Opinion: Life is more than work: Why you shouldn’t believe in the myth of calling

Asking the question about what people experience at work can yield very different answers.

The dentist will say that he constantly has to deal with excuses and weak character. Serious adults cancel appointments, citing lack of free time, and when they do end up in the chair, they lie about how carefully they flossed and break all the promises they made last time. Raising “big children” makes the dentist strict.

The legal consultant will answer that he daily faces the aggression and impatience of his clients, who want everything to be done yesterday. Nobody cares about other people's personal lives.

The sound engineer will say that problems arise unexpectedly and constantly, but if you are careful and act methodically, you will definitely find a solution. If there are seven possible causes for a problem, you just need to check each one. Technology in general is good because everything in this area is arranged logically.

The work is not just functional

The biggest mistake people make is confusing the list of job responsibilities with the essence of their position. The job description describes only the functional side of the job, but does not address the important aspect: what motivates people to do the job. It is unlikely that you would publish a description of your work duties on social networks and brag about it.

It is no surprise that when discussing the future of the labor market, the same utilitarian approach is often used: people will soon be easily replaced by robots and technology.

But what about the meaning of the work? After all, absolutely any work carries some meaning both for the one who performs it and for the one who benefits from it. Both the one doing the work and the one for whom the work is being done receive social and emotional benefits from the interaction.

I don't want to talk about "technology versus people," but about how to get people to collaborate in the workplace.

But first, we need to figure out what we want the workplace (or the world in general) of the future to look like. Many organizations claim to be mission-driven companies but fail to create a people-centric workplace.

Working for monetary reward

A person needs work in order to earn money. This is the first and most common reason. All people really need to eat and drink something. Money will help you have a good time, relax with friends, buy fashionable clothes, purchase the latest gadgets, and play your favorite sports. For the sake of income, a person finds the right job that will give him all these pleasures. A person may not even like his lucrative job, but for the sake of money he is able to go to it every day.

Your work has meaning

Even the smallest work has meaning. For example, take a janitor. It does seemingly invisible work without distracting “important” people from their “serious” tasks.

At first glance, the job responsibilities of a cleaner are obvious: wash the floor, sweep, take out the trash, replenish soap and toilet paper, etc. It would seem that a machine would do this perfectly well. Why is there a person here?

However, psychologists were amazed when they spoke with hospital orderlies. Barry Schwartz talks about this in his TED Talk.

The researchers spoke with Mike, who said he stopped mopping the floor because patient Mr. Jones got out of bed to stretch and walk up and down the hallway. Charlene told how (in defiance of orders) she did not vacuum the visitors' lounge because the relatives of one of the patients had spent the whole night there and were now sleeping there. Luke admitted that he cleaned the floor of a comatose patient's room twice in a row because the patient's father didn't see the floor cleaned the first time and became angry.

These actions help people feel better. This is how “just cleaners” improve the quality of life of patients and their relatives.

Work for honor

Why do people need to work for a company? There are simply people who need approval, respect, and recognition of their merits literally like air. If you tend to get upset when your parents or, for example, a teacher did not show you their approval in a timely manner, if you are happy when someone with authority set you up as an example to someone, this means that you are exactly like that a person who needs praise and respect. You need work to fuel your self-confidence.

Meaning is in the eye of the beholder

Categorizing some jobs as “prestigious” and others as “minor” is stupid and pretentious.

When the orderlies were asked why their work was difficult, they admitted that it required a lot of experience. And it wasn’t about understanding how to properly wash the floor. It was about how to take care of patients.

It turns out that good orderlies find significance even in the most routine work at first glance, and show kindness, care, and empathy. Although their job responsibilities do not say a word about other people.

Work is not so much about what we do, but about the impact we have on other people and the motivation that drives us to do the work.

You will be much more satisfied when you complete a project.

There are feelings much better than those you experience when you reach a certain level that you once set for your development. When you finally reach the top, it must be said that it is much more satisfying, because you have been doing what you love all along. Remember, work shouldn't be something you hate, be honest with yourself and always do something you really enjoy. Then you will live your life with pleasure, enjoy every minute of it, even during working hours!

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Source of motivation

Indirect motives to work are fueled from the outside, and if this is the main motivation, you soon cease to feel any connection with your work. There are three main motivators here:

  • Inertia means that you work without thinking about what you are doing. Your work seems boring, routine, as if you are on autopilot.
  • Economic pressure is more than just the simple fact that you need money to pay bills. But according to research, people at all income levels are experiencing economic pressure.
  • Emotional pressure is the weakest indirect motivator to work. Some work to please others, meet social expectations, and avoid judgment. You are more concerned with the social status that comes with the job than the job itself.

Direct motives

Motivators who belong to this group already bring meaning and satisfaction from work.

  • Potential. You do this or that work because you see its potential - you understand why it is important. It's like eating right. You can switch to it to solve digestive problems, or you can be guided by the motive of looking good in the eyes of friends and relatives who are concerned about a healthy lifestyle.

  • Target. You want to work because you value the results of your work and want to achieve certain goals through it. For example, the job of a nurse is not that pleasant, but the goal of helping patients motivates them to perform their duties well. Work is fulfilling when it aligns with your values ​​and beliefs. Although for some, the very fact that they are employed brings meaning to their everyday existence. You don't have to work hard to find a cure for cancer to feel like your work is valuable.
  • Pleasure. You do a certain type of work because it brings you pleasure. The most common motivators here are curiosity, personal growth, and the ability to experiment. And here we are not talking about watching funny videos during working hours, but about enjoying what you do. It gives you energy instead of draining it.

When you are where you are, productivity is a by-product, not the main result. Allowing people to feel valued, potential and enjoyment in their work is a direct path to increased productivity in the workplace.

Unfortunately, most managers prioritize productivity, not allowing employees to develop in the workplace and fulfill their need for self-actualization through work.

Forced work

It seems that no one is able and has the right to force an adult to go to work. But there are still families in which his authoritative relatives can decide everything for a person. There are such weak-willed people who are persuaded to look for work by their father and mother. Relatives and close people always reproach such a person: “You don’t go to work, you’re a freeloader, you’re a quitter.” Such a person needs work in order to be left behind; he has no personal interest. It happens that such families, where one of its members is expelled from work, may actually be well off. But still, relatives believe that a person who does not have a permanent job is practically a criminal.

In search of value and pleasure

All people want to earn money, but they don't want to work just for money. This is a nuance that everyone who advocates the introduction of an unconditional basic income misses. People want to be proud of what they do, not sit at home waiting for a money transfer. Intrinsic motivation is more effective and rewarding.

But it is important to note that finding your “why to work” is not enough. Although without a goal, success is not possible. Daniel Pink, in the best-selling book “Movement: The Surprising Truth About How to Motivate Us,” names three key components of motivation: autonomy, mastery, and purpose .

Purpose is not just the “why” (what moves us forward), but also the “why” (what impact we will make through our work). Returning to the same orderlies, in their case it is caring for people.

You can earn huge amounts of money, but feel unhappy because you have a toxic atmosphere in your team or you have to do something that goes against your values.

Mastery is the ability to develop and improve your skills and knowledge every day. This is when you constantly learn new things on the job. Becoming a master of your craft is what turns work into a “game”, into something that brings pleasure.

You must want to do more, you constantly have ideas, have a desire to work

The state when you are forced to work is one of the most devastating, personality-destroying. In any type of activity there are falls, your mood may deteriorate, but you understand that this is the exception rather than the rule if you like the work. Everywhere there are ups and downs, but if you are truly passionate about what you do, you don't pay much attention to temporary difficulties. Your creative process is also different. You are more likely to come up with creative ideas when you enjoy what you do.

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Do what you love or love what you do?

I would say that you need to do both at the same time. It is worth considering that by prioritizing only the purpose and significance of the work, you can sometimes drive yourself into a dead end. Sometimes you have to learn to love what you do. As they say, no one has to give you a job that brings you pleasure, you have to earn it yourself. One way or another, in order to find the meaning and value of your work, you need to make an effort, and not passively wait for “that” vacancy to come along.

This is where the third element of motivation comes into play: autonomy. It is important for all of us to realize that something depends on our decisions, to determine what exactly we do, with whom we do it and how we do it.

Employees want a sense of control. Telling someone how boring they are to work kills all motivation. A wise person knows when to break the rules, like those orderlies who adapted their duties to the needs of their patients. Breaking rules with a big goal in mind for the greater good does not create chaos.

Work out of interest

Why else does a person need to find a job? Maybe because of the thirst for knowledge? Maybe you are an extremely inquisitive person. Perhaps your job can satisfy your craving for a particular activity. Such an interested person needs work in order to gain new knowledge in a matter that is fascinating to him. It may not provide any kind of fame or enormous income, but it does provide a real opportunity to learn something new and interesting.

Work as part of life

We spend most of our time at work, then devote a small part of it to our social obligations - family and friends - and go to bed. Almost every day is structured this way, but work remains a huge important “block” of our lives.

I am inclined to think that when we don’t see or feel why we are needed at work, what is its meaning and benefit for others, what is of interest to us, then we have only two options.

The first is to find yourself another job, more interesting and inspiring. This is what most of the population thinks about.

Or there is a second way out, which we will talk about in more detail today - keep your previous job, but develop the ability to see the best sides in it. And focus on them.

We need recognition

Let’s imagine that at work we are endlessly criticized, but we don’t hear words of approval at all. If our work, our efforts, sometimes very serious, are not appreciated, we simply give up.

On the other hand, a few words of encouragement at the most intense moment of work, when our strength is running out, can magically inspire us and charge us with new energy.

Why is it important for us to be recognized?

In the most general sense, recognition satisfies our deep, familiar desire to feel important to others. It confirms that we are full members of the group, part of the whole, moreover, without social recognition, self-respect is impossible.

However, self-esteem is not so simple. Recognition will work on self-esteem when you yourself know that you deserve it. If it is undeserved, then the effect may be the opposite. And finally, if you don’t value yourself, then praise, especially from a boss, can become a drug, and we will need more and more doses.

Addiction to praise is evidence of our narcissism, this disease of the century. We are not always able to rely on our own assessment. In theory, we should be concerned not about how wonderful, creative, skillful, smart we are (pride and vanity lie behind this), but about whether our work worked out or not.

In this case, we rely on our own assessment and experience joy not from praise, but from the fruits of our labor.

But if it was not us who were appreciated, but the beauty, usefulness, originality, or exact compliance with the standards of our “work,” we can always rely on this achievement to move on.

Article: “Work in human life”

Article: “Work in human life”

Labor is a very important factor with which the whole life of every person is closely connected. A person works to provide himself and his family with a decent standard of living. Work in everyone's life begins at a very young age, when children go to school. Their work is to obtain knowledge. This is necessary in order to obtain an education and a specialty that will help you get settled in later life. Every profession is very important, so it doesn’t matter at all who you work with. Each profession benefits people and allows them to solve various problems.

The builder works to create new buildings: hospitals, schools, residential buildings. The miner in the mine extracts coal so that the boiler houses can work and we have hot water and heat. The work of a hairdresser is also necessary for every person, because we all need to have a neat appearance and a beautiful hairstyle. Every profession is irreplaceable. There cannot be shops without salespeople, schools without teachers, hospitals without doctors. Everyone works for the benefit of other people and their family. Every work is paid according to merit. Having received a salary for his work, a person can buy necessary things for himself and his family, food, and can pay bills for the apartment, electricity, gas and water.

Just as the military has different ranks, from lieutenant to colonel and general, so in any profession there is opportunity for growth and advancement. All bosses and directors once started working as ordinary workers. They tried, and this gave them the opportunity in a few years to become leaders and manage the same simple workers that they themselves used to be.

Work develops a person, allows you to learn something new, increase your level of development and skills. Many people master not one, but two, three or more professions in their lives. Having different specialties, you can work at completely different enterprises and choose the job that turns out to be the most suitable and will be your favorite. A salesman can become a teacher, and a plumber can become a scientist. Everything is in the hands of each person. Everyone chooses their own profession and where to work.

Attitude to work is expressed in a number of character traits, of which hard work should be noted first of all. A hardworking person feels the need for work, often regardless of the form in which the work is expressed. Of course, even for such a person there are more or less interesting types of work, but he takes great pleasure and joy in the process of work itself, leading to the creation of a socially useful product. If a hardworking person is deprived of the opportunity to work, he experiences anxiety, boredom, even suffering.

More and more often we hear the word “hard work” both at home, at school and at work. But does everyone understand its true meaning?

Diligence, literally - to love work

  • The character trait of a person who has a positive attitude towards the labor process in any respect;
  • The ability to devote a large amount of time and personal energy to work;
  • Not just work for days, but also enjoy the process of work and the subsequent reward;
  • Synonyms for the word are perseverance, diligence, diligence, diligence.

Developing such a quality as hard work means paving your way to success and a successful life.

Benefits of hard work:

A hardworking person receives real pleasure from work and from the result.

As a rule, any work will not depress him;

  • Hard work helps to achieve the highest results and heights;
  • Love for work charges a person with positive energy;
  • Hard work pushes us towards excellence and new discoveries;
  • A hardworking person is responsible. This means that you can trust him with work of any complexity, without fear of delays or poor quality work.

Sayings and proverbs about hard work:

  • He who is glad to work will be rich in bread. (Russian folk proverb)
  • It is not the pot that cooks, but the cook (Russian folk proverb)
  • What is done today, there is no concern for tomorrow (Russian folk proverb)
  • Nothing exhausts and destroys a person like prolonged physical inactivity. (Aristotle)
  • Labor is a healing balm, it is a source of virtue. (I. Herder)

This is interesting :

In Slovenia, the working day begins at seven o'clock in the morning, so at ten at night the cities come to a standstill, because... the residents had long since gone to bed. The most hardworking of all living creatures on the planet turned out to be bees and ants.

Love of work, as a rule, is associated with conscientiousness, with the need not just to do the job, but to always do it in the best possible way, as well as with accuracy

. These traits are also manifested in good organization, work discipline, and careful planning and thinking about work operations.

Labor as a means of satisfying social needs became the first need for advanced Soviet people. An advanced Soviet person works with genuine enthusiasm, despises slackers and lazy people, and does not put up with a formal attitude to work not only among himself, but also among other people.

Hardworking students are characterized by the teacher as follows: “They study with visible pleasure, even pleasure. He carries out every task with love, often working beyond what is required. He redoes the work several times, achieving good completion. The work place at school and at home is kept in exemplary order.” “He doesn’t like to sit idle. Always busy with something. Very diligent: he never does work hastily, carelessly, or in any way.”

Laziness and negligence as character traits, expressed in a negative or indifferent, careless attitude towards work, in the formal performance of tasks, are remnants of a lordly disdainful view of work

. If these traits are also found in some of our schoolchildren, then this indicates shortcomings in educational work with them.

Hard work in combination with such a character trait as initiative is of particular value. An enterprising person is not satisfied with completing, even in the most conscientious manner, the assigned task. This is a person with a developed sense of the “new”, a person of personal initiative

. He has a creative approach to work. Not satisfied with the old forms of work, he strives to bring something new into work, to find more advanced, more productive methods of work. This lies at the basis of the broad innovative movement among our workers, collective farmers, scientists and technicians. The initiative of Soviet people is manifested both in production and throughout our social life, in any social undertaking. The initiative of an advanced Soviet person is deeply different from private enterprise. It comes from social motives, and not from the selfish, selfish goals of an individual.

In the 17th century there were only 200 different professions in Rus'. Now there are 3 thousand in industry and construction alone. But this does not count agriculture, transport, and the service sector. Experts say that there are now more than 40 thousand different professions and specialties in the world.

And it’s not at all easy to understand this diversity, weigh your options, and make the right choice.

The world of professions is not something frozen. He is changeable. The creative thought of people does not allow it to “petrify”. Some professions are dying out, others are emerging, merging, splitting. The names of professions may remain the same, but the content of work changes greatly. It changes so much that a person practically changes his profession several times.

The world of professions is diverse. And here everyone must be a scout themselves.

Not a single person in the modern world produces everything he needs for life himself. But it was not always so. In order to survive, primitive man had to get his own food, make clothes, build a home, and defend himself from enemies.

As human society developed, a social division of labor took place. The first major division of labor is associated with the fact that some people began to engage primarily in cattle breeding, others in agriculture. Cattle breeding and agriculture could not do without each other.

Then various crafts emerged, on the basis of which industry later arose. This is the second major division of labor. It was also associated with the exchange of labor products between artisans, cattle breeders and farmers.

Gradually, the exchange of various products became more and more complex, and its volume increased so much that a third social division of labor occurred: exchange specialists emerged - traders, merchants.

The development of human society was also accompanied by the separation of the production of spiritual values ​​(scientific, artistic from material).

In modern society, there are, as we said earlier, more than 40 thousand types of activity.

Each of them, with its entire system of requirements for a person, can be called a profession.

Career guidance game rescuers.

This specialty is becoming increasingly popular. This is not surprising, because representatives of this honorable profession help people cope with this or that difficult situation.


bandages, paper, pencils, a children's play first aid kit containing toy medical instruments.


To play the game, you need to select an independent jury and divide into two teams - rescuers and people who need to be saved.


Next, rescuers are offered several situations in which they must show their ingenuity:

Situation No. 1

: Several people were injured in a small accident on the highway; the nearest populated area is far away; rescuers need to provide first aid (for bruises, scratches and sprains).

Situation No. 2

:Several summer residents got caught in the flood, rescuers need to come up with several ways to cross.

You can think of several more critical situations in which rescuers could prove themselves. The main thing is that rescuers must deal with the problem cheerfully and creatively.


During the game, the children learned to coordinate their actions, work as a team, and make joint decisions. After the end of the game, in a joint discussion, the guys emphasized that the game was not easy and that the work of a rescuer is more responsible than the guys thought.

Career guidance game journalist.


This game promotes the development of the ability to work in a group, develops imagination, helps to establish positive relationships in the group, and introduces the features of the profession.

Participants in this game are invited to play the role of a journalist who interviews a famous person.


Paper, pens, microphone (toy).


Before starting the game, you should first appoint a chief editor of the magazine, who will subsequently evaluate the results of the game. Everyone else needs to split into pairs, in which one will play the role of a journalist, and the other - a famous personality. The couple that completes the task most successfully becomes the winner.

The guys distributed roles among themselves and interviewed Stirlitz, the well-known Vovochka, and a mathematics teacher on the topic of the Unified State Exam.


In this game, the guys were very active, many noticed that when they were interviewed, they did not always have enough imagination and the ability to get the desired result; in the end, everyone concluded that even the simplest professions at first glance have their own characteristics.


1. Makarenko A.S. Education at work // Works: In 7 volumes. M., 1957. Vol.4.

2. Matushkin S.E. Nurturing hard work: content, search / Chelyab. state univ. Chelyabinsk, 1988.

3. Sukhomlinsky V.A. Fostering a communist attitude towards work. M., 1959.

4. Makarenko A.S. Labor education. – Minsk, 1977. – 256 p.

5. Directory of professions Electronic resource. – Access mode: https://www.rabotka.ru/infoworker/index.php.

What can you focus on?

You can concentrate on many aspects.

For example, on the part of the job that makes you more enthusiastic. Or on the quality of contacts with colleagues or clients. No matter what you do, your interactions with other people can truly change their lives. Let it be even a simple smile at the beginning of a conversation.

In a word, choose what will be important to you.

Through these professional experiences, you may develop the necessary skills to become more valuable in the job market. Then with this work you prepare your tomorrow.

When I was young, I worked in a supermarket to pay for my studies. I remember one conversation with my grandfather.

- You have an interesting job? - he asked.

- Not at all.

“So you’re just now learning what a job is that doesn’t suit you.” And this motivates you to move even more towards what you really like.

I understood then what the logic of life’s ambitions is and what it looks like.

You can remind yourself, if you do not find any satisfaction at all in your work, that at least it allows you to simply eat and satisfy some other needs of yourself and the needs of people close to you. This is also important.

You may not like your job, but it allows you to pay for some other passion you have in your free time. And this can also be important.

What motivates us most at work?

  • 77.1% - salary
  • 37.9% - opportunity for career growth
  • 37.3% - large-scale and interesting tasks
  • 36.5% - comfortable atmosphere in the company
  • 17.6% - professionalism of colleagues
  • 17.6% - training opportunities

According to KELLY, 2014.

Self-realization implies the ability to work, make efforts, and invest in one’s work. “It’s like a love relationship: to build it, we have to invest in it. It's the same with work.

And for this, a person needs inner fulfillment - then he has something to invest.

In essence, this is libido - understood in a broad sense as the capacity for love, which we can direct towards different objects. Those who have this inner resource are able to work hard and hard. But they receive such a return - satisfaction, pleasure, joy - that this resource does not dry out, but is only replenished.

Why so many incompetent people become leaders (Video)

According to statistics, men behave this way more often than women.
Why? Men are more likely to overestimate their talents and at the same time more... 5 SPHERES Jan 14, 2020

Influence 3433

Building an identity around a career is a risky move. Many companies and even industrial empires fail. People are increasingly being fired, even in high positions, and after this it is not easy to find oneself.

Disconnection from the career that has formed the core of one's identity can lead to serious problems: depression, anxiety, substance use and loneliness.

Why look for balance if you're happy with your productivity?

If you feel like you don't need to improve your work-life balance, and you're doing well, being productive, and successful, we'd still suggest listening to yourself and assessing your situation.

Sometimes behind productivity there is something like this:

“I had five calls, no time to go to lunch, I’m managing six clients at once, I was left to work overtime and I’ve already spent my ass in an office chair. It’s cool that I’m so productive and make good money.”

“I’m proud of my successes: I have two jobs, I took on another part-time job, while raising my son and studying English three times a week. True, I’ve been procrastinating a lot lately.”

“One acquaintance received a promotion, another has a job and is studying programming, and three are planning to open their own businesses. They are so successful, I shouldn’t lag behind, I need to work harder and find some hobby.”

Where is the line when a person not only works hard, but begins to sacrifice himself for the sake of his career or the attitude of others?

This usually happens after a promotion, with the start of a new project. Someone can get carried away and ignore fatigue for the sake of the number of completed tasks, the feeling of being needed and the desire to be the best. Hence procrastination due to running out of energy.

If work is firmly entrenched in thoughts, and during rest a person will feel guilty that he is chilling. This may indicate workaholism.

Do you need to make a choice?

The meaning of life changes with age. At 20, you strive for one thing, but at 40, perhaps your priorities will completely change. And that's okay. It is not always necessary to look for the global meaning of life. Self-awareness is much more important today.

Here and now, does what you do bring you happiness? And do you see the point in this? It is better to evaluate not your whole life, but every moment in time, every day, the moment in which you are.

Moreover, even if work has really become the meaning of life for you, this does not mean that it will be the only thing you will have. Besides her, you can love your husband, raise children, and engage in creativity. Your life can be multifaceted, and each side of it should have meaning for you.

Statistics: how people work overtime in Russia

According to the Rabota.ru service, 90% of Russians have ever encountered overtime. However, only about 25% receive compensation. About 30% regularly stay at least half an hour after the end of the working day. 62% have come to terms with constant overtime, and for 13% this regime became the reason for dismissal.

According to the Megaplan service, 51% of employees and company executives are late at work several times a week, and 20% - every day. The main reason for 70% is the large number of tasks that they do not have time to complete. But there are those who stay because they wait out the traffic jams, they are 13%, or because they love their job, they are 25%.


In any case, work can be either part of the meaning of life or the whole meaning. If we are talking about great professions, akin to a vocation, then in this it is quite possible to see the meaning of all life.

If work does not bring you a sense of satisfaction, a sense of self-worth and self-realization, then it is recommended to change your field of activity or find yourself in other areas that are secondary to work (charity, volunteering, raising children). Another option is to give your existing work meaning.

The meaning of life is a subjective category. Therefore, it is impossible to give a single answer to the question of whether work can be the meaning of life. Everyone has their own vision, and it is noted that meaning-forming values ​​depend on a number of factors, including age. In my opinion today, you can see the meaning of life in work if:

  • this is a calling;
  • it gives pleasure to the employee;
  • it satisfies his current needs;
  • the activity and its result are significant for the individual and those around him;
  • it does not contradict the worldview of the individual;
  • it allows you to feel significant, promotes self-realization and the discovery of an individual’s abilities.

Currently, for example, I can say with confidence that I see the meaning of life in my work, but this is only one component. In addition to work, my meaning in life includes family and constant self-development, self-improvement (reading non-work literature, playing sports, leisure). The meaning of my work and life is to improve myself, develop and help other people with this. As I write this article, I feel like it satisfies my needs and, importantly, yours.

Is it possible to see the meaning of life in work? Yes, it is possible and even necessary!

Why did this question arise?

If you are wondering about the unity of work and the meaning of life, then congratulations! You have risen to a new, one of the highest levels of personal development. Believe me, not everyone is concerned about this issue; we still need to grow into it. You have grown up, for which I congratulate you. Well, now let's get down to business.

  • People begin to look for meaning in work either when they realize that the chosen path is wrong, or in a situation where they have lost their previous meaning. The latter happens more often.
  • As a result of high employment, workload and lack of time, eternal worries about how much more needs to be done or how to do it, a person burns out. He gets lost in the routine of work and is deprived of professional and life meaning; he does not receive pleasure from his activities.

It is believed that there are pleasures in any field, in any position. They just get boring and lost over time. In this way, work is similar to family relationships. Let me make you happy: you can maintain your relationship with work. But first things first.

The fine line between the meaning of life and workaholism

Workaholism is addiction to work. As a rule, a person does not so much choose this path himself as it turns out to be dictated by work. Companies with an abundance of planning meetings, petty control, checks, formalities, that is, distrust and disrespect for their employees as individuals suppress independence and self-worth.

  • Gradually, the work takes up all the space, but this volume does not equal meaning. Exactly what I was talking about at the beginning. If work deprives you of social contacts, interpersonal interactions, interests, and leisure, then it cannot be the meaning of life.
  • Losing his job, a workaholic quickly turns to another addiction, often alcohol. The same is noted on sick leave. A person no longer knows how to relax, to be in the world of real relationships and global problems, and he urgently needs to go to another reality.

If your job provides you with social interaction, meets your needs, and stems from a hobby, then it can be the meaning of your life. Workaholism is self-destruction due to working “to the point of exhaustion.”

Cultural stereotype: work limits freedom

How can we explain this contradiction? There are several answers to this question, but one conclusion is inevitable: when it comes to work, people stop trusting their own feelings.

They do not pay attention to their actual experiences, but instead focus on the ingrained cultural stereotype that work must be unpleasant. They think of it as a coercion, a limitation of their freedom, which they must strive to get rid of with all their might.

On the one hand, it may seem that, despite all the joy received from work, a person cannot continuously solve complex problems. He needs some time to relax, to lie on the couch, even if it does not bring real pleasure.

However, research disproves this claim. For example, farmers work significantly longer and harder than average employees, and the tasks they face in their daily activities require just as much concentration and commitment. However, while working, they do not dream of switching to another activity, and instead of relaxing, they use their free time for active forms of leisure.

As this example shows, the apathy to which people are susceptible in modern society is not caused by physical or mental exhaustion, but by their attitude towards their work and how they perceive their goals against it.

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