of mind can replace beauty. Stendhal

The mind is sharp, but not broad; jumps forward at every step, but cannot move forward. R. Tagore

A hint is enough for a smart person. Terence

The wider the mind, the more it is constrained by its own boundaries. E. Thiodiere

That's why man was born to live by his own mind. L. N. Tolstoy

People differ in that some people think first, then speak and do, while others speak and do first, and then think. L. N. Tolstoy

Each person can and should use everything that the collective mind of mankind has developed, but at the same time, he can and should use his mind to check the data generated by all of humanity. L. N. Tolstoy

There are no situations and no matters so insignificant in which wisdom cannot be manifested. L. N. Tolstoy

All thoughts that have huge consequences are always simple. L. N. Tolstoy

The characteristic of a wise man consists of three things: first, to do for himself what he advises others to do, second, to never act against justice, and third, to patiently endure the weaknesses of the people around him. L. N. Tolstoy

Wisdom is not afraid of ignorance, not afraid of doubt, work, research, afraid of one thing: the affirmation of what it knows, what it does not know. L. N. Tolstoy

It's all in the thoughts. Thought is the beginning of everything. And thoughts can be controlled. And therefore the main task of improvement is to work on thoughts. L. N. Tolstoy

There are many bad things in the world, but there is nothing worse than a bad mind. The first bad thing is a bad mind. L. N. Tolstoy

Strength is in the mind. The head is crazy, like a lantern without a candle. L. N. Tolstoy

Do not think that wisdom is a property of only special people. Wisdom is necessary for all people and therefore characteristic of all people. Wisdom is knowing your purpose and the means to fulfill it. L. N. Tolstoy

Wisdom in all life's affairs, it seems to me, consists not in knowing what to do, but in knowing what to do first and what after. L. N. Tolstoy

Wisdom is infinite - the further you move in it, the more necessary it becomes. L. N. Tolstoy

A grain of gold can gild a large surface, and a grain of wisdom can gild an even larger surface. G. Thoreau

To penetrate into the essence of ordinary phenomena requires a very extraordinary mind. A. Whitehead

Wisdom is intelligence infused with conscience. Fazil Iskander

A charming mind is a mind in which freedom from stupidity is especially felt. Fazil Iskander

A man without reason is a man without will. He who does not have intelligence is deceived, blinded, and exploited by others. Only the one who thinks is free and independent. L. Feuerbach

Logic is the god of thinkers. L. Feuchtwanger

One trait gives a special charm to human thought: restlessness. A mind that is not anxious makes me angry or frustrated. A. France

The heart can add intelligence, but the mind cannot add heart. A. France

Without a certain mental culture there can be no refined feelings. A. France

It is not the mind that is harmful to a person, but the mistakes of the mind. A. France

The rarest courage is the courage of thought. A. France

The first sign of real political wisdom is always the ability to renounce in advance the unattainable. S. Zweig

It is not enough to have wisdom, you need to be able to use it. Cicero

Just as even fertile soil without cultivation will not produce fruit, the mind without enlightenment also remains barren. Cicero

Each individual person is a debtor to society for his mental development. N. G. Chernyshevsky

A smart person is sometimes in a hurry, but does not do anything in a hurry. F. Chesterfield

Experience and observation are the greatest sources of wisdom, access to which is open to every person. W. Channing

Reason is the greatest gift of nature: it not only lifts us above our passions and weaknesses, but also helps us make good use of our strengths, talents and virtues. N. Chamfort

Everything that is created by the flesh dies, just like itself; everything that is created by the mind is imperishable, like the mind itself. F. Chateaubriand

Only that which is born of the mind and appeals to the mind can become a spiritual force for all humanity. A. Schweitzer

If there were no reason, sensuality would overwhelm us. That's what intelligence is for, to curb its absurdities. W. Shakespeare

The mind is the sum of our best feelings. P. Shelley

The mind loses all its charm if it is imbued with anger. R. Sheridan

Learning wisdom is as impossible as learning to be beautiful. G. Shaw

Whoever Jupiter wants to destroy, he deprives of reason. Euripides

You are glad to see and understand is the most beautiful gift of nature. A. Einstein

The ability to see the miraculous in the ordinary is an invariable sign of wisdom. R. Emerson

A wise man always takes the side of those who attack him. He is more interested in finding a weak spot in himself than they are. R. Emerson

Only that mind is a real mind that proves its worth in the act of cognition. F. Engels

Wise is the one who knows not much, but what is necessary. Aeschylus

It's not scary for a wise person to seem stupid. Aeschylus

Wisdom will not say what is contrary to nature. Juvenal

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