How to achieve success in life: from principles to actions

Rules for success

In what area do you want to achieve success? What are you dreaming about?

  • get an interesting, promising job
  • take your business to a new level of income
  • improve family relationships
  • find your own happiness
  • travel freely anywhere in the world
  • be a financially independent person

For many of us, most of these questions are relevant. Do you know that achieving success in any area of ​​life is subject to certain laws and rules? Simply incorporate these rules into your daily routine and you will achieve the desired results. Some people are familiar with some of them, others have already made a part of their lives from them, and for some they can become a real discovery.

At first, it may be quite difficult for you to follow them. But you should be patient. After all, achieving your deepest desires is at stake!

So, here they are, 10 principles for success in life.

Always clearly state your goals

Enough of these blurry, sweet dreams of your own palace, in which exquisite wine flows from golden fountains. Moreover, for 5 years your boss has not even hinted at a bonus or salary increase. And you yourself dream every day about getting rid of credit bondage as quickly as possible.

Set yourself specific goals. Let them be with a hint of ambition, but still perceived by you quite realistically. At least you can accept the idea that you will have it in the next couple of years. For example, you work as a full-time manager in your company. But if you try, then after 2-3 years you will be able to apply for the position of senior manager or department head.

This is quite achievable, right?

People who have achieved success from scratch

There are quite a lot of bright positive examples, and some books just shout their names from the bookstore shelves “100 people who achieved success”, “50 successful geniuses”, while many books are dedicated to people who still received worldwide recognition, despite physical features, including Ludwig Van Beethoven, Frida Kahlo, John Nash, Nick Vujicic. I propose to focus on the brightest personalities, so that everyone can believe that everything will work out for them in the best possible way. Jan Koum, a native of Ukraine, who, thanks to the success and subsequent sale of the start-up WhatsApp, carried out a revolution in communications.

How can one not remember Henry Ford and his automobile breakthrough, as well as Colonel Sanders, who after long service in the army and years of self-discovery created the KFC brand, Roman Abramovich and his colossal business empire in Russia and abroad. And the inventor of the ordinary incandescent light bulb, Thomas Edison, also started from scratch, just like the world-famous and today rich writer Joan Rowling. There are many examples - both in the field of production, creativity and modern technical projects. And such bright personalities literally tell us: “If I could, why don’t you at least just try?” But indeed, maybe not everything is so complicated and success is much closer than it seems.

Set intermediate goals

Yes Yes. As you move towards your big goal, put unique markers. Imagine that you are driving along an unfamiliar road in complete darkness. Divide the area into segments that are visible in the headlights. These will be your achievable goals. They will gradually lead you to the realization of the main thing. If you have only one big goal, then the temptation to postpone achieving it until better times will appear very soon. It will seem unreal to you at the moment. And you just give up, get disappointed and plunge back into ordinary, gray everyday life. Do you need it?

Micro goals are another matter. You will reach new heights every time. Even if not so huge by the standards of the Universe. However, achieving them will increase your self-esteem, add enthusiasm and bring you closer to your main goal. You will begin, literally, to get high on yourself. This is an amazing feeling!

The Golden Rule of Success: Feedback to Yourself

If you evaluate all the listed rules for success, you will see that they are all about awareness.

It is necessary to clearly evaluate each step you take and give yourself feedback:

What will my choice lead to? What is the result of the planned action? Why is the alternative better?

By maintaining awareness, it is easy to form your own rules for success - to achieve what you want in a short time.

Interesting read:

Rules for success in life and business: 12 secrets of successful people
How to reprogram your brain for positivity and luck: the secrets of positive thinking
Life according to your hand: techniques for self-development and achieving goals

Don't forget to thank yourself

Every time you achieve the planned result, be sure to treat yourself to something pleasant. Give yourself a prize for a job well done.

A new beautiful blouse or smartphone from the latest Apple collection. Or something extreme? For example, a parachute jump from a height of 5000 meters! (Breathtaking!)

Just please let the reward be commensurate with the success achieved. For example, if, according to your plan, you have lost a couple of extra pounds of excess weight, you should not buy yourself a kilogram cake. Also, you shouldn’t buy yourself a big, expensive prize for a frankly small achievement.

The difference between successful people and unsuccessful people

Self-awareness - what is it, concept and types

The phenomenon of success largely depends on habits. Psychological research has shown that successful and unsuccessful people behave in exactly the opposite way:

  • For example, successful people prefer to get information from books and have a large home library with a variety of genres. Due to this habit, they have good oral communication skills and can speak without embarrassment in social circles. Unsuccessful people rely on the Internet and television, receiving a lack of information, constantly being distracted, their vocabulary is poor, although this does not prevent them from saying the wrong things at times louder than anyone else.
  • A successful individual, when achieving a goal, does not always achieve it immediately, but he knows how to wait, learns new things and constantly replenishes his knowledge base. Unsuccessful people do not have such skills; they want everything at once; having failed, they lose interest in further movement.
  • A successful person will spend the evening effectively, whether it’s going to the gym or attending a speech by a psychologist or life coach, while an unsuccessful person will spend this time alone at home, wasting time and gaining laziness.

Successful people never stop learning

There are many such examples that can be cited. The point is that over time, a fear of success can develop. Unsuccessful, indecisive people no longer even know what success can be; it’s natural - it’s easy to fail if you don’t get rid of laziness and don’t follow the criteria of success.

Be prepared to work hard

Yes, exactly a lot.

And sometimes even very, very much! Of course, you can arrange moments of relaxation and gratitude for yourself. But in those moments when you move forward, give it your 100%. Your goal is worthy and there should be no compromise here.

Imagine that you are a racing car and press the gas pedal to the metal. Most importantly, don’t forget to celebrate your moments of triumph. Praise yourself - you did great! Always mark your successes with the word: “today I did a great job with this task,” “now I can do it even better,” etc.

Start with what you have.

Many people put off starting a movement until they have the resources they need. And this process continues ad infinitum. For example, in order to start running, a person needs a good tracksuit and sneakers. First, he waits for a long, long time for a suit, and then he realizes that the selected sneakers do not match this suit. And the search for sneakers begins. As a result, this person will have a house full of sports equipment, but he will never run. Because he will always be missing something.

Start today, with what you have. No sneakers - run in shoes, barefoot around the apartment. But start running. You will find the missing resources already in the process.

Many people put off starting the movement until they have the necessary resources. Take action today. You will find the missing resources tomorrow

Learn to enjoy what you do

If you are not happy with what you are doing right now:

  • you are not satisfied with your job. You simply decided to wait in this place until a more suitable position becomes available;
  • your relationship with a loved one is not going well, and you harbor a grudge against the entire world around you;
  • What else are you unhappy with right now?

Just start devoting more time and attention to it. Take a closer look at your work - perhaps there is something you can do better. For example, bringing your favorite green plant to the office for mood or helping colleagues with their tasks.

Try it - you will be pleasantly surprised by the result. If you don’t get along with your loved ones, then stop blaming them for all mortal sins. Do something nice for your loved one instead! Prepare a delicious dinner, invite him to a movie, or just give him a smile. It’s very simple and pleasant, don’t you agree?

Principle No. 3. Don't go with the flow, always keep your life under control

Look around. Most people are in an inert state, floating with the flow of life. They put things off until later, do not try to somehow solve the problems that have arisen, and obediently bend under the weight of difficulties and circumstances. And, by the way, they feel quite comfortable.

This is self-deception, an illusion of comfort. Isn't it more comfortable to be the master of your own life? Always know who you are and what you are doing? Don't let the usual flow of life catch up and lull your desire for success.

Study 24 hours a day

Acquire new professional knowledge, work on your mistakes. Lucky are those who are lucky, as they say. New information enters the world every second, everything changes rapidly. Including your professional activity. Stay tuned for changes.

Always eagerly absorb fresh information and acquire new skills. For example, instead of the radio, you can listen to an audio book or training on your topic on your way to work. This is a kind of mobile institute. This habit will soon serve you well. What benefit do you get from the radio, other than a stream of negative news and a minute of sarcastic humor? Think about it, okay?

General Eisenhower's principle

The method was developed by the American president and is designed to divide tasks into several types:

  • important and unimportant;
  • immediate and non-urgent.

A table appears, the suppression of blocks of which characterizes the priority of actions.

UrgencyUrgentlyDo it yourself immediatelyDelegate to others
Do not rushPlan and execute on your ownDon't execute (trash)

It makes no sense to build such a matrix for each situation, but it is still worth learning the principle of dividing things by priority.

Be rational in allocating your time

Seriously! Stop wasting your precious hours on trifles. Get out of all kinds of social networks and stop wandering aimlessly around the Internet. It’s better to take this time to achieve your goal - the result will please you much more than another like or repost.

Plan your time in advance and focus on the task at hand. If suddenly, quite by accident, you have free time, spend it on your education. See what's new in your professional market. Are you determined to succeed? Don't waste your time.

Rules for achieving success

It is worth separating the rules of success in your personal life and the features of business success. But not much. The reason is simple: success in one area invariably contributes to achievements in another.

Using simple rules of success – 3, 4 or 10 doesn’t matter – you can easily upgrade your world to optimal parameters. The main thing is to introduce a series of positive habits into your life, set yourself up to achieve your dreams and move in this direction.

Simple techniques will allow you to form the foundations of your own well-being every day, which will ultimately give the desired response in your career, personal life, and everyday life.

If you see that your goal is currently unattainable, just find one close to it and take it

Don't blindly chase after your big goal, just look in its direction and gradually move your feet in its direction! She will submit to you, very soon. Go to her!

Did you notice? The rules for achieving success are very accessible and understandable. You are not required to go to the moon or save the world. Just achieve your goal and be a happy person. Every day. 11 habits to help you. Now, think and write down - what goal should you achieve at all costs? Take action!

© Denis, BBF.RU

Personal motives for achieving a goal

What motivates each of us when we get out of bed in the morning, overcoming drowsiness and apathy? Of course, the desire to be better, earn more and spend more. It goes without saying that these are not the main reasons, but, let’s be honest, every morning, as if in the movie “Groundhog Day”, with the exception of the weekend, we live according to the established pattern: getting up - breakfast - work and we do it not in order to survive, but for in order to live comfortably. To achieve success, I am convinced that you need to understand exactly what goals you are pursuing and why you need this success. For example, the most typical options are:

  1. Acquiring a certain status in society, which gives more prospects;
  2. Financial independence;
  3. The desire to give more and better to your loved ones;
  4. A specific material goal is the purchase of something.

We should not exclude the idea that success can contain several components at once. Depending on them, you build your strategy. Along with the fact that you can work according to a strict schedule, you can additionally consider monetary investments that help you receive regular profit depending on the basic amount of investment, including options for deposits in banks, online investments, and participation in business. And about what other ways to earn passive income are available - in the material on the blog. And at all stages of motivation, it is important to rank resources and objectively evaluate the benefits of each.

There is no universal rule on how to achieve success in life, since the accomplishment of a task depends on the conditions in which we live and work, on our desire, on subjective and independent factors, as well as on our desire, performance, self-control and self-organization. Along with this material, I recommend reading about what habits of successful people make them the way they are, which is already on my blog. And remember, it’s not enough to achieve success, the main thing is to maintain it longer and stay at this stage, or even surpass yourself.

Author Ganesa K.

A professional investor with 5 years of experience working with various financial instruments, runs his own blog and advises investors. Own effective methods and information support for investments.

Advice from people who have achieved success in life

How to become rich and successful?

1) When you fall, always get up. Don't give up after a small or even major failure. Only weak people do this, and strong individuals learn from their mistakes.

2) Take risks. A person never regrets what he did, but regrets that he was afraid to take a risk and missed the chance.

3) Believe in yourself. Don't believe what other people say about yourself.

4) Follow your dreams and set big goals. A person who lacks self-confidence chases small goals.

5) Take action. Always engage in self-development. Only losers put everything off until “tomorrow,” fearing change. Act even despite the fear of something new, despite ignorance.

6) Look for offers and opportunities. And agree to them, get into the habit of saying “yes” to something scary more often. A lazy person will only look for excuses.

7) Motivate yourself. Don't wait for a "push" from someone else. You can only become successful on your own.

8) The main thing in everything is patience. Remember that it is impossible to achieve your goal quickly and without putting in effort, or putting in a minimum of effort. Work for your dream so that your dream can work for you in the future. Wanting the whole world at once and immediately is the main sign of a loser and an unreasonable person. Only regular hard work, the path through mistakes and failures - and then your goal will be achieved.

9) Manage your time wisely. Important and urgent matters cannot be put off on a distant shelf.

10) Forget about fear of responsibility. Be proactive. Only those who do a lot for it can become successful. A rolling stone gathers no moss!

Criteria for a successful person

A successful person is immediately visible. Typically, individuals dealing with entrepreneurship, management, as well as artists, film and television stars are equated with such individuals.

Human personality structure - concept

In fact, the criteria for success include what almost every person is capable of:

  • Positive outlook. Despite natural disasters, environmental disasters and not the most peaceful skies above your head, it is important to have a place in your mind for goodness and positivity, since they are an excellent “charger”;
  • Harmony of spirit and life. It is important for a person to pay attention to himself not only in front of the mirror, but also to listen to his essence. If you know your desires and anxieties, an individual can breathe easier in everyday life;
  • Needs and opportunities. You need to be aware of your capabilities, be they material or physical, in order to be able to correctly determine what you want. You shouldn’t jump over your head, it doesn’t give you self-confidence;
  • Freedom. Despite the fact that people often obey, for example, superiors, they should have a certain freedom. Excessive frameworks of behavior imposed by surrounding people suppress the individual;

Note! You always need to have time to do what you love, or better yet, turn it into your main activity.

  • Close ones - family, friends. It is necessary to have several people around who would support the individual and his point of view;
  • Public acceptance. Having the status of a “hermit”, it is too difficult to reach the goal. It is very important to behave correctly in society, to train communication skills and charm. These useful properties will come in handy everywhere and always.

— 3 exercises for those who want to become successful.

Exercises for those who want to become rich and successful.

Principle 1. Go to one peak. Before you start doing something global, you should draw up your life program. Then you can arrange your desires in order of importance. This way you will be tuned in to the results that are most important and desirable for you. They will become your guiding light. All other desires can be put on a list and only those that coincide with the main direction can be selected from it. And when you reach this peak, you can calmly go to conquer the next one. You will have a new path and a new guiding star. You need to review your wish list periodically. Time will tell you what to do with them: either abandon them, or turn them into your next goals.

Exercise 1. To test yourself, try to keep notes for a week about what desires you have during the day. This way, firstly, you will be able to identify persistent desires that are repeated over and over again, and, secondly, notice in what form, positive or negative, you express them.

Principle 2. Successful is the one who thinks in terms of success. Life is not just a procession along the carpet. All people face difficulties and problems in one way or another.

Learn to sell

Many people cringe when thinking about trading. They are prejudiced by this work. In fact, it may prevent you from being successful. The ability to sell is the ability to convince someone. If you want to make a date, this skill will come in handy. And if you are having an interview, this skill will come in handy. When convincing relatives or colleagues of something, you use it. So if you want to get the most out of every area of ​​your life, learn effective sales techniques. There are many successful coaches from whom you can learn a lot.

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Only positive thoughts and composure

Another important condition for achieving success in life is self-hypnosis, since only a positive attitude, faith in yourself and your strengths will be an excellent impetus for action. Psychologists note that self-hypnosis is the only key to your subconscious

Every thought in a person’s head is the key to a psycho-emotional background, so it is important to get rid of any negative emotions, fears, anxiety, lack of self-confidence and doubt.

Do you consider yourself a successful person?

Not really

A person must remember that he himself determines what he will think about at a certain moment; accordingly, he has all the levers to control his thinking

Before implementing your tasks and goals, it is important to think about yourself only from the best side, believing in your uniqueness, abilities, talents and capabilities. By learning to focus only on your best sides, you can gradually change the way you feel about yourself.

And having loved yourself, the person’s surroundings will begin to change.

For reference! Visualization techniques are a great way to change your thinking for the better. To do this, you periodically need to draw pictures in your imagination of how a person in the present time achieves all important goals and objectives. You can create a vision board, depicting yourself as what a person wants to become as a result of working on himself.

What is success - how to achieve your goals correctly

What is success - how to achieve your goals correctly

Many people over the years have been trying to find the answer to the question: What is success? For some, it is enough to simply imagine it in their thoughts, and they understand how to achieve those goals that will lead to success. But you should understand that the key to success is completely different for each person.

How do people achieve success? This question is not as simple as it might seem. After all, in order to achieve success, you need to work hard and set the right priorities. In addition, a successful person does not have bad habits and works hard on his own development.

For some people, success is a luxurious life, going to expensive restaurants and similar expensive values, while for others it is a feeling of importance among one’s surroundings. The meaning of this word depends on the goals that a person sets for himself, on his attitude to life, as well as on personal preferences. However, there are specific components that make up real success. Let's look at what it really is and what it consists of.

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How much did the most important principle of success cost me in monetary terms?

Let's calculate how much this principle cost me. On average, I spent 2 hours every day searching. I searched for him for 4 years and 10 months, which is 1760 days. Now let's say that 1 hour of my work costs $1 (which is very little, many of you earn $5 per hour or more). Total time spent 1760x2 = 3520 hours. In monetary terms = 3520 x $1 = $3520. You get this principle for only $62. Now, divide $62 by how much you make per hour, and you will see how much time you spent learning this principle. 30 hours? Or maybe just 15 hours? How does this compare to my 3520 watch?

Rule of success No. 2. Nothing is impossible for you!

The person you are destined to become is only the person you choose to become.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, poet and philosopher

A mindset called “Impossible” is firmly ingrained in the minds of many of us. Upbringing, folk “wisdom”, personal experience... It doesn’t matter where this belief came from, the important thing is that it prevents us from living happily.

How many dashed hopes are associated with the word “impossible”?

  • “I want to become a singer, but it’s impossible to get on stage!”;
  • “I dream of moving to Greece, but now it’s impossible: loans, work, elderly parents”;
  • “I want to open my own business, but in our country it is impossible to conduct business honestly.”

And also:

  • “Too difficult and long”;
  • “I’m not that age anymore”;
  • “I can’t handle this”

Dozens of these attitudes force you to settle for a mediocre life, a mediocre job, a mediocre relationship, a mediocre home, and so on.


You just have to believe that you can - and you are already halfway to your goal.

Theodore Roosevelt

Believe me, there is nothing that you cannot do or achieve! If there is at least one person in the history of the world who could do something, then you can do it too.

Of course, no one says it will be easy! But this means that everything is possible and achievable! You just need to realize and accept the idea that your dream is possible.

Many famous personalities give advice and teach how to become successful. Yes, their stories are unique and special. But, nevertheless, most of them agree that nothing is impossible in this world. And as soon as you start making a plan to achieve your dreams, the unreal turns into achievable.

Therefore, feel free to set goals and make plans to achieve them.

On topic: Strategy “How to set goals” that will allow you to always get what you want

Write down step by step what you need to do to live the life of your dreams, and take action!

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