Techniques for working with the subconscious: let’s persuade the inner “I” to perform a miracle

The article explains:

  1. Conscious and unconscious as two parts of a single whole
  2. Features of the human subconscious
  3. 3 main areas of working with the subconscious
  4. 5 most effective techniques for working with the subconscious

Techniques for working with the subconscious mind help solve many problems. And this is a long-proven fact, and not the fabrications of modern charlatans following in the footsteps of Count Cagliostro. To paraphrase a famous quote, we can say: we are what we think about ourselves.

The result of upbringing and environmental influences are numerous stereotypes that are nested deep within us. Often they literally interfere with life. But it’s worth “rewriting” the settings, and everything will change for the better. All you need to do is learn the right techniques.

Conscious and unconscious as two parts of a single whole

The term “subconscious” (or “unconscious”) was coined by the world famous Austrian psychologist Sigmund Freud. This is what he called the conditional “place” where his patients repressed from their consciousness certain experiences, desires, and aspirations that were not approved by society. Gradually, this term became popular and began to be widely used by ordinary people.

Now we understand by the subconscious those areas of our consciousness that we cannot control, the content of which we are not able to analyze. At the same time, there are special techniques for working with the subconscious, which in some cases radically change our lives.

You may be asking, “Why are these techniques needed? Why should I delve into the subconscious?” The fact is that the entire world around you, all the fruits that you receive from your labors, all your merits and achievements are in many ways the result of the work of your subconscious. It guides your actions, your world, and consciousness only processes the result. We can say that consciousness is like the crown of a tree, and the subconscious is like its roots. It is the roots that feed the crown and allow it to be covered with foliage.

Conscious and unconscious as two parts of a single whole

Let us explain with an example how the conscious and subconscious mind work. Imagine your typical day. It is filled with tasks and worries; while doing them, you experience different feelings and emotions. Many small events happen to you, most of which you do not regard as important and will not be able to remember at the end of the day. For example, what color shirt was the man who sat next to you on the subway wearing? How many pencils were on the secretary's desk when you handed him the report? What name was on the badge of the conductor who checked your ticket?

Your consciousness does not record all these details, it does not need them, it is not designed to store them. But in the subconscious all the emotions and events of your life are stored, all to the smallest detail, from the very moment of birth. Incredible but true: even as a tiny baby, you understood everything that was happening around you, and your subconscious mind collected this information. By the way, this is precisely what explains the success of hypnotherapists - they use techniques for working with the subconscious.

How to learn to hear your subconscious?

Human consciousness is often characterized as limited madness. The human subconscious is like unlimited madness, suppressed by consciousness. The subconscious mind does not think intelligently, it cannot be heard. It can draw our attention to something, hold our gaze, bring back memories or provide dreams. But you won’t be able to hear animal nature, just as you can’t hear something reasonable in the rumbling of a well-fed belly.

The subconscious is the instincts to which the consciousness feeds food that it cannot digest. But you should not open the way to the subconscious without control. It is older than consciousness and stronger than it.

The subconscious often sends us signals in borderline states - before sleep or immediately upon awakening. And also in moments of peace, relaxation, meditation. You need to stay in silence more often to hear something inside yourself. Because it is difficult for our subconscious to reach us and “shout over” TV, music, advertising and a bunch of everything else that clogs our attention.

Where is it located, what does it consist of?

It is worth understanding what the subconscious is, how it works, and where it is located. The subconscious is a mental process, so it is impossible to find out its specific location in the human body. Since all mental processes occur in the brain, it is logical to assume that the unconscious is also located somewhere there. Until now, scientists have not been able (most likely, they will never be able) to figure out where the subconscious is located. It is located everywhere and nowhere.

Mental rigidity - what is it, definition

All thought processes are biochemical reactions and electrical impulses that occur in large quantities in brain cells. Scientists believe that subconscious processes occur according to the same principle, but are not controlled by conscious intervention. The subconscious is, in philosophy, a mental process based on accumulated and analyzed life experience.

There are 3 levels of mental activity:

  1. Unconscious - the level of innate reflexes and instincts, accumulated universal experience, manifested in certain conditions.
  2. Subconscious – standards of behavior in various situations, formed by a person’s personal experience.
  3. Conscious – certain personality qualities that manifest themselves in accordance with the chosen role in society.

Some researchers also distinguish preconscious and unconscious levels, which include any information perceived at the moment, but not consciously or processed by the subconscious.

Important! The highest level of work of the subconscious is considered to be intuition - the ability to make quick and correct decisions without logical thinking.

Gestalts and the subconscious

The sphere of the subconscious includes everything that was once conscious or can become conscious under certain conditions: well-automated skills, deeply learned social norms or motivational conflicts that can be painful for the subject.

Often accumulated information can hide powerful energy potential: this happens when our thoughts, desires, and aspirations do not find fulfillment. In this case, they freeze together with the unspent potential of desire. This is similar to unfinished figures in the game “Tetris” (unfinished gestalt), which are superimposed on one another and a kind of swirl of energy occurs in them. It distorts space and time, disturbing the external and internal space of a person.

These unfinished gestalts are characterized by internal activity; they are ready at any appropriate moment to float to the surface of the lake and find their path of realization. A person can complete them consciously, but in most cases he follows unconscious internal impulses, and everything happens not according to his will. With the complete realization of subconscious desires, the waves of the lake of cittas, freezing, no longer freeze the swirls of energy within themselves, which simply settle to the bottom in the form of information holograms.

Gestalts with potential energy frozen in them can be divided into internal and external. Internal ones are our own, we talked about them above, but external ones include those that are formed not only in ourselves, but also in other participants in current events. If a person consciously wants to complete an external gestalt, this presents some difficulty, since its implementation requires the presence of all people involved in the event in which it was formed.

These, in fact, are the cause-and-effect relationships necessary for the realization of karma. Undoubtedly, the implementation of events must occur both in the micro- and macrocosm, that is, it needs to manifest itself in both systems - both external and internal.

So, in fact, the subconscious is involved in the mechanism of karma formation and its implementation.

Undoubtedly, in order to realize its goals, the subconscious is engaged in monitoring and managing the energy-information exchange that occurs both within the person himself and during the interaction of his personal world with the environment. For the most part, communication with the outside world is carried out at a non-verbal level and is not conscious.

Another interesting property of the subconscious is the ability to quickly process information. Therefore, he is credited with the manifestation of intuition, which is not associated with the receipt of new information, but is based only on the use of previously accumulated experience. There is an opinion that all new discoveries come to us from the experience of past lives, when we were incarnated in more developed civilizations.

Technique No. 2

And the technique is simple. Take and thoughtfully write down all the feelings and unpleasant sensations. Everything that this or that person evokes in you. Realize all this in relation to yourself. Write it down again in the context of “I don’t allow myself to do this and that.” Or it could be “I’m shouting at myself with the help of this person, because I consider myself guilty,” and so on.

And then reformat what was written. Literally replacing it with opposite beliefs about yourself. Something like (for example) “I accept myself in this behavior and allow myself to be.” Or “I am an indisputable value for myself and the most important part of the universe. I love and value myself and the world reflects this to me.” Well, in this spirit, for each point, for clarity, I also wrote it all down scrupulously.

The job is done, the painful “splinter” has been removed and do not be tempted to examine it further while rubbing the wounded area. Switch to the positive and press the gas pedal. You saw your sign to transform the problem with the help of this person. And beneficial changes in relationships with him will not keep you waiting. After all, the subconscious can do anything.

Project positive thoughts about yourself and the world around you. Fulfillment of desires with the help of the subconscious

Life is too harmonious to give a person something more or less than what he deserves. “A man’s destiny is his character,” says the proverb. We can always change our lives - if we believe that we can do it. If not, we don't have the slightest chance.

That is why you need to fill your mind with positive attitudes, even if reality does not yet indicate any improvement. At least you won't be draining your strength by endlessly banging your head against the wall.

Dreaming about the future and being grateful for what you have now can serve as an excellent antidote to negative attitudes and fears. “Yes, my son is not an excellent student and is not the head of the class. But he is a very sociable guy, and he also has good math skills - it is quite possible that he will make a great entrepreneur.”

By instilling positive thoughts about yourself and the world around you, over time you will definitely see your reality transform for the better.

In our universe, everything already exists; we are free to choose any path from the space of options. The only thing that needs to change is thinking. It’s a little difficult to do this yourself, but there are books for this. I don’t want to impose my opinion, but I can and want to advise you to start with Vadim Zeland’s book “Reality Transurfing” and then gradually move on to the books of Carlos Castaneda (I advise you to start with the third book “Journey to Ixtlan”). Believe me, this will open you up to a new vision of the world.

If you are at least a little interested, I will be glad if you take a walk around my site, sections; “Esoterica”, “My notes”, etc., perhaps you will become my like-minded person or appendage, which is also interesting.

Proper preparation

You must meditate, turning to the power of the subconscious level, consciously. To do this, you should prepare properly, taking into account the following points:

  • believe that the energy signal being sent will definitely work;
  • eliminate negative emotions that will interfere with concentration in the session;
  • relax physically by taking a comfortable position and relieving tension from all muscle groups;
  • provide a suitable environment - dim the lights, turn on calm music, light incense.

Such simple preparation is usually only required at the initial stage. As you gain experience, no preparatory measures will be needed, since relaxation and stress relief will begin to occur automatically - in any place, time and position.

Methods of working with the subconscious - technique No. 1

So let's get started. Let's start with a technique that, although not intended to get answers to questions, is basic. Because it has the meaning of building a benevolent attitude towards life and modeling the positive construction of its events. Its essence is to fixate on the good for as long as possible.

You may vehemently argue that this is difficult and practically impossible to do all the time, since life is “stormy.” And you will be right, with the only caveat that this seems almost impossible if you try to concentrate on the good while being in the perception of the mind. But that's the whole point.

To “connect” to your Soul, to your Highest hypostasis, in order to harmonize all sectors of your existence in material embodiment. We are given two extremely simple levers, let's call them “gas” and “brake”. And these levers are not located somewhere in the depths, but on the surface, being the most used in every current day. We talk about sensation, about feeling “good” and “bad.”

These indicators have a connection to the physical body, and it is designed to transmit any signal very clearly. Therefore, it is almost impossible to confuse one with the other. And that’s when any event, communication, or situation makes us feel good. Thus, we actively step on the gas pedal and joyfully drive through life, accumulate energy, and radiate positivity. And thereby we attract it even more in the form of desired events into our reality.

If it’s hard, sad, unpleasant, difficult for us, we “slow down” and get stuck in a swamp. Projecting the same swamp, only in an even more expanded spill and thickening, into your near and distant future.

Therefore, our task is to be in contact with the Soul as much as possible. After all, our subconscious can really do anything! And to do this, you need to ask yourself the question “What do I feel?” as often as possible. Joy, lightness? It's okay, let's go.

Unpleasant, hard, discomfort? Urgently switch your attention to what is now guaranteed to be in order in your world of your own creation. Which doesn't require your frantic intervention right now.

What could it be?

It could be a calmly sleeping cat. The plates you washed and placed on the shelf. A cheerfully green ficus in a pot, and so on. Yes, even your nose or ear, provided that everything is fine with them right now, can be perfect for switching to them. Leave the negative in a neutral position and take a breath.

Next, in order to gain profit, we urgently remember what in this life we ​​can be grateful to ourselves as the creator of our reality. Good weather? Wonderful! Did you have a delicious lunch? Amazing! Friendly communication with the seller in the store? Great, because it reflects some good side of you, why not thank yourself for it! Are you wearing comfortable shoes and clothes? And it’s completely good! The more reasons to be grateful, the more evidence that all is well with your world, you can relax. The higher the vibration, the more consonance with your true essence, and this is your subconscious, and the more goodness in each coming day.

What is the power of the subconscious

Self-control - what is it in psychology, definition

Many experts believe that with the help of the subconscious you can achieve absolutely everything and make the desired changes in any area of ​​human activity:

  • achieve the desired level of income;
  • build favorable relationships with people around you, excluding unwanted individuals from your social circle;
  • get rid of various ailments and diseases;
  • can make changes to a person’s appearance;
  • make all your dreams and desires come true;
  • increase self-esteem and improve the level and quality of life;
  • relieve depression and phobias;
  • help get rid of bad habits (smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction and gambling).


Today we will do a dive while sitting on the floor. Try sitting in a lotus or half-lotus position, whatever feels comfortable for you. If this is a completely unacceptable asana for you, then please sit on a chair and do this practice in the same way.

What does this practice allow you to do?

Firstly, we will try to go deeper into the alpha state and find contact with our unconscious there, we will ask questions about what the answer “yes” and the answer “no” look like and listen to our body.

Let me remind you that we have three perception systems and the most important thing is to learn to hear at least one. The advanced level is when you learn to see pictures, visuals, hear what your unconscious tells you and navigate your body. That is, in some part of the body your unconscious will somehow respond.

For example, you will ask a question about what a “yes” answer looks like. We will observe this as relaxed as possible, and you will be led in some direction, your head will turn somehow, your finger will begin to twitch, or you will feel some kind of pulsation, vibration in your knee. Everything needs to be paid attention to. The most important thing is to understand how your body signals a “yes” answer.

We will then ask a question about what the answer “no” would look like. And in the same way you will monitor what is happening in the body. It often happens that for a minute your unconscious mind does not react in any way with your body and does not show what the answer “yes” looks like when you later ask questions.

For example, whether to meet you or not. You sat down, closed your eyes, did this practice: first, stop the internal dialogue, then we come into contact with our unconscious, listen. If within a minute you receive a “yes” answer, then you immediately know that you are good to go. If you don’t have any sensations, no response within 1-2 minutes, then you understand that it’s probably better not to go. But you can repeat this practice after another 5-10 minutes.

So, the answer “yes” is always clear in the form of a reaction from a certain part of the body. But the answer “no” can simply give complete silence. That is, you ask and listen. If within a minute there is no answer “yes” and no answer “no” has come either, perhaps your unconscious mind will also imply that the answer “no” does not look like anything. That is, the reaction occurs only to the answer “yes”.

What questions can be addressed to the unconscious?

You can contact us with any questions that require “yes” or “no” answers. But, of course, in such a basic practice, your unconscious will not say “go there at such and such time, there is such and such an amount of money, and if you find yourself there, you will take this money for yourself.”

Or “or there will be that man here and there who will look like this.” Of course, in basic practices it is impossible to hear, feel, know, and therefore you begin to interact with your unconscious, asking a question and receiving “yes” or “no” answers.

So, let's get ready for practice. Sit in a way that is comfortable for you. The fingers can lie completely freely in any mudra. I usually do “yin and yang” - I put my fingers together like this and they intersect. But it is not important. You can just put your fingers. This can be done if you sit in the lotus or half-lotus position. You can sit like this.

If you are sitting on a chair, you can also close your thumb and index finger in mudra and place them on your knees and simply relax your palms.

Let's start alpha diving

We do the alpha dive as usual. Close your eyes, place your tongue on the roof of your mouth to close the channels and direct your eyes a little closer to the bridge of your nose, but this should not cause you discomfort. Your body should be as relaxed as possible; you just need to keep your spine vertical. Do not do this practice lying down. Most likely, you will not feel the answers or they will not come.

Sit down, eyes closed, place your tongue anywhere on the roof of your mouth. We are sitting now, completely relaxed, keeping our spine vertical, the top of our head directed towards the ceiling. Take a long breath, long exhale, as you feel comfortable and in this practice we breathe only through the nose. If someone can't breathe through their nose, just shake their head to the sides.

So, long inhale, long exhale. Long breath, long breath. And you continue to inhale long and exhale long. Now I will ask you to take a long breath and exhale one more time. Open your eyes briefly. Look around, realize where you are and close again. Now please straighten your breathing, remove your tongue from the roof of your mouth, straighten your eyes. You can relax your jaw a little to make it more comfortable.

Sit and observe, feel your body, listen to me. Now relax as much as possible, release all the muscles in your body so that there is no tension, so that you can hear and catch the slightest sensation when your unconscious answers your questions.

Now we turn to our unconscious.


“Dear unconscious, please make contact in the way that is optimal for you. Dear unconscious, please make contact in the way that is optimal for you.”

Now relax as much as possible and listen. Maybe it will make contact actively through the body. We are not yet asking questions about what the “yes” and “no” answers will look like. We are simply observing how it can make itself felt.

Please observe how this will happen, how your unconscious will make contact. Stay in this state for a while. It's just a good, pleasant state. At the same time, your body may already be filled with energy. When we plunge into the alpha state, energy flows automatically begin to work in us.

Now, regardless of how your unconscious came into contact, and whether it came out at all, ask it a question:

“Dear unconscious, please show me what the answer “yes” will look like.

And now relax as much as possible. Firstly, we feel with our body any vibrations, any changes, any sensations in the body: this is what the answer “yes” will look like to any question that you subsequently ask him. Let’s see what the answer “yes” will look like.

Stay in this state. We don’t block anything on purpose, we are as relaxed as possible, we don’t do anything special, we breathe normally, we just observe what and where manifested itself in the body, how the body, for example, begins to move on its own. That is, we are now receiving an answer from the unconscious what the answer “yes” will look like.

Firstly, we listen to what comes in phrases - these are our thoughts, because the first phrase is correct. Or it will be sensations in the body. Still, more often than not, the unconscious responds with the body. Watch. Maybe somewhere it itched, swirled, swirled, pulsated. Maybe the body is swaying from side to side, back and forth, or the head is spinning in some unusual way.

Now thank the unconscious, say:

“Thank you, dear unconscious”

Regardless of whether you heard or not. Now just stay in silence. We completely stop the internal dialogue.

If a thought goes on, we don’t continue it. Relax as much as possible.

And ask the question again:

“Dear unconscious, please show me again what the answer “yes” will look like.

Relax, listen through your body. Be attentive to any changes in your body.

Most likely, if you received an answer the first time, then the second time you received absolutely the same feeling as confirmation.

Now give thanks and say:

“Dear unconscious, thank you, I understand.”

And now we turn to him again:

“Dear unconscious, please show me what the answer “no” will look like.

And we also listen. Now just sit in complete silence and see if they show you what the answer “no” looks like. We just observe as much as possible. Maybe you will have pictures, maybe you will hear phrases from the unconscious. Maybe you will still feel with your body what the answer “no” looks like.

If suddenly you need a little more time, pause me, stay in this state, watch, listen.

Now we say:

“Thank you, dear unconscious.”

And just be in silence, without analyzing anything, without developing any themes, just relax.

Let us ask the question again:

“Dear unconscious, please show me once again what the answer “no” will look like.”

And we listen with our bodies, we listen with our ears, we watch the visuals. These are only your sensations, these are only your answers, your unconscious. Watch.

Now give thanks and say:

“Dear unconscious, thank you.”

Open your eyes a little and leave the practice completely.

Firstly, now your state has changed a lot, since we have plunged into the alpha state, energy flows are starting to work well and you most likely feel full, somehow you have begun to feel your body differently and you like it. Someone felt it through the body for the first time, someone saw some pictures for the first time.

If you do this practice every day, then I have a request for you - for the first 3-5 days, do not ask any more questions in order to improve your quality, so that you clearly understand that this is how your unconscious answers you “yes”, and this is how your unconscious answers you “no” or if it is silent, it also means “no”.

Once you have practiced for 4-5 days, maybe you even need 7 days, to evoke exactly these sensations every day, to undoubtedly understand that this is how your unconscious voices itself to you, that this is what “yes” looks like, this is what “no” looks like and you understand him.

And then, when you have practiced for a certain number of days, you can ask questions of interest. For example, today you were invited somewhere and you can first start not with whether you should go there or not, but, for example, ask the question: “Will my meeting go well? Yes or no?".

At what point should I ask this question? Once you master this practice, it will be very easy for you. You will close your eyes on your own, immerse yourself in the alpha state. Before each time, you still need to once again receive confirmation from the unconscious.

Greet him, ask him to get in touch, then ask:

“Dear unconscious, please show me what the answer “yes” will look like today.

Listen, wait, thank. Then you ask what a “no” would look like today. You also waited for the answer, looked, thanked and then asked your one question: Dear unconscious, will my meeting go well today?” You wait and get a “yes or no” answer.

For the first 2-3 weeks, practice with one question, and then you can ask additional questions, and you can have a whole dialogue. For example, when asked whether your meeting will go well, the unconscious will answer you in the negative. Then you ask: “If I wear a different dress, will my meeting go well?” - it will say “yes.”

In principle, as many people there are as many ways of communication. Everyone chooses what is more suitable for themselves. Personally, I like finger signals, mental and figurative communication. This allows me to communicate with the subconscious even in transport - no one notices anything.

And don't be afraid to go crazy. We've all been crazy for a long time now.

Is it normal for people to create illnesses for themselves, cause pain and suffering to themselves and others, and live with all this just because they do not want to take responsibility for their own lives? There is no bad or good subconscious. It is always ready to communicate with you if you sincerely want it. The subconscious mind always takes care of you, but it does it in its own way, based on the experience of your entire personal history, that is, in the way you yourself taught it. Therefore, trust your inner mind, and it will do everything in the best possible way.

The subconscious functions in the same way for everyone, regardless of education and intellectual level, be it a scientist or a fireman. I would even say that it is much easier for the latter to do this, since an academic degree often contributes to an increased sense of self-importance, which prevents a person from noticing simple and amazing things. Let me mention once again that a person is a holistic person. And, turning to your subconscious, you simply strive to unravel the incomprehensible mystery that is man himself!

Finger signals

The previous methods are based on the fact that you invite your subconscious to choose a method for communication. But sometimes it is easier to offer the subconscious a sign language: be it finger movements or a pendulum.

The simplest sign language would be to raise one finger or another: for example, raising the index finger on the right hand to answer “yes” (if you are right-handed) and raising the index finger on the left hand to answer “no”. Raising both fingers at the same time to answer “I don’t know” and holding the fingers still - “I don’t want to answer.”

As you understand, this division is purely arbitrary, and you can establish the sign language yourself. Finger movements should be unconscious and automatic.

Don't try to move your fingers consciously. Just don’t interfere with your subconscious, trust it completely.

Questions must be asked clearly and unambiguously - after all, the subconscious understands everything literally.

I want to warn you right away - there are no people who cannot communicate with the subconscious and there are no bad subconscious minds. If you don't succeed in one way, try another.

I advise you to try all the methods. Maybe you will like one more. The result will definitely come if you intend to get the answer from the depths of your mind.

Now let's try it. Sit in a soft, comfortable chair or lie down on the sofa. Let your hands lie freely and nothing interferes with them. Immediately agree with the subconscious which signal will correspond to this or that answer.

Now, mentally or out loud, turn inside yourself and ask this question:

“Is my subconscious ready to communicate with me? If “yes,” raise the index finger on your right hand with unconscious movements; if “no” - on the left hand.”

Don't try to guess the answer - just wait patiently. After a few seconds, you will feel a slight itching, tingling or numbness in a certain area.

This means that the muscles have received a subconscious signal, tensed and are about to begin to raise a finger. Another second, and the tip of the finger slowly, trembling slightly, moves upward.

The finger can complete its movement by rising quite high, or perhaps only slightly lifting off the surface. Once you have received and realized the answer, thank your subconscious mind and put your finger down.

If you get the answer “no,” then this only means that there are some obstacles to communication, which I have already mentioned: poor health or mood, unfavorable external environment, fear of communication, mistrust of oneself. Remove any obstacles and try again.

Pendulum method

To master this method, you will need a small lucite ball suspended on a thread, 20 centimeters long. Instead of a ball, you can use a wedding ring or a simple nut. Now place your elbow on the table and pinch the end of the thread between your thumb and forefinger. The ball will begin to swing freely.

Rock it forward - backward, left - right, clockwise and counterclockwise. This is necessary so that the subconscious mind determines which muscles are involved in these movements.

After this, stop the ball and turn to the subconscious mind:

“Subconscious mind, choose one pendulum movement out of four possible ones, which you will later use to answer “yes”, and demonstrate this movement to me.”

Wait for the answer and keep your eyes on the pendulum. Try to “hypnotize” the ball. Within a few seconds the pendulum begins to move. Sometimes you need more time to “build up”. The range of movements may vary. As a rule, it is large enough for the answer to be clear.

Having received the answer, stop the pendulum, thank the subconscious and ask it to choose another movement from the remaining three for the answer “no”.

Then ask them to choose the appropriate motions for the “I don’t know” and “I don’t want to answer” responses. This is an old, proven method, which has always been given a certain amount of mysticism. The sight of a “living” pendulum that meaningfully responds to questions is simply mesmerizing.

However, there is nothing supernatural about this. It’s just that the subconscious is capable of making decisions, thinking and taking control of certain muscle groups on its own. It is only important to trust your subconscious mind.

How to ask questions

The way the question is asked is very important to the communication process. To achieve perfection in this, you will need certain knowledge and experience. My examples from practice and your personal attempts will help you acquire them. Since the subconscious mind takes everything literally, the questions should be clear, simple and unambiguous. Say exactly what you really want to say.

First, I recommend writing down the questions and answers on a piece of paper. If you get an unusual answer, it may mean you asked the wrong question. Try to formulate the question differently. The subconscious always gives honest answers (unless you are a notorious liar, of course).

What I really want to warn you against is trying to look into the future. This is an area that needs to be handled very carefully. This is what we create for ourselves.

It is important to understand a few things and always keep them in mind

  • You need to believe in your success. Faith is the most important aspect in any practice.
  • You must always sincerely thank your subconscious. This is a great motivating factor that improves communication!
  • The subconscious is your closest and most faithful friend, which will always understand and help. You need to feel it. With practice, this feeling of love and trust will appear.
  • Your subconscious is you. Be completely free during communication. Feel free to ask any question. There should be no tension during the dialogue. The subconscious is your devoted friend.

You will always have a friend who will understand you perfectly.

Moreover, setting up this contact will contribute to your spiritual growth, the development of psychic abilities and the development of creative potential.

Having a close connection with your subconscious, you will begin to live in confidence, in harmony with yourself and nature, because your subconscious will always indicate and suggest how to act in the best way.

We do not recommend starting work with the subconscious immediately before bed, in the dead of night, or even in the dark unless absolutely necessary. It is also not recommended to begin work on establishing contacts with the subconscious when you are short of time, in a bad mood, in a painful state, or if you experience an internal reluctance to do this at a given moment in time, regardless of the reasons. When starting to work with your subconscious, be internally prepared for significant positive changes in your life and allocate the appropriate time for this.

Writing out

It is also called automatic writing, free writing - it is a technique of communicating with the subconscious, which allows you to “pull out” the deep information stored there onto paper. There are many ways to work with your subconscious using writing out: this is the removal of emotional tension (blocks), clearing the information space (when we pour some information onto paper so that new information is loaded into us), and just a way to hear your intuitive desires without the interference of the mind.

For example: relax and close your eyes. Sit down at the table and have a pen and paper ready. Don't try to monitor your subconscious, but focus on the question that you would like your unconscious to answer. Just focus on this question for just a minute. Then let him go and don't think about him anymore. Be an observer of your internal state for 5-10 minutes: listen to your breathing, your flows, your space inside. And then open your eyes and, without thinking about anything, write on a piece of paper the first sentence that comes to your mind. The very first. Read it. After a while, read it again. Gradually you will understand this strange combination of words, which, at first glance, is not relevant. But communication with the subconscious occurs through metaphors and images. By practicing the technique of such “communication”, you will learn to hear yourself better and better from the inside.

Image and imaginative thinking

Every person has imaginative thinking . An image is a collective concept: thoughts, feelings, sensations, smells, tastes, impressions.

Imagine a cat. The image of a representative of the cat family immediately pops into my head .

— Someone has a sweet, gentle domestic cat . Soft and woolen. And it’s immediately cozy and warm inside, like home. - And someone has a tiny kitten . A long-awaited gift from parents. And in my soul there is joy and childish delight. — Someone has a cat that has desecrated all the sofas . And he treated the carpets shamelessly. Ew, impudent and stinky!

This is the volume and movement that unfolds inside a simple word - cat. Imagine if these words are love, family or life. Oh, these are huge layers , but we will go gradually.

The role of the subconscious in human life

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Scientists have been arguing a lot about the possibilities of the subconscious for a long time. Some of them consider it pseudoscience, others, on the contrary, see in it the fundamental principles of psychological research. However, both agree that the unconscious determines the true nature of a person’s personality, not hidden by any social masks or conventions.

The role of the unconscious

The unconscious plays a huge role in human life. Positive functions of the subconscious:

  • unconscious use of accumulated life experience for one’s benefit;
  • assistance in dialogue with surrounding people, in choosing a social environment (it happens that a person begins to have a negative attitude towards someone for no apparent reason, at the subconscious level realizing the unpleasant traits of this person, and only after a long time the reasons for such an unconscious attitude towards the person will appear in all its glory);
  • correct influence on the unconscious can improve a person’s quality of life and get rid of certain diseases;
  • the work of intuition, which helps to make the right choice in complex or ambiguous situations.

The destructive role of the subconscious:

  • There are a large number of ways and techniques that influence the unconscious and allow you to manipulate a person (for example, the use of neurolinguistic programming in trading);
  • Intuition is not “friendly with logic” and does not always force you to choose the best solution to a problem;
  • The subconscious always tries to keep a person in the comfort zone, which does not always have a beneficial effect on the formation and development of the individual. For example, a person is comfortable lying on the couch in the evenings and watching TV, having a small income. It would be possible to find a part-time job for the evenings, but then the comfortable “sofa” existence will be disrupted; the subconscious does not allow a person to make changes in his life.

Important! In order for the unconscious not to interfere with the full life and development of a person, it must not be allowed to dominate consciousness. The conscious and unconscious must balance each other.

The secret of the subconscious level

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