Essay Why is it important to dream? Final December

There is probably no person in the world who has not indulged in dreams at least once in his life. It all starts from childhood - thoughts about the future arise in our clean heads. Psychologists say that in this way the child’s thinking is formed and the person’s imagination develops. They also note that most children’s dreams are illusions that are unlikely to ever come true. But this fact does not confuse the little ones in any way; fortunately, they have a short memory for disappointments. Streams of thoughts form in their heads and what is important to them is what is happening now, at the moment. Everything else flows away like a river that has no future or past.

Adults often become the main listeners to the dreams of their beloved child - he can talk for hours on end about what he would like. Because the world of dreams, magic and all possibilities is the world of a baby. In addition, they have an amazing imagination that has no boundaries. But as soon as years are added, a person grows up - dreams become more meager. We only think about what is possible. And the older a person is, the more impossible it is for him. That is, dreams become scarcer. And in vain! Psychologists are alarmed by the pragmatism of people. They have lost the opportunity to think, even if it is not possible, but good.

Dreaming is not only pleasant, but also useful! And then together we will learn a number of reasons why people should be dreamers.

Dream brings positive thinking to

When you have a dream, all your thoughts are aimed at how to realize it. In your mind, you imagine pictures of how your dream became reality, and work towards its realization. Thus, you achieve positive thinking, but not just positive thinking in itself, but also perform certain actions in the direction of positive thinking. This is a very powerful force. It is positive thinking in action that changes your life for the better. When people don't have dreams, they think more about problems. Even if they know about positive thinking, they need to force themselves to think positively. If you have a dream, this state is achieved on its own.


For some, dreams become a guide for action. For whom do they serve as a secluded place where you can escape from reality? Perhaps these are not dreams at all, but only a cool plan of action and fantasy? Is it necessary to dream at all? Dreams are the first stage of the chain where they turn into desires. Desire turns into goals, goals turn into actions, actions into achievement! It's simple: those who don't dream don't achieve. A dream is something that every person should have, and it doesn’t even matter what he dreams about. When a person does not do this, his life is not so bright and exciting at all. Dreams are simply necessary and useful for us. All dreaming people make various masterpieces.

The gray everyday life around us deprives us of the opportunity to imagine a different, beautiful picture of life for ourselves. And our ideas about the ideal future give us strength and impetus. Yes, people need to dream in order to realize their thoughts in life, find their way to success, and move forward. It is from a dream that a person’s goals emerge, and this is even more serious. A dream is a person’s thoughts and wishes, and a goal is precisely actions. Making your dreams come true is a story of attempts, mistakes and victories. The combination of these factors helps to realize the dream. You need to be motivated to be happy and confidently go your own way. It is very important to talk, write or draw about your dreams. So you can clearly see it. This is why various visualization maps are made. But this is not enough. We also need real steps towards fulfillment of desires. The surrounding reality, unfortunately, can ruin your dream. But this does not mean that dreaming is bad or unimportant.

The ability to think is not only intended as a catalyst for individual growth, but also becomes our main tool in the face of failure and sadness. An individual who gives freedom to the imagination, tries to come to something, constantly acquires many beliefs in himself, in order to rise after the fall and begin to exist again, since there is a standard around him to which it is necessary to strive.

If everything in our life is good and smooth, our desires do not become less significant. As we understand it, life without desires cannot be happy. If you have no idea of ​​the goal towards which you are confidently moving, you will not be able to go far.

A dream gives us the meaning of life, paints it in different colors, fills it with good content. You need to love and take care of your desires, no matter what!

Practical application of dreams

A dream, as mentioned above, is a tool for protecting and developing a person in a positive way. Its use is known today in psychotherapy, psychology and psychological counseling. A method of directed daydreaming has been developed.

It should also be noted that the ability to dream affects a person’s adaptation in life. It has been proven that the process of daydreaming improves and concretizes models of personal and professional determination. After all, the process of dreaming represents the opportunity to imagine oneself in one’s imagination in a given situation, as if working out a scenario of action in case it is realistic.

Dreams and daydreaming

Daydreaming is a trait characteristic of individuals who consciously withdraw from reality. To some extent, this is an indicator of indecision and the presence of difficulties with self-determination.

Daydreaming as a character trait is formed in early childhood under the influence of unfavorable developmental conditions: rudeness, violence, loneliness and dislike. The child tries to compensate for the missing feelings and emotions with the help of a dream in which, for example, the mother does not excuse herself by being constantly busy, but can spend the whole evening with the child playing together.

Or there may be cases when a person dreams, but does not strive to take action to realize his dream. As a result, the dream remains just that, and this characterizes the person as an indecisive and unsure person.


A dream must be the basis for a life goal, otherwise it will begin to hinder personal development and make a person unviable.

Dreams closer to reality

NeuPaddy / Pixabay
Dreams that are quite achievable can usually be divided into those that contribute to their fulfillment and those that hinder them. That is, constructive and non-constructive dreams.

Why is an unconstructive dream not the best way to achieve it?

A dream is an opportunity to get something pleasant, to experience happiness right now. Apparently, our subconscious quite easily perceives the fact of achieving a dream in the virtual world as a very real achievement. That is, a dream does not stimulate you to take the necessary actions to achieve it. The subconscious believes that we are already good. And if it’s good, what else is needed? Why make something a reality? And this is a very serious argument.

However, some dreams allow you not only to concentrate attention on it alone, but also to concentrate all available resources on achieving it. Such dreams can feel like an obsession, and in some cases that is what it is. Remember the cinematic image of a crazy professor who dreams of making a discovery. And the same thing can happen in everyday life. For example, absolutely crazy races to get yourself an appropriate partner. It is obvious that here the dream is the quintessence of a certain parental program, which until it is fulfilled will not allow one to live in peace.

A dream is a manifestation of childish behavior. A dream is a phenomenon of children's ideas about omnipotence, which, as always, has two sides - an attempt to realize it and to escape from reality.

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As a rule, our fears, our insecurities, our imperfections, and someone else’s program lead us to dreams. A dream, in general, is a defense that helps either avoid troubles or create the illusion that we can do anything and obsessively achieve results.

About self-doubt

What do dreams give a person?

Adults know very well that any business must begin with a clear plan and project. Dreams are the outlines by which you should build your life. Put order in your thoughts, establish an order of desires and achieve each of them in order of priority. If there is a mess, a pun, then nothing will be achieved. Having a clear goal makes it easier to make plans, find resources, and take action.

As we move towards our goal, we will learn a lot of new things and open up new opportunities. Also, even if it is thorny, the path strengthens our faith, makes us wiser and more patient. At these moments, everyone can pay attention to something that did not interest him before. The boundaries of knowledge expand, experience accumulates, new acquaintances and relationships arise. A person acquires useful habits, changes his taste, and becomes more inspired by small victories. The once sad pessimist turns into an optimist. A new personality is born in him, capable of climbing to the heights of luck and success, seeing a goal and achieving it. He expects miracles from heaven, but relies only on himself, his mind, his logic. At the same time, it is necessary to turn off the seasoned realist in yourself, for whom dreams are a waste of time.

  1. Realization of positive desires. If a person really wants something in all seriousness, then there is every chance that the dream will come true. A positive type of thinking forces a person to act, to do everything to realize it. And positive thoughts always change life for the better. There is harmony in the soul, pleasant expectations, there is no time to think about problems. Unlike losers, dreamers are always filled with positive energy, they are kind, witty, and sensitive to other people's troubles.
  2. Don't just dream, but also act. A lot of people over 30 often complain that life has not turned out the way they once dreamed. They look for the reason not in themselves, but in the inconsistency of reality, they say the whole world is structured this way, it is unlikely that anything can be achieved in an honest way. They criticize everyone around them, but do not think about their own guilt. It’s not enough to just dream, you need to take firm steps towards your dream. You need to work on yourself, study, achieve. A rolling stone gathers no moss!
  3. Dreams improve a person. Few people dream about bad things. There is hardly a person who thinks that in the future he will easily deceive, offend, and destroy. Dreams are positive thinking and having them makes us better. We are improving, trying to live up to only the good things we desire.
  4. A dream corrects life. A clearly defined goal is a kind of guideline towards which dreamers go. They try to do everything so that troubles and wrong behavior do not interfere with the chosen path. Here it is important to be patient, wise and not to stop. Thanks to perseverance, the idols of millions achieved what they wanted, some built a good house, some started a large family, and some flew into space.
  5. A dream fills life with meaning. Empty and worthless thoughts only depress our existence, but a pleasant, beautiful dream fills us with special meaning and makes our life bright and rich. Thanks to our dreams, we can discover new talents and opportunities. You will understand what your soul is really drawn to, what gives it true pleasure.
  6. The dreamer has better health and well-being. To achieve what he wants, a person needs to live longer. This means he will be more attentive to his health. In addition, there will be no time to get sick; all thoughts and actions are directed towards realizing your dreams. According to statistics, it is pessimists who often form queues to see doctors, while optimists and goal-oriented people are on the way to their dreams at this time. Also, this positive trait allows a person to grow in his own eyes and set even more adventurous goals.
  7. Increased self-esteem. By dreaming and achieving his goal, a person takes on serious responsibility. At the same time, his self-esteem grows, and therefore self-respect. The dreamer also needs to be selective so that nothing leads astray. Therefore, he treats everything carefully and makes only the right decisions on a subconscious level. This is the key to good earnings, career growth, and a high reputation.
  8. Harmony in the family. Psychologists unanimously say that families of dreamers are the happiest people. If a person respects himself and his life, the same will be projected onto loved ones and relatives. He has no desire to change anything, to change the character of his spouse. Dreamers think only about a bright future, which instills confidence in the future for their household members.
  9. Relationships with children. Dreamers make the best parents. Firstly, they easily find a common language with their “colleagues” - dreamy children. Secondly, their home is always cozy, warm and positive. The dreamer thinks not only about his own life, but also about the child’s life, strives to create all the conditions for him so that the dream of the reliability of the younger generation comes true.
  10. We resist the pressure of far-fetched circumstances. We all have set ourselves some task at least once in our lives, and we have always encountered certain circumstances. And then panic began, fear that they could not be overcome. But as for the dreamers, for whom the goal was born from a desired dream, they steadfastly endure trials and besiege the fortresses of circumstances. It turns out that the goal gives special strength, spiritual and psychological strength, dexterity, logical thinking, thanks to which all obstacles can be overcome. But pessimists immediately give up and nothing goes well. And there is only one thing left for them - to blame for failures not on their “beloved”, but on those around them.

It turns out that a dream is an engine that pushes us to exploits in order to achieve them.

What stops people from dreaming

All people, without exception, initially have the ability to dream. However, under the influence of certain factors, a person may lose this ability. Some people lose this skill in childhood. A person can be deprived of the ability to dream:

  • Authoritarian parenting style. If parents are too strict and demanding of their child, then by their behavior they themselves wean him from dreaming. “Stop dreaming in the clouds!”, “Dreams won’t feed you!” Statements of this kind can completely deprive a child of the ability to dream and turn him into a closed person, aimed at satisfying primitive needs and stuck in his comfort zone.

  • Overprotection. Excessive guardianship will also not lead to good things. If a child is prevented from expressing independence from early childhood, he will eventually grow up to be an infantile and irresponsible person. And such people do not know how to transform a dream into a goal; their dreams are in the nature of fantasies and nothing more.
  • Increased practicality. A person fixated on achieving only financial well-being does not leave himself the opportunity to spend the evening in idle dreams. He perceives the dream as something useless and unable to bring real benefit.
  • Personality characteristics. People prone to anxiety or depression do not tend to dream at all. Their entire thought process is directed towards self-pity or criticism of others. Frankly speaking, their thinking is generally destructive. Be that as it may, a dream is a manifestation of individuality, and what kind of individuality can one talk about if a person is mired in suffering, most often completely far-fetched.
  • Narrow outlook. A low level of education also does not contribute to the ability to dream. Real true dreams are available only to those who strive for self-development. Erudite people understand and, importantly, accept the importance of the fact that the dream must be correct and serve as the basis for a real goal.
  • Inferiority complexes. If a person is not confident in himself and his capabilities, then he simply does not think about dreams. He has many more mundane thoughts that do not let him go day or night. There is simply no free time left for dreams.
  • Emotional burnout. Tired people only think about how to abandon their boring responsibilities and have a good rest. And the main dream in such a state would be perhaps exile to Siberia, somewhere far away from people and routine worries.

If you have experienced traumatic events that have led to the formation of internal barriers, then be prepared to overcome them. Allow yourself to develop and move on the path of self-improvement.


Don't set unattainable goals. If you have a big dream, then break the path to achieving it into many small tasks and take a step towards it every day. Thus, you will be able to see the result of your labors every day and will no longer be able to stop.

Why do you need to believe in a dream?

If you talk about whether you need a dream in life, you can give different answers. Purposeful people who never stop and enjoy every stage of their lives, being in complete harmony, will always answer that dreams are an integral part of life at any age.

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When asked whether a person needs a dream in life, they will answer only in the affirmative, since it is dreams that lead them on the path of life, providing the opportunity to achieve more and gain new knowledge and unique experience. It’s no secret that if you dream correctly, don’t get hung up and send your own thoughts into the universe, they will materialize. Higher powers always react to such appeals and send surprises to people on earth in the form of unexpected fulfillment of their most secret and innermost desires.

If dreams are true, have been repeatedly visualized, are absolutely positive and cannot harm anyone, they are sure to be embodied in reality. Magicians and specialists in the field of esotericism know very well how significant power our thoughts have. Even psychologists always advise their patients to be in a positive mood, to think only about good things in order to gain peace of mind.

In the store you can buy a bracelet with a cloud on which it says “Everything will come true.” You can also order a bracelet with the three H rule on the website, which at any moment of doubt or self-doubt will remind you that nothing is impossible. Such simple talismans have magical powers; they can effectively help every person fulfill their most unfulfilled desires. It is important to believe in yourself and the Higher Powers, to dream and visualize correctly. If you master this technique, then the impossible will truly cease to exist.

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We dream according to the list

To buy a ticket, you need to know where you want to go. To make your dream come true, you need to know what you are dreaming about. Do a simple exercise: take a pen, an empty piece of paper, go to a place where no one will disturb you, set a timer for ten minutes. During this time, write down everything you dream about, without any attempt to evaluate how real your dream is. Don't plan to make your dreams come true, just make a list. Start with the phrase “I want...” And write down everything you’ve ever dreamed of: buying a house in Greece with a sea view, losing 15 kilograms, going to Hollywood and having coffee with Brad Pitt... Your list could include: material assets (apartments, cars, houses, travel), as well as new skills (learn English, learn to paint oil paintings, speak in public), impressions (swim with dolphins, dance tango, find a shell at the bottom of the sea), changes within yourself (become more confident, lose weight) and in the world around us (invent biodegradable plastic). Don't allow yourself to criticize what you write down. Leave conversations on the topic “of course, I would like this, but...” for later. Remember how brave and uncontrollable children are in their dreams - they will easily tell you how, when they grow up, they will fly to Mars and plant purple trees there, how they will build a ship the size of America or teach a cow to fly. Allow yourself to be a child - at least for five minutes. When the timer rings, stop. Now it's time to think about how to make your dreams come true.

Dream and goal - what are the differences?

Many people wonder what the difference is between these two concepts. Both categories are aimed at transforming reality and represent an image of a future result. But there is a fundamental difference between them.

Dreams exist only in the inner world of a person in the form of thought forms, feelings, and sensations. For them to begin to materialize and influence our lives, we need to build a bridge between internal and external reality. Such a bridge serves precisely the purpose.

Thus, dreams precede goals and are the raw material for them.

However, not every one of them is destined to become a target. First, they undergo a rigorous selection process, are modernized, adjusted to reality, and only then become targets.

You can already work specifically on the goal. Break it down into tasks, draw up a detailed plan to achieve it, and acquire the necessary resources.

Make a plan to achieve your goal

Now ask yourself: “What do I need to do to make my dream come true?” This seemingly simple question triggers our right hemisphere, where the creative workshop is located. It is our right hemisphere that is responsible for planning the future. This part of the brain doesn’t care what you did in the past, why you failed to achieve it earlier, or who is to blame. But if you ask yourself “why didn’t I do this before?”, you will activate the left hemisphere, which analyzes actions already taken. The trouble is that the left hemisphere will never tell you how to get around the rake that you have already stepped on, it will only remind you of this unpleasant fact. If you need to come up with a way out of a situation, think through a plan of action, and finally change something in the future, you need to turn to the right hemisphere, that is, ask yourself “what can I do now to achieve the goal?” Make a list of actions, use the deductive method, moving from the general to the specific. Do you want to learn how to fly an airplane? Well, for this you need to graduate from pilot school. And to do this, you need to find the training place closest to you, allocate a certain amount of money for courses, find out the class schedule, free up time in your schedule by delegating some of the housework to your husband and children... As a result, you should have a detailed list of actions. “Big” tasks need to be divided into tasks, each of which can be completed in a maximum of one day.

Why are dreams needed?

A dream does not allow you to waste yourself . After all, it happens that a person has extraordinary abilities, talents, and an outstanding mind, but, without a dream, he wastes himself on trifles.

And only a big, real dream can lead a person to great achievements, allowing him to fully reveal his talents and abilities .

It also allows you to get to know yourself. Often people never look inside themselves and try to understand what they really want. Having defined his dreams, a person begins to better understand himself and “hear” the voice of his soul. Isn’t this the most important thing why dreams are needed?

A dream does not allow you to get hung up on difficulties. Everyone has a path to their own peak, and it is quite complicated, full of obstacles and real serious tests. But when a person has a dream, he knows exactly why and for what he overcomes all these obstacles.

Desires are known through dreams

We are not always able to know what exactly we want, because we cannot try everything possible in this life in advance. And life is not enough. Therefore, we form dreams - our desires, which promise us something pleasant if we make a successful decision. Probably, on the basis of such dreams, we decide for ourselves what is important to us and what we want to strive for. For example, the phrase “I want to go to Paris again,” which has already become a proverb. Obviously, it is believed that Paris has a lot of wonderful things and should definitely be visited. After all, there is no stable expression, “I want to go to the village of Gadyukino again.”

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