Psychological spheres of personality, help on the path to success

2.1. Cognitive-cognitive sphere of personality

Subject of study Tools I am real I'm ideal
1 Memory “Do you have a good memory?” The subject was able to remember and write down 16 out of 20 digits after reading it once. Mechanical auditory memory is slightly worse -13 digits. Improvement and development of auditory memory
2 Attention Munsterberg test As a result of this test, it was revealed that the subject of the study was able to underline 22 words in 2 minutes. This indicates a high degree of selective attention and noise immunity. Everything suits me
3 Thinking type "Type of thinking" This test revealed that the object of study is dominated by Abstract-Symbolic and Verbal-Logical, as well as Subject-Effective Development of creativity
4 Intelligence "Genius" The subject of the study correctly solved 18 problems We need to further develop our abilities and strive for the ideal.
5 Perception "Type of perception" Kinesthetic Everything suits me
6 Imagination Imagination Test Individual flashes of intuition occur. Everything suits me
7 Feel "Your Sensation Needs" High degree of need for sensations Everything suits me

Test “Do you have a good memory?” revealed that the subject of the study has a predominance of visual memory over auditory memory. For the overall development of personality, the development of auditory memory is also necessary.

The Münsterberg attention test showed that the subject of the study had good indicators of attention, so at the moment, work on improving attention is not necessary.

When determining the type of thinking based on the “Type of Thinking” test, it turned out that the subject of the study developed three types of thinking at an average level: objective-real, verbal-logical, visual-figurative thinking. 1. Subject-oriented thinking is characteristic of people of action. They absorb information better through movement. 2. Verbal-logical thinking distinguishes people with pronounced verbal (verbal) intelligence. This skill is necessary for managers, politicians, and public figures. 3. Visual-figurative thinking is possessed by people with an artistic mindset who can imagine what was, and what will be, and what has never been and will not be - artists, poets, writers, directors. But the fourth type of thinking - Creativity (the ability to think creatively, find non-standard solutions to a problem) is developed to a lesser extent, and therefore the development of this quality is necessary.

The “Genius” test revealed that the subject of the study has a well-developed intellect, but one should not stop there.

According to the results of the “Type of perception” test, the object of study has a type of perception - kinesthetic. Here other words and definitions are more often used, for example: “I can’t understand this”, “the atmosphere in the apartment is unbearable”, “her words touched me deeply”, “the gift was something like warm rain for me.” The feelings and impressions of people of this type concern mainly what relates to touch, intuition, guesswork. In conversation they are interested in internal experiences.

The test for the ability to imagine gave the result: The subject of the study has flashes of intuition. But fantasy depends on your mood.

The subject of the study has a high level of sensation needs according to the results of the “Your Sensation Needs” test. He is characterized by foresight and caution at the expense of receiving new impressions and information from life. He prefers dynamism and a fast pace of life.

Evolution of the concept of what psychology is

First of all, you need to know that the answer to the question “What is psychology?” changed with the development of this science:

  1. Aristotle called it “the science of the soul.” Everything that was beyond understanding was explained by the presence of a soul in man.
  2. In the 17th century, consciousness became the subject of study. Then a method began to be practiced in which a person, observing himself, described his behavior and feelings at the same time.
  3. J. Watson in the twentieth century introduced the concept of behaviorist psychology, according to which human behavior was considered as a reaction to external stimuli.
  4. The subject of study of modern psychology is the internal mental processes of a person, his conscious and unconscious. Moreover, this approach led to the division of science into two large areas.

2.2. Emotional-volitional sphere of personality

8 Temperament G. Eysenck test Choleric (15;16) Patience should be developed
"Artist or Thinker" Thinker Everything suits me
Test “Which hemisphere is your main?” The left hemisphere of the brain is dominant Everything suits me
9 Emotions “How emotional are you?” Very emotional Everything suits me
Test to identify the predominant negative emotions of a person Irritability, verbal aggression Not satisfied
10 Character Psychogeometric test The circle is a mythological symbol of harmony Everything suits me
11 Accentuation of character Leonhard–Szmisek Questionnaire All indicators except Distinction are expressed (more than 12) Demonstration and Exaltation are identified as leading Everything suits me

Eysenck's test revealed that the subject of the study corresponds to the temperament of a choleric person. This type is characterized by: an enthusiastic struggle for new things, but the strength does not last long, and is characterized by ups and downs in mood. In communication, they are often noticeable: loudness, hot temper, impatience.

According to the results of the “Artist or Thinker” test, the subject of the study was revealed to have an analytical mindset; the main features of the subject, according to the test data, were gentleness and caution. Characteristic character traits are lack of conflict, tolerance and prudence; in relationships, preference for distance.

The emotionality test showed that the subject of the study is very emotional. He is easily excitable and very emotional. He needs the encouraging participation and trust of others. Thanks to emotionality, the subject of research may well become as insightful as he is sensitive.

When determining character, the object of study chose a circle. The highest value for the Circle is people and their well-being. Circles are the best communicators among the five shapes, primarily because they are the best listeners. They have high sensitivity and developed empathy. The circle feels other people's joy and feels other people's pain as its own. Circles, due to their focus on people rather than business, try too hard to please everyone. The circles are not decisive, are weak in “political games” and often cannot present themselves and their “team” properly.

The test for determining character accentuation “Leonhard-Smishek Questionnaire” revealed the emotive type. The characteristic features of this type are: sensitivity, humanity, responsiveness. Characterized by kindness, kindness, sincerity, and emotional responsiveness. They rarely enter into conflicts, they carry grievances within themselves and do not “spill out” outside. Characterized by a heightened sense of duty and diligence.

How the concept of development of 7 spheres was formed

At a certain point, I came across a very effective development exercise called the “Wheel of Life Balance.” This exercise allows us to make our lives more harmonious, happy, successful and rich. To do this, you just need to bring it into balance. This wheel displays the main areas of life that a person must constantly maintain in balance.

The essence of the exercise is simple. Take a pen and a sheet of paper. A circle is drawn and divided into sectors, which represent our areas of life. Then they are analyzed on a 10-point scale. The wheel of life balance helps us see which areas of our lives are overloaded and which, on the contrary, are forgotten. Seeing this, you can redistribute your time, energy and strength between areas to bring your life into a state of balance.

It is very important to say here that there is no one-size-fits-all version of this exercise, i.e. The number of spheres for each person may be different. In the picture we see 8 spheres. I use, for example, 7. You can create a “Wheel of Life” from 3, 5 and even 10 spheres. The most important thing is that they fully support your balance between the inner and outer world.

2.3. Need-motivational sphere of personality

12 Focus Questionnaire V. Smekal – M. Kuchera Personal focus - on yourself Everything suits me
Motivation for success and motivation for fear of failure Motivation for success Everything suits me
Test "Employment" Efficiency (14 points) Everything suits me
"How do you handle things" Vulnerabilities: knowing yourself; consistency of behavior. It's not hard to do your job. Analysis of the results obtained through this project
How do you feel about yourself? The subject of the study treats his “I” detachedly, with distrust Everything suits me
Test: What is your happiness? Happiness in achieving "Stop and Enjoy" Everything suits me

Diagnosis of personality orientation based on the “V. Smekal – M. Kucher Questionnaire” test for the subject of the study showed that self-direction is expressed with greater force. Personal orientation – motives for one’s own well-being, the desire for personal superiority and prestige predominate. A person is busy with himself, his feelings and experiences and reacts little to the needs of people around him. In work, he sees, first of all, an opportunity to satisfy his aspirations.

The results of the test “Motivation for success and motivation for fear of failure” revealed motivation for success, which is characterized, first of all, by activity and initiative. If obstacles are encountered, they look for ways to overcome them. The productivity of activity and the degree of its activity are less dependent on external control. They are distinguished by persistence in achieving goals. They tend to plan their future over long periods of time.

They prefer to take on obligations that are average in difficulty or slightly inflated, although feasible. They set realistically achievable goals. If they take risks, do so prudently. Typically, such qualities ensure overall success, which is significantly different from both minor achievements with underestimated obligations and random luck with overestimated ones.

The “Business” test determined the businesslike nature of the research subject, which is the middle ground between the type of slacker and workaholic.

When taking the “How do you handle things” test, the subject's weak points are self-knowledge and consistency of behavior, which means that the subject's behavior is not consistent in various situations.

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As a person involved in self-development, you have probably thought about improving some skills. But there are so many of them that sometimes you don’t know what to take on.

What is more important: willpower or determination? This and similar questions can be confusing.

However, if you know about the concept of the personality sphere, it becomes much easier to understand. For example, knowing that willpower and determination belong to the same group of abilities, you can draw certain conclusions.

Personality spheres are a set of human characteristics that characterize his actions, motivations, ways to achieve goals, perception of information, needs, etc.

Such categorization is needed not only for those who are engaged in self-development, but also, for example, for companies that are looking for employees.

The following areas of human personality are distinguished:

  • motivational;
  • strong-willed;
  • organic and social;
  • educational.

In this article we will look at these areas of human personality and try to understand how they are formed and what they depend on.

Motivational sphere of personality

Each person has his own specific needs, which prompt him to engage in one or another behavior aimed at satisfying these needs.

The level and quantity of needs differ from person to person: this is due to living conditions, different lifestyles, level of organization and place in society.

If basic needs (food, drink, warmth) do not change much during life, except perhaps their quantity, then others (self-realization, search for the meaning of existence) evolve along with a person. Much depends on moral values.

If we talk about the structure of the motivational sphere of the individual, then despite some differences, certain trends can still be identified. Here is an approximate diagram:

  • Organic (food and drink requirements).
  • Material (need for property and money).
  • Social (need for authority, respect, sense of justice, self-esteem).
  • Spiritual (faith, increasing spiritual level).

Psychologists pay the main attention to the motivational sphere of the individual, because human behavior aimed at achieving goals depends on motivation. We have done many things in our lives solely because we wanted to.

Main characteristics of the motivational sphere of the individual:

  • Motivational Power: If a person is motivated enough, he is capable of doing a lot.
  • Dynamics of motives: changes in the strength and priority of motives.
  • The sustainable nature of motives: they do not disappear after satisfying certain needs.
  • Availability of structure: several needs can be combined into one motivation.
  • The existence of a certain hierarchy: there are secondary and dominant motives.
  • Flexible nature: Each person can meet their needs in different ways.
  • Multiple in nature: an increase in the needs themselves, means and ways to satisfy such needs.
  • Diversity of motives: a large number of incentives to action.

It should be remembered that the motivational sphere of the individual is only one of several. You cannot judge a person by it alone. Let's look at others.

Volitional sphere of personality

The volitional sphere of personality is a set of volitional qualities that characterizes a person in his ability to achieve goals in difficult conditions.

The three most important qualities in this area: determination, willpower, willpower.

Determination is the ability in any situation to remember the plans and be focused on it until the bitter end.

By learning the basics of time management, we understand the importance of goal setting. But because of the irritants, we lose focus and begin to do completely different things, while experiencing shame and trying to get rid of cognitive dissonance with the help of excuses and looking for justifications.

To cultivate determination, you must first use tricks that are not directly related to it: even simple stickers posted throughout the apartment will have a significant effect. But at the same time you need to develop willpower.

Willpower is a person’s ability to make difficult decisions, as well as direct their actions and thoughts in accordance with the decision made.

It is an incredibly important component in achieving success. Even if a person has a highly developed motivational sphere, gaps in the volitional sphere will drag him down with every failure.

Willpower is necessary both to perform an action and to refuse it (which is no less important). For example, giving up cake for a future in sports or giving up a party with friends to learn English. Nowadays there are the greatest number of temptations in the entire history of mankind, so having willpower is one of the most serious advantages.

It is now fashionable to think that willpower is overrated, but it is rather underrated (all outstanding personalities possessed it). And if you can combine it with motivation, you will achieve the most ambitious goals.

Grit is the level of consistency and repetition of effort a person puts into achieving a challenging goal over a long period of time. Simply put, it is a scale for measuring willpower.

Yes, willpower is a finite resource, but it can be increased. This is willpower: how many minutes or hours can you work on a task without getting any results?

The volitional sphere of personality is also manifested in other aspects of human life. For example, in risk propensity and locus of control.

Risk appetite is a characteristic of human behavior in uncertain situations. It is believed that developed willpower makes an individual more risk-taking.

Locus of control is a person's tendency to attribute his failures or successes to either internal or external factors. An individual with a developed volitional sphere will take full responsibility for failures and failures (without suffering from self-flagellation and guilt).

Such a person knows that only he is responsible for his life and even other people’s reactions to him. While a person with an external locus of control (blaming circumstances) develops a victim syndrome.

Organic and social sphere of personality

A person cannot be considered outside the context of society. In addition to the volitional and motivational sphere of personality, the organic and social spheres develop simultaneously (it was studied by the Russian psychiatrist and neuropathologist Vladimir Bekhterev).

The organic sphere manifests itself in reactions to stimuli from the surrounding world, while the social sphere has a connection with the establishment of mutual understanding with members of the society in which a person is located.

As Bekhterev emphasizes, “the complex process of development of the social sphere of the individual does not in any way eliminate the organic sphere of the individual, it only complements it, although it partially suppresses it, so to speak, layers on it new combinations arising from actions related to the conditions of social life.”

Bekhterev placed character at the very top of the social sphere of personality. And only then comes concentration and mental performance. At the same time, he emphasized that these parameters are greatly influenced by temperament.

He also argued that the personality is characterized by volitional manifestations, internal motives for actions and deeds, that is, those mental phenomena that in psychology and philosophy are associated with will.

Cognitive sphere of personality

The cognitive sphere of personality is a set of abilities with the help of which a person cognizes the phenomena of the world around him. There is an opinion that the totality of all these elements is called intelligence.

This sphere consists of the following components: perception, sensations, attention, imagination, memory, thinking.

Sensations are what our receptors perceive from the external or internal environment.

Perception is how we interpret signals received through the senses. That is, this phenomenon can be called psychological, because he can change his perception with the help of volitional effort and a change in thinking.

Attention helps us focus on one stimulus, choosing it from everything that is around.

Memory is very dependent on attention, because what is remembered best is what a person was focused on. At the same time, memory is closely connected with all other elements of the human cognitive sphere.

Imagination is a person’s ability to conjure up images in the mind. It is believed that this skill is unique to humans; it helps plan the achievement of complex goals.

Thinking is a person’s ability to analyze received information. Sensation, perception, attention, memory and imagination are food for the mind, which is then processed by thinking.

All cognitive spheres of a person’s personality and their elements are amenable to training.

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