For you lazy people: How to take charge of yourself, eat healthy and finally go in for sports Experts explain how to start playing sports, choose a fitness gadget, eat right and not harm yourself

At a certain stage, many may face a dilemma on how to force themselves to play sports. We may understand the need for physical activity, but at the same time we lack the desire or motivation for a new healthy habit. To force yourself to play sports, you need to clearly understand all the benefits we get from it.

What are the benefits of playing sports?

Regular physical activity is considered the basis of a healthy lifestyle. It has also been noted that people who once decided to go in for sports and maintain this habit are less likely to get sick in adulthood. Exercise can prevent many diseases, because it provides a stronger immune system that can more effectively fight viruses and other diseases. Sports lovers are less likely to suffer from excess weight and cope with stress more productively.

Once you decide to exercise, you will soon experience the benefits of the release of endorphins that occur during exercise. They have a positive effect not only on mood, but also on the nervous and cardiovascular systems. The overall endurance of the body becomes higher, the percentage of cholesterol in the blood decreases. The risk of developing pulmonary disease is reduced, because the lungs of athletes are much more resilient than those of people who completely avoid physical activity.

Sport helps prevent various diseases, disciplines and develops fortitude. By going in for sports, we naturally get rid of many negative habits and acquire positive ones.

The benefits of training are obvious, but before you start exercising, please note that the above truths apply to people who exercise at an amateur level. If an unprepared person engages in professionally demanding sports, this will most likely undermine his health.

Provide yourself with privacy and silence

We need silence while working , and in the same way we should ensure a calm environment during training .

This is time that you dedicate to yourself, and your mental and physical state must be ready for it. When you provide privacy and silence, your motivation to exercise will become stronger, and the workout itself will become much more effective, since you will be focused only on doing the exercises , and not on any distracting elements . Also be sure to move your phone out of sight. Make sure no one disturbs you and you don't interrupt your workout by running to your phone . [ 3] [4]

Why don't you want to play sports?

If you have to ask the question: “How to force yourself to play sports?”, then there are probably reasons that hinder your desire. Let's look at them in more detail.

Desire for quick results

It's not easy to force yourself to exercise or do anything else without getting quick results. After looking at pictures of fitness models and athletes, I want to get a similar shape. Wanting to achieve an ideal, a person rarely thinks about the fact that the goal involves time investment. Without getting what we want quickly, we lose interest in the process.


One of the most common reasons. Activities arise in your thoughts that seem more interesting, enjoyable and simple (watching a TV series, eating pizza, reading a book, meeting a friend, lying on the couch, sleeping, and so on). It may also be the omission of the trainer who does not motivate the gym client enough. If you think that the problem is still with the trainer, change the gym - perhaps the situation will improve.

Association with punishment

Being punished is bad. A postulate learned from childhood. Sports activities are rarely associated with joy and positivity. Usually a person goes to the gym, “punishing” himself for eating a piece of cake, having a “relaxed” weekend, and so on. Sports activities do not bring pleasure - the participant feels guilty, and, wanting to avoid an unpleasant feeling, avoids training in the future.

Schedule and mode

Forcing yourself to exercise becomes even more difficult when you realize that you need to adhere to a training and nutrition schedule. People who exercise seriously follow a strict regimen and stick to it to get noticeable results from their workouts. This excludes alcohol on holidays, overeating on chips and cakes and other sacrifices that not everyone can afford.

Wear sports clothes

Sportswear performs several functions . In addition to its stylish appearance , it will also help:

  • prevent injuries – many sports injuries are caused by improper equipment or sports clothing. Whether you're at the gym, at home, or working out outdoors, you need to have the right clothing. You need to protect yourself from shock, overheating or hypothermia. In addition, you should not exercise at home barefoot; your shoes should be strong enough.
  • Boost your confidence - It definitely makes a difference whether you're working out in a stretchy T-shirt and sweatpants, or leggings and a sports top. Sportswear is distinguished by a high-quality cut and material that is adapted to effectively wick away sweat and strengthen muscles. In addition, you will feel like you are in the gym, which will motivate you to be more active in your workouts. Simply put, if you see in the mirror how good you look in a workout suit, your desire to exercise will be stronger. [3] [4]

How to force yourself to exercise

You are full of awareness that training is necessary. All that remains is to decide how to force yourself to play sports.

Choosing a sport to your liking

You won’t be able to force yourself to play sports for which you have no desire. Having tried running, not everyone is delighted with it. Some people feel lightness, good mood and other advantages after a run, others feel unwell and tired. Same with other sports. Experiment with running, yoga, strength training, and swimming.

Share a hobby (with a friend, with friends)

Is it difficult to start training on your own? Do this with a friend, loved one, or group of friends. Some will do better, others will do worse - be an example to each other. Is it awkward to go to the gym alone for the first time? You will feel calmer in company.

Purchasing sports equipment

Make sport an important and enjoyable part of life. Buy nice sportswear that fits you well in colors that suit you. This will give you confidence. Don’t ignore sports equipment that allows you to keep fit at home - dumbbells, fitness bands, etc.

Favorite music

It has been noticed that listening to your favorite dynamic music during training makes classes more productive. It’s easier to keep the rhythm, and your mood improves. Recently, the high pace of life does not leave time for your favorite hobbies, and during classes you can combine two at once - books and sports. Don't want to listen to music? Try audiobooks!

An example to follow

You can print out photos of ideal figure idols that you want to be like and hang them around your home. However, stars always seem to be from another planet - it seems that they have more opportunities than “ordinary” people. Instead, subscribe to communities where others share before and after pictures of their results. You will decide that you are no worse than the girl or guy from your city, and you will be more willing to start playing sports.

Changing the wording

The first thing to do is change the wording. That is, change your thinking, your attitude towards training, nutrition , etc. For example, try to think about what can you get? How can I achieve a beautiful body? How can I make my waist thin and flexible, and my gait graceful and sexy? Choose what will motivate you. Stop sticking to general phrases like “I need to lose weight.” This is all external, superficial, so to speak. That is, it is artificial, and that is why the motive must be internal, i.e. concern you specifically. Only an internal motive can have sufficient motivating force for action. There is no need to look for a reason outside - to lose weight in order to be liked. You have lost weight, but while you were losing weight, the object of your attention was already married. The only true motive, in my opinion, is to do for yourself . In order to be healthy, beautiful, be in a good mood, get rid of complexes, be a confident person, like yourself, etc. Precisely for YOURSELF, and not for someone else.

And when you really want to change for yourself, you won’t need to be forced, because this will be your goal, and you will really enjoy achieving it, regardless of external circumstances. You will change your lifestyle, you will naturally lose interest in unhealthy food, many departments in stores will simply cease to exist for you, you will be eager to train, because there you can become a little better.

How to motivate yourself to exercise

Don't have enough motivation to force yourself to exercise? Options to choose from.

Good reward

Not impressed by goals like “good health”, “well-being in adulthood”, “beautiful body in a few months” and the like? Create a more tangible reward. Please yourself after each workout with healthy treats, small gifts or other amenities. The Pulitzer Prize winner explains how the Habit Loop works in three steps.

First comes a sign that provokes the brain to launch a habitual action, then the action itself and the result - a reward. The most important stage is the last one. It shows you the benefits of the activity, the brain is tuned to a positive result in any case, the habit loop starts easily and quickly.

How does this scheme work for gym goers? Sign: Pack your bag for the gym. Action: Practice. Reward: eat your favorite healthy dish while watching an episode of your favorite TV series. You choose the reward according to your taste. Soon, motivation will come from within, and the brain will associate heavy physical activity with the upcoming release of endorphins.

Public promise

If you care about the opinions of others about you as a reliable, purposeful and responsible person, then a public promise will be an excellent motivation. Tell your plans to a friend, family, loved one, co-worker, or any other person who is an authority figure for you. You can even inform everyone about your plans by posting a photo with a number on the scales on a social network, or promise to upload photos from the gym three or four times a week. You can set a goal and promise a friend if he fails, to pay him a certain amount.

Jeremy Goldhaber-Fiebert, Ph.D., talks about the effectiveness of the approach, citing the well-known stickK website developed by economists. On the site, the site visitor declares a certain intention, promising to donate a certain amount if it does not come true. Research shows that people do not want to part with money, so they are more willing to fulfill a promise.

Positive thinking

Learn to think positively. Getting up early is usually depressing and ruins your mood, but imagine how pleasant it will be to stretch out on the couch in front of the TV in the evening or have dinner at your favorite cafe, and the anticipation will brighten up the morning minutes. The mood improves and incentive appears. The reason is simple: visualization is the main companion of motivation. Same with training. It’s easier to force yourself to do sports, imagining how in a few months you will go on vacation to the beach and take spectacular pictures.

Gabriel Ettingen, Ph.D., talks about meeting important conditions. He has written several books, and in one of them (Rethinking Positive Thinking) he described a detailed structure of positive thinking that produces the desired results.

What does it consist of?

  • A clear understanding of what you want.
  • Presentation of the result, and definition of what it is associated with and what it entails.
  • Identify possible obstacles.
  • Several ways to overcome potential difficulties.

Fifty respondents who decided to eat healthy food took part in the study. Those who clearly understood the benefits of following the PP rules were more successful in achieving results.

Cash reward

Many are convinced that money rules the world. The statement is exaggerated and controversial, but it can help achieve results. The likelihood of financial reward motivates sports achievements. According to University of California Dr. Gary Charness, monetary rewards will significantly increase the strength of aspiration.

Teenagers can offer such a scheme to their parents, and wives to their husbands, but it is much better to use the Gym-pact web service. The community pays for fruitful training at the expense of truants.

Show off your shape on social media

Social media undoubtedly affects us negatively in some ways , but on the other hand, it can be used as a great motivator for exercise . Many studies have shown that social media significantly increases self-confidence and motivation to exercise .

Show off a photo of your shape and, for example, people's reactions to attempts to lose weight or strengthen muscles are usually very motivating . You can also subscribe to fitness communities, which primarily help increase self-confidence and motivation to exercise. You can also follow the progress made by others, which, of course, will also serve as motivation to train even harder. [3] [4] [5]

A good habit is to exercise every day.

All your efforts to force yourself to do sports are not helping? You can prepare your body for physical activity by doing normal, everyday activities.


When washing your face or brushing your teeth, do not slouch your back, bending over in an “arc.” Instead, bend your back straight from the waist without rounding it. This is a stretch for the gluteal and calf muscles. A more difficult option: do the same thing while standing on one leg. Do a warm-up a couple of times a day (morning, evening).

Strengthen your ankles

Do you get to work by metro, bus or train? Travel time can be used productively. You can either sit or stand. Without attracting the attention of your neighbors on the transport, raise your leg and make 10 rotational movements of your feet clockwise. Then there are so many movements counterclockwise. Repeat with the other leg. Do several approaches. The exercise is simple but very useful.


If you have time, get off one or two stops early and walk the rest of the way. Breathe in rhythm with every step. In certain sections, speed up the pace, then slow down.


Take the chance to warm up if your home or place of work is in a multi-story building. Regular steps are an excellent free exercise machine that can serve as a replacement for a step platform. Avoid using the elevator and go up and down on foot. The results will not keep you waiting.


It is also possible to warm up some muscles directly during a telephone conversation. For example, the calf muscles. While standing, rest your hand on the wall, lift your leg off the floor and slightly bend it at the knee, holding it suspended. The second leg rests firmly on the floor.

Continuing to lean on your hand, move your body forward until you feel tension in the calf muscles of your supporting leg. Now you can transfer the phone to your other hand, repeating the movements, focusing on the other arm and leg.

Just charging

Just by dedicating 5-10 minutes to exercise at any time during the day, you will already prepare your body for sports, improve your figure and posture. Start with simple exercises like squats, head rotation, scissor hands, jumping in place, bending left and right. Remember school physical education lessons. Over time, this will not be enough, and it will be easier for you to tune in to the gym.

Set up a home workout space

Not everyone has the opportunity to go to the gym , and some people don't like it when people look at them while working out. In this case, home workouts are the ideal choice. But in order to find some motivation within yourself, you also have to adapt your environment. Research has shown that motivation to exercise at home increases if you equip your home with at least basic fitness accessories . Please note: [2]

  • Training mat – thanks to this accessory, training will be much more convenient, and in addition, the mat will help prevent injuries and unpleasant bruises.
  • Gymnastic roller - will help to use all muscle groups during training. It is mainly used for abdominal training.
  • Fitball - helps strengthen the entire body, improve tone, flexibility, balance and posture.
  • Rubber loops and expanders - used to strengthen the muscles of the chest, buttocks, abs, legs and back. Also suitable for a full body workout.
  • Jumping rope – jumping rope has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, improves physical condition, and also strengthens the muscular system.
  • Massage Roller – In addition to massaging tight muscles, you can use it to train your buttocks, back, or do planks and squats.
  • Dumbbells and kettlebells – these can be used for many types of exercises and will help strengthen your biceps, triceps, shoulders and back. They can also be replaced with water bottles.

Choose the right time to go to the gym

Agree, a crowded gym makes you want to run away from there in the first 5 minutes)) Crowds, queues at exercise machines, an abundance of smells, and other factors can quickly discourage you from exercising. As an option (I know it’s not for everyone) – early morning and/or weekends. I always thought that working out in the morning was harmful: the body didn’t wake up and so on – until I tried it and read a lot of research.

By the way, read why gyms don't want you to go to the gym in the article Shocking Gym Statistics You Didn't Know About.

Find 10-15 minutes a day for yourself

Don’t deceive yourself with the phrases “I work too much and I don’t have time for sports” or “I’m too tired” or “I don’t have time and money for a healthy lifestyle” or “I have children and I don’t have time for this”, “if I had I had the same amount of money as ..., I would also play sports.” Throw this nonsense and negative attitudes of losers out of your head. You can do sports and health for free (at home, in the yard, even at work) and you can always find time for sports, if you wish. How to do this - read here: No time or money to play sports? Then this article is for you!

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